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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Really great topic, with loads of interesting responses. My own supernatural desire would be an auto (but discrete) mind probe, to warn of potential flakes and ghosting tendencies to make meets more reliable and predictable. I guess, as an alternative, the probe could be adjusted to remove these tendencies from any potential hookups.
  2. Excellent story, which amazingly I’ve only just discovered. Hopefully someday you will return, and entertain us with the next episode. Look forward to reading more. Stay lit.....
  3. I don’t mind which party initiates, but passionate kissing is for me a fundamental requirement for any successful activity. Doubtless controversially, I would have to state a strong preference for smoke kissing or swopping at the same time 😈
  4. An interesting question! Not a term I’ve ever heard. Could mean more than just. implied, or just a marketing gimmick. Intrigued to learn more.
  5. Appreciate the update to this quality story, and eagerly awaiting further instalments.
  6. Thanks for giving us this fantastic horny tale. Hopefully heading for a positive long term relationship......,,,
  7. Anonymity was the key criteria for the type of home testing under discussion. Any testing involving sending samples to a lab would fail on this criteria. I had hoped to stimulate some discussion on the topic from a UK perspective on the relative merits (or otherwise) of the various tests that may be on offer. A search engine commercial listing, while in itself potentially helpful would be unlikely to broaden the debate. As for Google as a choice of research, I dread to think what advertising would be following me around for the next 6 months!
  8. Do any UK guys have any experience or recommendations for similar anonymous home testing kits? Would appreciate knowing where stocked, pricing etc.
  9. Excellent start, and thanks for posting. I think part 2 is going to be in high demand. I am unanimous on this point, even if no one else agrees 😂
  10. A well paced and highly plausible tale, where one can identify with either of the participants. Works well as a completed stand-alone, but leaves us wanting more......,,,
  11. Thanks for the warning, certainly a timely reminder that nothing ever really disappears from the web. In many ways it might be better if the entire site were restricted to registered users who are actually signed in (as is the case of smokinmen) to prevent postings & pictures being bot harvested. Be interested to know if others might support this approach.....
  12. It's been around 12 years since I first got my PA done & it felt good from the start, with absolutely no discomfort being pierced, or on the subsequent upsizes. The first session went so well, I got cocky and decided to get my nips done as well, with small bars. The right hand one was fine, but the left one nearly caused me to jump from the bench, such was the pain. Never bothered getting any more piercing done, as I wouldn’t have been allowed to have any showing at work, but always glad I got my cock done. Don’t usually trigger security at airport screening, but when it happens I just brazen it out. Never been fucked with one, so that pleasure awaits......
  13. Great start to this story & Thanks for posting. Looking forward to part 2, as soon as you finish it.
  14. Most informative and entertaining, will have to give this a go! AirmaxUK & Rawplug surprise with their knowledge of Mills & Boon though 😂😂😂 Hozzel, I will be monitoring your stories for evidence of cheating!
  15. Cheers for the follow 

  16. Australia may be a bit far, but maybe you could get a job on the Caledonian Sleeper (London to the Scottish Highlands) I’m sure you would be in high demand 😈
  17. Good Excrsise, I was finding this a bit frustrating too! Then I discovered that if you click on the small white dot to the left the topic index heading, this will take you directly to the last unread post on that particular topic. Am now finding I can review points of interest much quicker, and hopes this helps you.
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