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Everything posted by TustinBB

  1. Hot, more please.
  2. This is the hottest fucking story I have ever read !!! Much more, damnit, much more is needed!
  3. Damn, keep it going. I'd love be in between them.
  4. Please continue more, much more
  5. Holy fuck!
  6. Fucking Hot!
  7. Damn, don't leave us hanging, keep it up
  8. Great start, more, much more!
  9. Damn this is HOT! I can't wait for the next update.
  10. What an idiot. I survived the 80's with HIV when so many of my friends died. 13 funerals in 1 year and I'm not looking for a repeat of that time. I don't know how old this asshole is and maybe he didn't live through that time but that's no excuse for not being aware and putting not only himself at risk but others. And I want to point out his playmates are as just as irresponsible as he is
  11. You twisted fuck, this is so hot please much more!!!
  12. Very Fucking HOT! Much more please. 😈
  13. Fuck me, I wish I had a hot Dad and Doctor like this!!!
  14. Damn! I wish my father was hot and poz and wanted to poz me. 😈
  15. Holy hell Batman!  Damn that is one amazing ass!


  16. Damn that is one hot cock!  Would love to Fuck with you. 

  17. Another good story fucked up with dark font and dark background. Would love to read it can't see it.
  18. Damn hot cock!  Would love to suck and play with that forskin 

    1. averageslut48


      You are welcum anytime.

  19. FUCK! This is hot. Can't wait for more.
  20. Those Cocks are Epic together.  Would like to service those cocks until they can cum no more. 

  21. Damn, that hole looks happy.   Wish I was there to lick it clean.   Yum 

  22. Dude, that's  one hot cock.

    1. TustinBB


      I have wanted to get fucked by a pierced cock like yours.  Damn hot!


  23. Damn good. Please more!
  24. Please, there has to be a lot more to this story. My orgasms thank you. More please!
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