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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. If I were in that group, I'd be inclined to tell them the truth if they actually asked. If they didn't ask, my inclination would be to wait to hear they way they were talking, and then role-play to help them enjoy their fantasy without actually saying anything false. My motivation here is that whether or not I can actually infect them, they are likely to enjoy the sex if they think it's possible, and even if I were detectable poz, their chances (without special preparation) of being infected are less than 1 in 50, so the fantasy is mainly what they'll be getting anyway. If they are serious about chasing, they'll succeed eventually whether or not they have sex with men shooting blanks. It may also take them quite a while (as we've heard from people in this forum who have stayed neg for decades while having bare sex), so I might as well show them a good time in the interim.
  2. Silicone lasts a lot longer than vinyl and is only marginally porous, so it's probably well worth re-homing silicone ones. Vinyl has plasticizers in it that leach out and gradually evaporate over time, so that tends to degrade. Glass will last plastically forever, though I don't know anyone that actually prefers it - it's really too rigid to make a good sex toy. If you have any wood ones, they might be valuable as antiques, as I doubt anyone has seriously made wooden ones (at least in the first world) in nearly a century. Personally, I have a couple of 20+ year old silicone ones that are perfectly fine (still flexible, odorless, no oily residue), and some vinyl ones that look OK, though I haven't put them through their paces recently.
  3. I think the answer may be in this thread: You're still a New member, and so the number is low (possibly zero). Post a few things (and it only takes a few) to get up to Junior member and you should have more.
  4. Speaking as someone who enjoys the passive role in intercourse (albeit not all the time) but who is not the least bit submissive (except when I want to be), this makes perfect sense to me, and yes, it does happen (hell, it has to or I would get even less sex than I already do!). A lot of time tops need a bit of pushing, especially (as @Riverfk rightly points out) if they are less experienced or shy, or if they are versatile and are assuming that because I'm hung, I'm going to be playing the active role.
  5. If you're only topping, relax! When I moved to San Francisco in spring of '94, I got a new doctor and discussed the issue with him - he said that as long as I wasn't bottoming bare, I pretty much didn't have to worry about HIV. While that was undoubtedly an overstatement of the case, it is not so much of an exaggeration as you might think. That, of course, was long before PrEP and HAART with U=U transformed the scene. HIV is much less transmissible than most of the other common STDs to begin with (less than 1 chance in 50); add to that that you are only topping (a substantial reduction in risk) and that you are taking PrEP (another reduction in risk, even if your adherence isn't perfect), and your chances of getting it are really pretty small. Plus, if you were to get it, the consequences these days are pretty much that you have to take a daily pill... oh, wait, you were doing that already! So, Keep Calm and Keep Fucking!
  6. Thanks for the follow!

  7. Watching guys make eye contact and hold it as they fuck can be incredibly hot. I'm also a huge fan of really good audio, where you can hear the breathing, the grunts (not exaggerated scripted ones, just the natural guttural noises men enjoying their fuck make), the moans, the sounds of flesh on flesh... If it's really good, I can get hard as a rock even with a video where the image is so dark I can hardly see anything.
  8. The explanation offered by the medical establishment is that the mutations that make the virus drug-resistant also make it less "fit" (less able to survive outside the body, infect new hosts, and/or evade the immune system). Given the difficulty of measuring these different effects in complex biological systems, I don't know whether this has actually been studied in isolation, or (more likely) is just an explanation for what is observed in terms of transmission rates overall.
  9. Thanks for the follow, man. Adorable smile!

    1. Theo8


      I'm in WV too

    2. viking8x6


      I noticed 🙂 Morgan county here.

    3. viking8x6


      Hey sexy, tried to find you on BBRT but couldn't. Def interested in a RT encounter sometime if you're up for it. HMU.

  10. Thanks for the follow, bud!

  11. Short, but very hot: [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/up-the-ass-anon-40895221 I meet up with someone from Grinder & he gives it to me up my ass.
  12. Grrr, hot! You'll have to visit me next time you drive through West Virginia 😁
  13. And sadly, I would not be the least bit surprised to learn that the father sexually abused him from a young age. It would totally fit the profile.
  14. I had a 40yo bitch on a hookup site come at me all rude the other day when I sent him a compliment... called me a "troll" among other treats. It hurt, because I'd been careful to abide by the request expressed in his profile. But then I remembered that if he's lucky, he'll live long enough to get the same treatment... and that won't even be very long.
  15. Truly excellent writing... thanks ever so much!
  16. Cross posted from xtube video thread. I love the way the bottom begs for it... [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/alex-s-cunt-access-40076991
  17. Oh. My. God. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/-my-hole-is-meant-for-fucking-42417871 My Hole Is Meant for Fucking (from slcdoc) "Me and a buddy spit roast this horny cub, swapping places now and then to enjoy both his holes. He's a verbal guy and thanks us for fucking his hole and tells me his ass is meant for fucking. He shot his load riding my dick (missed the cum shot) but cleans me up nicely. The vid ends with him telling me to ride him until I cum and that he wants my seed. He sure as hell got it."
  18. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/love-a-man-who-takes-charge-42000411
  19. Another smoking hot one. I think the bottom here is actually the same one as in "Gabe gets bred..." posted recently by @NLbear, but he looks different enough with the goatee that I'm not sure. Certainly he has the same attitude and fire 🙂 [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/get-ready-to-shoot-gentlemen-lots-of-it-is-cumming-42000471
  20. I have taken it and later not taken it, and there were no noticeable differences for me. On the other hand, I take a pile of other meds (blood pressure and such). And my liver enzymes have never been elevated. I can certainly imagine that if the PrEP was causing your liver problems, and you stopped it and the problems started to resolve, that you would feel much better.
  21. Another very relevant article on this subject: [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5580999/ It is rather dense, but in summary points out a bunch of problems with the well-publicized meta-analysis study that drew the conclusion that rates of STIs were higher among PrEP users.
  22. OK, this is for everyone on both sides here: Quit spouting talking points and cite some damn sources. Otherwise, to quote Monty Python, "That's not argument; it's just contradiction." I believe it's possible to have a meaningful discussion on this topic, but y'all are not doing it.
  23. VERY cute profile pic! Woof!

  24. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/sharing-a-sexy-bottom-with-his-partner-42374761
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