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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Since there were two in a row, I'll just post a link here to a separate thread that's dedicated to non-xtube breeding videos:
  2. That's amazingly hot, I agree! Both guys are just delicious, and the c2bb is hot, and there's some frottage toward the end, which you almost never see in porn. And the closeup of the daddy's face is dreamy... I could cum just looking at that face.
  3. Here's a good one on pornhub - turn up the volume; the bottom's whispering is really hot! [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e066ef77b2e2
  4. Yes, I've had this a couple of times. "Non-Specific Urethritis" I think is the official diagnosis - it can be just normal skin bacteria that aren't supposed to be in there. Antibiotics do work. More recently, I have started taking a urinary tract disinfectant (over-the-counter at the drugstore, look for the active ingredient "methenamine" or "hexamethylenetetramine") before and after I indulge in a lot of topping play, especially anonymously (I don't generally bother with friends whose health and cleanliness I trust). Seems to work OK. YMMV.
  5. I used to visit that place quite often when I lived there (which just happened to be... about 26 years ago!). The staff wouldn't bother you for unwrapped oral sex, or at least they never did in my presence. I'm pretty sure guys would fuck bare too, sometimes - there were upper bunks where it wasn't particularly easy to see what people were up to. And of course, that was pre-HAART, so there really were good health reasons for the enforcement. But if you didn't like it, there were lots of other clubs in town with more lenient policies and staff. That one was, according to their marketing, "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place for Sex" (if memory serves).
  6. Wonderful! Your description of Sam totally pushes all my buttons!
  7. Oh, now this is fun! RealMenFullBush with some great dirty talk: [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e6bda952c213
  8. Thanks for the follow!

  9. He has beautiful eyebrows... but when I catch fish that size, I throw 'em back. No meat on 'em. 😉
  10. I'll go with #7... It's fun and I'd definitely say having it is better than not, for me. The one downside is that guys are constantly wanting to bottom for me, unless they are strict tops... yes, even the "versatile tops", at least in the online cruising world. Not a problem if I'm in the mood for it, but it gets old that it's all the time. And don't get me started on guys that are oral-only - sadly getting it sucked does very little for me. So I wind up saying "no" to sex quite a bit, and I'm pretty sure that's just wrong.
  11. For those of us who aren't (yet) TIM members... what is it?
  12. Very nice c2bb breeding of a twink... [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ea8af4349f84
  13. Thanks for the follow, man!

    1. bbpoznow


      not a problem . always have to watch what I say on here  I keep getting baned 

  14. Thanks for the follow, and the comment!

  15. In my experience on Grindr, guys are all over hung tops like flies on shit, regardless of anything else about them. Certainly I have to fend off a lot of guys who think that because I'm hung, I MUST be a top sex god (I'm vers, but I get tired of playing top all the time, ya know...) As for your question: Faces are one of the keys to my sex drive, and a guy with the right kind of face can totally turn my crank, even if his body is not all that. That said, I'd be curious to see your face, because we are all our own worst critics, and beauty (or ugliness) is in the eye of the beholder. For years I thought I was homely (not ugly, just not particularly attractive), and now looking back on pictures of me from my 20s, I wonder how I could have been so blind to my own charms. I'm not my own type, but hell, yeah, I was good-looking. Most people under 40 in developed countries are - health care and the lack of childhood diseases and accidents have made for a population of largely beautiful people.
  16. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/6302/seeding-a-hairy-fuck-hole/
  17. Oh. My. God. This clip is fucking art!!! And I think I'm in lust with the first top... [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/16450/punk-gets-bred-by-daddies/ It seems likely to me that it's commercial - if anyone recognizes it please message me as to what it is. I very seldom buy porn (there's too much free stuff out there, and I'm not rolling in cash at this point in my life journey), but whoever made this is more than deserving of support! Same principle as with good local restaurants - patronize them so they stay in business.
  18. I'm not sure I could even pick a "most" public location. Public comes in so many flavors, and I very much enjoy tasting them... yes, indeed, a long-time aficionado of the public sex. Probably "most" public by the usual standards would be any of the several parks in San Francisco where I've done it many many times, either in the bushes (sometimes not far off a trail) or in a bathroom. Glory days! Bathrooms here, there, and everywhere - highway rest stops, college campuses, Sears, you name it. A graveyard once. An elevator, which doesn't count because no one else was in it (and we stopped it). Behind a waterfall at a popular skinny dipping site on a creek. Several times in the woods in rural mountainous locations (extremely public if anyone had been there to see it, which they weren't). And of course, lots of times at bathhouses and sex clubs wherever I've been pleased to visit them. Mostly SF area, but also DC, Toronto, Montreal, Denver, DC, Amsterdam, Basel... Not sure whether I missed any cities there, but I probably did. Definitely want to try Pittsburgh (currently my closest option), Chicago, Seattle... but recommendations taken with pleasure (message me!)
  19. Haven't seen anything from MountUNSkwert in dog's years, but here's a new one posted yesterday... with super hot nasty audio! [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/planting-it-deep-in-dc-626260
  20. Oh, right... And I'd have to say your doubts are well-founded. I had completely forgotten about those sections, because I stopped looking at them quite a while back because of the problem you just mentioned. *le sigh*
  21. If those seriously are the great bulk of the infractions, maybe we should have mirror regional sections inside each of those two backroom areas, and sticky posts at the top of the public regional section to remind people to go there? I realize this would be an annoying chore to set up, but it would be a "one and done" kind of thing that might reduce the ongoing burden on y'all. Of course, it would also mean people seeking that sort of thing regionally would have to monitor more than one forum, but it's really not hard to set up the necessary follows, and the savvy cum dumpster would even have the option of making the notifications different for them if he wanted to hear about backroom posts when they're hot off the... whatever. 😉 Just a thought. I'm sure @rawTOP has something much more elegant planned for the new system. I would.
  22. Yup, acting and screenwriting. On the other hand from what we've seen here, it sounds like there's a market for it. The question is whether the market is willing to pay what it would cost for the quality acting and screenwriting (and a fair profit). Entrepreneurs, take note! Myself, I would be willing to pay something for it, which is more than I can say for 80+% of the porn that's out there now.
  23. Thanks for the follow!

  24. That was a lot of fun. Love the businesslike attitude of that pocket cub top. And the love tap to finish it off. Just perfect!
  25. Oh, I don't doubt it. I'm actually enjoying the suspense... as I said, looking forward to the unfolding. There's a reason strip tease is done one article at a time 🙂
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