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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Your writing is excellent! I'm really enjoying the story so far, and there are a bunch of details that are just like little gems... 💛💙 Oddly enough, I have had both of those exact thoughts, nearly verbatim, about the subject. And, most intriguing... [emphasis mine] Given what we know about Daniel, why would he do that? Looking forward to the unfolding!
  2. Thanks for the follow. WOOF, that's one sexxxy pic!! Once we get the roads rolling again, I should visit... I'm only 7 miles from Pennsylvania. Of course, there's plenty of Pennsylvania...

  3. *blush* awww thanks, but you give me too much credit. I didn't know them. I just agreed they were super hot and had a good guess where to find them. And an eagle eye... maybe too much time recently playing object hunt games?
  4. The two guys in the scene where the sling boy is wearing red are Chase Acland and Zack Acland from TIM. WOOF. Yummy!
  5. That was EXCELLENT! Thank you!
  6. I certainly enjoyed it my very first time (and he was hung!). I think it makes a big difference if you are actively desiring it and enthusiastic about it. Also, if you trust the person you're doing it with, that helps a lot, too. It's if you tighten up in fear that it sucks. And, as I have said for years... straight and gay are just labels, don't get hung up on them! If it floats your boat, go for it!
  7. I was finally going to keep track of it this year, including with whom (I've crossed paths with enough STIs that it seemed it might be useful in the event...). Found that notebook yesterday. Note its sad total of two entries (both in February). Yes, I missed some through having lost the notebook, but not many. Repurposed the notebook. I figure when pandemic distancing ends I can always get a new notebook, but for now, there's just no point.
  8. Oh damn, yes... this has got to be one of the sleaziest sketchiest scenes I've ever had the pleasure of listening to: [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/33447/i-cruised-this-guy-online-for-a-breeding-session/ The train noise is totally the icing on the cake.
  9. ...somehow posted that before I was done. Premature ejaculation? Continuing in no particular order... drscorpio leatherpunk16 Pozguyinchi Squidbtm TopPigBB ...and dang it, I am absolutely positive there are a few I missed! I even remember where they are and important features... just not screen names. I am sure I would recognize them in a bathhouse dark room immediately. Oh wait, no, that's wishful thinking.
  10. I'm loving this thread! Thanks RawUK for starting it! I crush on people here all the time, so there are many and I'm sure this list is not exhaustive. I will say that hair (facial or body) usually gets my interest, but the articulate gents are the ones I keep coming back to, more often than not. So in no particular order... RawTOP josebarebear 1981virginia Riverfk constructionguy DirtyLoadBear CigarBear68 RandyCubby
  11. Woof! Thanks for the follow. Sexy pics on BBRT, guy! Once the roads are rolling again, we should definitely hook up. I cum thru your area on the way to/from Philly fairly often.

    1. Zeke17043


      Awesome!  Keep me posted.

  12. Thanks, @Kei! That looks like it. I thought the style looked like Eric, but couldn't find the clip. Diogo... mmmm, so pretty!
  13. Mmmm... here's one I hadn't seen before. Hot bathhouse scene with two tops egging each other on to breed a cumdump bottom. [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e97119203136
  14. Thanks for the follow!

  15. Well, I've been watching a lot of porn lately, no lie. I'm kind of surprised I haven't had more questions to post here, but I'm getting better at finding the answers on my own maybe. Anyway, here's one I don't know and have no idea where to start looking (a clip uploaded elsewhere from Tumblr at some point before the rug was yanked). Anyone know who this sexy bottom is? His face totally turns my crank!
  16. The one at stage left, with the eyebrows. Oh, my yes! Missionary so I can see those eyebrows... all night long, please! I might have a wee bit of a fetish for eyebrows. It's possible.
  17. Oh no... I just went to his YouTube page. And... he has videos on the health benefits of exercise. Do I dare even watch these? Be still, my beating heart! *drool*
  18. Virus: "Hay, you wanna have some fun?"... I totally lost it. Big belly laughing out loud IRL! Thanks, @drscorpio And he's adorable, too.
  19. Definitely a bathhouse visit. Probably Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. Possibly DC, or even Denver if I'm heading to visit my parents (whom I haven't seen in many months, of course). If y'all BZ people frequent those cities, HMU if you're interested in coordinating! Possibly also a sex road trip, which is something I've often thought about but never done. In particular from here (just west of DC) to Chicago and/or Boston, and points in between. Hopefully LOTS AND LOTS of points in between.
  20. Sadly, you have answered your own question. Not until we find a vaccine, at least as far as the risk to us as individuals. As far as the risk to everyone (i.e. the risk of the pandemic going exponential again), that kind of depends on how much sex you normally have. If we are being successful in keeping the number of infections steady or dropping with a particular set of practices and level of interpersonal exposure in everyday life, then it's reasonable to assume that we can also have sexual exposure to that same degree without unduly increasing the danger of the virus... "going viral", if you take my meaning. But it's important to remember that the number of confirmed cases in the USA is still less than 0.3% of the population. Even if there are 10 times as many asymptomatic cases as confirmed ones, that still means 97% of Americans haven't been exposed yet. And that's the worrisome part.
  21. Can't remember what I wrote here the first time around, so I'll start from scratch. Biden really is not my preferred option among the original Democratic field, not even my second or third. Frankly, I'm appalled that the old white men are doing so well, but it does point up the fact that the current version of party politics we have in the USA is largely concerned with maintaining the power base of the oligarchy. I'll be voting for him anyway, because Trump is not an option (I'll stop right there about Trump in a probably bootless attempt to stick to the subject 😉)
  22. Thanks, @hole4men! Pity I'm not a little closer. He's quite the hottie!
  23. Anyone know who this "ginger hunk" from a couple of Pornhub clips is? Looks like professional work, though it's not credited as such there. Woofalicious, and from the vids he knows how to throw an awesome fuck as well!
  24. Maybe because that's a feature of having a Y chromosome, so there's no need to advertise it - everybody knows? But your comment ("didn't come across anything") got me thinking (always dangerous)... how about a conspicuous failure of seam stitching in the ass seam of all your pants? Or, if you prefer not to have your ass literally hanging out, you could simply add (with a needle) some strategically placed frayed threads at that seam, to give the suggestion to those inclined to take you up on it. 😈
  25. Dang, @Bearbarenyc - that's a gorgeous piece! Sure wish my butt were there for you to use! My BF lives 3.5 hours away, so we haven't been seeing each other. I have had one play date in the last 8 weeks or so, with a buddy (not usually a fuck buddy, but we both trust each other). Apart from that, a whole lot of porn and a cam session or two (had one yesterday with an ex-fuck-buddy who moved to Texas, which was super hot). So yeah, pickings have been slim. I've had a few offers, but I feel like it would be hypocritical of me to be beating the drums of social distancing while running around with strangers, so I've been saying no so far. It hasn't been too awful, mostly because I live in a fairly rural area and the cruising pool has always been limited, and I haven't had anyone nearby for play on a regular basis (fuck buddies in other words) since I moved here four years ago. So I'm used to dry spells. I'm planning to have a sex club blowout, or at least a BBRT-planned sex road trip, once non-essential travel opens up a bit. I've been doing my best to be a good little citizen with my social distancing and all, but because I have, even if I do catch Covid-19 at a sex club, unless I start having a lot more interaction, the chances of me spreading it significantly are very small indeed. Hell, I've only been to the grocery store once in the last three weeks.
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