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Everything posted by wood

  1. yup. and I hope if you are having mental health problems you seek help. Ive had sex with tons of hot men, of which probably at least 50% were black, and I can assure you, while it feels good, its a very fleeting gratification.
  2. FYI, if you want to do this in ANY developed country its a very involved process and you need to go through lots of psychological screening before anything happens. Its not just a pop in and get it done procedure. Also life changes, I would highly suggest thinking about something like castration a long time before actually doing it
  3. I mostly agree with this. The thing is to really work you need a city with a certain level of urban density. Otherwise people have to travel long distances between fucks. NYC and other large cities like Chicago can be great but also annoying because some people wont travel, and other people cant or wont host. Also all large cities are better during certain times of year like Chicago during IML, or NYC during black party. Its also important to note that gay resort areas like Fire Island can be fantastic because there are so many people in a walkable distance with woods available. Overall however I would say major world cities are the best. There is almost always someone for everyone, and more of a liberal culture to allow it. Obviosly London, NYC, Chicago, Berlin, Paris, etc would be on the list. Rio is also supposed to be amazing with gorgeous men who all fuck raw, but there is also the crime and poverty factor there.
  4. I mean sure.... but whats the point? in other news took 5 UD loads from a good FB yesterday
  5. x2, rimming, then lube and go slow. Fingers have nails that can be very uncomfortable, and can also tear you. No thanks
  6. This is true, but even guys who are not as great about their meds as they could be dont experience huge viral load spikes, just because they forget their medication one or two days. With "neg" guys who dont get tested regularly that 6 month, year, or hell 5 year window is a easy way to be "not sure" about status.
  7. More than a few.. Had doctors, HIV specialists, HIV vaccine researchers, and my personal favorite...an epidemiologist for the CDC... They are people too with the same cravings.
  8. bearbandit, and tigermilner among others. I am sure that I am no ones favorite, lol. I am way too rational, talk almost exclusively in facts and almost never talk about my personal antics. Oh well! ces't la vie!
  9. I would never say its great journalism, but I do think it points of some things that some guys forget or choose to ignore. shameful clickbait? ehhh I have seen much worse out there. I dont think a slight reality check, especially for younger guys who think being poz is nothing but a pill a day is a bad thing. I doubt he would be either, but it may persuade him to look into PrEP for example. Take the point I made above about health and PCP, and meningitis. HIV even in undetectable guys still causes health issues. The article simply points out facts that some may not even realize, especially younger guys with no sex ed.
  10. 1) financial burden is almost completely dependent on ones wealth or lack there of. A person making 100k a year without a great health plan is in for a world of hurt in terms of HIV treatment, They dont qualify for assistance, so they make enough to pay retail for treatment. 2) This is treatment independent, and very true, HIV has been proven to cause increased aging regardless of treatment. 3) I think anyone who is honest can agree that HIV can cause real issues in the dating world. sorry boys not everyone is a pig, including the man you may fall in love with. 4) this is debatable, especially when you consider older people usually have to go to the doctor more often anyway. 5) This is just a fact. even undetectable hiv+ people end up with diseases that most negative people never get. PCP is a great example. 75% of HIV+ men will get it, yet almost no one in the general HIV- population does. I have friends i chicago that just told me about a similar meningitis outbreak. HIV- and HIV+ got it, but the side effects and risk of death in HIV+ cases was much higher. 6)debatable, but I would also say any chronic condition becomes both a worry and an everyday burden. how the individual deals with it is up to them.
  11. http://www.advocate.com/health/hiv-aids/2015/06/24/6-life-sentences-come-hiv while it may rile some, I do feel the premise of this article is sound, and puts HIV is perspective, especially for those who think it is a complete non-issue.
  12. I have no problem with capitalism, or pharma companies making money on their products, but I do have a problem when there is direct profiteering from peoples illness and death. Gilead has done tremendous good for its patients and I am thankful for that. However, I am less thankful for the billions investors have made off of people who cant afford it.
  13. I am fairly certain that the lack of action on the part of other countries is strictly because of cost. In many cases outside of the way certain drugs are handled or prescribed, the majority of the world follows the FDA fairly close, and in a reasonable timeframe. The FDA isnt perfect, but our drug testing and approval standards are very rigorous. IMO what some other countries are afraid of, especially those with large public heath systems is that they are going to be stuck with a large increase in cost vs using existing prevention methods, IE condoms and education. The simple fact is truvada is still very expensive. Especially when you take into account, its simply for prevention. If you look at the cost of other preventative drugs, like statins for cholesterol, they are much cheaper. It is a waste to continue doing studies but the cost is still going to be factor regardless, and I would love to see some real reduction in cost from Gilead, not just savings cards.
  14. Heres some of the big areas with gay resorts. Key West, FL Palm Springs, Ca Saugatuck, Mi Fire Island Pines, Ny Provincetown, Ma Ft Lauderdale, Fl Now there are most likely many others, but those are the most common areas in the continental US.
  15. ding ding. anyway, go and do it and get tested for STI's about a week after. There is a good chance you will pick something up and have to get a shot in the arm or ass.
  16. If took a break between atripla and stribild, I would HIGHLY recommend against taking a break again on Stribild. Both those medication use emtricitabine and tenofovir, which are "keystone" drugs in the fight against HIV. Going off of those a couple times could lead to resistance and drastically decrease your treatment options, and pretty much rule out most single pill a day regimens. Bearbandit said it best, drug holidays are just a bad idea, and the consequences can be huge. Stribild is very well tolerated, and there is no reason for you to go off of it unless you are having a bad reaction to the medication. You are walking a VERY fine line on drug resistance if you take holidays like that consistently. No one likes medication, but you are doing untold damage to your body letting he virus run wild without treatment.
  17. Exactly. Now, other versions of PrEP that are currently being developed like quarterly injections? those may very well have the ability to stop HIV, but I dont have the same confidence for an expensive pill a day prevention method.
  18. http://www.hivequal.org/hiv-equal-online/injectable-prep-it-may-be-available-sooner-than-you-think
  19. For some reason movies like Philadelphia, And the Band played On, etc never really bothered me, yet they were all incredibly thought provoking. To me they serve as great learning tools to show what can happen, and what a good response should be to a crisis. I think that what happens today is that many guys just don't want to confront reality. They enjoy their "Peter Pan" worlds, whatever they may be. Tiger, I had a similar acquaintance die in 2012. In his case, he had been sick on and off for years, and when he wasn't working he was sleeping. He never went to the doctor until his mother physically came and dragged him out of his apartment to the ER. Well at 27, He had AIDS, no immune system, and a brain tumor. He was in the hospital about a month before he passed. This bring us back to the topic, of "unmedicated, high vl, etc" and to a certain extent bug chasing. Dying from AIDS is a horrible death no matter what, but if you are in a first world nation today its almost completely preventable. While they may be scared, There is no reason people in this day and age should die of AIDS, and infect others along the way.
  20. This is graph for smoking but the same thing applies. Take the blue line as on PrEP being a huge slut, fine, You are still at a much lower risk than someone not using condoms, or hell probably even using condoms alone, but its not no risk. So while not using condoms, your chance of HIV by 70, would virtually be 100% but with careful PrEP usage it may be 10%. You could take that the yellow line as stopping bareback sex, or limiting yourself to one or two partners, which would yield an even further reduction.
  21. There have been multiple cases, but only a few so far outside of controlled studies Bingo. Remember this is is still injecting bodily fluids into your body or vice versa... Things may still happen. I kinda tend to think that too, but like plowmeraw said, he was getting fucked raw buy LOTS of different guys completely randomly. It could be a that one night he was torn slightly and there was a guy there who was tenofovir/emtricitabine resistant and newly infected. With no disrespect to plowmeraw, I think more often than not, infections while on PrEP are the result of careless dosage. I have a few friends are that are generally good at it, but often forget on weekends, then end up having random sex.While it still may be partially effective, getting plowed raw while missing your dose is never good.
  22. I had two friends over the other day, one is just a friend and one is a friend and fuck buddy. They met, and hit it off, and my friend end up fucking and nutting in my fuck buddy. He then went straight to his quarterly check with his nut still in him.
  23. your friend is a gigantic idiot.
  24. I took a trip to Chicago for it... I had an amazing time, and have been exhausted all week.
  25. I really enjoy the body.org, and they have a great Q&A section on there about questions you may have. As far as infecting others accidently. Dont worry. unless you have huge bleeding wounds, and are bleeding all over your mom, you are not going to infect her.
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