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Everything posted by austin_submale

  1. I've run into a lot of flaky people on sites including sniffies who say they will show up then don't. I've even had some where they gave me the address and then when I got there they wouldn't give me the appt number, they just disappeared and/or blocked me. I think some of these people find it funny to string people along and then leave them hanging. On the other hand, I've also run into the hyper impatient that are mad when I can't immediately drop everything and show up right away. I sometimes will contact people for possible hookups later, not necessarily just because I'm looking right at this moment. For one thing, people don't always respond right away anyway. It's even more annoying when people contact me and then are mad that I can't get away right now. I mean I can understand a little disappointment, sure, that's natural, but to be so mad you yell at someone and/or block them, that's a little extreme. There are a lot of things that are annoying about those sites and apps. All the condom nazis, "sides", oral only, tops that only want to bottom, people who are super judgemental about whatever... But it mostly is what it is. I try not to take it all too seriously. When things work out, great, if not, that's life. Just keep trying. I always try to respond to people, even if it is only to say "no thanks" or "not now" and I always try to treat people decently. I wish that everyone showed the kind of courtesy that used to be common but apparently now isn't so much. And all the people who think that intentionally leading people on and then ghosting them is funny, well, they can go F themselves. Probably what they're doing. Jerking over how they wasted someone else's time.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. That sounds like something I should check out. I am supposed to get 22g of dietary fiber a day and I find it a struggle to get more than 1/2 that reliably. About every 3-4 days I will go over, sometimes way over, but a lot of days I'm only getting 6-10g. It would probably be a lot better if there was something I could take daily and more on days when I am running short. It isn't super critical on my diet, the main goals are to keep under the daily calorie count, get at least 135g of Protein a day and stay under 150g of Carbs. I've also got a fat gram number I'm supposed to try to stay under but they say it isn't critical as long as I'm getting the Protein in and not going over carbs or calories. Making things easier to clean out would just be a really nice extra, because that can be a chore sometimes.
  3. I'm on a clinical weight loss program and I need to get more dietary fiber. But when I look at the nutritional panel on things like Metamucil it looks like it basically has almost none in there? What's a good product that would help on my diet and also help keep things cleaned out?
  4. I love to go back through and re-visit stories I've read before and discover new ones I've missed.
  5. Getting even more interesting!
  6. Me too! This is a great one! Spermpig is one of the best authors on here!
  7. Wow! I would love to go to a party like that!
  8. I love bookstores, the seedier the better almost.
  9. I definitely need to visit if I ever get back over there.
  10. Thanks! I hope you get a chance to visit some bookstores. I need to do more traveling so I can visit some in other places.
  11. Another great chapter!
  12. Nice work so far! Looking forward to more!
  13. Nice setup. It would be great if this was finished some day!
  14. This is one I wish was continued!
  15. I feel the same way about writing and posting here! I only wish my stories were half as good as yours.
  16. Sadly, 4 red and only 50 green would probably be optimistic if it were in Austin... It seems like about 99.99% are bottoms here, and the vers only want to bottom and the tops are "looking to bottom more".
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