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Everything posted by Theo8

  1. Sarah Palin OMG
  2. JFF allows more kink like piss play than OF; there's a trans guy I follow on Twitter than has complained about OF not allowing some of his videos.
  3. No one from the health department contacted me after I was diagnosed. This was back in the late 90s and in West Virginia. Maybe they didn't have a reporting protocol in place back then.
  4. I refuse to laugh at that no matter how funny I find it
  5. let's just say there are times I'm glad that I'm partially deaf LOL
  6. What the fuck is this thread?
  7. he looks like wouldn't have any balls because he's so roided out
  8. dry orgasm-love it!
  9. yes and it is a deal breaker for me
  10. Never knew there was an adult theater on 4th. I used to hit the ABS when I was at Marshall in the 90s. Damn did I hit it!
  11. When I go on vacation, I usually try and find a hotel close to the baths or sex clubs.
  12. I find this really hot. Can I get my dick turned into a cunt so I have two holes? I'll get on T. Lord I'm a fucking up puppy sometimes LOL
  13. My old apartment in Jacksonville FL. My roommate was a serious head case, but I was living there for free. He had cats and the whole apartment was one big litter box. He didn't believe in doing dishes. I didn't eat there. I barely slept there. I had one guy tell me that he never wanted to step foot in there ever again.
  14. Bathhouses; bookstores; bathrooms at least one sex party
  15. he gave you the tip?
  16. I'm 55 but I like all cock. I don't think I'm a daddy. Hell, I want my own daddy! LOL
  17. Drew is one lucky boy
  18. was he looking to get pozzed?
  19. I don't think I ever used condoms when I was in college. I'm lucky I didn't seroconvert until the late 90s.
  20. Twins? Fuck LOL love it!!!
  21. I think Dad set the whole thing up
  22. I'd love to see the hunter become the hunted.
  23. I started at 14 and yes, I feel like I was sexually assaulted by the older guys I had sex with. I went after them not for sex, but for the emotional support that I wasn't getting at home. I allowed myself to be manipulated by them. I still associate trading sex for love even today. Yes, I know that not everyone who had similar experiences feels the same way, but this is how I feel. Both of my molesters were eventually arrested and spent time in jail. Thank goodness I had the sense to not let them take pictures of me or else I would have been a witness in their trials. In a small town, that wouldn't have been a good thing. A 14 year old cannot consent to have sex with an adult. A 12 year old certainly can't. A 12 year is just coming into their sexuality. I knew I gay when I was six but I didn't know anything about sex. I barely knew anything about it was I started having sex. If teenagers want to have sex, that's fine, but keep it among your peers. This whole discussion creeps me out. With the whole groomer thing going on, I can't imagine what would happen if someone got ahold of this and broadcast it to the world. I really don't think I'm being judgmental. Maybe others do, but I'm coming at this from personal experience.
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