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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. Am travelling.. last night in Berlin.. a full on bareback party.. my cock went into so many holes but blew a huge load into a guy just wearing a harness to hold on to. Guys were fucking all over the joint.. even at the bar whilst ordering a drink.
  2. I'm in total agreement barehole4use, please leave it as it is...
  3. I was told many years ago that getting non-sensitive nipple will enhance their sensitivity and the reverse also applies. Had my left one done and it's a lot more sensitive than my right.. that was 18 years ago..
  4. Tell them that U enjoyed the fuck etc... and would like to do it again. He will soon let you know one way or the other. Some guys are only looking for one off's.. others are after repeats with a guy who they enjoyed.
  5. I went to gang bang in London last year.. I was about the 4th to pump a load into the guy.. his hole was sloppy then. Sent him a message next day.. he said that 40 turned up and he got 28 loads during the afternoon/evening. Would have liked to have seen his hole at the end..
  6. Have a 0 gauge pa. Only on one occasion has a boy asked me to take it out.. I never do.. and on no occasions have had a complaint. Most have enjoyed it and 3 have asked where I got mine done.
  7. Hep a vaccine does not last for long. A group of us where I worked were inoculated against it when a workmate was diagnosed. Approximately 6 months later I was out of the city on a field trip.. last night we went Italian and I got it from some dodgy seafood (confirmed by our state health group). Have also been exposed to hep b. I had no symptoms and at no stage did I feel ill.
  8. If you are going to get it done, you need to keep it clean!. It is painful (yep I have one) and it also takes a few months to heal completely, unlike a pa etc. I have a 10g curved barbell and it does show out under a tight t shirt. Another to consider is a "d" shackle. One last thing - you will lose some sensitivity.
  9. One thing to remember is that whilst the hep b vaccine is for life, the hep a vaccine isn't and from memory has a relatively short span (3 -6 months???)
  10. I bought a pair whilst in the uk last year. Also saw that the rob store in barelin had plenty when I was there last year for folsom.
  11. Hi

    try the bars around Schoenberg, Mutschmanns (leather/skin/rubber etc) on martin Luther and then prinznicht (fugger str) or scheune on motzastrasse. All the bars in barelin have downstairs areas (old ww2 bomb shelters)..

    have fun


  12. You are wasting your time if your profile has no location in it..
  13. I have had mine for 18 years, now a 7mm captured ball. Getting it was fairly painless, no bleeding and I was horny as hell later than night.. just had to play with it next morning. I never take it out for sex. One key to it's healing is to drink PLENTY water, you will need that to dilate your urine which will also act at a healing agent. Get one, it's a piercing that you will never regret.
  14. I've had bottoms turn me down on dating site when I told them that I bareback. Love to go overseas.. Barelin etc where my cock spends a lot of time in lots of holes..
  15. You need to stick an add on recon or bbrt .. plenty looking on both site... Have fun
  16. Not when I have stayed there. You need to get a ground floor room as the upper areas are locked following problems with night crawlers.. some cute and some .........
  17. It's largely an age and experience thing, he was probably nervous too. Mind you there have been occasions where I have cum in a couple of minutes (outdoors etc), yet in a one on one situation on a bed I can go for a couple of hours. - an older 63 yo!
  18. Hi rawfuckr. I read about the US company and it's $100k + for a possible treatment for hep C.. and it will take months to take effect. The Australian group uses gene technology and it will be a one injection. Can't see how that would cost that much.
  19. I have had mine since 1996 and have stretched it up to 7mm (0g?). Have now got a captured ball and I make sure that it's cleaned before I go out fucking. I never take it out to fuck. Pissing at times can be interesting, but I find that if I put the ball over the bottom hole all generally goes well. It's a piercing that heals quickly and is probably the most erotic of all piercings.
  20. Some more possible good news from "down under" There is a small biotec company in Australia called Benetic www.benitec.com who have just got US fda approval to commence human trials of their gene therapy. More on their web site and the announcement was just made on the Australian stock exchange www.asx.com.au co code blt Hopefully it works.. and no I am not a shareholder..
  21. Innoculations against hep A don't last. It's something that I got about 12 years ago from some dodgy shellfish at a so called "fine dining" establishment. The local health dept really went thru their kitchen. Got hep B from I don't know what.. didn't realise that I had it until Doc did some tests and found that I was positive to it but it had cleared. Hep A knocked me about for 6 weeks.. bland food, no alcohol, no exercise.. just taking it easy.. TV watching. Lost 10kg (22 lbs). Really do want Hep C!!!
  22. Berlin is one of the world's most sleaziest cities. If I get to Europe, I will spend at least 4 or 5 nights there.. balls work overtime producing cum for the multitude of holes available. The big weekend parties (Folsom etc) are full on.. I will be back again next year.
  23. As a total top.. I too have found that poppers will kill off my erection if used constantly.. so now it's just one good sniff just before I blow and it really enhances my orgasm.
  24. Writing as an older total top, I have found that Berlin, London (say sbn on sundays) and other events, Munich and Amsterdam seem to have lots of bottoms who will take without blinking. In Australia, well Melbourne and Sydney have venues that seem to have quite a few and it's fairly easy to unload in an accommodating hot hole.
  25. Hi Zach From what I have read, you have been treated a bit shabbily.. You were honest with him, and he trotted off to a bareback party.and has spun all sorts of tales. I think that you deserve better and I know that this might hurt heaps.. but you need to dump him. Cheers Ian
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