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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. I have been advised by my liver specialist that the new treatment procedures are very (over90%) effective with geno types 1-4 and less so for the others. It requires a 3 month course of two pills, one daily and one every two days. In Australia it is very expensive at the moment, but the medication is on the Pharma Benefits Scheme from the first of March. Cost then will be about $38 a script. I have blood tests scheduled in early march to see how my liver is going ( hep c load was going down naturally) and then maybe medication. Will have to be a bit more careful with who I fuck with when I'm back to normal (will give the Berlin orgies a miss!)
  2. Looks like you are clearing it naturally.. but my understanding is that it only takes a few months, not the 9 to 10 that you have gone through. My levels are going down too (infection oct in Europe), but have to get the kidneys sorted before the liver specialists have their time with me. I would call back and get some clarification.
  3. I too picked up a dose of hep C during a recent European trip - geno type 1(a).. Was going ok until my kidneys started playing up (but that's another story). The post by fill my arse sums up the situation very well. My specialist advised on Thursday that the levels were going down and there is a good chance that I will be in the lucky 20% who clear it naturally. Otherwise they are planning on medications in a few months after the kidney problems are solved.
  4. There used to be a guy on bbrt who advertised gang bangs at a hol inn in Kings Cross.. went there twice and dropped a load each time.. access to all floors at that place... he used to get a room at the end of a corridor... much easier and no one really took much notice when u walked in.. particularly when u knew where u were going....
  5. Continuing my holidays about Germany.. after the friday night full on fuck party at Folsom, the saturday was a fair bit quieter in numbers who took my cock but a hot skin boy with back zip bleachers got a good load after a very satisfying fuck. Sunday night's nude party was a very quiet affair. Am now in hamburg.. last night to a bar with a great back room play area.. fairly quiet early but it really got going after mid night.. lots of sucking and raw fucking.. left with empty balls.
  6. Too right it was... there were over 450 at the raw party on friday night.. full on hot sweaty fucking.. My cock went into so many holes over the weekend, my balls worked overtime to produce more cum and by monday I had a sore cock too.. grrrrrrr
  7. Far too many guys are hung up on finding the "perfect" fuck on line. It NEVER happens.. well very rarely. It´s better to go out and check whats around in the bars and clubs.
  8. If your nips aren`t sensitive, then getting them pierced will increase their sensitivity.. the reverse can also happen.
  9. Well guys last night in Barelin (fri) saw one of the biggest fuck parties that I have ever been too. There were over 450 present, all looking for either cock or hole, all Ages and mostly good bodies. My cock is sore this morning.. it went into 14 holes during the night.. and my balls are working overtime to replenish after dropping two loads into some very hot holes.
  10. Get your butt to the Bio Party tonight (Fri)-- it will be well fucked!!!
  11. One very key Thing is.. drink plenty water. You Need to dilate your Urine. I had a condom over mine the first night in case it bled.. it didn't, wanked off 2 days later, had it stretched for the first time in 6 weeks and have mostly fucked raw ever since. Keeping it clean during the healing is essential.
  12. I had mine done (one) many years ago.. it hurt like hell for a day or so and took several months to heal completely. My pa healed in about a week (urine is a great healing agent provided it's well diluted) and I have enjoyed fucking many a hole since.
  13. Have done it once... as a top.. the guy sat on my cock, leaned forward, then the other guy slid in as well. I'm not hung huge, but we had no trouble and he got the two loads that he was looking for.
  14. Met up with a hot Danish guy last year at the sunday party in Berlin (folsom), coffee and cream. Spent over 2 hours with him alternating between my cock in his hole and at least another 10 others.. he collected 4 or 5 loads and when I unloaded in him, he had a very loose sloppy hole. Have his contact details and hope to catch up with him gain this year. Hope that he hasn't been collared..
  15. Hoist for the naked (SBN) on sunday afternoon. U will leave with cum in your butt and empty balls!!!
  16. I know it's not a sauna.. but the hoist on a sunday afternoon will see your balls emptied!
  17. My STD doctor describes PReP as the gay mans equivalent of the female pill. If you are or want to have raw sex with a ts you should be on it. A fuck that claims to be "clean" after a test and then bb's may or maybe not infected with hiv.
  18. On Recon you can search for Never, Sometimes or Needs Discussion when it comes to checking profiles.
  19. Have seen a guy with a bio hazard tatt around his belly button.. looked really hot. Also you should get a pa, really love mine. I also have a scorpion tatt on my right shoulder.
  20. It would be option 1 for me, unless you were fairly sure that sex wasn't going to be on the menu for a few weeks, then you could safely have a short break.
  21. Drinking tea shouldn't affect your kidneys. I to am on PrEP, drink tea and nothing changed at my last testing session.
  22. Dump him.. it won't work and you will wind up even more frustrated. Find someone who is HONEST.
  23. I agree with cuntspunker. London, Manchester, Brighton.. then across to Europe Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Amsterdam does have it moments. In the US, have had some great times in Ft L and Chicago (IML). In Aust, Melbourne and Sydney and to a lesser degree Brisbane have some great venues.
  24. Perhaps if the first lucky guy to load that cute hole was on PrEP himself, you would loose a lot of inhibition.
  25. Hi there is an Australian bio-tech company that is running human trials in the US, in conjunction with medical groups. Further details can be found at asx.com.au company code BLT or Benetic Biopharma Ltd. Patients are being dosed at an increasing rate, then monitored over a six week period. Results of the trials are expected to be released towards the end of this year.
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