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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. My doctor told me that it takes 7 days of prep pills to be fully effective, so getting loaded 8 days ago you should be safe to have a break. She said that it a drug that you can go off and on, but remember the 7 day rule. There are periods that I won't be taking it eg whilst on a boat cruise with the rellies, or when I get hip replacement surgery, where sex will be one of the last things on my mind.
  2. Scheune is ok, small area downstairs. Mutschmans has a large area downstairs, 4 slings etc - open fri and sat night, sometimes other nights (fairly strict with dress code -leather/rubber/skin/uniform).. other bars have play areas, a lot are old bomb shelters from ww2. Suggest a walkabout- u will find something/someone in Schoenberg!!!
  3. Further to the above.. the postman delivered my parcel of pills this morning. Twelve days after sending them the release form. Made by cipla in India.
  4. Yes Wood, it can be obtained from overseas, but the organisation that I am dealing with require a prescription signed by a doctor. My doctor is also requiring me to have on-going blood tests as in time Truvada does have an effect on kidney functions. Base readings were obtained last week. The crowd that have the patent rights for Truvada are about to alter the formula slightly so that they can get their patents extended. Prep in Australia is only available in some tightly controlled trials in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. It can be obtained by prescription at "full cost" of 8-10 thousand a year, or via the way that I am getting it at about 1600 a year (depends on $A vs $US). Have just got advice that my parcel has arrived in Australia via Singapore-- hopefully I will get it before the end of the week..
  5. Berlin for folsom has a couple of huge sex parties (Sept).
  6. Sundays at SBN or the naked nights at Vault139.. have always walked away with empty balls after a session there.. raw too
  7. Agree Samshadow... my cock head is super sensitive after cumming..
  8. Depends upon the situation..and where we are. In bed, yes at a sauna or sex club.. no.
  9. They don't go real well with a pa!
  10. Hi You will loose a lot of sensitivity with getting them pierced. I have one done and it's nowhere as sensitive as the other. I have a loop in mine, "d" shackles look great, if you are looking to play.. with weights etc As a top .. yep I like to play with pierced nips whilst fucking. Be aware it's fairly painful.. and takes quite a while - months to heal.. keep moving the piercings about with a mild antiseptic wash. Otherwise I have seen the skin attach itself to the piercing and that produced a "big ouch moment" .
  11. I have been to SBN on sundays on my visits to London. Plenty guys looking to take/give a load. All ranges of ages, shapes and bodies. I always leave with empty balls... it's a great time.
  12. Place a profile on BBRT, then go looking about that site. You should be able to find someone who meets your specifications..
  13. Your sex life seems to be evolving.. no-one goes through life without change. You seem to be enjoying the change and as you said it's consensual and you stop when asked. Enjoy...
  14. Great summary Tallbtm.. had my done 18 years ago and over the following 6 years stretched it progressively. A great piercer shouldn't hit any of the veins under the cock head.. but taking precautions regarding any bleeding is wise. One thing to add though is to drink plenty of water before getting it done and after as well, to dilate your urine as it will sting a bit the first couple time when U piss.
  15. That's why the big party weekends in Berlin eg Folsom are full on uninhibited fucking (raw).. and are well worth attending.
  16. Totally agree bagger... if you are going to be a bit late, then COMMUNICATE. Another thing that really pisses me off is someone who agrees to meet at a venue and the person who turns up is nothing like their pictures and description. i.e someone describing themselves as 30yo, 6ft and 145 ponds.. who turns up as 30yo 5ft 8 and 220lbs and then complains when you say no-way..
  17. I remember that bar well from my visits to Amsterdam over the last few years. Amsterdam itself has become a lot quieter on the gay front, when comparing when I was there last year to being there in say 2008. It seems to be symptomatic of a lot of Europe, where the gay community doesn't have the disposable income to be out and about several times a week. Now there is a tendency to go to the big weekend "events", let off steam and go back home and save for the next one.
  18. I was a Fed Govt Executive Officer...Yeah I know it sounds glamorous.. but it was a lot of long hours. Now retired, an investor and traveller, with one major o/s trip each year.
  19. Your 3 & 4 MixedMuscleBear applies to this TOP. Am not greatly interested in a bottom's cock.
  20. This total top always goes looking for a masculine looking butch guy. Sometimes it works.. sometimes it doesn't. Have found that the English and Europeans are best. U must travel MMB
  21. Sounds like you have a dose of VD.. get it treated as it will only get worse..
  22. Use gaydar or barebackrt.. or recon.. there are plenty guys in Scotland on those sites.
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