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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. By far the best would be the big fuck parties in Berlin (advertised on BBRT etc).. Several hundred guys all ages and sizes and the sex is all raw and uninhibited
  2. I shuld have also mentioned that I saw some plastic ones at a place in Amsterdam.. so if you are in a panic re airports, one of those won't show up. They should be available in any decent piercing shop.
  3. I have had mine for 20 years now and have never had any trouble with the old style scanners either here or on my overseas travels including the US. I went through Bangkok the day they had new full body scanners installed, it showed up then and the poor guy running it almost had kittens when I told him what it was. Went through another one in Dallas 3 years ago, generally they couldn't have cared less. I also have a metal plate in my collar bone and screw in an ankle that show up on the full body scanners.. so it' just a bit more metal. Have only had one airport where I had any problems and that was with the dickheads at Miami!!! Get that pa.. you won't regret it.
  4. Having been in the UK and Europe at several nude parties, full on uninhibited fucking is the norm. At one party in Berlin there were assorted guys (ages and shapes) who spent a lot of time chasing guys with bio tatts and others who chased guys with pa's. Europeans seem to be much more uninhibited and it can be full on. Mind you Melbourne and Sydney have venues that can really hold their own on weekends.
  5. I picked up a dose of Hep C from fucking around during folsom in Berlin in 2015. Believe me it's not something that a normal person would go looking for.. felt like shit for quite a while. My doc picked it up during my regular blood tests. A few months later I was diagnosed with kidney cancer, and the hep C complicated the treatment. My case become a study in a couple medical journals. Fortunately the hep C cleared spontaneously and the last blood test was clear.. am now running on one kidney, which I have to look after..
  6. Nips can take up to 6 months to properly heal. A pa will heal within a few days.. plenty of piss tends to help with the process. Fucked for the first time 10 days after..
  7. I fucked a guy who used to have these sort of parties.. they were at a Holidyay Inn not far from Kings Cross station.
  8. Inn Leather in Ft Lauderdale Parliament House in Orlando
  9. Hi Read1 The last one I went to was during Folsom in Berlin. It was a full on orgy, over 400 there all ages, sizes and ethnicity. A significant number were from other European countries. Almost none from the US. Lots were bottoms/ver bottoms..a real tops paradise!!!
  10. Have had similar experiences at the parties at folsom in Berlin.
  11. This is something that all barebackers just have to deal with. Anyone who thinks that they can fuck or be fucked like rabbits and not contract anything eg clap/syphilis /crabs/scabies or even hep a/b/c is kidding themselves. At least there are vaccines for hep a and b but the rest is a "roulette". Perhaps you should be looking for a monogamous relationship...
  12. It's not what you have got.. it's more what you do with it. The biggest cock that I have ever seen in the flesh was just on 11 inches... and the poor kid (he was only 19) couldn't even get it hard. Fortunately for me he preferred to get fucked..
  13. You all need to get across to Berlin for the big fuck parties.. eg Folsom. It's full on naked flesh fucking.. holes taking multiple cocks.. all in the open. London also has it's moments, particularly on sunday afternoons at a well know place on the southside.
  14. One of the guys that ate you could have had it orally. I'd be getting it checked out.
  15. If you want to be a full on cum dump and don't want to wind up poz, then get on PReP... then indulge your fantasy and make it a reality.
  16. Wow, that is something that I think is very rare..I picked up a dose of hep c last year, most likely fucking around at a couple of big sex parties in Germany. My gp who I saw when I came back said to wait until the new medications come on to out PBS scheme(in December). Unfortunately I developed some other complications (kidney cancer), which saw me being treated in hospital by a kidney specialist and leading liver specialist(who used my case as an exotic at their conf in San Fran last November). Daily blood tests whilst in hospital revealed that my body was progressively clearing it.. and indeed am now free of it..a follow up special blood test is booked for September to confirm. Can your situation be medicated???? I am advised that the new treatment regime is almost 100% effective in types 1,2 & 3 and the body tolerates the medication without the previous ghastly consequences. Good luck.
  17. The biggest cock that I have ever seen in the flesh was a bit over 11.5 inches on a young 20yo. Rarely could he get it hard (pre Cialis etc) and for me he loved to bottom. In short.. it's not what U have got.. it's what U are capable of doing with it!
  18. I would advise him to have a check up. The odds of you passing it on would be very high.
  19. My most bizzare place.. fucked a young guy in a bunker on a golf course.. had him lean over the lip and slid in for a great fuck.grrrr
  20. Hi At the bio party your are issued with a wrist band with a number on it corresponding to the plastic bag which stores your clothes. I advocate getting a wrist wallet to store your hotel key/card + cash + the drink card that U get on arrival and pay on exit (lose it and pay E50). it's also handy to have at other bars it you want to play in their cellars/backrooms as pick pockets are rife.
  21. I take PReP when I know that I'm going to be fucking about and went to Europe last year and was at one of the huge fuck parties in Berlin during Folsom. I top only but came home with a dose of Hep C. Fortunately (it was geno type 1 a) it cleared after 5 months and there are no after affects.. so that is another one to consider.
  22. Purchase a wrist wallet... It's ideal to keep your cash, keys and most importantly at that party your bar tab ticket. Also some pick pockets operate in some of the backrooms.. Otherwise a jock and footware is ideal ..less is best at it will be a hot sweaty night ..
  23. I love to pick up a shorter slim guy and plant him on my cock.. and watch his facial reaction...
  24. Your PReP should take care of any hiv provided you are taking it daily. However there are lots of other nasties that are easily caught from multiple loaded guys.. I picked up a dose of hep c last year in Germany.
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