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Everything posted by jeff238

  1. When CL was a thing, i read an ad from a younger guy. It was well written, and even had punctuation! I noticed though, that there were some odd capitalizations. I put them together, and sure enough, a playfair cypher! Assembled, the letters spelled out UNDERAGE. I always have regretted not meeting the clever boy, even if sex was out of the question. The ad was deleted almost immediately anyway.
  2. I have always thought the way this site handles pictures was difficult. There isn't a way to look at pics posted by a particular member. If i posted a pic, shouldnt it be at least linked, if not posted on my profile activity page? Trying to find a particular pic posted by a member you cant remember isnt possible either.
  3. In my experience, age means more. The younger the guy the better it tastes, all other things being equal. I think it has to do with the amount of sperm in the semen. The more there is the more protein there is. Smokers, always taste bitter to me.
  4. Oh boy, here we go! Thanks in advance for what im sure will be another riveting tale 🙂
  5. I wouldnt insist on hairless bodies, but minimum hair is better. Facial hair on the other hand is a 100% no go for me. I absolutely detest the current trend of long scraggly beards.
  6. Ok, @Losolent, are you a toff, or do you just play one on tv? 😜
  7. Absolutely mandatory for me. If he isnt kissable, he isn't fuckable. I'm very oral. There is no place my lips won't go.
  8. Ah, there we go. My favorite chapter so far. Exquisite detail in Charlie and Carrington's first night of passion. I know it will only get better from here.
  9. Ok, ok, a little warm up before the next chapter. Cant wait! So cute see Charlie adjusting to gay life.
  10. Oh, hell yes! Charlie's world is going to get turned upside down...well at least on it's back 😜 Excellent!
  11. Loved the way Moham, effortlessly took out the garbage...
  12. This new menu bar is annoying as hell. I generally am using my android phone when accessing this site. Now i only have a slit to view content through, and it's extremely easy to hit those menu items when scrolling up and down.
  13. My money is on josh, thinking he had conrad...
  14. Fantastic as usual. Con found a new side of himself. Awesome. Finally had to look up "Oik". Lol Your stories are one of the few things that keep me coming back to this site. Thank you.
  15. Jezus. Maybe we should just shut the fuck up. Not talk at all. If the cock is hard, or you get a smile, just fuck already. All the political correctness, or not, doesnt decide if my dick gets hard. That is completely involuntary, just like if you like carrots or not. You cant make yourself like something you dont.
  16. Vers all the way for me. Last guy i was with, was an all day non stop fuck a thon, doing everything we could think of. That wouldnt be possible without the vers component.
  17. Shaping up to be another great ride. Thanks losolent 😉
  18. If you two watch porn, find some WS porn and watch it with him to see how he reacts. That will get the conversation going. Also, if you didnt know, piss is sterile, so you can do anything you want with it.
  19. That must he the PC version of the chart....no brown
  20. Exactly. Only stupid and lazy people that cant manage to get facts support the kind of self serving insanity coming from DC. Im not voting for Biden either. The "vote blue no matter who" rhetoric is complete bullshit. Like yeah, ill vote for whatever dipshit you foist off on us. If that is the case we might as well not even have elections.
  21. I saw one of your piss vids, among others. They are still my favorites of all time!
  22. Small smooth guys. Especially versatile guys, and any skin on skin thing possible. Turn offs: any costume kind of stuff. Anything that gets in the way of skin on skin. Facial hair or hairy in general.
  23. It always starts out as kissing and getting naked as fast as possible. From then on, i dont think, i just let things happen. As far as fucking, usually there isnt any fucking for quite a while. Maybe hours, until our mouths, and bodies are a little satisfied, then the fucking starts. Usually flip a few times before we are done.
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