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Everything posted by jeff238

  1. Smooth. Especially on the face.
  2. Hi boipussy. KIK me jeff238wa

  3. I never have, so far. Also even tho I have a full body/face pic on a few sites no one I know has ever found me. That said, I pretty much live in the straight world, and a small town to boot, so not totally unexpected.
  4. I'm also a small guy at 5'4" and 150. I'm also Versatile so having a guy 5'8" or less is ideal. If the guy is any bigger than that I would just bottom. My fave is 5'5" or less and the closer to 100 pounds the better. Needless to say that rules out 85% of guys over 14 lol.
  5. thanks for adding me to your friends :)

  6. Get on PrEP you little hottie and fuck as much as you want. Why on earth would that make you a bad person. Do what makes you happy. Anyone else's opinion is irrelevant. Once you start living you're life by someone else's rules, you are no longer true to yourself, and it will only go down hill from there. Just be careful with the chems tho. They have a way of taking over your life. Best of luck...
  7. I connected with a guy and agreed to meet. I was driving to his place, told him I was on my way. H3 texted me no less than 5 times in the 30 mins it took to get there. I almost turned around, but went through with it anyway. It didn't get any better when I got to his place in a downtown business district. He wouldn't give me the address but insisted on giving me landmarks to look for...in the dark...finally got to his tiny apartment. He started in with the conditions: no bb, don't do this don't do that, total boner kill. I told him up front I only did bb if he wanted me to top. The whole scene was a fail. I left pissed off. He had the nerve to hit me up again a few weeks later when I was on line. I sent him "LOL no fucking way" he was all butt hurt. I'm like whatever. I don't know what has happened in the last 10 years but the hookup scene has gotten so bizzare. I don't even try any more.
  8. Audio, audio, audio. It's far too underrated in porn. I like hot bodies, sure, but the addition of the individual personalities via hot verbal exchange is what sells it for me. I like amature but the low volume, echoey, squeeky, clicky audio, that sounds like the camera guy is wringing the camera in his hands makes me nearly violent.
  9. I never noticed that, myself. Might have more to do with what you had to eat, or not, that day. I notice the more meat/greasy food I eat the worse it is.
  10. Thanks guys The few times I author stories, I try to leave a little ambiguity so each person can put his own spin on it. I don't enjoy reading stories that put in every little detail. I left this open ended, but not sure If I want to keep going. Maybe after the holidays...
  11. Part 5 Ok! Enough of this serious talk Nick said slapping me on the ass. I want to fuck your cummy hole! Fuck yeah, I said more loads. I want to suck this big cock some more, grabbing Anthony's cock. It was still nice and slick with his cum and my ass juice. I stuck my ass up so Nick could have full access. Nick said no, on your back, I want to kiss you when I cum in you. MMMMM I said. I rolled over and stuck a pillow under my head so I could spend as much time as possible guzzling Anthony's poison. Nick, buried his face in my cummy hole. After a second he came up and said you are bleeding a little back here. Good! I said, get your cum in there and take my life. Oh gawd Nick said, and pushed his steel hard cock into my slimy hole. I was in heaven already with both these infected cocks in me. It couldn't get better. Just as I was spooling into another verbal fit of bug worship, it got better! Dave had been listening from his room. Arent you guys going to invite me in on the fun? I've blown two loads listening to you guys. He then held up a condom that was about half full of cum! I pulled my mouth off of Anthony's dripping bone and said, if it's toxic, have nick dump it in my hole. Nick said fuck yeah! Dave gave the rubber to Nick while I rolled my ass upward so he could dump it in easier. The cool cum ran into my hole followed by Dave's finger. MMMMMM that's nice Dave said. Is he infected like us? Gary, Nick said, nodding his toward me, is now. Fucking hot! Dave said, can I get in there too? Fuck yeah, I said. Me first, Nick said, elbowing Dave out of the way. Anthony said "now boys..." They laughed, and Nick resumed fucking me. Dave got up next to Nick and was kissing him. Nick's strokes started to get short and fast. I saw some diseased cum squirt out of my ass onto his stomach, which Dave promptly scooped up and fed to Nick. Nick bent over to kiss me and I knew I would get his load soon. He kissed me and said, you want it baby? Yes, fuck yes, I want you to kill me, let your disease destroy my body... Nick bit my lip and I could feel his cock pumping liquid death into me. Four loads, I was thinking, I'm dead...FUCK YEAH! Dave was stroking his cock, and was ready to take over when Nick pulled out. Anthony was stroking like mad and fed me a nice load and shot some on my face. He leaned back, and Nick crawled in to lick my face clean and share Anthony's fresh batch of death. Dave had cum twice already, so he pounded me for what seemed like an hour, I was getting sore, but that toxic seed was getting worked into me real good. I was egging Dave on, telling him how great it will be to have his mutation in me, and to breed me deep, he had quite a sweat going, and I was getting rained on good. I was wondering to myself if his sweat was toxic. I couldn't let it go to waste if it was, so I leaned up, put my hands behind his neck and licked as much of his sweat as I could reach. That must have put him over the edge because he started to tighten up. Breed me, fill me with your poison, fuck yeah, do it, do it I said. He did it alright. Pulse after pulse of steaming poison in me. It felt like a fucking enema. I guess it was a FUCKING enema. Yeah baby, I love it, destroy my guts. He kissed me deep and long. Anthony and Nick both said FFFFUUUUUUUUKKKKKKK at the same time. Dave collapsed on top of me. We were all spent. I remembered I hadn't cum. I didn't care.
  12. Great writing! I lost count, but have blown like 11 loads so far
  13. Part 4 Nick was mostly out of his clothes by now, his sweet boi cock standing straight up. He still had a nice ass too. I got naked as fast as I could. I was shaking. Anthony was kneeling on his bed, Nick sucking his cock to full sail. God your poison cum tastes good Nick said. I jumped on the bed and said I want some of that. I grabbed Anthony's bony ass and sucked as much of his veiny cock in my mouth as I could. Nick had his face buried in my ass and I was loving it. Anthony had his head back and his veiny hands on the back of my head shoving his toxic snake down my throat. He went on poking my pie hole for a few minutes then pulled me off. He got down on his knees and kissed me deep and sloppy. He whispered "you need to die". "Fuck yes" I said. I want all the disease you guys can give me. MMMM fuck yeah Anthony said and spun me around. Ass up, head down, I was begging for his death cum. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, I want toxic cum, fuck! Nick was on his knees by my head. I looked up and took his cock in my mouth. Anthony was smearing his leaking death stick around my hole. I knew this would hurt. He was gentle though, until he got in all the way. God you have a tight sweet ass Anthony said. With that he started pounding me like a possessed demon. His bony hips cutting into my ass. I'm killing you right now, Anthony said. You are probably already infected. My cum is super toxic. Tell me what you want. I want your disease, I want as many loads as I can get, fuck your death into me I said. I looked up at Nick and said you can kill me too, and went back to sucking his cock. Nick shot his load down my throat seconds later. He got down and I shared his infected cum with him. Anthony went stiff and growled as he shot his load as deep as he could in me. He leaned over and said you are one of us now. Condemned. We all flopped down on Anthony's bed breathing heavily. I looked at anthony without saying anything. He said what? Nothing, I said smiling. No! Tell me, Anthony said. Well, I said, I'm surprised you have as much energy as you do. Both Anthony and Nick laughed. Nick said, when it comes to fucking, he always has energy" I may only have weeks to live but what else do I have to live for. So tell me what I'm in for, I said. Anthony smiled and said, don't worry about that now. You will get sick in a week or so, as the virus builds up in your system. I want you guys to fuck as much toxic cum into me as you can when I'm sick, and I'd be ok with it if you guys could kill me right then, I said. That's a pretty common theme around here Nick said. I told Anthony the same thing when he infected me. Anthony infected you? I said. Then thinking to myself, it should have been obvious. Yeah, Nick said, I love having Anthony's poison in me. One thing you might not know, Anthony said, is that each person develops his own mutation. Nick and I will want your mutation in us too. Well, if I live long enough. I said, so you don't seem that bad to me. You don't think you have long to live? Anthony looked down and said, it's not like that. This virus also attacks your heart and nervous system as well as the same CD4 destruction that HIV does. After you get bad enough, if you don't get some other infection, your heart and other organs just turn off. Often you will have some muscle jerking just before lights out. I said, so, it sounds like there isn't as much pain and suffering as AIDS. It's probably because you go down faster with RAS Anthony said.
  14. I have it in all my profiles, and if meeting at a bar or baths, I tell them right off, bare or nothing. The longer you wait the more awkward it gets, at least for me.
  15. Part 3 Nick put his key in and opened the gate. Fuck, Nice place Nick! Yeah, Anthony is pretty wealthy. We don't have to worry. The gate swung shut and in the house we went. Anthony's room is upstairs Nick said. I grabbed Nick's ass as we went up the stairs. I love little butts. You really want it don't ya, Nick said. We got to the top of the stairs which opened up to a big landing that connected all the upstairs rooms. Nick said hey to a 30ish guy watching TV in one of the rooms. He was naked, but didn't even try to cover up. He was pretty skinny. Nick said, that's Dave. As we went on...That's my room, That's Christian's room. We were getting to the end of the hall. Nick called "hey Anthony" yeah? I have someone for you to meet... shit, I'm naked! Anthony said. Nick just kept going, I wasn't sure if I should follow. It doesn't matter Nick said. We were at the doorway now and I got my first look at Anthony. He was standing with is back to us. He looked over his shoulder and yelled Nick! Nick laughed, and said this is Gary. Anthony turned away for a second. I was fixated on his naked skinny body. He couldn't weigh more than 80 pounds. Then he turned around. Without thinking I said holy shit! Then blushed and said sorry, I'm Gary. Anthony just laughed. "yeah, my wasted body makes my dick look even bigger than it is. I was staring at his huge cock as it started to rise to the occasion. He was hung, alright, wasted or not. I looked over at Nick, and he busted out laughing. Yeah, forgot to mention that! We all laughed. Anthony was looking me up and down, surely noticing the wet spot at the end of my cock. I looked around, we were all hard by then. So what's the story Nick? Anthony asked. Nick said, Well, um, Gary says he wants the bug. Anthony looked at me and said, it sure looks like your cock wants it. I looked down instinctively at my obvious erection, and then at his impressive cock. Anthony continued, are you sure you know what you are saying? I said, yes, as Anthony sat down on his bed, he patted the bed next to him, so I sat down. You know we are all infected with RAS, and there is no cure or treatment. We all will die before our time. Some sooner than others. He looked down. Nick says, but we should still have fun while we can! Anthony looked up with a smile and said yes, we should. So, you're sure you want this? Anthony said as he stood up facing me. I looked at his cock and up at him. Kill me, I said.
  16. Part 2 Well Gary, if you are so sure, you could come back to the house with me, Nick said with a wink. So, Nick, what's your situation, if you don't mind my asking. Um, well, I got infected about three months ago, and got kicked out by my roomate. I met a guy at the baths that was living at a house with some other RAS guys. I have been there for 2 months. Me and 3 other guys. So, what's it like, I asked. Being infected? Nick asked. It's bad, of course, I mean knowing you are going to die pretty fast, and all. You look at things alot different. Nothing really matters, ya know? The two biggest things are that I'm horny as fuck all the time and I'm just not hungry much. Now that I think about it thats the way it is when you are young and looking to breed, he added. I could see Nick's cock getting hard. Yeah, lets go back to your place, I said. He asked again, you sure? Yes Nick, I want it. Nick leaned into me and kissed me. I grabbed him and stuck my tongue down his throat and squeezed his cock. I looked Nick in the eyes and said I want your Virus in me. He laughed a little and said, well you might already have it. We did just kiss ya know. I laughed and said, hmmm, yeah maybe I do. No turning back now I guess. On the way to the house, Nick told me he would introduce me to Anthony first, it was his house. Nick told me Anthony was the farthest along of the guys that lived there. He had been infected nearly a year ago. I said do people last more than a year? Nick said, no not usually. Anthony doesn't have long. It made me think, hmmm, I'll get to see what I'll look like in a year. Nick continued, some guys don't last 8 months. Since the virus mutates so fast, you keep getting re-infected as often as you get exposed. Some guys, like me, fuck as much as we can. It isn't worth it to worry about anything. Enjoy it while you can. Here we are, Nick said. I swallowed hard. This was it. A year from now I won't be alive. It really hit me at that moment. No more worries. No more anything except fucking. I was boned and leaking.
  17. OMG CDNbbR, my results are exactly the same as yours! Gun Oil red label (silicone) is best by far. Way too expensive tho, and the pump top sucks. I wouldn't use ID glide if it was free. I still have 1/2 a bottle that is like 15 years old. I really don't know why.
  18. Part 1 I parked my car, an old beater...disposable, in the rainbow district. I was over it. All the religious bullshit since the mid 2000's. Here in 2026 the koran thumpers have mostly taken over, even here in the USA. Not since the salem witch hunts, have people turned against each other because of fear. I wasnt going to be a part of it. I could not see things getting any better in my lifetime, so, fuck it. I was over caring about anything. I was going to take charge of my destiny. They call them "houses". Places where the infected go to live and wait out their fate. After RAS was discovered it's been pretty bleak for us gays. The scientists can barely keep up with the mutations, let alone a treatment or cure. Rapid Aids Syndrome, they say, could easily mutate to airborne. The world was scared shitless. No treatment, no cure, immediate infection via any bodily fluid, death in about a year. That is what I was after. It wasn't as bad as AIDS death back in the day, because everything was accelerated, but the mechanics were the same. People with RAS were easy to spot, but because of the aggressive nature of the disease, even the cops would leave you alone. My plan was to hit the baths and just let it happen. There was still lots of barebacking at the baths, since once you were infected, nothing really mattered except fucking. Even food was a distant second, which made anyone that had been infected for more than a few months very obvious. I was on a corner waiting for the light. Funny, I was on my way to my death sentence, but I still waited for the light. I noticed a guy walking up from the other way and made eye contact as he approached. He stopped beside me and said hi. He looked about 25 but was rather drawn in the face. Pretty eyes. I smiled and said Hey. We both crossed together and headed down the block. He was slightly ahead and looked back and said you going to the baths? His question took me by surprise. I thought for a second, and figured what the hell. Yeah, I am! How did you know? Well, he said, there really isn't much else down this way. Good point, I said. I had cought up with him by then and said I'm Gary. Nick, nice to meet ya. He stopped walking so I did as well. You know the baths aren't the healthiest place to be these days. I smiled and said I'm counting on it! Really? NIck said, You sure about that? Dead sure I said.
  19. Big mixed race guy came up to me at a toga party said hi and whipped out a monster cock. I just looked up at him (I'm a small guy at 5'4) and dropped to my knees and attempted to suck that thing. I can put a billiard ball in my mouth, but I could only manage to get the head in my mouth. He picked me up by the arm and asked if I would meet him after the party, which I did. Found out later he was a porn star of some note. I got on my back and put a finger of each hand in my hole and stretched it as much as I could. He liked that. He was easy on me getting it in, so the pain wasn't bad. Fucked me for a little and pulled out, but things got messy. That was the end of that. He went in to get cleaned off and I just left. Being at a campground with no real facilities, I just left. I was pissed off that I couldn't prepare better there. Never got another chance. He was a real nice guy too. Hope he didn't think I blamed him. Guess I'll never know
  20. Didn't need the glossary. The meanings were obvious enough. I wouldn't call it an improvement over existing vocabulary, sorry.
  21. I wouldn't mind at all being labeled as gay, and have acknowledged myself that way just to keep a conversation simple, but no one that knows me describes me as gay. I don't use the term to describe myself if given a choice. I am of the opinion that "gay" is more of a lifestyle or attitude than it is a sexual orientation. I believe the media, and a certain amount of ignorance on the part of the general population perpetuates that all inclusive label. Sexuality is far from an either-or situation, but an infinitely variable mix of homosexuality and heterosexuality. There is nothing in my lifestyle that would suggest me being gay, nothing in my mannerisms that would suggest that I enjoy homosexual activity. I like sex with women just as much as I do men, and in my life have probably had sex with both about the same ammount. I find it offensive beyond words that someone else would have the arrogance to tell me what I should or shouldn't like to do in any aspect of my life, especially something as subjective as sexual enjoyment. I can't imagine anything more corrosive to a society than a bigoted attitude. Labels only serve to perpetuate bigotry. "Self importance is the fuel for conflict"
  22. At one visit long ago, I asked my GP for an HIV test as part of a yearly check up. He gave me some bs about I would have to have counciling before I could have the test. They were giving free testing at the baths on Friday nights at the time! I never had the testing done because I was low risk in those days. I got my PReP exams started thanks to an ad on BBRT for testing at a BB party. Long story short, I started with the a county health STD clinic, who referred me to an ID doc. It wasn't even in the county I lived in, but since it was state funded, they didn't care. I didn't have insurance at the time, so the free testing was a plus. They forwarded my results to the ID doc, I called and set up an appointment and within 30 days I had my prescription free of charge thanks to a state program. I did find out a couple things along the way. (1) Have the HIV/STD testing done by the county health department. It will save you a bunch of money. (2) Your GP is like mine, they don't get much training or keep up on ID issues.
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