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Everything posted by jeff238

  1. Another great ride. Thanks so much for all the work you put into these clever stories.
  2. I like getting my ass slapped during. After, its the period at the end of the story. When i top, a bad time doesnt get a slap. Just instictual i guess.
  3. Melanoma LOL. Was that on purpose or spellcheck? Either way, funny af
  4. Great story line. Like the development of the characters with just enough sex to spice it up. Keep up the good work!
  5. Pretty much forgot about how i left this story. Juzt after the last chapter, i quit/got fired from my job. It paid good but it was a hell hole. Got is a pissing contest with the idiot CEO. Anyway, went out on my own, and have been busy from the beginning. Not to mention, my outlook on the world has improved. So, unfortunately im really not in the headspace to really take this story any further. Sorry. Im so glad you guys liked what i did do. If anyone wants to continue it, feel free.
  6. When i used to go to the baths, i didnt even like fucking in a room, it was always in public spaces. I liked just finding a place to lean and slowly jack my cock till someone came and sat on it. Then i knew i had a great aggressive bottom. Younger guys were my fave, because they were more often vers. Love it when a big crowd gathers to watch. Was at a big party at a gay campground and sitting on the edge of the stage playing with a cute young guy when the band got up there and started their set. We just kept going. We never got to fucking, but i would have been down for that. Ah, the spank bank never gets old.
  7. I was fucked with coconut oil once. It was horrible. Might have been the combination of big dick in my tight hole. Best i have used is gun oil red label which is silicone based. I think the black label is water based, but never tried it.
  8. Check out "Hoody Lavaye" on xtube or pornhub. Hes a massive cummer, and hot as fuck.
  9. OMG, i never thought about the drugged egg angle, and the runway thing is funny as hell. I was going to nominate it for the best of craigslist, but figured it wouldnt be PC enough. I wish i had saved a screenshot of the innocent little plane sitting on the counter. It was priceless.
  10. Agreed. I have said before that some way to rate people is a key function to keep the site from getting stagnant. Unfortunately it wouldnt be a trivial thing to make that work. I think a choice of a few canned responses, after some minimum interaction would be a good start. Then after some number of negative reviews the profile would be automatically deleted. Also verified pictures would be required, as well as some geographic location, like a zip code. All this stuff would be pretty labor intensive to admin, or labor intensive to code if it was automated. I hate sites that have only a limited search function. A huge waste of time. The best search i have ever seen is on scatboi.com. im a member there just for the search. I use it to get a fantasy going. Its like "build a hunk". Its that good. Just a thought...
  11. All these stories about priveleged lives and beautiful people. Situations that are fictional, of course, but lives i will never know, i can treat as real, and wait in anticipation as these stories unfold, and not be disappointed. Keep up the great work @losolent
  12. The next chapter cant come soon enough! Awesome story @ losolent
  13. I got major hems when i was in my 20's while doing martial arts training. It was bad, bleeding super painful shits. I tried all the usual stuff. That just made them worse, or not better. I finally found a treatment that worked, and havent had them in 30 years. Eating a high fiber diet will help, in that it makes the stool softer, but isnt a long term fix for me. First, dont use anything cold. Even cold air will agravate the condition. Keep that hole warm. Sit on a heating pad if it feels better. Second, keep it clean, but not with harsh soaps. When cleaning, use a soapy finger to get all the shit out of the opening. Use lots of suds to keep it slippery. Third, use an aloe and lanolin hand cream to keep the skin soft and hydrated. Use it several times a day if it starts to itch. If eating spicy or fatty foods, clean that hole in a hot shower after a dump, then treat it with the hand cream. Use aloe only if you are alergic to lanolin. Keep the hole warm at all times! When having sex, use the most slippery lube you can find. Friction is your enemy. After you clean out, lube that hole immediately with the hand cream. Keep the hole warm! Dont ever use OTC hem cream or treatments. Its like throwing gas on a fire. After your first hand cream treatment, you will notice immediate relief. KEEP THE HOLE WARM. Good luck
  14. Im self employed. I repair things ranging from electronics to heavy equipment. Machine shop work, welding, hydraulics, electrical, pneumatics, all kinds of mechanical devices, HVAC, etc. Its all industrial/commercial work. No residential or consumer stuff.
  15. I was on the PrEp ADAP program here in Washington. The meds are totally free. The exams required can be free if you go to a county clinic. It doesnt have to be your county. My county didnt have any programs. I did have to find an Infectious Disease specialist to coordinate everything. My regular doctor was clueless. It took about 3 months from start till I picked up my first prescription. It went something like this. Make appointment with an ID specialist and notify them that i would forward all exam results to them. Go to the county health clinic and get all STD tests and have results forwarded to the ID specialist. Go to ID appointment. This doc happened to practice at another county clinic. They do tests for liver function. They also start the application to the state program, and ask which pharmacy you want to get your prescription from. It pretty much has to be a large chain pharmacy. Not all of them are part of the state program. I used walgreens. When accepted, the state will send a confirmation letter to you and your doc. You have to have the same set of tests every 3 months to stay in the program. Once you are approved, you can stop and start without all the preliminary stuff, providing you still get tested every 3 months. Thats the way it was 3 years ago anyway...
  16. Here we go. The site biting the hand that feeds them. Just like YouTube. You realize that part of the reason people visit this site is the content, right? I have read a large percentage of the fictional stories on here, and if this self appointed editor has edited them, he's doing a shitty job. What are this anonamous persons qualifications? If he isn't qualified (he's not) it's just vandalism.
  17. I always kiss. A lot. If I don't want to kiss you, I don't want to fuck. I kind of disconnect my analytical self from my body when I'm having sex. I don't think at all, my body just goes for it. Time just disappears. I'm totally versitile and I don't conciously think about anything. My body is entertaining your body and vise versa. There are no taboos, no rules, no society. I have no trouble doing anything my body wants with another person(s) in front of a crowd. My body wants to kiss and lick every thing. Every hole, every pole. Men and women alike. My point is, it all flows from kissing. Without that signal, there is nothing.
  18. It seems like the movement of the characters within Liongate adhere to the floorplan of the actual Liongate in Bel Air. I mean, I didn't check that closely, because I have a life, but seems pretty accurate. Nicely done!
  19. You aren't the only one. I get absolutely nothing from nipple play. My butt (not my hole) is another story.
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