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Everything posted by jeff238

  1. I live in washington state. Through their PREP/ADAP program the pills are free. Still have to pay some of the doc bills but using county STD testing it's pretty minimal.
  2. I would hope it's not the whole story. For a person to define themselves by their sexuality is to ignore all the other good things about themselves. Sex can be a hobby, just like anything else, and there is nothing wrong with that. We have to acknowledge and embrace the other dimensions of our personality or risk becoming shallow and lonely.
  3. Epic! As good as anything I have ever bought. Very well done.
  4. All those things are risky, but that's what makes sex exciting isn't it? Do what you want, when you want to do it. Don't let anyone try to force you. You are young, you have a boyfriend, there is no hurry.
  5. I love unscripted banter between guys. It gives a little authenticity to the fucking. So many are "silent films" after the kissing starts. Shame. Helix studios have some vids called Real Cam that they give the boys a cam and just let them go. You get a taste (pun intended) of their personalities which makes it more fun to watch. I love the real smart asses like Roxy Red
  6. I personally don't even bother with online "hookup" sites any more. It's a colossal waste of time. Nothing like it used to be. The fake pics, the out of date pics, the pics that are so dark or so close up you can't see what you are getting, the pic collectors, the guys that can't travel and can't host, the guys that only want to give or get head, the ones that won't divulge what part of what city they are in, the ones that only screen by age. It's total bullshit. Go to the baths. It seems the only viable option any more. I remember years ago when I found gay.com (before they fucked it up) I could get on and be on my way to a hookup in 15 or 20 minutes. Many of those same people are still friends today. It's hard to convey my dissapointment in people today.
  7. Gun oil, red label. It's silicone based. Doesn't dry out, doesn't really taste. My only complaint is the pump. It's hard to get ahold of once it gets lube on it.
  8. I had issues with metoprolol. In my opinion it is a wretched medication. My side effects were total lack of energy and no sex drive. It turns out that I was hopelessly over medicated as well. I changed doctors and he took me off of it right away and put me on lysinopril/hctz. It was light years better even at equivalent dosage. Have since ditched the HCTZ and lowered the lysinopril to 5mg a day. The only side effect I have noticed is some minor joint pain on occasion. I've never used boner pills so far so can't comment on that part.
  9. Just my .02, but... Bottoms are a dime a dozen no matter where you go. 5'8 200 won't likely ring any bells. But more to the point what does that 5'8 200 look like from front and side. The two pics you posted wouldn't make me open the ad. You don't mention your health status. On prep? Neg, just tested? Poz? Undetectable? Other std? Any or all of those need to be addressed. People, especially younger guys, don't want to travel very far usually. They at least want to know what part of town you are in. Better yet what motel you are in. The old "DL" or anonymity thing is wearing thin these days. The more info the better. You somehow have to set yourself apart from the sea of other bottoms out there. You aren't super picky, so that's good, but maybe throw in specific likes, not just bottom...
  10. I used to go to SW, back then it was club seattle, had great times always. Never saw the need to go to BP or club Z. I pretty much went by the rule of thumb that 6 to 9pm was the older/married guys and after 9pm it was the younger crowd. Mostly tweaker after 2am. OP, If you are looking for leather guys the cuff was always the place to go. Neighbors, I think it was, was a twink fest in those days. R Place was a nice neighborhood bar. It's been years since I've been up there. Good times.
  11. Hmmmm, not my thing at all. I like way more body contact than that, whether top or bottom. It also takes away any chance of any hot verbal exchange. I like to fuck or get fucked in the public areas tho. I take that over a room any time.
  12. Omg, Randy Harrison that played Justin on the US version of Queer As Folk. Then to find out that he's actually gay was the best. I couldn't imagine that a mere mortal got to sleep with that boi... There were others to be sure, one of which is a member here, but no one did it for me like "Justin".
  13. As a bottom I like it slow at first, then do whatever. As a top I like to work it in slow, then whatever the bottom likes. I usually go slow right before I cum tho, kind of edging for a bit to build up a big load.
  14. Totally agree with the above comments. He was obviously too lazy to read your profile, as so many are. I find an amazing number of people that refuse to read a profile, then ask questions that are already answered there. Almost worse is people that don't put any useful info in their profile, making others ask the same questions over and over, then just giving one word answers. It really pisses me off when someone who I clearly state in my profile I'm not interested in, messages me with some cryptic or unintelligible greeting. To be honest, the whole on-line thing is getting very frustrating, to the point that I don't even bother any more...
  15. Sounds like a good plan to me. Checked KIK for #bbbh and found a full group, but none of the city names were in use. Now to Find a way to make guys post pics, stats, and approximate location. I personally have quit using Craigs list, bbrt, a4a, and KIK bc of the flakes.
  16. He will probably just remind you of standard precautions. They will probably be disposable needles as well. Just to be extra safe, you could wear gloves too. There are lots of hiv+ people in the health care industry giving injections every day. I know this because I know some of them
  17. It's been great for me. It's allowed me to "get back out there" so to speak. I have always been BB only, and so had to be picky. Now I don't ask status, and get lots more action than I did. Even got close to an LTR, who I never would have met otherwise. As far as side effects, I had kind of a weird headache for a couple days. Not that big of a deal, and never took anything for it. Otherwise, nothing. I am surprised tho, that I run into guys all the time that have never heard of PrEP. I try to educate as much as I can without being judgemental. I just chatted with an adorable 18yo on line the other day in a bug chasing room. He was into the bug talk, but was very receptive of the PrEP info.
  18. I want the bottom to cum! If he is going to cum before I do, I'll pull out and eat his cum then go back to fucking him while we share his load. I'm usually with younger guys and their cum tastes so fucking good. If I'm bottoming I can go either way. It's no big deal to wait till later to cum.
  19. Ass first, then suck his cock clean after
  20. The FDA will fuck it up. Gilead will buy some campaigns, approval will languish on some desk.
  21. The metoprolol did the same thing to me. The dipshit doc that prescribed it to me was giving me way to high of a dose as well. I had no sex drive because I had no energy. It's a horrible drug. I'm now on lisinopril (sp?) And it is way better. Also only 5mg per day. Problem is, you are stuck with a beta blocker, as it controls heart rate. I would look for alternatives for sure.
  22. Longer for me. Last session with a 22yo was 7 hours non stop. We are both vers so multiple loads for each of us. All bb. I was wiped by the end, and hungry as hell. Def not a fan of pump n dump.
  23. found this recipe on my laptop. Never tried it tho. L-Arginine 1000mg/day Zinc 50mg/day Pygeum 100mg 2 times/day Lecithin 1200mg/day Would like to know if it works if anyone tries it.
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