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Everything posted by rtpbbcub

  1. Push it to surrounding areas, increase in film tourism, that would be my best guess. It is a wrong headed approach by condom nazis who cannot seem to wrap their heads around the notion that they are the ones with a fetish, not barebackers. They see bareback porn is a thing that sells, they see lower condom usage rates, and they believe it is entirely a monkey see, monkey do situation. When it is no where near so simple. What it is is a return to normal sex, because no one likes condoms in the first place. Condoms were a great idea in the beginning of HIV/AIDS when there wasn't another option. Just as they have been against any other (at the time) untreatable sexually contracted disease. Stem the tide, slow the infection rate, get a handle on how to treat, prevent, manage, and/or cure, then move forward. I know it sounds cold and forgetting, which it is, but that is how the world works. It is the repetitive cycle of life, major event, widespread PTSD (fear, hypervigillence, unpredictable behavior, mania, paranoia, easily exaggerated startle response), treatment, calming, renormalizing. We all go through it in our own time, and arrive (minus a few stragglers) at the same point. Among the stragglers are those who get caught at the PTSD stage and become paralized. Those who lost the most, either physically or in terms of innocence, and need additional help. Unfortunately not what we are doing. Instead we exploit those people, use them as cautionary tales and trot them out at fundraisers a la Jerry's Kids, and promotional materials that sound like after school specials. Grab the tissues and your checkbooks, abstain or condom up,peril awaits around every corner, operators are standing by, batteries not included, some assembly required, act now time is running out. It's not that condoms are an ineffective approach, just an unsustainable one. Useful when nothing else works and consequences are dire, but inevitably flawed if one takes a this and nothing but this stance.
  2. Would love to rim that ass!

  3. Lots of great comments here, and I will just kind of second them. I've been 180lbs and I've been 420lbs, and a bunch of numbers in between. Getting laid has never been difficult. I've also run into my fair share of shitty assholes (not the clean with soap and water kind), and if you pay attention to their profiles you can usually figure out what their damage is. Or at least this is how I think about it, and hope that it helps you out. The guy who says 30 but looks 60, the guy whose profile screams nut job, the guy with big dick in his screen name and all over his profile but no pics of it and stops talking when you ask to see his, the no info guy, the guy with twenty profiles on every site, the guy with pics of obviously not himself because he can't even manage to create a fake profile of pics of guys that at least look similar, etc. Essentially the guys who talk shit end up being the most insecure. So they work with what they do have, and for some all that they have is the ability to bully and abuse until they are the last dick standing. And not just the fat guys, or the old guys, or the ugly guys, they go after all the "not their types" including guys just like themselves. Thin the herd until you are the the best option. It's not even personal for them. They just compete the only way they can in order to win. Think Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan. If you can't win fairly, remove the competition. And sometimes it feels like they are the only guys you meet. For some sites that's because they have run off decent guys in an area, so they really are the last dick standing. And they move on to another site and repeat. It's a headache for you, for everyone, including the site owners who feel like their site is infested with cockroaches that they just can't exterminate. So just keep trying, there is always a dick out there, hard, ready, and waiting, you just have to be there to get it. Hugs!
  4. Cannot remember the last time I dripped precum looking at a profile. Well done.

    1. RandyCubby


      Thanks, mister! I try. ;-) At work, I'm this professional, downright nerdy guy. After 5 PM? I head STR8 to the dirty bookstores... to see how many cocks I can suck... every fuckin day! I'm into crack ho numbers. That's right. The lovably nerdy guy in Marketing? Strip off his dress shirt, tie, khakis ... and he's no better than a crack ho. One bitch in the public clinic even grilled me. "Ho don't know her baby daddies?" "No, ma'am," I responded,...

    2. RandyCubby


      "This ... HO ... don't know HER baby daddies," I said, lower lip quivering like I was about to cry. I also love craigslist; I love ringing a doorbell in nothin but jeans, boots ... starting to strip the SECOND I get inside. I get off on being a whore.

  5. I prefer to not be asked. I don't mind being recorded, I just don't want to think about it while I'm fucking or getting fucked. I get into the headspace of being on camera and wanting to look my best, wanting to give a recording worthy fuck and I end up not enjoying it.
  6. In this part of what GermanFucker said are a lot of important points to think about. Not the least of which is on the aspect of force. And force takes on a lot of different definitions in real life usage. It doesn't just mean holding someone down or using a weapon, or threatening to do so. It can also be the intimidation one feels about the possibility of that situation occurring. Meanwhile, this is all after the fact and, as narrators of our own lives, our perspective and the facts may not align. Intentional dishonesty, trying to reconcile what we did with who we are, attempting to fit our actions into socially acceptable terms, charging our experience to model a kink, etc. can all color what we say and how we feel about a situation, and may change greatly over time, whether years or hours, depending upon who we are talking to. And, if we are honest with ourselves, we have all done that. The stakes are just a hell of a lot higher when the facts are sex with a minor. Which is the reality any law, and anyone engaging in sex with someone a child, and anyone hearing about an adult-child sexual encounter needs to remember.
  7. Currently, caregiver (again), but the education and experience is in IT.
  8. I tend to like my porn to go from wide and everything in the beginning through oral, pull in tighter during fucking, pull back out some before ejaculation, then mix the shots up to get a full picture of the top(s) and bottom(s) faces and the action. That's a good long scene. For the quick and dirty times, give me damn good audio and I'll toss it to a blank screen.
  9. There's no need to bother with him, just block him and move on. Could be useful and tell him he isn't really understanding NSA sex, maybe save someone else the trouble, but that's entirely optional. I've done it, especially to the "OMG, so are we like dating now (only if you consider my sphincter the same as putting a ring on it)," "I know it's too soon but I love you (you have restraining orders against you don't you)," "are you looking for a roommate (only if you have videography skills)," "I think we should honeymoon in the Bahamas (I'm flourecent white, I burn checking the mail, I'm not even going to think about anything else you said)," or "let's have dinner first and then maybe see a movie (you're either a virgin or a clueless total top)" types.
  10. As a bottom, I enjoy the moment that a top changes from fucking for fun to fucking for cum, especially the guys who start there and go all out without giving a fuck whether I am even enjoying it or not (Hint, I am). As a top, it's similar, but from my side, it's that moment when I've tuned him out almost completely, he's no longer a person, he has no voice, no thoughts, no feelings, when he has blurred out, only my cock and his ass remain, and it's a simple matter of exploring it's depths until I lose control and flood his hole.
  11. Not a tease. If I'm dressed in a way that says fuck me, or undressed, or even dressed like I'm just running out to the store at 3am and don't give a fuck, it is not so you will find me attractive in a respectful way, buy me drinks, make my friends jealous by flirting, boost my ego/self-confidence, or part of some power trip fishing expedition, it's so you will want to fuck, because I want to fuck.
  12. Took my first "vacation" in 5 years, a mad dash drive to SC Friday night Saturday and came back Sunday afternoon. While I couldn't play while visiting friends, and needed to rush to get back, I saved up a load for a week so the decision to stop by Lions Den off of I26 was not "optional." Of course there was only one person working a cash register and standing at it was some woman who apparently bought a John Deer of vibrating sex appliances, with a declined credit card to boot. I had no more than hit the door to the building when "you need to hurry up and get home" flipped like a light switch into raw need for sex. I'm sure I was a sight, standing their shaking like a tree in a hurricane, body in fully aroused flush. Though maybe I just looked like every other sun burned, borderline heatstroke tourist who slips off the highway to pop one off on the way home. Either way, I apparently drew the attention of the cashier who asked if I wanted a card for the back, and I had a bottle of poppers, a loaded card, a stiff dick, and was crossing into the arcade before the broke dildo queen was out the door. I went right and found the last buddy booth, slipped in, left the door unlocked, ripped off my shorts, and started the machine. It took a little while before a guy went into the booth next to me, and a little longer for him to work himself up and hit the buddy button, but it was worth it. Late 40s with a face that looked like he walked face first through a plague, but a dick that should be photographed and placed in a frame on someone's mantle. About 6.5, hard as a rock, with a head like a snow plow. While his shaft was more than average, the mushroom head made it look thin in comparison. A little nodding and pointing later, he took the hint and came over. He seemed a bit unsure, it was hard to tell whether he wasn't used to being invited or he was just a guy who "didn't really do this sort of thing" and wasn't sure whether he should. But his cock had decided that it was happening. So I sunk to my knees and went straight to working his cock as he asked for the poppers. That's all it took, his brain and dick were immediately on the same page. I don't think he was used to getting a real blow job, and given my experience in the south, there are a lot of unskilled or just plain lazy cock suckers. It's a pity, so much creeping around in the dark feeling dirty, just to sink one's dick into a mouth that doesn't know what it's doing. And like every other guy I've blown, he was squirming, and couldn't give a fuck who heard his appreciation from the beginning. He was fighting it, trying to hold back, but he was ready to explode. So I went for my finishing move. Back off to the head, while running a finger across his taint to his balls, sink fast and deep to the base, flex the tongue while I stroke his balls, and repeat. Three of those had him in mindless orgasm, loudly announcing his loss of control, and his cum in my mouth. And I kept going to get every last drop, waiting for him to let me know when he was done. He seemed like the kind of guy that would normally ask before shooting off in someone's mouth, and his sheepishness afterward confirmed it, he wasn't used to being powerless to stop, conditioned to cum because it was expected, not because he wanted to. I love doing that to a guy. Judging by credits, I knew I had already stayed too long, so I took matters into my own hands, and I hope no one slipped in the puddle I left on the floor.
  13. More more more is what I voted, but haven't been very successful in finsing that. I seem to look like the type that settles down, so no matter how I put it, guys keep thinking that it's going to turn into some Leave it to Beaver shit.
  14. Glad to see others that demonstrate why we are wild and wonderful! Wish I could help. :-(
  15. In text, "I gave my friends your conact info. :)"
  16. Major difference between toys and real, I typically find toys to be too rigid and the texture isn't pleasurable. Lube can make all the difference. And always say no to not-lube being used as lube. Shampoo, body wash, soap, motor oil, hand lotion, WD40, etc, are not lube. Might work to jerk, but not to fuck. As for lubes, it comes with the territory. Some tops have a favorite and will use nothing else, and some bottoms have their favorites too. It is all about whatever sensation turns them on. Pain, roughness, tingle, heat, slippery, cooling, anesthetic, sticky, (on and on and on), all can be fun and exciting, but not if they bother a bottom or turn off the top.
  17. Maybe it is just the framing of the question, or how I was brought up in general, but I voted None. Not because I necessarily believe that any child should be having sex at any age with an exploitive adult, and certainly don't want kids being hurt or traumatized, but consent is kind of the key issue. It's not about maturity, or responsibility, or ability to "think of the consequences," as much as it is the ability to choose to have or not have sex. To not be forced beyond one's comfort zone. And that is probably one of the most important things that happens to kids that bothers me, especially in their teenage years. That not only is sex not a choice, but their ability to choose is non-existent, and much of it is because they don't know what sex is to start with. Yet, when an 11-17 year old commits murder, everyone is rushing to get him tried as an adult. We seem to have this cognitive dissonance between angelic innocence rape until 18 for sex, and demonic adult guilt for muder. In essence, on one side we refuse to see children as capable and responsible on one hand, and as fully capable and responsible on the other. While most of the years between birth and 18 are spent learning what responsibility is, and what they are capable of, we tend to underestimate people under 18, and call it abuse or a bad childhood, when they don't grow up in an innocent bubble of naivety to age 18. And it is not just sex and murder that people shelter children about, it is litterally everything in many cases. People are horrified, for instance, to learn that my mother once looked at me and said, "yes, we can buy you that toy, would you prefer for us to not have food or electricity?" I was about 6. It wasn't a horror experience, I was not destroyed by it, I learned the connection between money, stuff, and that there was more to buying stuff than just handing over money, you had to have more money than "other stuff" (like the bills), paying for things you need, in order to buy stuff you wanted. And that those decisions can affect others, I wouldnt just have to stumble in the dark or go without food, WE would have to. Yet, how many adults buy stuff they want without even considering how to pay for their needs? You want horrified, that was at 12 when I learned my father was one of those adults. We shelter kids, keep them from understanding the world, baby speak fairytale answers, and flat out lie to them, call it innocence, and wonder why so many 18 year olds (and older) act so stupid and immature. It's not stupidity or immaturity, they have been sheltered ever since they asked "where babies come from" and completely ignorant of much of the world around them. My mom went the route of, if you are old enough to ask, then you deserve an honest answer. Consequently, I knew very much what sex, rape, and abuse were by age 9, and a hell of a lot more about it than we were taught in school. In school, a few years later, I learned all the body parts and a bit more about STDs, the clinical info, but at home I already had a basic understanding of the mechanics. In no way was i shocked to learn that the parts you pee out of make babies. As far as consent, I didn't think I was "ready", but did enjoy experimenting with people my own age befor I was 9, and after age 9. An adult had no interest to me. But I wouldn't have been "traumatized" by sex with one, so much as I wouldn't have consented, and therefore fought like hell to get away from being raped. Having sex wouldn't have been a problem in my mind, if it were my choice, and if it respected my limits. And I would have been damn angry to be treated as if I were unable to consent, just because of age. So, from my perspective, it seems like age of consent laws are tied more to when people hope that the ignorance bubble bursts, or when they can stomach the bubble bursting. The real trauma of underage sex is that so many people not only remain ignorant to the consent point, or that as a society we thing that people should be ignorant for so long, but that we leave them vulnerable for so long that keeping them away from people is their only protection, and then that person is put in a situation they know nothing about. To begin to understand the intentions of an adult, or that rape isn't your fault, you have to have a basic understanding of what sex actually is, and that some adult would gladly exploit ignorance to have it. Remove ignorance and allow for consent, and you have a much better prepared person for both the pleasure and pain of the world around them. Leave a person sheltered and vulnerable, and you set them up for rape and trauma from being raped. Not to mention feeling that they did something wrong for that to have happened.
  18. Even porn is more of an illusion than reality. Most porn stars are pretty short/slender (not just muscled, but narrow chests and hips, as well as an overall small frame) compared to average height and weight, and the smaller their hands, the better. Visually, those physical attributes distort their bodies to produce the illusion of a bigger cock, especially if the cock lacks girth, 7" can easily look like 10 or more. Now pair that guy with someone of the same dimensions, or smaller, and big dick ledgends abound. When you look around the locker room it can seem quite "disappointing," like you are surrounded by small dicks. All because we are trying to guage the average human body against porn standards. Internet inches have always bugged me, and frankly I have no idea what some guys are really looking for. Especially the guys who are all about their size standards. The few that have said things like "hung 7 inches or more" that I have hooked up with (~7" here, excitement can modulate that a bit, but 7" is the mid point between ungodly rigid and eh ass to fuck) have acted like they were going to die just taking mine. WTF? Is it acting (which isn't helping me without warning) or are they seriously struggling? And if they are struggling, how the hell do they think they would handle bigger? As for me, I have had from 4" to 11" without issue, and with enjoyment. Most between 4" and 6". A 10" and an 11" were both flukes, I didn't know until the pants came off. The 11" introduced me to poppers, thankfully. I don't know which of us was more surprised that I could take it. But 4" to 6" is usually what I enjoy the most. Big dicks, especially thick dicks, just go in. Smaller gets to move around, usually on my prostate. I also especially enjoy sucking smaller guys, and by smaller I mean 4" and under. They always seem to shoot big loads and be ready to go again. I like going again. :-)
  19. Be glad to help. Some technical abilities.
  20. Closest I have gotten to that specific combo was a guy that would come over with his own porn and have me blow him while he watched his favorite straight sex scenes. Dick like a lead pipe and he was very aggressive once you started to suck him. It was a great combo. Loved the day he grabbed my head, shoved me tight against his crotch, then somehow manuvered us to where I was on my back on the floor. He just stayed focused on his porn and fucked my head like a fleshlight.
  21. Oh how I wish this were normal. When I try to say things like that people are all "OMG you crazy." But yeah, it's called a relationship, it's called accepting another person. And it sounds a lot like this.
  22. I wonder . . . "Golden said it’s not the department’s business to monitor decisions made by two consenting adults — even if it’s risky behavior." "'That is a decision you’re entitled to make in this society,' he said. 'Public health doesn’t get involved in that.'" "But, he added: 'This is not an instance where two knowledgeable consenting adults took a risk.'" And perhaps this is one of those things one shouldn't say out loud, but, the article keeps bouncing around in my head. From the psedonymn AO, to the way the the county is taking a fairly gentle stance, to the quote above. It keeps rattling around in my head like there is a story behind the story. Is it possible that, instead of AO being a "stealther," that AO is actually mentally disabled? I don't say that lightly, but it's the way Golden speaks, like AO is less a non-compliant patient putting others at risk, and more a misguided child that simply doesnt understand the consequences of his actions, that keeps bugging me.
  23. I tend to still search like it's 1999. Which gives Bing headaches, but Google still understands. Now what I would use if I asked natural questions instead of automatically forming search queries, the world may never know.
  24. I never really think about.
  25. I may not be getting the appropiate gist of the german (translated with Google) but it sounds like suicide. What the attached translated to. From January 2012 edition of BOX Magazine, issue 223 STEPHAN HELMET, SIEGEN the man of the year was for me-50zusagen as Huldigung- January Losch. the porn actor, who passed under the name Big Pig in January and announced in May this year. I was fortunate. to get to know him personally years ago. Expect a great guy and had not only a hot body. but also heart and Werstand. The event deslahres in a negative sense was the Euro crisis: that money disappears, what must have been times available sometime. Pos I think that Guttenberg is gone. Such people we do not need. However amazes me. that voted for his Rick Kehr 2.3 of the Germans. My personal highlight: was the saying of Maite Kelly.Ich am the woman of my life that is exactly my motto and although it sounds arrogant, it should be understood nic. I must get along with me every day. others must not do that! Fur2012 my wish me more honest living tolerance (not only in the scene, as well as more community in the community. One can have the courage even in smaller towns. To show the flag and for his sexuality just resting
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