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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. There is already a limiting factor. Your total file size allowance for inserted photos in all your posts is pretty low. Most people hit it after 1-2 stories. I don't object to such a rule, but that is why you don't see it spreading too widely.
  2. Thanks that was enough - Sebastian Velmont is what he used with TIM I swapped out the photo. Sebastian Velmont's twitter got hacked and subsequently taken down. His new handle is @TheeBastianSass
  3. Moderator's Note: Send me a PM with the edits that you need made, and I will make them.
  4. Moderator's Note: Next time please report the post.
  5. I'm not sure it was worth the trouble to look for it, but here you go. As I said at the beginning of this thread, I had to punch up my real experience to make it good fuck fiction although I have no doubt the guy was trying to get his poz cum inside me.
  6. I had my second dose of the Moderna vaccine Friday before lunch. My arm started throbbing within an hour, but ibuprofen took care of that. I woke up achy and fatigued on Saturday; I spent most of the day lying around. It was a little better today. I was able to get some stuff done. Hopefully, I will be up to going into work tomorrow.
  7. Thanks for the kind words. I have written a couple of other stories over the years. I have a few others I keep meaning to write out, but I never seem to get around to it.
  8. Moderator's Note: Sorry, you are right, of course. I totally forgot about those because I know nothing about them other than as you have observed your title changes at certain thresholds. Maybe @rawTOP can give us some insight about them.
  9. Moderator's Note: Based on a suggestion from a member, I merged several of @DenverBtmDude's twitter video posts into a single thread. Let's trying to keep Twitter vids in this thread. I also moved one to the Backroom and merged it into the Poz Video Thread.
  10. There are three different systems. Your reputation This is the green number underneath your avatar pic. All of the positive reactions increase this by 1. Downvotes decrease it by 1. There are no thresholds directly associated with this system. More about this here: Your post count. The categories for this system appear above your avatar photo. A full explanation can be found here: The Membership System This is the new system which greatly restricts people when they first come to the forum. rawTOP is unwilling to share the specifics of how this system works (even with moderators) because he doesn't want people to game the system. This whole thread is worth reading; I am linking to the most relevant post. Did that answer your question?
  11. There you go. I'm not sure why the link broke although we have had a major software update since then.
  12. Totally, I always want more dick in my hole. You should go for it with your friend. If you want his dick that much and he wants to give it to you, it's a win-win situation.
  13. [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video60969215/little_black_guy_with_13_inches_huge_cock_destroys_bubble_bitch_ass I don't think the top has quite 13 inches, but he definitely has a big one. The bottom in chastity takes it like it's nothing. I can see this was from someone's Just For Fans by the watermark, but it doesn't show the account it comes from. Does anyone know either the top or the bottom?
  14. I wasn't speaking for myself. I liked older tops when I was young. I was wondering if that was what the original poster felt.
  15. Having lots of incredible sex is not a problem. Worry what other hot guys might think might be one though.
  16. I appreciate what you said. He caught me a couple of times, and he thought it was. But that just made me more careful.
  17. I have been single since my husband died two years ago, so I don't have anyone to cheat on. I don't concern myself with whether or not my sexual partners are cheating. My husband and I were open the last eight years of our marriage. We were not supposed to keep anything secret from one another, and for a long time, I always told him because it almost always resulted in him fucking me with his big dick. The last year or two of his life he lost all interest in sex; after he died of a stroke it became apparent that he had probably been having smaller strokes for a long time which is almost certainly what happened to his sex drive. Once he lost interest, he didn't enjoy hearing about my exploits anymore. In fact, he would get resentful towards me for having fun. So I started keeping things from him. I felt bad about it, but we weren't having sex any more. I did what I felt I had to to stay sane.
  18. Sorry, the video got taken down. You can probably find it if you look for it. I am sure it has been reposted somewhere.
  19. Honestly, I think the people telling you not to risk a friendship are overreacting. But if this isn't some deep meaningful connection that you would miss, what do you have to lose?
  20. Moderator's Note: The reason you cannot view a Guest's profile is that they do not have one. That isn't created until they register. For the rest, we will have to wait to hear from @rawTOP. I do not know how that could be done.
  21. Nice. Glad to see people promoting bareback as safe and acceptable. A couple of gripes though: In the Porn4PrEP, we see that stupid thing from porn. Top asks if he wants the load. Bottoms says to shoot it in him. Top pulls out and jacks entire load onto his ass and then slides back in. That's not "cumming in my ass." In the two films from Kayden Gray, the first time when the bottom doesn't know he is undetectable, he wears a condom and shoots fully in the bottom. In the second scene after we have discussed U=U and know that the sex will be safe with or without a condom even though he fucks bare, he pulls out to shoot. That really undermines the message.
  22. Hot, ripped Boreanaz 25 years ago on Buffy/Angel was sexy, but I like grizzled, dad-bod Boreanaz even better.
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