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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Moderator's Note: Good point. Anyone who wants to continue that debate can go to the link below.
  2. The problem with this argument, @timfreo, is your aren't defining what "chemical condom" means (or "linguistically correct" for that matter). PrEP whether you mean Truvada or Descovy is a chemical; I will grant you that. They are drugs that when taken by an HIV negative person prevent them contracting HIV (I am not going to argue effectiveness. That is a separate issue). So if by "chemical condom" you mean "chemical that prevents contracting HIV," then I guess you would be correct, but that is a pretty nonsensical definition. Taking PrEP doesn't dull the top or bottoms physical sensation during the fuck, nor does it prevent the load from being deposited. Since these are two of the main complaints barebackers have always made about condoms, PrEP fails to be a condom in fairly major ways. So, I agree with @BootmanLA that your characterization of PrEP as a "chemical condom" in any sense other than Poz Fetishism (which doesn't belong in this area of the forum) is incorrect.
  3. I suspect he will come around over time. Most men like a variety of partners. He just has to feel safe enough to let it happen and to get past feeling like monogamy is an essential part of a good relationship. If you can get him to the point that your dirty talking about whoring him out is a turn on, you will be well on your way.
  4. Moderator's Note: He explained this in the first line of the first post.
  5. Your relationship ended and you’re grieving it. Having self-destructive urges is normal. My advice would be to stay on PrEP until you have worked through all your issues with your ex. You can always decided to get poz later, but you can't get un-poz if you change your mind later.
  6. I saw my doctor today. As soon as the new pills arrive, I am switching.
  7. If it’s still in the original bottle, it has an expiration date on it.
  8. Moderator’s Note: I split this post off from the PrEP Cumdumps thread because it seemed likely to get lost there.
  9. Moderator’s Note: I moved the old post and merged the threads, so you wouldn’t lose the replies.
  10. I am 56 and a total bottom. I am cool with guys my own age, but I get way more attention from young tops. Before COVID, I had a steady fuckbuddy who was 18 and another who was 32.
  11. Most of the extreme negativity is from an extremely negative poster who hasn't been around for a long time. Sorry, if it was unpleasant for you. We are happy to have you here.
  12. Honestly, this all sounds too complicated to try to unpack and work through with strangers on the Internet. A good, sex-positive therapist can probably help you sort this all out. Whether or not you do that, please be honest with your girlfriend if you need to start having sex with men on the side.
  13. Been waiting for this chapter 😈
  14. Fixed it for you. Just make a report when a post needs editing. Always glad to help.
  15. Moderator’s Note: Anything posted here is considered fictional even if it is based on real experiences. Please lightening up, @Collar4chemboys. Almost every story ever posted gets requests for more chapters. Even when the author specifically says there isn’t any more. There’s no reason to go off on someone over it.
  16. A top who loves/wants you because you are a cumdump is the best thing in the world!
  17. New avatar pic is super hot!

  18. There is not a list. I cannot even show you what words are banned because they would not appear. Whether or not you would, people try to get around the bans everyday. When you first join the forum, you are a New Member. You can see this underneath your avatar in a post. New Members are not allowed to rate content. As you continue to post and receive likes, you will automatically be promoted to Junior Member, and you will be able to see the interface in the lower right-hand corner of the post.
  19. Every bit of this story has been great, but that last post was fucking beautiful - like poetry.
  20. Moderator's Note: Here is the relevant rule (Rule 5 from the link below): If you're writing about a personal sexual experience - post your story in the Members' Blog section (blog posts are moderated before they go up so be patient - do not post discussion topics - they'll be deleted) Stories in the Fiction stories are supposed to be fiction. That said people post fictionalized accounts of true-life experiences all the time. If you will please do this rather than making it a point to tell us things are true stories, it will save everyone a lot of hassle. There are a few members who are real sticklers about what goes in the Fiction sections. That's their right, and they are correct based on the rules. We are not going to start persecuting them. @daddybear, if this is more bullshit that you want to deal with, we will miss hearing the rest of your stories. A lot of us would love for you to continue.
  21. Moderator’s Note: The banned words thing is something rawTOP programmed into the forum software. Moderators cannot tell what the word you used is. It happens automatically. I didn’t even realize that was a banned word until now.
  22. He was born with Cerebral Palsy. His right leg and arm were partially paralyzed and shorter that the left ones. Over the course of his life, this had led to him developing a lot of chronic pain. He was on quite a bit of medication trying to manage that pain. When he started having memory problems and personality shifts, we both thought it was from drug interactions. He was taking over two dozen prescriptions daily. As it turned out, those were actually caused by small strokes that were a precursor to the large one. The main thing he wouldn't do that might really have helped was sleep using a CPAP machine. Anyway, I really don't want to do a more thorough rehash of his death, so I am going to leave this part of the conversation alone. To the best of my knowledge, he was not taking an estrogen blocker.
  23. I laughed out loud at that! Good job! It's always great to see a new story from you, @Tommy Tank!
  24. No, he died of a stroke like his father and his father's father. It was what he always expected to die from just not nearly as young as he did.
  25. My husband was treated for low testosterone for years before his death. He got testosterone injections about every three weeks. He said they helped tremendously. The only side effect we noticed is he went from being mostly smooth chested to being a hairy bear over 7-8 years.
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