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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. I get the Stackpath error every time I try to enter the site. Here is the most recent one REFERENCE ID ce5ff35a9ba42f123584e4c6d09f3a3e
  2. I just was complementing the ad. I am not a huge Biden fan, but if he is the nominee of my party, I will support him. That's how party's are supposed to work.
  3. Dude, that's your opinion not a fact. It's obvious to everyone you don't understand that by now. The First Amendment prohibits the GOVERNMENT from doing certain things not private entities. Since Breeding Zone is a website and not the US Federal Government, any rules we have about what people can or cannot say have nothing to do with the First Amendment. There are plenty of people who have posted things in THIS THREAD that I personally disagree with. Not a single one of them has been banned or disciplined. That includes you; I would be perfectly within my rights to given you an infraction for calling out the management of the site. That is against the rules. But I am not going to feed your martyr complex. No one has a vendetta against you; you just persist in making trouble on the forum, and we don't allow that. Enjoy your free pass. It is the last one you get from me.
  4. Used the bookmark in my browser (Chrome on Windows 10) to navigate to the website. Got the Stackpath error ce5ff35a9ba42f123584e4c6d09f3a3e
  5. Got an email telling me someone had made a report. When I clicked the link in my email, I got the Stackpath error. Code below ce5ff35a9ba42f123584e4c6d09f3a3e
  6. Got another Stackpath error. I clicked on the link to go to "New to the Club" in the Backroom ce5ff35a9ba42f123584e4c6d09f3a3e
  7. No, it was a post in a story section. I was editing a typo. I hit Back on the browser, and tried again. The edit went through the second time.
  8. I got a stackpath error when I was trying to edit a post. 2488344989f2d3c8cfda4682f4834231
  9. Starting some time late last night, the notification for threads with unread posts has gotten weird. Sometimes I read a thread and the new post indicator goes out. Others keep showing new posts no matter how many times I read the bread. Update: That only seems to happen on Safari on my iPad. It's not happening on Chrome on my desktop.
  10. Writing stories in small chapters gets you many more comments and tons more upvotes.
  11. Moderator’s Note: That brief non explicit mention of straight sex is okay. I put a notification on the post.
  12. Tight white pussy can’t say “no” to big, black dick.
  13. I get that. Also, don't hesitate to report things you find are offensive. People have been banned for that when they persisted after being told to stop.
  14. I am not sure how much it helps. I don't have the luxury of being able to block people.
  15. You can block members if that helps.
  16. @viking8x6, that sounds like it would work, but I have my doubts. There are 3 dedicated hookup ads sections in the Backroom. One is clearly marked for bottoms to start threads and another for tops to start threads. Each section has a description at the top of the forum making it clear who should post there. At the top of the tops' forum is a stickied post again warning that only tops should start posts there. Every week, we have to move 2 or 3 posts started by bottoms looking for tops out of there.
  17. I’m not sure why you are so riled up about this. You’ve never had a single infraction. The penalty for posting in the wrong section is 3 points. That will only give you a suspension if you already have other infractions. The vast majority of people on the forum (like you) have never received an infraction. Another huge chunk of people get one and then never have another. The only people who find this system burdensome are the ones who want to be allowed to do whatever they like whenever they and persist in this behavior after being corrected. If you look about three posts up, you will see I agreed to make an effort to give more information when I give infractions. The “don’t leave a mess” automatic message means you put something in the wrong section. The place where it has been moved is where it belongs. I had assumed that was enough information, but I am making an effort to give more. By far the most common infraction is posting something that belongs in the Backroom (Poz fetish or Chem sex) in the Regional Hookup section. There are several of these every week.
  18. If you’re a nice enough guy and a good fuck, I don’t care what your face looks like.
  19. Moderator's Note: You are a good writer. Just a warning - snuff fiction is not allowed. Please don't go there.
  20. There was a band a few years back. I think it might actually have been called "Biohazard" that used the biohazard symbol for their logo. You will sometimes see it on young straight boys into that band. I have never discussed biohazard tattoos with any straight person who knew it was an indication of HIV+ prior to our talking, and this includes people who are active allies and otherwise very progressive. I think scorpions are even iffier. Lots of people whose sun sign is Scorpio like people to know this about them (myself included). I know lots of HIV- Scorpios with scorpion tattoos. Add a drop of venom or blood to the stinger, and it is more likely to be a Poz tattoo.
  21. Hell hath no fury like a hot, well-hung top who gets told you would rather do without than take it rubbered.
  22. Moderator's Note: A few people had started commenting about details that distracted rather than aroused. I split it off into its own discussion here:
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