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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Using a condom while on PrEP is overkill for HIV prevention. The drug provides better protection than the condoms. The condoms provide protection for other STIs though, and that is why some people still use them.
  2. You can fix this yourself. Scroll up to the top of the page. In the upper left corner, you should see your username with a drop-down arrow. Click on the arrow, and choose Account Settings. You can change your email there.
  3. Moderator's Note: It's currently under review. Snuff is generally an off-limits topic. It will either reappear, or I will make a post here to let you know it won't be back.
  4. Mine was kind of a bust. I never went to a bathhouse (not really sure why? naivete? I have never lived in or near a city that had one) until my husband and I opened our marriage. We had gone to Southern Decadence in New Orleans only a few weeks after we started doing threesomes. Our hotel ended up being very close to the bathhouse, so he wanted to go. Once we got inside, it was clear that we hadn't discussed what we would and wouldn't do enough. He got very freaked any time someone wanted in my ass. We ended up leaving after an hour or so without having really played with anyone for more than a few moments. Within a year or so, he was totally cool with things. He took me to the baths in Dallas, put me in a sling, and lined up guys to breed me several times over the years. Sadly, the bathhouse in New Orleans closed before we made it back, so my one time at the baths in New Orleans was pretty lackluster.
  5. He sounds like one of those straight guys who might loosen up a lot over time and become and even better fuck.
  6. Don't be disingenuous. There are thousands of registered users on this forums, and dozens of people who post daily. But you are expressing a desire for me and me alone to share information. That sounds like calling out to me. I am saying this part with my moderator voice. You are junking up a thread with a particular purpose with this side topic which is now closed. Let it drop.
  7. Not sure why you are calling me out. Anyway, last week before the hurricane. I posted about it on August 25; it's a couple of pages back.
  8. Moderator's Note: That is set by the poster when they upload the photos. It's not something other users can change.
  9. It's clear to me from reading stories on the forum that some people think that "Anon" includes the kind of Grindr (or other app) hookup where you don't trade real names or have a conversation about anything other than sex. That seems a little more than anonymous to me.
  10. What a tease! Great beginning but not enough!
  11. Yeah, talk to your man. I wouldn't recommend dumping the whole bug-chasing and whatnot on him. Tell him you aren't sexually satisfied. Maybe you can find an accommodation.
  12. I am not going to sift back through what I read, but they estimate On-Demand provides 86% reduction in risk whereas Daily is upwards of 95%. That is a significant decrease by any standard.
  13. That does look fungal. The nice thing about the treatments @Close2MyBrorecommended is that if they are going to work at all they will work overnight. Don't keep trying them for days, if they don't help. This might call for a trip to the doctor or urgent care.
  14. You are correct that it is off-label because the FDA has not approved that dosing protocol. While it might be correct to say there is not SUFFICIENT data to draw conclusions about On-Demand Dosing, it is demonstrably incorrect to say there is no hard data (I have linked two studies below). [think before following links] https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1506273?query=featured_home [think before following links] https://www.thebodypro.com/article/on-demand-prep-effectiveness
  15. Barebacking with people who claim to be negative is NOT an effective strategy for risk reduction. Even if he isn't intentionally trying to infect you, he could be positive without knowing it which almost guarantees he will have a high viral load. If you want to take loads and stay neg, get on PrEP. That really is the only way.
  16. Moderator's Note: This is not the Backroom. Poz Fetish is not allowed in this section. Frank discussion of health concerns of chasing is one thing; encouraging people to chase belongs elsewhere.
  17. I find that when you are fresh meat in a city, it is no trouble to get loads on Grindr. Last December, I was Christmas shopping in a city a little over an hour away. In one afternoon, I got fucked by 4 guys and took 3 loads. There were half a dozen other guys interested enough, but logistics didn't pan out. And I am a 56 year old, chub bottom.
  18. I think as hookup sites become more mainstream they fill up with flakes and time wasters and people who don't care what the conventions of the site are. In the beginning, hooking up online was viewed as sleazy and maybe even desperate. The sites were mostly filled with guys like us (me anyway) who were looking to get laid. They have become so mainstream now that they aren't much nearly as useful. That's what I hated most about losing Craigslist. It was always viewed as a little too trashy by most which meant people on there were down to fuck.
  19. Moderator's Note: @wood, that is a valid point. I am not ignoring your facts, but we are not going to turn this into a public dogpile on @CuriousDallas. People can look at the evidence and make up their own minds about what you allege and whether it bothers them. I think most people embellish their true-life stories when they post them, but there is a distinction between punching up a story and making it up out of whole cloth. BootmanLA (it won't let me tag you for some reason), I don't blame you for being suspicious, but he does post from Texas. If CuriousDallas wants to rebut, he may have one post to do so. Otherwise, this discussion is closed. Any other off-topic posts will be penalized and removed.
  20. Also, he hasn't logged into the forum in 4 years.
  21. Moderator's Note: Point well taken - the posts that were just discussing incest rather than it's over-prevalence on BZ have been split off into it's own thread which you can find here: Any further posts to this thread should concern whether or not you feel there is too much talk of incest on the forum.
  22. People are so fucking weird about herpes. It’s absolutely endemic in the US. Most of us are exposed in grammar school when we don’t have any sense of personal boundaries. People will misinterpret their first outbreak as their first exposure. When I had my first cold sore on my lip (that I had any recollection of), my husband and I had been monogamous for 4-5 years; I was just super stressed out. I know there are two kinds, but the point stands. You didn’t necessarily react the first time you were exposed. The guy who triggered your outbreak isn’t necessarily the one who infected you.
  23. Nope. You can always tighten up if he says you’re too loose. If you cannot loosen up to let him in, then you have a problem.
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