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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. @chrisnsd4u, thanks for coming back to this story. It is such a hot one.
  2. They say you should wait a year after a significant death before you make life-altering plans. I don’t think waiting a year would be the worst idea for you.
  3. I have had a chance to be a little more active with the move to Phase 2 reopening. Looks like they may be about to shut things down again though. New yearly totals Taken 13 loads anally Swallowed 3 loads
  4. Moderator’s Note: If you want to read posts about straight sex, there is a whole section for that, you should go over there. Please leave the discussion of straight sex alone in the rest of the forum. I don’t know what’s up with @cgreg2033, but he hasn’t been on the site for a couple of weeks. I’m not sure when we will get an update.
  5. You're a damn fine writer @chi4loads - we are very lucking your share all your horny filth with us!
  6. Bromo tries to put some plot in their porn. As do all the Next Door sites.
  7. Actually infections are up all over the South even in places where there were no protests. Conversely, there have not been big spikes in some of the northern cities which have had tons of protests. It's more an issue of reopening too quickly.
  8. Oddly enough, the times I feel this most is after a bad hookup. I used to think, "Fuck! You dumbass! Was it worth risking your life for that load from that loser?" Now, it is just wasted time.
  9. Tips and Tricks is really for questions about how Breeding Zone operates. I am going to move this to General. If you want it moved somewhere else PM me.
  10. I was hoping Jake would talk the bf into bareback before he knew. Maybe it will be hotter this way. 😉
  11. I didn't have any trouble understanding you. Hot story!
  12. It's important because there is an official SCOTUS precedent stating that discrimination against LGBTQ+ people is de facto discrimination on the basis of sex. That means that any law that forbids sex discrimination provides protections for LGBTQ+ persons, but the cases will have to be litigated for that to have force. And like @BootmanLA said, if there is any difference in wording, the precedent might not hold. It's a big step forward, but it isn't an automatic end to all our problems.
  13. drscorpio


    That ban was rescinded almost immediately because I decided I was too harsh. Read the rules and don't fuck up again is not much of a threat. I think the rest of my comments stands on its own.
  14. No one said you were. You had posted in some threads started by someone else who was a spammer. Those threads were deleted. That’s why some of your posts are missing.
  15. drscorpio


    Here is the relevant passage: If it's about women or heterosexual sex, post in the Hetero/Bi section of the site (posting hetero topics anywhere else will result in a temporary ban from the site - there are no warnings)
  16. You are not able to like anything because you are still a New Member. Keep posting and contributing, and you will move up to a category that allows you to do so. When a person is banned from the forum for being a spammer, all of their threads are taken down. That is probably what has happened to the threads you can no longer see.
  17. 🤣 In my experience, black guys prefer "dick" to "cock." Again in my experience, the "big black" part is not a problem. Every well-hung black man I have ever been with has gotten off on talking about his big, black dick.
  18. Andy, I appreciate that position. I believe that what you are asking for is beyond our technical capabilities with the current forum software. I am sure @rawTOP can give us the final word on that.
  19. I was taking this one pretty regular for a few months. Then he stopped texting. 😢
  20. The icon you click to bring up the options for reactions changes into the reaction you select. There is a small x on the symbol you can click to undo the reaction. You could also switch to the red downvote option if you want to go that far. As I was looking over this, I realized my explanation was entirely visual. I apologize if it is not helpful.
  21. PM me a list of what you want changed, and I will edit it for you.
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