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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. The young, hung, black guy that was breeding me weekly since Christmas and I touch base every few days. We live 90 miles apart and across a state line, so meeting up now is logistically impractical even if we wanted to. We have a firm date to fuck as soon as stay-at-home is lifted.
  2. I don't think it was polls being wrong in 2016 as much as the analysis being shallow and short-sighted. Nate Silver at 538.com started warning it was going to be very close 3-4 days before the election, but most media outlets didn't want to push that narrative. Remember Clinton handily won the popular vote which is what polls measure. Her campaign ignored the "Rust Belt" thinking after 2008 and 2012 it was locked in for the Democrats, and the Electoral College came down to just the matter of a handful of votes in each of those states.
  3. I was tipped off to these videos by an ex who is trained as a microbiologist. Dr. Mike Hansen posts videos on YouTube about various health concerns. These videos are fairly technical and long. He does try to spice things up with a joke here and there; he has a perfect deadpan delivery. Also, he's not unpleasant to look at.
  4. I like Sanders ideas for the most part. I supported him 4 years ago. But he was never close to getting the nomination either time. The bulk of the Democratic Party is too mainstream for him. If all the young folks actually hold onto their progressive values, we might see a really left wing Democratic Party, but right now it is a little left of center at most.
  5. There is solid scientific research to support that this method is just as effective if followed. I choose to take it every day (during non-quarantine times) because I tend to be spontaneous (ie I take dick whenever it's available) and cannot plan ahead. My husband who was much less promiscuous used the intermittent method. He was on PrEP for several years. He died last year of unrelated causes (stroke) still negative. Here's a report on the study: [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/news/dec-2015/ipergay-prep-study-results-published
  6. Even if Stein isn't a Russian asset, there was an active social media campaign financed by them convincing Sanders supporters to vote for her instead of Clinton. I have plenty of friends who fell for all of the "Bernie was robbed" bullshit.
  7. The planet where Hillary was clearly ahead after all the debates. She lost because Comey dropped the fake email accusation 4 days before the election.
  8. Moderator's Note: You might try sending a private message to the author. Please don't try to get around the banning of words in open posts. Moderators have been instructed to give big penalties for that.
  9. Having a man who loves that you’re a cumdump is truly a special gift. My husband was the same way. There were many Saturdays that I woke late after sleeping in to learn that he had been up early and on Craigslist, websites, and apps lining up tops to breed me all afternoon.
  10. I appreciate the sentiment. But if you get pozzed, you will have to take meds every day for the rest of your life. Taking pills now that you can quit anytime sounds like a better deal to me.
  11. Just keep posting. Right now you are classified as a "New Member," and they are not allowed to rate posts.
  12. Trump didn't stand a chance in the debates 4 years ago. Hillary made mincemeat of him every time. I don't think they actually matter much.
  13. There was previously a thread about Joe Biden that turned into a dumpster fire. When I deleted every abusive post or response to one that quoted it, there wasn't enough left to make sense of things. Apologies to anyone who tried to make a serious contribution. You may use this thread to have a calm, civil discussion about the presumptive Democratic Nominee.
  14. It’s not just good at keeping you clean/making it easier to clean out. The other ingredients seem to help with self-lubrication. If you can add chia and flax to your diet cheaper on their own, it might be a better option. I take those too. I didn’t realize they might be helping my sex life.
  15. I have used it since it came out. I think it is better than just plain fiber. The chia and flax in it seem to help me self-lubricate. I hardly need lube any more except for the really big ones, and that is only for the initial entry.
  16. It's rough. It's been 5 weeks since I got fucked. I cannot remember the last time I went that long. I get offers, but I just don't want to risk it. I beat off a lot. I am not sleeping well, so that actually helps. I am too tired to be horny a lot of the time.
  17. Your writing is fine as far as writing a sex story goes. I am a little disturbed by the racist theme. One critique is it is hard to tell whose point of view you are using. The first sentence says "my dad" which makes you think this is all from the son's point of view. Then the rest of it seems to be from the kidnapper's viewpoint. I assume Jack is the father's name.
  18. I have an elderly relatively living with me. Hooking up late at night is not a problem since she goes to be by 10:30. Occasionally, I get asked to host during the day during the weekend. I have been fucked on my office desk several times now.
  19. Almost all cases of Truvada resistant HIV occur when someone starts PrEP without being tested for HIV. When they are placed on correct therapy, then subsequently retested the Truvada resistance is gone. The mutation that causes Truvada resistance is not stable or robust. It tends to die out on it's own.
  20. I did wait 24 days but that was mainly because I didn't think about it before then. Like rawTOP said before, there has been a ton of research since the initial guidelines were laid down that show taking it for a month past the last contact is ridiculously conservative. There are strains resistant to both medicines in Truvada and Descovy. These strains tend to die out quickly because they are not robust. That's part of the reason this particular combination of drugs was chosen for PrEP.
  21. FYI - saying the age here wouldn't be a problem since it is a true life experience that happened to you when you were young. You're fine with your own underage experiences as long as you don't give us the play-by-play account.
  22. @DarkroomTakerWould you mind if I share a paraphrased version of your story with others? I think people need to hear stories like this.
  23. A couple of years ago at TBRU, my husband and I hooked up with another couple. After a fair amount of mutual foreplay, myself and the other bottom were put on our knees on the bed facing each other with each of us being fucked by the other husband. I tend to close my eyes in this position, so it took the other bottom a few minutes to get my attention. We held hands for a few, and then started making out. The top fucking me said, "Oh shit! That is so fucking hot, "and he immediately filled my hole with his load."
  24. I would say all of that belongs in ChemSex. Certainly anything you think of as potentially addictive belongs there. As rawTOP said, a lot of the reason for segregating Chems is so that people who are struggling with addiction can avoid hearing about it. I wish I could give you black/white answers. Again , I still feel the best answer is report it, so staff can look at it.
  25. Today is the first anniversary of my husband's death. I have probably been more harsh and snappy than I should be lately. I apologize to anyone on here who bore the brunt of that.  I really miss him. 

    He was on here (@NatchitochesTop), but he didn't post much. He just liked reading your hot stories. Yes, that is his dick in my mouth in my avatar. I used to think about changing it, but now it feels like I shouldn't. 




    Decadence Parade 2018.jpg

    Sculpture Garden.jpg

    TBRU 2014.jpg


    1. thkpc


      Loving the smiles and good times.  We could all use more of that.  Thanks for posting.


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