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About NeedBredAnyTakers

  • Birthday 09/02/1995

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Indianapolis Indiana
  • Interests
    Sucking dick swallowing cum being fucked by mostly anyone poz or neg
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  1. I wish you'd finish it I'm white and I'm not offended it's a story just like others on here I'd love a continuation
  2. I use a VPN and it's worked perfectly. It says I'm in Australia 🇦🇺 lol
  3. So I’m in Indianapolis and it’s saying near Illinois but neither states are listed on the block do you know why that is? It’s never been blocked for me till like yesterday I’m just wondering it sends me to “male prime
  4. I find the concept hot like it makes me incredibly horny but as far as seeing it out I'm scared I like bb and I've known poz guys mostly undetectable but it's not something I'd chase
  5. I'm very tight I could use a good fucking only BB
  6. Why don’t you pick up the story? I’m sure you’d make it great
  7. I’d say write your own chapter I don’t think he’s coming back
  8. Someone should take over and write another chapter
  9. I'm looking for a story a dad fucks his son and let's other guys do it one of the guys is named Axel and I can't find it I don't remember the name of it but if anyone can help I'd appreciate it that story was hot
  10. would love this to happen to me
  11. So I’m talking to this guy on scruff he asked if I liked poz guys and he said he was poz and wants to convert me sounds so fucking hot he said it takes 1 load normally to poz someone
  12. This guy I’ve been talking to on scruff he’s undetectable but wants to have ppl knock me up
  13. Very hot sir I live in the U.S Indiana to be exact 

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