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About Belfast-Bottom

  • Birthday 12/31/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Interests
    Sucking cock, deep throat, cum swallowing. Getting fucked bareback by assertive, dominant, Tops. Gang bang bottom. BDSM, uniform, leather and skinhead interests. Water sports welcome.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    Lean, 5'10" swimmer. Shaved head, blue eyes. Nice tight neg arse. Big uncut cock. Talented throat. Submissive cumdump. I never ask status. I never request condoms. All Tops welcome!
  • Looking For
    TOP or group to breed me hard!

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  1. It's always nice when a stranger offers you a ride
  2. So HOT, inventive and well written! Thanks for posting!
  3. Hey guys! I'm visiting London at the end of April to beginning of May. I haven't been there for a couple of years and I would be grateful for any advice on the best clubs, saunas and outdoor venues for bareback sex. Day time as well as evening. Thanks in advance.
  4. Some of the writers here are certainly writing at a professional standard and I imagine that some must be employed as writers. The thing about art is that it's not just about time, it's about inspiration. That is particularly true of sexual writing. You need to be in the mood and have hot ideas. The writers are working for FREE. I admire what you are doing with your grandchildren and I wish that some of the HOT stories had further installments too. Words of appreciation and encouragement are more likely to achieve the desired result than words of criticism.
  5. To Hotlava: I haven't been in London for a while, but the last I knew Playpit had closed and their website was down. I used to have a membership card. If any London users know if it has re-opened, please let me know. A google search is inconclusive. Thanks.
  6. I'd be interested to hear accounts from guys who have attended this event. I'm particularly curious to know what the attendance is like. I'm considering attending the one in March. Thanks.
  7. Hey guys, I'm just wondering if there are established badges/buttons/other ways of DISCREETLY advertising that you are a barebacker in everyday situations? The point is that it needs to be done as a coded signal which other barebackers recognize - but has deniability to outsiders. Previous discussions revealed that the bareback hankie code is a dark or navy blue hankie ( for FUCKING ) with white polka dots ( for CUM ). Hankies in back trouser pockets are a bit dated these days and are more likely to simply flag GAY ( to hetero onlookers too ). Hankies in dress suits run the risk of simply being guys who like the colour combination. Christians have their FISH lapel badge - which most non Christians can read too. Atheists have their FISH WITH FEET badge ( evolution ). Any suggestions on ways to signal that you are a barebacker that only fellow barebackers are likely to read?
  8. It keeps freezing for me too. Perhaps I should try it in different browsers.
  9. I wonder what it takes for a bottom to pass out though? I know a BareBack Top on a fetish site who is into "chemical bondage". I don't know if he uses GHB or Rohypnol, but basically by use of chems, he puts a ( consenting ) sub bottom into a situation where they are physically powerless to resist. I'd consider that scenario with a Top I trust, but the TRUST is crucial. Naturally he could have as many guys fuck me as he chooses.
  10. In my opinion Jan Losch was one of the handsomest men who ever lived. Sad that he has gone
  11. Hey guys, I'm a neg bottom living in the U.K.who would go on prep if it were available on the NHS. It's not available in my region and with health service cuts it is unlikely to be any time soon. I investigated online purchase of Truvada which would be expensive if taken daily. A guy in London tells me there is evidence that a 2-3 day course of Truvada around a planned bareback session is effective at greatly reducing the risk of infection. I don't have a steady partner so being able to take 3 or 4 pills on the day of a BB session and for two days afterwards is cost effective ( just over £10 for 4 pills ). I'm a slutty bottom who likes to take multiple anonymous loads at saunas say one night per week. £10 for a night of uninhibited fun seems like a good investment. Anyone else know of evidence or studies which show that taking Truvada just before exposure and for two days afterwards is effective?
  12. "ok i am unable to join groups i looked all over and cant find any options plz help" I have this problem too
  13. It's not often that I fall in love with a porn star after seeing one video. I stumbled across ROCCO STEELE in a video clip a few days ago. If I were to design an ideal TOP he would be it. Rugged, rock hewn, masculine face like Mount Rushmore. Great muscled body and what must be one of the biggest, THICKEST, cocks in porn. He also has a deep manly voice - almost a growl. I'm confident this guy will become a porn legend ( assuming he isn't one already ). The 28 minute scene I saw where he barebacks Armand Rizzo is probably the HOTTEST porn I have ever seen. An instant classic! Rocco's cock is as thick as Armand's forearm. You can almost feel Armand's internal organs being displaced as Rocco fucks him. There are times when you expect Armand to split or burst. Armand takes it like a champ! I'm not sure what the site rules are about linking to video clips and I don't want to breach them. If you do a google search on "fuckingyeah_big_white_cock" the link should come up. I hope I haven't broken any rules.
  14. I've never been in chastity but I have looked into it. There are several key elements. 1, buy a device which is large enough to allow your cock to move. 2, go for one of the CAGE type rather than a solid tube. A cage should allow you to retract your foreskin to clean under it. 3, use a lube as you insert your cock into the device. Water based lube has the advantage of washing away. Bear in mind that a chastity device which doesn't permit washing under the foreskin is likely to encourage odours which work mates may notice.
  15. Looks fun! 42 is an odd age limit. As I'm 45 I guess I'd be turned away at the door.
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