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Everything posted by tj87

  1. Not in central London, but if you ventured south of the river you'd find a willing tight hole in Peckham...
  2. Mmm I agree - the heavy militarisation I saw on the news is freaky. Your cops looked like storm troopers. Police aren’t soldiers and shouldn’t see their job as warfare. Body cams are good too!
  3. Lincoln once said "Public sentiment is everything, with it you can achieve anything and without it nothing." Protesting is great and it has raised awareness of the ongoing injustice and demonstrated enormous sentiment for change; but it will only be forgotten about if it doesn't. Now that energy needs to be fuelled into political action. I marched against Brexit over here - but it goes unnoticed. The instagram squares thing... it feels like a token gesture that makes the posters feel good but doesn't have any constructive result. I would much rather donate to a singular cause that works to solve; in some small way, the issue of injustice. To succeed it needs to be very specific. And of course; it's easy to say someone else needs to come up with an idea; so how about this as a starting point to discuss on here: Legislation to increase the number of black officers recruited by police forces so that demographics of the police force are representative of the demographics of the city/state. And to have police paired across racial lines? Is this reverse racism? Is equality of opportunity more important than equality of outcome? In many situations I'm inclined to agree. But in law enforcement, where a society need to see police as a force for good - to protect each other (in the UK we call it policing by consent), it makes sense that those in a position of authority should reflect the communities they serve. Any takers?
  4. tj87

    Joe Biden

    Sort of, we had a hung parliament for a chunk of that but yes, our political system is in terrible shape at the moment too - and it's interesting to chart the path it's taken because it shares many of the similarities of what's happened as is happening in the US, but our system differs in many ways too*. The print news media is almost exclusively right wing, some extremely so and they cater to the worst sort of tribalism that I spoke to earlier - they're all owned by very rich people who intend to stay that way. In 41 years; our version of the democrats; Labour, have been in power once for four terms. It seems once a party gets in; votes are usually happy to keep them there until the opposition cycles through enough leaders to find a winner; then they'll jump on whatever political crisis is happening and force the tide to turn. Our democrats were in power at the time of the financial crash; and after the Iraq war it was easy for Conservatives to point the finger and say "look at this mess". Voters wanted change and they were presented with a very moderate, quite competent leader David Cameron. As a government, they were quite socially liberal; gay marriage was legalised. But fiscally, they were very conservative, crippling the economy with massive austerity cuts that hit poorest working families the hardest, the NHS, prisons, legal aide; and when you take away the stitching of the social fabric; people start to get angry. This was then jumped on by the extreme right wing factions - who blamed Europe - and to avoid losing another election to extremists on the right; Cameron promised a vote on EU membership - fully expecting to win without even trying in full Hilary Clinton hubris-style. Unfortunately the EU is FAR from perfect; and like Clinton, that made it a convenient scapegoat for campaigners and a boogieman. A huge campaign basically said "We can't pay for social services unless we quit the EU because they take all your money." It was very very close, but leave won; and then for four years NOTHING happened politically. This is where our systems differ; you don't vote for a leader, you vote for a representative and whichever party gets the most reps in the house gets to make the decisions. While all this is going on; to counteract the far right; a huge movement is underway to elect our Bernie Sanders to leader of the democrats. He's fully socialist which they love, despite the fact he has absolutely zero leadership qualities and is extremely unpalatable to moderates - had you elected Bernie to be your nominee btw, I guarantee Trump would've won four more terms. People just aren't ready for that sort of socialism. Anyway, Brexit vote wins, Cameron quits and after some pretty nasty infighting; a very useless, inflexible head mistress - incredibly bland - took her chance at leadership and tried and failed to deliver, then she called for an election and was effectively denied the job; no party got a mandate to lead, no party in the househouse got enough votes to pass any legislation - and instead of coming together to try and find common ground and pass legislation; it all descended into the worst kind of politics with plenty of talk but little action, no attempt to try and win votes with compromise; just endless attempts to make an end run on Brexit, which failed over and over and over and over again. Four years later, she gives up and our Trump- Boris Johnson fights another election; opposite a not-much-liked socialist (whom for four years the press has been calling an anti-semitic loser*) Boris didn't have to do anything to win it; just avoid making any mistakes, even if it means hiding from the press in an industrial fridge - which he actually did. Where Boris and Trump differ: Boris isn't a very good leader; he'll lie to get what he wants, but he has an agenda for the country and he knows how to get stuff done. - even if I don't believe it's the right thing. He would be an excellent salesman - he would make a fortune. Unfortunately over a decade of conservative party, the A-team and the B-team have now all been used up so our cabinet is made of largely exhausted substitutions who drop the ball frequently. In the pandemic, they've made some interesting fiscally liberal choices that may turn out to be quite good for the economy; but the management of the situation has been fairly haphazard. Trump however not only isn't a very good leader; he isn't a very good person - by which I don't mean he's a mean person; i mean he's failing at being human altogether. He can't take in information and disseminate it. He doesn't appear to have any faculties to process logic. He wouldn't even be a good salesman; he's like some blob creature from Rick N Morty - there's no there there; his days are filled with what can I tweet to make my team like me more? And politicians just use him to get what they want or work around him. Yes the US may manage to sustain itself, but in what form and at what cost? The US has the might to change the world for the better (or worse). When wielded, you can instil a sense of global order and Western democracies look to you to do that; as a partner and a leader. You can bend the world to your whim with awesome political and diplomatic power, backed up by awesome military power - and to the US benefit, but it requires that the world sees there's a man behind the wheel; at the moment America is just a big-ass monster truck with a brick wedged onto the gas pedal and an empty cab because the last driver bailed out four years ago. Absent US leadership; you're just gonna leave China to take the top spot and flounder away as some banana republic pseudo-democratic country while the rest of the world struggles on without you. *Where we differ; Boris is just one faction of the in the right wing party and there are plenty of representatives who are willing to call him out on his BS and use political means to force him into making a decision. This is something that doesn't seem to happen in the US, even is Susan Collins keeps alluding to the notion that she might one day, if Maine keeps her in office - The Republicans, all except Mitt Romney, are the party of Trump. We don't have that over here. There are people to the right and to the left of Boris Johnson - although he won such a large majority it may not matter too much... **There's never been any real evidence that Jeremy Corbyn is anti-semitic, but there's plenty of evidence to suggest pro-Corbyn factions in his party were - and also that he had absolutely zero leadership skills or ability to get rid of them so the idea festered until it became as good as true. - Finally our democrats have someone pretty competent in the top spot, so I've high hopes for the future. I don't know if Biden is the best candidate for the most powerful position in office but against Trump... He's lightyears ahead. If he can act like a leader meanwhile avoiding any catastrophic mistakes. Fingers crossed the US will begin picking up the pieces. Sorry for monopolising the Biden board.
  5. tj87

    Joe Biden

    I don't know, but something tells me Elizabeth Warren's flogged a fair few men on a Saint Andrew's Cross.
  6. tj87

    Joe Biden

    I don't know if this was always the way - or if it has come about because of social media and a change in how we consume news. Society generally has found itself a complex mess where people, institutions and movements must be perfect in order to exist - and in the absence of perfection; good just isn't enough. This is an argument coming from both extremes of the political spectrum and it's destabilising our ability to understand and communicate with each other. There isn't room to make mistakes, or be even be moderately in favour of supporting all your causes - these attitudes and behaviours are easily weaponised, and turned into a message aimed to instil a sense of fear or hate or righteous indignation in one group, by others with a vested interest in making you feel like that. Look past the every day ephemera - the overriding substance is what matters most. Biden is FAR from perfect, but another four years of what you've currently got...?
  7. Definitely be up front about it. I'd sleep with you in a heartbeat. Italian boys 🥵!! I'm neg, I don't mind condoms, but I much prefer taking loads. Popped that cherry over Christmas and it's been a jizz fest ever since. I take PreP because I don't chase HIV (no judgement to those who do). I feel about HIV in the in the same way I feel about the flu or coronavirus - realistically it's not gonna kill me, but it would be something else I'd have to deal with. And like flu or Coronavirus, I wouldn't judge anyone who got it. I wouldn't knowingly sleep with someone who wasn't medicating their condition. It's the 21st Century and people should take care of themselves - and others by proxy. I like guys who know a bit about their condition, are on top of their medication, know what they're taking and why etc. It breeds confidence - and then usually my ass. I've slept with a few undetectable men, sometimes with condoms but more recently raw since I started taking PreP. I know an undetectable viral load means it can't be transmitted, but the extra protection makes me feel safer in a belt and braces way, and I sleep with plenty of negative folks with condoms too. The "I would've told you my status once I knew we were gonna hook up" (which i get every now and then) is SUPER sketchy and a total turn off. Recently chatting to a guy about a potential hook up, I explained that I'd come off PreP for the lockdown and then he started spouting all this nonsense about how PreP worked - and then said he was on PreP, then no - different meds, then explained he was positive, but undetectable, all in the most opaque way possible, I had to really drag it out of him and that lack of transparency freaked me out. I wanna be as safe a slut as I can be and that means making an informed choice to go bare. I also think that the longer people hide their status, the longer it will perpetuate the stigma that it's something to be ashamed of - which it isn't.
  8. Daniel Hausser. A filthy ho if ever I saw one. Lots of snap videos of him getting a strangers load in a club or airport bathroom.
  9. Hot!! Fingers crossed for more.
  10. Alam Wernick gets bred by Dillon Anderson. Listen out for the dialogue around 19:20... [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b32921fef9b0
  11. Not sure if this counts as amateur, since it features Dillon Anderson. Pro-mateur maybe. Anyway Mister Anderson and a 2nd twunk tag team and then DP a third. Two loads for the price of one. [think before following links] https://www.gayboystube.com/video/786573/guys-make-a-porn
  12. Since I learned to accept my chubness there’s no limit to the amount beautiful cock out there that wants to dump a load in me... And they always come back for more - apparently I belong on the end of a cock.
  13. Aha yes - I've been asked "did you cum already" many times... But no, i'm specifically talking about when I've got a cock in my ass, my orgasms are intense, but my less muzzle velocity than when i'm cock free.
  14. I'm known to fire a rope or two; when I'm extra horny it can go quite some distance. But when my ass is filled with cock (or a toy) it's like those muscles are obstructed (by cock I guess) - and instead a jet, the cum just oozes out of my cock like a magma from a volcano; thick, hot and plenty of it. Anyone else experience this? Maybe I need to do more pelvic floor exercises - I love clamping down on a guy when he's inside me and watching his eyes roll back in his head.
  15. Mmm, the fun has been pretty nonstop since - although not for the last few weeks - and alas one particularly beautiful FWB I've been playing with is taking the current climate as an opportunity to quit his job and move back home (on the other side of the world) so I'm a bit gutted about that - he was something special. On the plus side, I've got a long line of eager boys to drill me once the lockdown is over, and I plan to take every load I can find and fuck the memories of him away. 😜
  16. #2. Theres’s no way #4 isn’t going to fuck me with that monster, even if I have to initiate. #s 16, 17 and 18 are looking over, clearly talking about gang fucking me. #19 looks interested too... And 12 is staring from the back of the room (mid-fuck no less) so #2 is clearly the whore of the party. Special mention to #7 being spitroasted.
  17. Maybe I'll see you there
  18. Gimme some time to cut the highlights together and I'll post it.
  19. Got filmed by my neighbour last week when he came over to fuck me - realised half way through when he spun me over and I saw his phone on my shelf. He sent me the videos after; Got everything - rimming/fingering me. Face up. Face down. Got me begging for and getting his load... Which I've jerked off to a few times aha. A few of my videos have turned up on the web over the last decade without it ever coming back to me, there's just SO MUCH porn out there. Plus the process of getting videos removed is pretty automatic, and it's not too tough to get rid of them if you change your mind. I like reading the comments. Twice people have come up to me on a night out and told me they jerked off to one of my clips... Such a turn on.
  20. FWB/weed dealer has long been on my case for a repeat visit. He likes to come over and share a joint, then stuff me with his thick curved cock. He's a young guy, not always predictable and the plan for yesterday morning seemed to fall through, but preparing for him got me horny af so I jumped on Grindr to find a replacement. I Invite my neighbour over. He's been on my case looking to fuck me for a while; a sexy bearded blonde beauty who would look at home in a plaid shirt axing wood for a fire. He stops by on his way to the bus stop and makes quick work of ripping through my underwear (pre-agreed) and sinking his long cock balls deep. He's hard as steel and gets very thick towards the middle, when he flips me over on my back I see he's got his phone on my shelf and is recording us LOL. Fuck it, I'm in heat. After a solid fuck he tells me he's close. I beg for his load and he growls loud and starts pumping inside me - his orgasm tapers away slowly as I milk his cock with my ass. He pulls out with a slap, throws on his clothes and heads off to work. As he's leaving I get a text from my FWB, sorry that he overslept but is ten minutes away. I quickly wipe my ass and wonder if he'll notice. I'm naked but for a small pair of shorts when FWB arrives. I strip him off as his fingers snake up my shorts and into my ass. "You pre-lubed?! I can tell you're thirsty for it" He says. He kisses me, pushes me onto my back and lubes up his cock before sliding it. It takes us a couple of tries to find a position that works for both of us, but soon he has me on my side with my knees bent and he's piston fucking my ass with long strokes that make my eyes roll into the back of my head. This boy usually stealths me, but this time he let me know he was about to cum and the heat got turned up for both of us. His fucking picks up before he pumps several loads into my ass and buries himself in me for the comedown. My battered ass trying to milk as much from him as I can. He's out the door about twenty minutes after he arrived. When I return to my phone the bearded blonde has sent me the videos we made - I jerk off while watching him breed me, I'll do this a couple of times that day before heading out to dinner with friends. While I'm headed home that night, their combined loads drips out of my ass which makes me crave more. I get hit up by a third guy on Grindr a supposed 1000ft away and send him the videos. He asks me if he can fuck me like a whore but we never make it past the chat. The occasional video of me has turned up on the internet before - a couple of times people have come up to me and told me they jerked off to it, or asked if it was me. I figure there's so much porn out there and our filter bubbles are so specifically tailored to our personal tastes, that these things don't really come back to bite me, but they're also pretty easy to get taken down. I look forward to seeing it one day and reading the comments - I love making people cum.
  21. Okay, so I posted this after I slept with my new neighbour this morning and it was true - but then a fuck buddy messaged and i'd been promising to catch up with him, so he came over. He's thick and he has this long curve that really worked wonders for both of us when I was on my side. So I guess different strokes for different folks.
  22. On my back, legs spread wide is preferred but I do enjoy being able to reach behind me and play with a top's balls in doggy.
  23. Yeah, this story makes me cum regularly.
  24. Or David Teninch as he was referred to on the set of Doctor Who - a running gag after someone walked into his trailer mid-wardrobe change. < Apparently True! Always had the hots for Anthony Perkins (Norman Bates in Psycho) but NOT as Normal Bates... well sorta. Anthony was so beautiful and such a pure soul but like all pure souls you just know there's something filthy animal-instinct lurking beneath the surface - that mix drives me WILD. [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2020_01/anthony-perkins-altura-cumpleanos-color-de-pelo-color-de-ojos-zodiaco.jpg.1ab33800ee0d57feafdbf26c45872a52.jpg https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2020_01/anthony-perkins-altura-cumpleanos-color-de-pelo-color-de-ojos-zodiaco.jpg.1ab33800ee0d57feafdbf26c45872a52.jpg
  25. Love feeling the load - when I first went bare in my teens I thought I could feel the guy's pre-cum leaking into me from the temperature change - but he never came in me. During my more recent bareback experience I felt nothing except his enormous load flooding out of me after. Now that I'm on PreP, I'm a little less condom focused and last night I definitely felt this guy pumping his load into my ass, I could feel it sloshing inside of me as each fresh spurt added into the mix. Love it.
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