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Everything posted by JakeTurner

  1. Just took a load with zero PrEP in my system. It's been years since that's happened. ;)

    1. averageslut48


      I would never take any PrEP.

  2. That's old and conservative data (e.g. over estimating risk just to be safe). Now that it's been out for 4 years or so, and there have been millions of unprotected fucks with it and only 2 or 3 people have converted the real number is 99%+
  3. Hey, my name is Myles and it looks like I've caused way more drama than I ever intended… But let me back up and start by saying I'm a top who's fantasized about getting pozzed for a really long time – mostly 'cause, in my mind, being able to infect someone is the pinnacle of what it means to be a top. It's the ultimate way to dominate someone sexually. More and more bottoms are letting guys fuck them raw and cum in their asses. It would be so hot to be shooting toxic loads and knock them up as I breed their ass! Thing is, while I really wanna to be a toxic poz top, I hate getting fucked, and getting fucked is the only sure-fire way to get pozzed. I was fucking every slutty bottom I could find, but could never manage to get knocked up. It was frustrating – being a top just isn't risky enough. I'd fantasize about pozzing bottoms as I blew my load in their ass, but deep down I knew I was firing blanks. Then I met this guy named Mike. He lives in what's basically a free whore house. You can go there any time and find ass to fuck. Anyway, he LOVED taking loads, but he also liked getting his load in guys – especially in tops. It was a challenge for him to see if he could get total tops like me to walk away with his cum in their ass. In hindsight he sorta understood me better than I understood myself. He talked me into it by saying "Don't worry, I won't fuck you. I'll just jack off and when I'm just about to cum I'll stick just the head of my dick in your hole. It won't hurt at all. I promise." I'm not sure why I hadn't thought of that myself – it sorta seemed like the perfect solution for a top like me who wanted to take loads and get pozzed, but didn't want to get fucked. I let him blow his load in me and as I walked away that night there were all sorts of emotions flowing through me. I was excited, but a bit scared too. I mean I just took a load from one of NY's top cumdumps. What does it mean to be a cumdump's cumdump? Yeah, I wanted to get pozzed, but until that night it wasn't really something that seemed like a real possibility. And I realized I didn't even ask his status… I went back a few days later to breed him and he "jack off'd" another load into my ass. After he blew his load I asked about his status and he laughed and said "A bit late to be asking that question… but to answer it – I'm on PrEP". While I was excited to be taking loads, hearing he was on PrEP was a bit of a let down. The other thing that sorta held me back from bottoming for just anyone was that when I got pozzed I wanted to know who pozzed me and have a connection with him. I wanted it to be someone special – like Mike, actually. I knew I was never going to have more than a sexual relationship with him, but he was the type of guy who was like the Pied Piper – he just made you feel special. Of course it didn't hurt that he was totally my type. But from the looks of it he was never going to make me poz – he probably didn't even want to be poz. The whole situation was sorta frustrating me a bit and then one night I went over to fuck him and he was playing with this hunky Latino. It was hot seeing Mike get pounded. The other top "played well" and we tag teamed Mike's ass for 20 or 30 minutes. I blew my load in him and stayed there a bit watching the Latino fuck him. I could tell the top was getting close and just before he blew he asked Mike "You want my dirty load, pig?" And Mike replied with an enthusiastic "Sí Papi!" The wheels started turning in my head – was this guy toxic? Had Mike just taken an infectious load? When the top caught his breath I timidly asked him "So 'dirty load' – does that mean you're toxic?" He looked at Mike and replied, "Ah shit, I thought I was being discreet…" Looking at me… "Yeah, poz and not on meds. Sorry I let that slip, Mike doesn't want other guys knowing he gets into poz stuff…" The two of them could tell I was totally turned on by Mike taking a toxic load. Even though I'd just cum, my dick was completely hard and I said "I wanna fuck him with your load in his ass". Mike's ass usually has a few loads in it and it almost always feels really silky and wonderful, but knowing that at least one of those loads was high viral was a huge turn on for me. As I fucked him I was whispering in his ear "So you're a bug chaser, eh?" "Yeah…" he replied sheepishly. I told him "It's a huge turn on that you wanna become poz. I wish you'd go off PrEP. I'd totally continue to take loads from you. It would be hot if I got it from you." While I was fucking him he played along with my fantasy – "Yeah, it'd be hot knocking you up. I'd love to be able to poz total tops – it's why I try so hard to get my loads in them…" Needless to say I didn't last long before I blew a second load in his ass. Afterwards, he told me that getting pozzed is a huge fantasy for him, but he's still trying to be responsible, hence the PrEP. Though if it happened one of these days he wouldn't really be surprised. I mean he gets thousands of loads in his ass every year… The top asked me if I was on PrEP. I told him "No, though I was in a PrEP-related study years ago." Then he asked "Aren't you worried?" I didn't want to elaborate too much so just told him I wasn't all that worried since I was a total top. He looked at me with a big smirk and said, "Well, if that ever changes…" I could barely sleep that night. I had to figure out how to get the Latino to poz Mike so Mike could poz me. Then it struck me – I still had left over pills from when I was in the PrEP study that looked just like Truvada. They'd told me at the end that I was in the placebo arm of the study and to throw the pills away – that they were just useless sugar pills. I'd kept them just as a kind of souvenir, but maybe they were my ticket to getting pozzed… I mean if I could substitute them for Mike's Truvada, maybe he'd get pozzed, and then poz me… Next time I went to fuck Mike I went into the bathroom and there in the medicine cabinet were a bunch of bottles of Truvada for the various guys who lived there and one belonged to Mike. Jackpot! I was a bit surprised they'd just leave those in a medicine cabinet where anyone had access to them, but I wasn't gonna complain. That fuck session with Mike was pretty intense. We went into one of the private rooms and did all sorts of poz talk – I telling him he was just a worthless bug chaser, that sluts like him don't deserve PrEP, and so on. He seemed to love it. As he was blowing his load in me I was like "So, you gonna make me a poz top so I can infect a bunch of neg guys?" That gave him a big smirk on his face. You could tell he wanted to poz guys as much as I did. When we'd blown our loads we laid there chatting a bit. I asked how often he takes loads from the toxic Latino and he said 2 to 3 times a week since the guy lives nearby. I was thinking "Bingo!", but answered "That's so hot!" I asked about the whole testing and PrEP thing. He said everyone in the house was on PrEP – that they had a doc that came once a month for STD tests and then every three months the tests included an HIV test and the other tests you need when you're on PrEP. I casually asked "So when was your last HIV test then?" I hoped the question didn't seem too odd, but it didn't seem to phase him – he said "We get tested the first of every month and then see the doc for the PrEP appointment a week later if it's first month of the quarter – so January, April, etc. They make it simple to remember 'cause we're not allowed to miss the tests or the appointment." That night when I went home I did the math… I sort wanted to see if I could get him pozzed and not have it discovered for a while. I wanted as many of his toxic loads in me as possible before he found out and went on meds. I gambled a little that they weren't using the tests that detect an infection immediately after it happens, so I wanted him to get pozzed about 2-3 weeks before an HIV test. And it takes about 2 weeks for PrEP to leave your system, so that meant I had to get him off his PrEP and onto placebo about 4 weeks before an HIV test. His next test was October 1, so I needed to get him on placebo the first few days of September… Perfect… that was just 2 weeks away! The next time we fucked I pushed him on the idea of going off PrEP, but he wouldn't budge. Then the time after that I suggested that once a week he give me one of his pills – basically lowering his dose to 6 pills a week. I told him how studies said he had full protection with as few as 4 pills per week, so 6 was still really good. But he should do it 'cause he knew deep down he was a bug chaser… Initially he said 'no', but I could tell something in him wanted to do it. Finally he said "Wait there" and a minute later he came back with a pill in his hand. I quickly put the pill in my pants pocket so it would be out of sight, out of mind, and he wouldn't change his mind and want it back. I could tell he was wanting to play with fire, but knew he was on the fence. On September 3rd I went over and took my bottle of placebo pills. I had quite a few 'cause they terminated the study unexpectedly because the preliminary results had come through and the effectiveness of PrEP was really clear. They had given me a 30 day supply just before they found out they were terminating things. And I wasn't quite done with the previous bottle of pills. Anyway, I found Mike's bottle of Truvada, took out the 6 pills that were inside and replaced them with 6 placebo pills. A week later I went back and found his new bottle freshly opened and took all but 5 pills out. I mixed my placebos with those 5 pills and put them all back in the bottle. I mixed in some of his real Truvada because I wanted to stretch out the placebos. I figured he'd be averaging about 1 or 2 pills of Truvada per week which was way too low to give him any protection. I made sure to go hookup with him a couple times a week in part to see if I could figure out when he got fuck flu. Each time I'd ask how many loads he'd gotten from the toxic Latino. Good news was that the Latino was fucking him pretty regularly as well. Needless to say I'd get totally boned knowing Mike was losing his protection against the Latino's dirty loads. I also pushed him to reduce his PrEP usage even further. Every time I went I'd ask for a pill (2 per week). The first time or two he said he'd given me one last time so I had to wait. Then a couple weeks later he said "You said 4 pills was full protection, right?" I said yes. He got quiet and then ran out for a pill. That made me so hard, I threw him on his belly and fucked him telling him he was a good bug chaser. I kept watching him for fuck flu symptoms but it never really came. There were two times in a row toward the end of the month when he said he felt run down, but Mike was a slut and wasn't letting that slow him down. I hoped that was him going through fuck flu, but wasn't sure. November 10th came and I brought my 7 remaining pills, plus the 7 he'd given me that were probably mostly placebo. I mixed those into the pills at the top of his bottle so he'd still not be getting the recommended dose for the next two or thee weeks, but unfortunately I knew he'd be back on full strength PrEP before the end of the month. A few days later I felt pretty run down as well. Given the timing – 2 weeks after taking Mike's load when he was "feeling run down" – I was hopeful I was now poz, but wasn't quite sure. Then my plan was over and my placebo pills were all gone. I didn't even know for sure if it had worked, but I hoped it had. After I felt run down I cut back the hookups with Mike to once a week and made him give me two pills each time I showed up. And I made sure every load I could blow went into a bottom who at least claimed to be neg. Actually, if the plan had worked and the strain didn't cause fuck flu that was sorta perfect for stealthing guys. They'd never be able to pinpoint a time when they got pozzed, so never figure out it was me who pozzed them. I gotta say it was SO hot breeding all those unsuspecting bottoms! Some were on PrEP, but who knows about the others? I always carried a doctored condom with me in case they insisted on me rubbering up I just wished I knew for sure if I was infecting them… New Year's Eve came and I spent it at Mike's place – there was a HUGE sex party down on the ground floor. The toxic Latino was there. I finally found out his name – Felix. At the stroke of midnight he blew his load in Mike's hole and then I followed with my (hopefully) poz load. At one point we were all so drunk. Mike's hole was dripping with cum and I said laughingly "You get tested tomorrow, right? Bet with all the alcohol in your system your liver function tests won't look so great". He laughed and said "Yeah, the New Year's Day tests are always bad – sometimes they have to repeat them…" I smiled and thought to myself - hopefully they won't be focusing on your liver tests this time… After New Year's some friends wanted to go to Puerto Vallarta to escape the cold weather so it was a couple weeks before I got back to see Mike. I made him promise to skip his PrEP even though I wasn't there to take his pills. He promised me he'd keep skipping the two days a week. I tried to talk him up to three days a week, but he said he didn't want to push it. But he admitted he's been thinking of stopping completely. That doing so much poz talk with me and Felix really makes him wanna be poz. But he just can't bring himself to go off PrEP and let it happen. It was hot hearing him say that. I knew if my plan hadn't worked that he'd probably just choose to get pozzed in the not-too-distant future. The trip to Puerto Vallarta was a blast. I fucked SO many guys! I gotta say being in a country with no PrEP and suspecting that you're high viral load poz is really incredibly intense. I made sure to ask all the bottoms whether they were neg and assured them that my last test was neg as well And somehow the condom always seemed to break when they insisted I use one (lol). I desperately wanted to know if I was poz, but knowing none of the bottoms were on PrEP and most still took my load willingly… Well, you can't beat that! I sorta expected Mike to text me after he saw his doctor to say he was poz, but I never got the text. That made me wonder if I'd managed to poz him after all. But when I got back and went to his place he pulled me into one of the private rooms, put his whole bottle of Truvada in my hand and said "I won't be needing the pills anymore… You know how you kept saying it'd be hot if I got pozzed and pozzed you in the process? Well, it looks like you got your wish. My test came back poz and on top of that I've managed to poz all the other guys in the house and probably tons of other guys, including you. So you're probably poz now too." I got an instant boner and just wanted to fuck, but stopped myself and asked "ALL the other guys in the house? Aren't they on PrEP?" He said "Yeah, but it looks like it's a Truvada-resistant strain." I was a little dumbfounded. I mean I'd meant for him to get pozzed and poz me, but never imagined it would go much much beyond that except maybe a few "total tops" who weren't on PrEP but let Mike "jack off" into their asses. "So are you telling all the guys you've fucked to get tested? I mean you've gotten your load into a lot of 'total tops' and they've probably fucked a lot of other guys…" He looked sheepish and said, "There's a warning sign on the door as you come in the house. We've decided that's all the warning they get. There's just too many guys to tell…" I thought some of the previous sessions with him had been intense, but that one was off the hook. This time we knew he was poz and giving me a toxic load. And we suspected the load I was giving him was toxic as well. You always hear how sex is hotter when you're poz – well, I totally experienced it swapping toxic loads with him! After we fucked I asked if it was Felix who infected him. "Doesn't look like it – we've checked and his strain isn't Truvada-resistant. His strain is similar, but different. Though I wonder if reducing the amount of PrEP is what did it? But since my strain is meds-resistant I must have just gotten fucked by the wrong top." I corrected him "…Or the right top…" He said "Yeah, I know. Now that I've had time to digest it, I'm not sure why I tried to stay neg… I love being poz… Whoever he was, he was the right top!" Before that point I had never really thought about a strain being Truvada-resistant or not. But what he said made me realize that me putting him being on really low doses of PrEP, and then him going back to full-strength PrEP when the placebo ran out is probably how Felix's strain became Truvada-resistant. But I didn't share my thoughts – I wasn't sure I wanted to tell him what I'd done. Then I asked if he was going on meds. "No, we've all sorta decided to stay off meds. I mean the horse has escaped, there's no point closing the barn door now… I gotta say though – it's cool watching some of the bottoms really get into being gift giving tops. We used to discourage bottoms from coming here, but now we're seeing how many we can get in to breed. It's only been a couple weeks, but damn, it's a lot of fun! Especially all those prissy Truvada whores who think they can fuck raw and get away with it… I used to be like that… Now we all just gangbang them and go home pozzed." I went home completely stunned. My plan to infect one guy plus myself looks like it's infected hundreds of guys. And if they keep it up and everyone that goes to that house winds up poz, and the tops and tourists go and spread it further, the numbers could get into the thousands pretty quickly. I'm just conflicted whether I should tell Mike what I did. He seems to be enjoying his new status, but it may not stay that way and given that this is gonna turn into a little mini epidemic, I don't know whether I want people to know it was me who started it…
  4. My name is Felix and I've been fucking this bug chaser named Mike for about a year now. He lives in this brownstone in Harlem which is just a big fuck house. They call it the Bareback Bunkhouse (a play on the whole #BBBH Twitter thing). Basically everyone in the house is a slut. You can go there pretty much any time of the day and find an ass to breed. I call him a bug chaser but he was on PrEP. Thing is he really got off taking my unmedicated poz loads. I didn't tell him I wasn't on meds at first. Then one day he asked and I fessed up. You shoulda seen his reaction – he was like a kid in a candy store. I think he woulda taken my load every day if I'd wanted to fuck the same hole that often. He'd literally BEG for me to poz him. I pumped like a load or two in him every week. He even made me promise to never jack off. If I needed to cum and couldn't find a bottom, I just went over and fucked him. And every time he'd beg me to poz him, and tell me how he wanted me to be his "Poz Papi". It was actually really hot. I love converting neg hole, and usually don't play with guys on PrEP 'cause they don't really get into the fact that I'm toxic, but Mike was different… But he did have one rule – we could only do poz talk when there weren't other guys around. This one time I did slip a little though. It was me and this other top fucking him and as I came I said "You want me to knock you up boy?" He replied "Sí Papi!" (he liked playing on the fact that I was Latino). So as blew my load in his ass I said something like "There you go boy, take that dirty load." I didn't think I stepped over the line, but the other top figured it out – his eyes lit up and he said "Are you toxic?" I sheepishly said, "Yeah." I could tell he was totally turned on by it and asked my viral load and I told him a month before it was something like 200,000. He had already blown a load in Mike's hole, but he got really hard and went back to fucking Mike telling him he was a dirty whore, a bug chaser, and he wanted to work my dirty load deeper into Mike's ass. After he blew his second load he pulled out and told me it was really hot fucking a hole that was lubed with high viral load cum. I asked the other top if he ever bottoms ('cause I converting tops). He said 'no' – that taking loads is hot in theory, but he really hates getting fucked. I asked if he were neg or poz. He said neg. I asked if he was on PrEP and he said he'd thought about it, even been in a PrEP related study years ago, but as a top he didn't really feel like he was at that much risk. (lol) I've pozzed some guys who weren't on PrEP, but never had any luck knocking up the "Truvada Whores". I always wished I could, but never was able to (trust me, I tried – repeatedly!) I suggested Mike go off PrEP 'cause I thought being poz sorta suited him, but he seemed to want to keep the whole poz thing as a fantasy – not actually get pozzed. But it seems he he managed to get pozzed anyway. Before we fucked a couple weeks ago he told me "Hey, you know how I always wanted you to poz me? Well, you might have managed to do it… I just found out I'm poz, and it looks like my strain is meds resistant 'cause I've pozzed all the guys in the house, and probably a bunch of other guys too… It's sorta intense when I think about it…" He continued… "You're the only high viral load guy I know that's been breeding me, do you mind if my doc takes some blood to see if I got it from you? I know you're not meds resistant, but they're curious how I got pozzed." I said "sure" and a week or so later heard that my strain was really similar to his except he was meds resistant for Truvada and I'm not. They're wondering if it was because he was on PrEP when he got pozzed. But how did my strain get through the meds and get its job done? My guess is that he's such a slut he just gave the PrEP more than it could handle. I gotta say it's been really hot fucking his hole since he told me about getting pozzed. As a poz newbie I'm sure his viral load was through the roof, and I love toxic fucks! And it's really hot knowing Mike pozzed all those guys without even realizing it. Gotta love vers guys… Poz one of them up and they can spread it like wildfire! I really do wonder if it's a variant of my strain coursing through all those guys… I kinda hope it is… [To be continued]
  5. NYC bathhouses suck (for the most part). Tonight and Tuesday I'd recommend the parties in LIC. CumUnion starts at 7 tonight, and Latin Leche is 7pm tomorrow. See @MilkNYC on Twitter for details.
  6. My name is Tyrone. I moved into the Bareback Bunkhouse a month ago on my 18th birthday and today the guy who runs the house, Nick, got us all together for a meeting while "the guests" were busy with a sex party downstairs. Mike, one of the guys who's been here a while, got up and told everyone that the doc had told him that he was poz and had a Truvada-resistant strain and since he'd fucked all of us (literally), they did tests and it looked like we were all poz. Actually, me and Tino came back "indeterminate" but in the doc's experience that usually comes back as poz in cases like this. My first reaction was FUCK!, I only just turned 18 and now I'm poz. Fuck, fuck fuck! I mean in the month I've been here I've take a lot of loads from my roommates, and they're all infected. There's no fuckin' way I'm gonna come out of this neg. It seems like stuff like this always happens to me. I won't go into all the details, but I had a lot of guys take advantage of me sexually starting when I was pretty young. I left home at 16 'cause I figured at I could make my own life. I knew I'd have to do sex work, but I wanted the sex to be on my terms and it wasn't like that at home. An outreach program for homeless kids found me on the streets and got me on PrEP a little over a year ago since pretty much none of the guys who were fucking me wanted to use condoms. I thought that would protect me. Then when I learned about Bareback Bunkhouse I figured finally I'd have a stable roof over my head and the sex really would be on my own terms. Nick doesn't allow guys to turn tricks in the house so he hooked me up with a barback job at a gay bar. The owner there wanted me to work in nothing more than a jockstrap and every now and then he fucks me, but hey, I don't actually mind sex with him and it gives me money to live at the house, so it's all good. But just when I thought things were looking up, now this… When Mike told everyone they were poz there was just silence. One guy said "…but we're on PrEP…". Mike just answered "guys, I take like 6,000 loads a year". Even if you just take half that – that's a lot of anonymous cum in your ass. PrEP isn't 100% effective – we pushed it and our luck ran out. Then there was more silence. We must have known our luck would run out eventually. I was a little pissed that it was only a month after moving in, but yeah, I couldn't see my luck holding for even a year and half like it had for Mike. I mean Mike was a whore, but I'm 18 and look 16 – everyone seems to want to cum in my ass. I probably take more loads than Mike. 6,000 loads? I'd never really done the math, but yeah, we're beyond even sluts and guys like us just wind up poz – PrEP or no PrEP. Finally Nick said, "So what do you guys want me to do? Should I shut down the house? What do you guys think is appropriate? I mean I'm a little numb about finding out I'm poz, so I really don't know what I should do." There was more silence and then I said, "This house is too important to me. For the first time in my life I have a home I actually like. I don't wanna give that up." I saw some of the other guys nodding their heads – I wasn't the only one who felt that way. Some of us really loved the house. A few guys were still clearly conflicted and mad at the world, mad at Mike, mad at Nick. There was more silence but I finally said "Look I'm not really sure I'm poz, but I do know I wanna stay here with all of you. I want a connection with you. I want your dicks in me. I want your loads. I know this is weird timing, but would you guys just all fuck me and dump a load in me? I feel numb right now and I just need to give up control. And honestly I'd rather know I'm poz than hold out hope for something that isn't gonna happen. So just fuck me and if I'm not poz I will be - at least I'll know for sure…" A few of the guys got huge grins on their faces and you could see their dicks jump to life. Luis looked right at me and said "Get over here and suck my poz cock, BUG CHASER". I did as I was told and as my mouth wrapped around his dick I felt someone rimming my ass. Then all the other guys got into it. One after the other they surrounded me and took turns fucking me and breeding me while the other guys egged them on to blow toxic loads in my 18 y.o. boy hole. Clearly being gift givers turned them on 'cause they all came really fast… Just a half hour later all 12 guys had dumped a toxic load in me. I looked around – they were all my poz daddies now and I finally felt like I had a home and some real connections to guys who felt like family to me. Yeah, it was a bit fucked up, but not any more than the rest of my life. When everyone was done, Nick brought up a potential problem… "What do we do about the Health Department? You guys know Mike – he's gotten his toxic load in all sorts of guys – both bottoms and tops, and they've gone out and fucked all sorts of other guys… The health department is gonna freak out and wanna try to shut us down." There was a brief pause and James, who works as a paralegal at a law firm, spoke up and said "Actually, I'm not sure they can. We can sue them if they reveal our HIV status, and since so many of us are poz, if they even identify the location of the house, that's revealing our HIV status. You know that sign on the door that says guys who enter have sex at their own risk, and that people they have sex with here may be HIV positive or have other STDs? Well, that's what's gonna save our ass. I say we just shut up and let that sign be fair warning to all the guys who come here to fuck around." There was some discussion but in the end we all agreed that seemed like the best way to move forward. Just tell no one. Admit nothing. But Nick reminded us – don't actually lie about our status. Just say nothing… Then Jamie brought up another thing – "So is everyone gonna go on meds?" Mike spoke up first "I don't know about you guys but it turns me on knowing I'm poz. I didn't intend to infect all of you, but it sorta makes me hard knowing I did. I don't know about you, but I don't wanna stop spreading my seed." Then Bryan said "Damn bro! I can't believe you just admitted to that, but yeah, it'd be totally hot to make this a house where guys come to get pozzed and swap toxic loads. Yeah, part of me would rather have stayed neg, but the other part of me would love to be a gift giving top." You could just see the thought going through everyone's mind. We were sorta changing the mission statement of the house from us getting as many loads as possible, to us pozzing as many guys as possible. I mean if Mike was Truvada-resistant we probably were to. Just think of all the neg holes we could knock up! I've always been a bottom, but just thinking about pozzing guys was turning me on. For the first time in my life I wanted to be vers At this point Mike stood up, with a big hard on and said "Let's get downstairs to the party! We've got asses to poz!" Down at the party the visiting guys quickly realized that my ass was completely cummy. I mean 12 loads is a lot of cum… The tops LOVED it. God knows how many more loads I got that night, but it was a lot… Little did they know their dicks were marinating in a highly toxic brew. I'm usually a bottom, but that night as the night when I started being vers. There was this "oral top" who loved playing with my dick. I've got a pretty big one and it looks even bigger 'cause I'm short and skinny. Anyway, the top clearly didn't want to get fucked, so I did what I've seen Mike do and I talked him into letting me just stick it in his hole as I came. He was so infatuated with me I think he might even let me fuck him next time. It was a total turn on pozzing him. I wonder if he's got a wife or boyfriend at home… I came three times that night and each time I got it in some neg guy's ass. Maybe being poz wasn't so bad after all… [To be continued…]
  7. This has been a slow year for me sexually compared to last year. Last year I got fucked by 374 guys and took 193 loads in my ass (I do unique dicks/day – it's too hard to remember who's fucked me in the past). This year I'll be lucky to hit 100 loads. I'm only at 144 dicks and 72 loads so far. Last year at this time I had taken 160 loads. So I gotta get 3-4 loads per week for the rest of the year to hit 100 for the year. And then next year I need to do better and get back up to where I was last year.
  8. [If you read a different first part to the story, sorry about that, as I was writing it I wanted to change how things played out so I had the moderators change the first chapter. Now onto the 2nd chapter…] Hey… My name is Mike and I just heard some news and not quite sure what to think about it. I live in this fuck house where I fuck and get fucked A LOT, and the guy who owns/runs the house just told me I tested poz and it looks like I've infected everyone else in the house (including him). Those are just the ones he knows about for sure – there've been tons of other guys who've stopped by the house that I've fucked, and then there's all the guys my housemates and the other guys have fucked… It's a bit of a huge mess! Thing is, I'm sorta ambivalent. Part of me has always wanted to be poz, but deep down I'm pretty responsible so I went on PrEP to stay neg. But not only did I manage to get pozzed, but it seems I've pozzed all the guys I live with (there are 12 of us in the house – two had "indeterminate" results, but I probably pozzed them as well). I guess if it's gonna happen it's gonna happen to someone like me. I mean I've been living here for a year and a half and my goal is to get 10 loads a day, and give 2, and I almost never have a problem meeting my goal. Weekends I get more like 20 loads a day and give 3-4. That's like 120 loads a week in my ass. There are some weeks where I can't fuck 'cause I'm clearing up an STD, but still I've probably taken around 9,000 loads (!) since moving in here – and given close to 2,000. I guess that's bound to catch up to you, right? Still, I'm only 21 and I'm poz and toxic… But honestly, I'm also sorta turned on… There's this one top (Felix) who fucks me a couple times a week. I knew he was poz, but thought he was on meds, but then he confided in me that he wasn't taking meds and had a high viral load. That made me want his loads even more. He'd been fucking me for months at that point and I'd gone through at least one round of HIV testing and still tested neg, so I figured the PrEP was working, and saying 'no' to him felt like closing the barn door after the cows had left – if he was gonna infect me, it would have happened already, right? So every time he'd come over I'd use one of the little rooms where we're allowed to do private 1-on-1s and beg him to knock me up and poz me (I didn't want the other guys in the house to hear me begging to be pozzed). I mean he was pretty hot and I was totally into him, and part of me really wanted to be poz. I thought he'd make the perfect "poz papi". But he's been fucking me for almost a year now. Why am I just now testing poz? Nick, the guy who runs the house, and his doctor sat me down and told me that, on top of being poz, my strain is Truvada-resistant – which is how I managed to poz everyone else in the house. But if Felix had been meds-resistant wouldn't he have infected me sooner? So now we gotta go tell the guys that I pozzed them. I'm not sure if I'm gonna get beaten up or if it's gonna turn into some huge poz orgy… Wish me luck! [To be continued…]
  9. My name is Nick and I own what a lot of people call the Bareback Bunkhouse (or BBBH for short – like the Twitter tag for barebacking). I purchased a somewhat rundown brownstone in Harlem a few years ago when the market had crashed after "The Great Recession". It's a big ark of a place – 5 floors, 25 feet wide. This West Indian family owned it before me. They owned it for something like 60 years – generations of their family passed through the place. But they kept it in fairly good condition. I had always dreamed of having a fuck house that was filled with cumdump bottoms where tops could just stop by and breed hole 24/7/365. I mean I love sex and just want to be surrounded by it constantly – and that's what I've created with this place. I can find ass when ever I wanna top, and usually find dick whenever I feel like getting fucked – all without leaving my house. Needless to say the health authorities hate me because it's a private home, which means they can't regulate it. It's legally a two family building. I leave the ground floor apartment unrented and just use it for sex parties – which happen 4 or 5 times a week. They're free, but invite-only. You have to fuck a few of my cumdumps 1-on-1 to get an invite – or better yet, just fuck me Upstairs there are 4 floors and it's operated a bit like a flophouse. The parlor floor has the common space – living room, dining room and kitchen. Then there are three floors of bedrooms above that – each with a bathroom, two big bedrooms and a tiny bedroom room that was originally intended for nanny's (when rich white people lived in Harlem). I kept half of the top floor for myself – a big bedroom and a bathroom. That leaves 5 big bedrooms and three little ones for the cumdumps. I manage to skirt the rent law because all the guys who live here are my "roommates", not tenants. That means if I want them out I can give them 2 week notice and they're gone. Usually it goes pretty smoothly. My "roommates" don't get their own private space. To live in the house you have to basically dedicate your life to getting fucked. You get a lockable closet where you can store your stuff, and otherwise the boys are expected to be naked and ready to get fucked most hours of the day. They sleep wherever they can find an empty bed. Only the top floor bedrooms are quiet zones that are off-limits to visitors. If they boys can't find an empty bed on the top floor, then they'll probably be woken up by fucking in the next bed or (better yet) a hard cock sliding into their hole by some random top who wandered into the house. It's a fantasy for a lot of guys, but most of the guys burn out after a few months, but a few find that it suits them – that deep down they really are just cumdumps. I try to keep about 10 to 15 cumdumps in the house at any given time. Most will be full time "roommates" but I also get a pretty steady flow of tourists who come for a few days or a week of getting fucked. It also means that there literally is a cumdump available to take a load any time of the day (usually more than one is available). And that's why the City hates me – I'm essentially a free brothel. Even straight guys come here since a quickie pump-n-dump at my place is way easier than finding pussy. But instead of the tops paying, the bottoms pay. But since they're just paying rent, it's not illegal. But I do try to not raise too many alarm bells with the City. I usually go for neg guys on PrEP since a lot of the straight tops don't understand that poz undetectable guys aren't really all that dangerous to fuck. And I have a private doctor who comes in for regular testing and to do the 3 month PrEP check-ups (I include doctor visits the boys' rent – though the doctor does bill their insurance). We test all the guys at once, and it's worked really well, until the last round of tests… We did routine tests a couple weeks ago and one of the boys, Mike, turned up poz. He's a nasty-minded little fucker who's one of the ones who's really well suited for living life as a cumdump. He's been living here for a year and a half and he's one of my favorite bottoms to fuck, and his dick feels incredible in my ass. And OMG! He shoots the biggest loads you can imagine. I mean he literally floods guys' asses. But he's not just a slut – he's also really responsible, which is surprising given that he's young – I've just never had any problem with him. Thing is, we haven't actually told Mike he's poz – I wanted more information before breaking the news. But I did ask if he's been taking his PrEP every day. He says yes, and I believe him. You see the issue is that Mike is vers. He'll fuck just about anything that moves and loves giving loads as much as taking them. He fucks and breeds every guy in the house pretty regularly, and a lot of the "visitors" as well. His favorite thing is to talk tops into taking his load in their ass – even if it means he just jacks off and sticks the head of his dick in their hole as he's cumming. He's so cute and adorable it's amazing how many "total tops" he can get to take his load – they're all in love with him and think it's "safe" since he's on PrEP. I'm worried that Mike could have infected a lot of guys, so I wanted to understand how bad the problem was before telling anyone. Hell, I wanted to know if he'd infected me. I had the doc test the other boys (and me) with a more sensitive HIV test, and look more closely at Mike's strain to see if it's meds resistant or not. The news just came back and it's bad. Me and 9 other guys are poz. Two are 'indeterminate', and as you might expect after hearing those numbers, Mike's strain is Truvada-resistant. It's sorta a worst case scenario. I'm really sorta confused – how did this happen with all the guys on PrEP, and why didn't we catch it sooner? I mean I have the guys tested monthly for STDs and every three months for HIV. How did it spread so quickly? I mean I should be in shock about finding out I'm poz – I thought I was pretty safe on PrEP, but the problem is bigger than just me – literally everyone in the house is high viral load poz right now (except maybe the two "indeterminate" guys, but I'm not hopeful with them). And besides the 12 guys here in the house, there are all the tops Mike has fucked and the bottoms those guys have fucked. So now I'm worried about what the City will do. You know they'll find out. Should I shut the house down? Should I just ignore the problem? I'm not really sure. But clearly I need to talk things over with the guys… [To be continued…]
  10. I went to Pig Week last year. I had been on PrEP for a while but part of me really wanted to get pozzed. I was sorta playing games with taking my PrEP – only taking it on days I went to the gym or took loads. My doctor wasn't happy about it, but I told him I took at least 4 a week, which is what they say gives you protection. Well, the week before Pig Week was busy and with Thanksgiving and getting stuff done, and I arrived in Ft. Lauderdale having only taken three the week before and none the last two days. Pig Week was scheduled to start on Saturday, but I got there the day before. I wanted to get things started off right with a gangbang in my motel. I billed it as a conversion party and told all the tops to pretend they were toxic, even if they weren't. I figured since I was on PrEP nothing would actually happen. Then again I hadn't taken my pills the last couple days, but that risk sorta turned me on. The gangbang went well. I had over a dozen guys show up I think. Since I was blindfolded I wasn't quite sure. I counted 15 times guys blew their load in my ass, but I'm pretty sure some of those were repeats. Their poz talk got pretty aggressive with the guys standing around egging whoever was fucking me to poz me. They kept going on about how toxic the loads were and that this was the night I was gonna become poz. I loved it and kept begging for their dirty loads telling them to knock me up and poz my hole. After the gangbang I was hungry for more, so I headed to Clubhouse II to take more loads. Stayed there about 3 hours and got 8 more loads. But even after 23 loads, I was hungry for more, so I headed to Slammer where guys loved my cummy hole and dumped 5 more loads in. It was the best night of my life, sexually, and I headed back to the motel on a high. I always take my PrEP before going to bed, so when I got back to the motel I grabbed the bottle and something seemed wrong. It was too light. I opened it and there were no pills inside. Just a note saying "Stop playing games. You clearly want to be poz, so just let it happen." I was a bit numb. There I was with 28 loads of cum in my ass, some of which was probably toxic, and I didn't have any PrEP, and hadn't taken any in a few days. There was nothing I could really do. I'd already paid in advance for most of the vacation. It's not like you can just go into the pharmacy and ask for more Truvada – even if I could get them to fill the script, it's really expensive (it's not like insurance was gonna pay twice for the same meds). But the note was right. I did wanna be poz. So as it all sank in I realized this was the week I was gonna become poz, so I might as well make the most of it. I went to bed pretty conflicted, but also sorta excited. I mean what better week to bug chase than Pig Week? That next week I went to every sex party I could. Basically I was a slut and spent every waking hour hunting for and taking dick and loads. I spent HOURS at the bathhouses. I think I took over 200 loads. I mean I literally let anyone and every one fuck me. A lot of the sex parties were filmed and I made a point of getting my face in as many shots as possible. If I was gonna do this, I was gonna do it right and become a public cumdump. I couldn't exactly say "poz me" in a porn video, so I'd say stuff like "Give me that dirty load", and "Knock me up Daddy!", and "Make me yours…" Some of the tops didn't get what I was trying to say, but a few clearly did. It seemed to really motivate them to dump their load in my ass. I think guys were talking behind my back as well, but I wasn't sure what exactly was being said of me. But I'd have these random guys show up at my door saying "I hear you're taking all loads – I wanna breed you" and then not take no for an answer. The last night this car pulled up as I was getting back to my motel. A hot daddy rolled down the window and said "get in, slut"… I recognized him from a couple of the parties. He'd dumped a few loads in me. I was wiped by this point, but didn't ask questions. I just got in. 15 minutes later we were at someone's house. There were a bunch of cars parked around it. We went in and in one room there was a bed and about a half dozen guys. I recognized all of them from the parties I'd been to, bathhouses, and even 1-on-1s at my room. Then one of the guys told me that one of the tops who was there had been at "my so-called conversion party" and noticed the Truvada in the bathroom and realized I was faking it. They were really glad I made the most of it and been a proper bug chaser the past 10 days. But since the PrEP was now probably out of my system, it was time to have real conversion party – the one I should have had at the beginning of the week. The guy also said that all the tops there had viral loads over 10,000, one had a viral load over a million. One of the tops even had a Truvada resistant strain – so even if I'd found a way to get more PrEP they would have made sure I wound up poz (they really don't like guys who do fake conversion parties). I knew it was actually more like 12 days I'd been off Truvada, and hadn't taken it every day before that. I doubt I had much of any protection – and here I was about to knowingly take toxic loads from a half dozen guys. This was my time to get pozzed… (If it hadn't happened already.) I got on the bed as instructed, on my belly, and each of the guys fucked me one after the other. About half the guys gave me a second load. There was a fair amount of poz talk, but it just didn't seem quite as necessary when you know it's the real thing. And the best part was they got it all on video. When it was over I laid there with 9 or 10 highly toxic loads marinating in my ass. A few of the guys stayed around. One told me they weren't done with me yet. They tied me to the bed face down so I couldn't roll over. "We don't want any of the loads coming out" was the explanation. Then another guy came into the room and pulled out a tattoo gun and proceeded to give me a biohazard tramp stamp. When he was done the host said "Now everyone will know you're a poz slut every time you bend over and you're shirt pulls up a bit. Every time you go to the beach, or change your clothes at the gym. You're a marked man now." I tried to sleep that night, but too many emotions were going through my head, and I couldn't really get comfortable since I was tied to the bed. Plus, every hour or two someone would come in and dump another load in me. So even if I was sleeping, I'd get woken up. But by that time they were actually a bit tender with me, calling me their "poz brother". Late the next morning they let me go with a warning – "Stay off meds for at least two years. We stole your PrEP, we'll find a way to steal your HIV meds if you go on them. Make us proud and pass on the strains we gave you! If you don't, we'll release the video of you begging to get pozzed." About a week and a half later I came down with the fuck flu. Pig Week had indeed made me into a proper pig! And there's videos of it all! If only guys knew that I was getting pozzed in those videos they're watching online… And the best part is I found out my strain is resistant to PrEP, so I can knock up Truvada Whores who think they're protected Gotta say, being poz is fun! I'm glad that guy stole my PrEP and made me embrace my destiny…
  11. Got fucked by 24 guys last night at CumUnion, but only got 5 loads. Still, a lot of fun. 

    1. PissPigBrooklyn


      5 loads out of 25 raw cocks is still pretty damn good, Jake. Congratulations! I bet your ass thanks you.

    2. Read1


      Congrats, Jake! I was at another CumUnion but in Toronto. Same -- lots of sucking and fucking happening!

    3. gaynudist61


      I'd like to get fucked by 25 guys in one day

  12. I've been on PrEP for something like 3 1/2 years. And I gotta say I sorta miss the risk. Anyone else feel the same way? I finally got to the point where I got frustrated because I wasn't making the gym a priority and wasn't happy with progress on my body, so I decided I'd rather be poz than out-of-shape, so I'm only taking PrEP on days when I go to the gym and/or days I fuck or get fucked raw. I'm trying to get to the gym 4x/week – which is the number of doses of PrEP that researchers say gives you full protection. So when I'm having sex I'm taking it 5-6x/week. But at the same time I'm ambivalent. Yesterday I had had a good day of work, was exhausted, and didn't go to the gym, yet I let myself take PrEP because I've been good about the gym lately (my muscles are still sore/recovering), and I'll probably go to CumUnion tonight where I'll be taking 10-15 cocks up my ass. So I'm pretty ambivalent. Part of me wants the risk – even wants to be poz. But the other part of me is making sure I take enough meds to stay neg. (But at least I'm using that energy to push myself to go to the gym and get fit. Better body, better sex, right?) Anyone else on PrEP ambivalent about PrEP?
  13. Go to your Twitter page. Click on your avatar, and then copy the URL of the large version. Then go to your profile here and click the edit button on your BZ avatar and it will give you the option to pull from a URL. Use the Twitter URL and now it's here. Oddly the same thing doesn't work for the profile banners. You have to save to disk and then upload.
  14. I need cum this weekend! Thinking of going to Friday CumUnion…

  15. I'll be in Montréal Aug 3-7 and can take loads pretty easily three of those days - the 4th thru the 6th. Will be out taking loads those nights (probably at GI Joe). Hit me up if you wanna breed me. Verbal poz tops are a big plus.
  16. Just wondering what the best parties are during Montreal Pride for sex… For example, Saturday night there's Black Knight at Théâtre Plaza (leather/fetish party), and Action at CODE, and a bear party at STUD. Presumably there's action at Action, but the dress code for Black Knight specifically mentions jockstraps and jockstraps usually lead to fucking. http://www.fiertemontrealpride.com/en/pride/schedule/ So what parties do you think will be best to get fucked and take loads? (And yes, the bathhouses are best, but this for the other times…) And which bathhouse do people like best these days? GI Joe or Oasis? I've heard GI Joe isn't as good as it was a few years ago and Oasis isn't as twinky as it was.
  17. How does it work if you want to have your own guests in for a fuck? Do they have to pay the daily charge?
  18. I'm thinking of going to Ft. Lauderdale for a week just after Thanksgiving. What's the current thinking on the best place to stay (for a cumdump bottom)? I see Windamar has been recommended highly in this thread, but the time I'm going is not one of the times with a CumUnion Party. Does anyone know how many rooms are at Windamar? Any recommendations on which rooms are the best for casual sex? Ground floor by the pool for walk-bys? Inn Leather looks good, but at just 12 rooms, how busy is it? Is it more of a daytime thing and then at night people go out to sex clubs and bathhouses? I've also seen The Worthington mentioned and it has 60+ rooms. Does more rooms = more chances for sex? I just want to go and pig out. What do people recommend?
  19. Three more loads last night @ CumUnion put me up to 109 for the year. If I keep it up I'll hit 300 this year. Really want it to be 365, but don't know if that's doable. The last month has been better than average - 41 total. And next weekend should be fun - sex parties three days in a row!
  20. Since going on PrEP I've taken 204 loads up my ass so far. Most of those loads there's zero discussion of status. The test 2 weeks ago was still neg. And I don't always take it every day. I taper down a bit when I'm not having sex, but try to take it at least every other day (4 days/week). So yeah, my personal experience is that it works well. I'm pretty sure after 200+ loads I'd be poz by now without it.
  21. I've been on PrEP about 2 years now and last night I just crossed the 200 loads mark since going on PrEP (in my ass - I don't count oral loads). 102 of those loads were just this year, so things are picking up. At the rate I'm going I'll get another 200 before the year is out. I'm pretty confident I'd be poz by now if it weren't for PrEP, but just last week I tested neg at my 3 month checkup, so PrEP really does work. I still fantasize about being pozzed, but life is just easier when you're neg. And (clearly) it's not stopping me from being a big 'ol cumdump slut!
  22. I'm jealous of RideMeHard! So far I've "only" gotten… 177 fucks 96 loads (that I know of) I'm up a lot from last year, but hungry for more.
  23. The sex I have tends to come in waves. I'll be a complete slut one week and not do much of anything the next. On the off weeks I go down to 4 pills/week starting 2-3 days after I last had sex.
  24. Yeah, I take any load. And that's been picking up over time. Been on PrEP for two years now and over that time I've been fucked over 260 times and have taken 185 loads. But a more than half of that cock (160+ fucks) and nearly half the loads (87) have been in the 5 months so far this year. So over time I'm really stepping it up and being more and more of a cumdump bottom. I go in for my 3 month check-up on Friday and totally expect to test neg again, but I am catching other STDs pretty frequently - to the point that I'm gonna ask my doc to put me on daily doxy - as PrEP against most of the other common STDs (gonno, chlamydia, syph). If he puts me on doxy I'll be able to take any cock and any load without the hassle of catching bugs (or the embarrassment of passing them on).
  25. Here are my thoughts on a few of the parties lately… Venue Name: Cade's Parties @ Paddles (CumUnion, Milk Chocolate, ManMeat, etc) How many times have you gone? Many times, especially lately Location: Paddles Rough percent of guys barebacking: I'd say 85-90% bareback when they fuck, but lately there have been a lot of voyeurs, oral guys, picky guys and guys who just don't want to fuck. How easy is it for bottoms to get loads? Quite difficult lately. A year ago I could get 4-5 loads per party pretty consistently. Now I'm lucky if I get 1 or 2. It's not hard to get dick - I can get 10+ guys a night fucking me pretty easy. It's loads that are hard to get - even though I'm in better shape (more muscular) than I was a year ago when was getting more. How easy is it for tops to fuck bareback? Very easy. A few tops want to rubber up, but bottoms pretty much never ask for condoms. How many guys go? On a good night there's over 100, but on slower nights there are fewer. How exclusive is the crowd? Most of his parties are open door. Others he just wants guys to be generally in-shape. The open door parties are often nude only - so if you're not in-shape you need to be confident about your body. Best times to go: The Friday night CumUnion is usually the busiest party of the month. Otherwise, look for special weekends like Black Party and Gay Pride. That said, it's really rare that his parties don't have enough guys for critical mass. Early in the party or late in the party it can get sparse, but in the middle hours it's usually pretty good. Other Details: There are no beds there. So if you like to lay down to fuck it's not the place for you. IMHO that's the one big problem with Paddles. Venue Name: Cade's Parties In Queens (Latin Leche, ManMeat, etc) How many times have you gone? A few times Location: Omega Room / Rainbow Center - Northern Blvd & 36th Street Rough percent of guys barebacking: Probably 3/4 go raw when the fuck, but there's a lot of oral only guys at this location. I've also seen guys fuck one guy raw and then tell me they want to use a condom. How easy is it for bottoms to get loads? Quite difficult. There are a lot of bottoms. You have to really work the crowd. And some nights there aren't many guys so it's almost impossible to get loads. How easy is it for tops to fuck bareback? Not too difficult. There are always a few bottoms who want to get fucked raw. And on good nights there's no problem finding guys to take it bb. How many guys go? Anywhere from 35 to nearly 100 depending on the night. It can feel pretty empty and dead when there aren't enough guys and unfortunately that happens a bit too frequently. How exclusive is the crowd? Anyone can go. Best times to go: He always does Tuesday night and then there are other less consistent times as well. It's really hit or miss. When it's combined with another party (like the regular weekend evenings) you get more guys and more action, but those crowds can be even less into bareback than Cade's. Other Details:
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