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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. The irony of this is that during the Black Plague one of the least affected populations was the Jews - because they maintained their regular behaviors, which included washing themselves regularly, long before there was any such thing as germ theory.
  2. If you don’t get much response to your inquiry about Dream Walking, you might consider asking about those with experience in hypnosis. While not quite the same thing as Dream Walking, techniques that place the subject in a very deep trance state can produce experiences with some similarities to those sought in Dream Walking. I have been deeply tranced in the past by two different Dominant hypnotists, and was surprised at their ability to control my mental landscape and translate that to actual physical sensation. Approach any such arrangement with caution, however, because there are some unethical practitioners out there who will abuse their control.
  3. A feeling of warmth is likely only going to be detectable if there is a significant difference in body temperature between the Top and the bottom. Normal human temperature averages to 98.6°F, but can range normally from 97.7° to 99.5°, or a difference of 1.8°F. The cooler the one guy is and the hotter the other (thermally speaking) the more likely it is that the difference would become noticeable to a bottom. In most cases, however, the cum is going to have a temperature very close to that of the place it lands. As to why a bottom wants you to cum inside him - this forum is overflowing with statements from bottoms explaining the many and varied reasons that taking the load inside them matters immensely. I think you’ll find your question answered as you read through the topics. In fact, I’d say you won’t be able to avoid the subject.
  4. No, it’s going to be a while. The virus is here to stay - it’s just a question of how long is actually required to build a “herd immunity” that infuses the preponderance of the population without killing them. That isn’t going to happen before the 12 to 18 months projected for a vaccine (if that ambitious goal is even possible). I can imagine, in the meantime, a temptation among those who have already been infected and survived to hook up with one another on the premise that they can’t reinfect one another - much as many poz men are not as concerned about someone else’s status. But this overlooks the fact that virus can still be transferred from person to person, and then get taken home to people who haven’t been previously exposed. I survived getting H1N1 in 2009, and survived getting AIDS in 2014. This shit has to be taken seriously, and we have to be ready to be in it for the long haul. A vaccine will come, and we will beat this, but let’s not be under any illusions about a speedy end to the ordeal. (No matter what some imbecile in a non-square office may say.)
  5. If you enter into it, you must do so under the assumption that you will be found out, and prepare for the consequences. I don’t mean ‘have an alibi ready’, I mean, consider what you will do if you have to face up to it. Assume a worst-case scenario in which everyone who knows you sees a photo of you with another man’s cock in your mouth and you’re smiling. How will you react to family, neighbors, friends, boss, colleagues? How will they react to you? Some may feel shame, some may feel disgust, some may feel confusion or betrayal, some may feel anger, thinking that you’ve deceived them in everything they thought they knew about you. Weigh their potential reactions against what you stand to gain from becoming a clandestine cumdump. Having a “secret life” - especially one of which mainstream does not approve - is to live a risky lie, and falsehoods have a nasty habit of unraveling. I’m a solitary, private person, I’m retired, I live alone, and my family doesn’t talk about sex, so I’m in a relatively comfortable position to cumdump. A person with a job, with friends and roommates and coworkers and (shudder) siblings who like to talk about sex - that person is going to be found out quicker than you can say “oh fuck”. Plus, there’s the stress and worry and looking over your shoulder all the time and constantly looking in mirrors to make sure you don’t have cum on your face. One possibility is to be straight up with certain select people you can trust to cover for you, but that sharpens a double-edged sword... if one turns, you’ve suddenly got a well-armed blackmailer. All of which is to say, if you’re looking for a foolproof way to have your cake and eat it too... there probably isn’t one. Be realistic.
  6. It would never occur to me to prevent a Top from bringing his fuck to a satisfying release inside me. Note that I say his fuck, because that’s what it is, a sacred thing that I am privileged he has selected me to receive. To say that my duty is to let him finish is an absurd concept - my duty is to accept his fuck. The idea of controlling the outcome doesn’t even register with me. Edited to add: I am a very rational person. Looking back over this post, I am startled to realize how truly and absolutely I believe this.
  7. @DudeLiquor - Dammit, man! That photo! Are you trying to make restraint more difficult? In olden days people would call temptation of that magnitude The Work Of The Devil and you would have been impaled on a spike. Dammit! See what you’ve done? Now my own innocent mind has been corrupted by thoughts of that spike impaling... Dear God, the days are long.
  8. It’s really dependent on the girth of the cock in my hole, and whether the Top holds still while he shoots or keeps thrusting. With a medium to large girth cock I definitely notice the throbbing as he ejaculates, but only under certain circumstances will I feel the swell and pulse of his urethra as it delivers shots of cum. The last time I hosted, I had an especially good experience of that, and very clearly felt his cock delivering its liquid load, pulse after pulse after pulse. He was clutching my hips, buried balls-deep and moaning like his orgasm had gotten out of hand and was beyond his control. I wish he’d been a multi-cummer...
  9. @Bttm2go - So it sounds like you’re essentially saying, No, a Top doesn’t have a right to use your ass, because any use of it is dependent upon multiple factors, and even when the Top is a Dom Top you don’t automatically submit to use. The trend that I’m reading out of this thread in answer to the original question seems to be that while there is no widespread consensus that Tops have a natural, given, automatic right to use bottom ass at will, some individual bottoms (such as myself) absolutely recognize such a right as a personal reality, and the and live accordingly. I think this is probably the best way to look at the question; it’s just a pity there’s no way for Tops to know which of us they have automatic rights to (i.e., consent can be instantly assumed) and which they don’t. If anyone comes up with such a system, I’d love to know about it...
  10. Hyperbole much? This question and poll are designed in such a way that - especially here on a barebacking site - respondents will be prompted to agree that barebacking is addictive. Nope. It’s not. A few have attempted to qualify their replies bu saying “not in the medical sense of the word”, but in the case of addictive, the medical sense carries too much weight into the question because it begins to be conflated with sex addiction, as we see. Intensely pleasurable, yes. Highly preferred, yes. A commitment almost to the level of a religious faith, perhaps (it depends on how much one loves fucking). But just because someone makes a lifestyle choice doesn’t mean he’s addicted.
  11. I realize these may be somewhat out of context, but you were a little vague about what you use your spunk for in addition to putting it up your ass... 🤔
  12. I have a standing rule for myself that each time the youngest possible person within my range flakes or ghosts on me, or otherwise demonstrates a lack of maturity, I disqualify his age from those I knowingly agree to service. So far, the bar has gradually notched up to 26, and has stayed there for a while. That is not to say, of course, that I never get fucked by anyone younger - I take anon loads and turn no one away when I do it, so without a doubt I get fucked by young men below my threshold. If they contact me first on the apps, I try to discourage anyone under 26, but I know for a fact it doesn’t always deter them. And honestly I would rather they came and used me than take a risk somewhere else, because my goal is to provide a safe, welcoming place for men to have a sexual experience, relax, and perhaps even learn. In spite of my rule, there are two special young men whom I give my body to because they initially came to me with a request to learn. One is a 21(now 23)-year-old who wanted to learn how to Top because he had difficulty psychologically staying hard enough. He’s made excellent progress, but still has some work to do to take down his barrier. His erect cock is a piece of art. The other young man, now 24, came to me brimming with curiosity about what it would be like if he could actually play out his sexual desires with another man. As so few of us are ever fortunate enough to get to do this, I have allowed him free use of my body for his experimenting. He has taken full advantage of the opportunity, and has grown both in knowledge and confidence. I don’t know that I like the notion that I might be acting as a sexual ‘teacher’, leading young men down a darker path, but if they’re headed that direction anyway, I don’t mind being a lamp-post.
  13. I have never, ever stopped a Top before he finished, and I have endured some hellacious fuckings. The worst, though, is never the cock or the fuck itself, but rather if one of two things happens: Either the Top uses a silicone based lube, which makes me feel like my hole is on fire, or he’s one of those exceedingly rare men with whom I’m allergic to their semen. (Yes, I’ve encountered that at least twice.) I still grit my teeth and take it, but it’s not a good scene. The very best fucks for me are the ones so forceful, so brutal, and so sustained that they exhaust all my resistance and I end up lying there helpless while the Top fucks my body like a sack of meat and explores just how deep inside he can go now that there’s no fight left in me. I fucking live for that. If I could find a Man willing to use me like that regularly, I would never disappoint him.
  14. Yes. This is pretty common, especially if the space is tight down there or the penetrating cock/object is big. It’s putting direct pressure on your prostate gland, literally squeezing out the contents, which then flow naturally out. The object doesn’t even have to be large, just targeted. My former Master had a habit of inserting two strong fingers into me, placing them at exactly the right spot, and flattening my prostate. He milked me like a cow every time. Using a large dildo, I can sometimes lean back just the right way, and it pours out into a pool. There are also prostate stimulators on the market that are supposed to directly target your p-spot, but in my experience they’re kind of hit-or-miss because everyone’s anatomy is a little different. If you find one that fits you perfectly, it can be Nirvana, but YMMV. Doing pelvic floor exercises is likely to increase this phenomenon rather than enable you to control it - by toning up your muscles down there, you’ll keep your prostate stabilized in place and more apt to be squeezed under pressure. But there’s nothing wrong with that. It just shows you’re juicy, and if you’re creative, it’s a source of extra lube. 🙂
  15. The CDC has determined that an HIV+ person with a durably Undetectable viral load and consistently compliant with ART treatment cannot infect anyone else with HIV. Even if an HIV+ person does have a transmissible viral load, the chances of becoming infected from a single encounter are actually quite low. None of this is true with Covid-19. Infected persons appear to be infectious to others early in their infection before any sign of symptoms, the virus appears to be relatively aggressively infectious, and you don’t even have to touch another person to pass it on - you can pick it up off a surface they touched up to three days prior, and you can get it if they carelessly cough or sneeze within three feet of you. And that’s just what little science has figured out so far. They’re mostly desperately relying on educated guesswork to get by at the moment. The issue with HIV is not underlying conditions. HIV creates the condition - the destruction of your immune system - that then allows opportunistic pathogens you could normally resist to attack you with deadly force. With Covid-19, persons with competent immune systems and robust respiratory systems appear able to resist the virus with only mild to moderate effects no worse than a cold or mild flu. But persons who already have weakened defenses, and especially those susceptible to respiratory distress, are less equipped to stave off this virus, with deadly results. With HIV, we can say ‘no longer a death sentence’ because science has produced medicines to hold the HIV virus at bay. With this coronavirus, there is no medicine to hold it at bay, and there may not be any for months. That’s why this scare. Because people are dying and at this moment we can’t stop it. Comparisons to HIV are no longer relevant.
  16. I’m genuinely curious - When you say you have no respect for the men you use as faggots and cumdumps, do you feel the same way about such a man in every context? For instance, if a man started a successful company with many employees, or was a physician known for his ability, but his private sexual life included him serving as a cumdump for men such as yourself, would you still think of him in subhuman terms in every aspect, or only in his sexual role? Or would the knowledge of his other facets make use of him undesirable for you? I am always trying to better understand the way Tops think, so as to better serve them, but some aspects of the psychology are still opaque to me. While some tops have described me much as you do as they use me, I am never certain whether their words and actions express their actual thoughts, or whether it’s simply a kind of humiliation play. To be honest, I think I would get a greater sense of satisfaction knowing that I am being used by a Man who truly considers me a worthless fuckhole rather than a guy who’s playacting.
  17. Unless you’re talking about the sort of plainly over-the-top, posturing capital ‘A’ Alphas one sometimes encounters, I’m not sure that’s always the case. Some of my very favorite Men that I service are capital ‘M’ Men who are very comfortable, confident, and mature in their masculinity, just as they are in their embrace of their sexual nature. They appreciate and indulge themselves in the pleasures of fucking other men, and their aggression in pursuit and enjoyment of it has to do with appetite rather than any kind of compensation. Some of them may, through their own reasoning or experience, have come to the conclusion that some other men are ‘beta’ types (or lower), that their superiority over such lesser men is a part of the natural order, and that they therefore have a natural right to dominate, control, and use those lesser men. An argument in favor of this might draw from biology and natural history, but in any case the community of bottoms has done little to contest the notion. Such genuine Alphas, I find, are uncommon, but very much worth cultivating.
  18. I know exactly what you mean. I’m not humiliating if a random Top calls me a cunt while he’s fucking me, but there’s a certain kind of Top that knows how to start with you on an equal mental basis, and then gradually lower you and debase you until he is so far above you that his sexual dominance becomes a given. The humiliating thing isn’t that you end up as a willing cockslut for him - it’s that you know what he’s doing while he’s doing it, and there’s not one thing you can do about it. As to race, race doesn’t stimulate me at all, but if someone were to make a point of it, it could be a serious turn-off. Although I turn no one away, it wouldn’t take too awfully much to persuade me to deny hole to a white supremacist. (He’d probably take it anyway, but at least I’d make a point...)
  19. To be honest, I’ve never understood men who only want a mouth when they can have ass. To me, mouths are full of hard, rigid, inflexible areas and tend to be relatively colder. It’s especially frustrating when a Top with an oversized cock wants to fuck my undersized mouth, then slaps me and says, “No teeth, faggot.” Obviously, I try to take the load by ass every time, and I make it clear to men when I host that I’m offering ass rather than head. But sometimes I’ll get a Top who I guess figures that a slut is good for any use (true) and the slut’s preferences need not be accommodated (also true) and comes in planning to seed either my mouth or my face. Whatever. I’m a receptacle. If he shoots in my mouth, I swallow it all, regardless of how it tastes, because it would be inexcusable to spit it out. I have to say, though, that I have never had a Top shoot down my throat and bypass my tongue - maybe because I just can’t get my jaw open wide enough. Besides the wastefulness of them, I dislike facials for one very particular reason - their aim is almost universally lousy. I can be lying there with my mouth wide open, a Top right over me with his cock pointed straight down - and not one drop hit my mouth. I would hate to think of any of these guys owning a firearm if their aim isn’t any better than that...
  20. “So...what’s your status? Have you been tested?” ”Yeah, man - I’m poz but undetectable.” ”No! I’m asking if you have coronavirus. Who cares if you’re poz right now?”
  21. You have some objection to fucking policemen and sheriffs? 😉
  22. When I started ART, the medication prescribed had the side effect of rearranging the fat in my body into my torso, where it stubbornly remains. I never had a belly before, and it’s not horrible now, but I have been surprised a couple of times lately by young guys who say they like my “belly”. Only young ones though, in the 20s range. I’m glad it gives them pleasure even if I don’t take it as a compliment. The only explanation I can surmise for this is that some men when young may have had father-figures or older male role models who had bellies, and thus they subconsciously associate that body shape with positive masculinity or masculine power. Otherwise, I have no idea, and I intend to get rid of this thing as fast as I can.
  23. These men are not practicing Social Distancing... I’m #1, definitely. Even though I’ve been the subject of a few spitroastings, even the times I’ve been gangbanged it’s usually one Top focused on my ass. I usually end up with legs spread wide like that, too. And 90% of the time they take me from behind. Not that I haven’t been some of those other guys in the picture, but #1 is truest to me.
  24. The OP’s question essentially asks, Does it excite you to feel degraded when you let yourself be fucked by someone who is below your standards? No, it doesn’t. I’m a service bottom. Part of my mission is to provide an opportunity for exactly those kinds of men to have a fulfilling sexual experience that they might be denied by other men with “standards”. I have been fucked by men who are advanced in years. I have been fucked by men whose shape bears no resemblance to fitness. I have been fucked by the poor, the disfigured, the unclean, and those whose lack of social skills puts sex practically out of their reach. I take cock regardless of its length, girth or shape (and I have been fucked by some very strange cocks) because there is a human being attached to every single one of them, and I let every man who makes the effort to enter me that he is masculine and powerful and exciting - even if he can’t get hard. I’m sure that there are those among you who might argue that a bottom like myself who accepts any and every cock - who has no functional standard - is already as degraded as a man can get, and therefore can’t possibly get excited about doing something that further degrades him. Some of you might believe that such a bottom has devolved so far from the definition of what is Male that the question doesn’t even apply. Perhaps so. If I am excited by anything, it is when a Man expresses his belief that he has a right to dominate and breed me because of my devolved masculinity. But I am an equal-opportunity fuckhole, without judgment or favor, and proud to serve.
  25. I trained in Tae Kwon Do for a while, but my main martial art has been fencing. Which, with its focus on long, phallic weapons and attempts to penetrate the opponent’s defense, would seem tailor-made to stimulate gay desire simply by suggestion. Yet I have never found it so. It has always been as much a mental contest as well as a physical one, and tended to make me feel a sense of platonic admiration for the other person when he would excel. Similarly with the TKD, which was actually taught in a mixed martial arts style, and included ground fighting. I disliked ground fighting as it did not play to my strengths, but I can see how the close interplay of bodies could stir up sexual thoughts... of course, getting distracted by those thoughts would be an excellent way to get pinned or put in a choke-hold. I guess the reason I personally never conflated my martial arts training with sex (that is, I never confused martial arts with marital arts) is because I always looked at my training as a means of gaining self-control - I knew that if I didn’t learn to control and channel that kind of energy the right way that I was capable of being a very dangerous and likely destructive person that I did not want to be.
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