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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. CL will not permit postings that overtly promote unsafe sex practices or the spread of STDs. It's all about the terms you use. Try reading through the ads that other people list to find ones offering similar trade that you're offering and see what kind of language they use. Try to use similar language in your listings. Also make sure that if you use a photo that it's sufficiently tantalizing without being too pornographic/obscene. I've only ever had one ad pulled from CL because I slipped up on the wording.
  2. I have to say that I am in awe of the sheer variety of situations discussed here - not the least because nothing, nothing like this ever happens to me. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m just oblivious to people around me, but tell me - and I’m honestly, truly asking because I do not know - how do you know when another guy wants to fuck you if he hasn’t actually said so, or at least groped you? What are the unspoken cues? I’m particularly floored by the account in this thread of two men locking glances through their car windows and, without prior or further communication, pull off the road together and fuck. Well, I mean - that’s telepathy, isn’t it? If there’s a trick to it, I’d love to know what it is, because guys could take me in all kinds of places. (...on the other hand, I might not be doing anything wrong at all - it might just be that I’m so plain that nobody’s been trying and there haven’t been any signals for me to miss. I have to be ready to accept that possibility, too...)
  3. @PlayfulPup - Could you clarify - You say at the top that you’ve had far more bad outcomes from bookstores, but farther down you say you take 20+ loads at ABS sessions and usually come out clean. Do you mean that you always play there at noon & 5pm now because your experience is that the ABS draws less careful clientele at other times? Do you think the same time frames might apply to CL and bathhouse hookups as well, or do you think your point about anonymity is a greater factor there?
  4. First of all, Ohio to Georgia probably has you traveling down I-75 through east Kentucky and Tennessee, and that's not prime real estate for a sex tour. You've got Cincinnati, Lexington, Knoxville and Chattanooga, and that's pretty much it. Cinci is the only really major population center until you hit Atlanta. You can probably line up a tumble or two wherever you stop, but - take it from a Kentuckesseean - it ain't Fuckapalooza territory. No bathhouses or sex clubs that I'm aware of between Cinci and Atlanta. Also, it's a two-day trip at most unless you're really planning to squeeze out the opportunities for sex by overnighting at every potential population center along the way, or zigzagging wildly off course to hit higher population densities. On the other hand, if you're planning to come down east of the Appalachians, ignore all of the above. I don't know much about the pickings on the east side. Once you have your route determined, you can start sending out feelers in advance through BBRTS and Craigslist. On BBRTS, you can set up a notice for a local party in a location for a specific date, and then field requests to attend. On CL, just post what you will be offering in what locality on what date, and reply to interested parties. You may need to delete and re-post your CL ad as you get closer to the actual date of arrival to keep eyes on it. As @NLbear points out, the rate of flakery can be significant, so if you're looking for a single 1-on-1 it might, ironically, be a little more difficult to manage than if you're willing to accommodate more than one encounter, or a multiple-partner scene. It's easier to cast a wide net and haul in what fish you can, but if you end up throwing all but one of them back, then you become the flaky one. Me, I don't throw anything back.
  5. Exactly. In fact, you don’t even have to be confident (though confidence is attractive) - you just have to decide you’re going to play the game, and step in the ring. That’s why I don’t lose much sleep over this issue. If plain ol’ me can get bred just by showing up with a smile on (and not much else), anybody can. Quit your bitchin’, come off the wall, and come get bred tag-team style with me.
  6. Ah, but you see, I have a dual nature…
  7. Your math points to the root of an unsustainable system - and the flaw in the complaint about a shortage of Tops. The problem isn't supply, it's consumption. I think the general assumption is that all bottoms are insatiable, but I don't know how realistic that is. I shamelessly claim to being an insatiable bottom myself, but I can't say that for certain - I just know I've never reached a point that I didn't want another cock, even after gang use. But I'm willing to bet there's a bell curve somewhere that measures the relative frequency of insatiables like me against those who are satisfied after one or two good fucks, and all the guys in between. Yet whether a bottom is good for one or a dozen fucks isn't really the question, is it? It is the Top's choice, after all, who he fucks. Unless a system of fuck-rationing is instituted to ensure everyone gets an equal fucking, every bottom will always be subject to the choice of Tops, who will be presented with options. The last time I was at camp, I had myself on offer at the usual spot, and this young stud half my age came along and positioned himself at the other end of the table. He had a steady stream of trade; I got nothing. There were only two of us, and he serviced eight Tops. Even where the math is flipped, that's still the way it goes - it's about the Top's choice, and competition. You'll eventually get some if you just keep putting yourself out there, but you can't take it personally when you don't.
  8. ... um I don't think there was actually a call for auditions...
  9. This last weekend it came home to me how few times I've actually fucked another man because one of the Tops who had been enjoying me commented on how much he liked the way my ass felt inside. "Don't we all pretty much feel the same?" I said. "Oh, no," he replied. "It can be very different. You're like warm, soft velvet, but wet. Some bottoms aren't like that at all." I realized that I could only recall about five times I've ever fucked anyone, and none of my encounters had ever been like wet, warm, soft velvet. I remembered one who was wet but rubberlike, one who was warm but somehow gritty (even though he was clean), one who opened up so much past his sphincter it was like fucking a bottle, and one whose body temperature was colder than mine, and so his ass felt cold as welll as loose. This same weekend, I took one guy who wanted me blindfolded, which focused all my attention on the sensations of his very long cock working my ass. When he first entered me all the way to his balls, he let out an involuntary gro-o-o-o-o-o-an of pleasure and surprise at how good he felt - I love it especially when the aggressive, dominant guys do that, lose just that tiny bit of control when they discover what I feel like, and I get that a lot. But it hadn't really occurred to me that bottom ass could be all that different. I guess, if it can, than what Tops enjoy must be a matter of personal taste. So, Tops, what kind of ass do you like best? When you plug in, what kind of conditions do you hope to find? For most guys, "clean" is a given, but beyond that, is there a consensus on what makes for prime fucking? Is there a type of ass that sets a bottom apart?
  10. I’m not sure what you mean by “women tongs”, but there are several types of speculums that can be used to open or stretch the anus. I have a Collins, a Mathieu, and a Pratt speculum; the Collins is actually intended for vaginal use and not as recommended. The Mathieu is three-bladed and opens you wider than the two-bladed Pratt, but I much prefer the Pratt because the Mathieu is more prone to cause accidental injury or pinching when you use it on yourself. I also have a couple of specialty steel plugs that have a removable central core, in case a Dom wanted to add, say, liquids without removing the plug. I have managed to wear one of those for a whole day before. It was weighty, but securely anchored.
  11. Etha is correct - the plug must have a wide (long) enough exterior base that it cannot be drawn up inside you, and wide enough in the body that it cannot simply slip out. Also, for all-day wear (i.e. reasonable/tolerable comfort) I find that the stem that passes through the anus needs to be relatively narrow. Stretching is all well and good, but your sphincter isn’t going to put up with that shit all day. Remember, your anus is a valve, designed solely to pass objects through and out of the body. It is not meant to allow an object to block its complete closure. The nerves of the anus interpret this blockage as stool caught in the opening, and the bigger it is, the more the body thinks it ought to be either out or in, but not stuck there. For this reason I would also recommend avoiding anything large enough to reach the second sphincter, whose smooth muscle contractions are involuntary. Be sure that whatever material you choose is smooth, smooth, smooth and soft, and above all, non-porous. Sticking a porous plug up your bum is like starting a microorganism colony in a sponge - you will never get them all cleaned out of it. Smooth is important because abrading your anal/rectal area is a sure way to get STDs. Also be cautious of latex, which can cause allergic reaction in some people, and certain other types of flexible plastics that may cause burning sensations. I realize this all skirts around the question of what exactly to get, but at least it gives you some of the parameters. Whatever you choose, pick something you can remove in a hurry if you need to.
  12. I freely recognize the double standard in what I’m about to say, but I can’t help it. I would never say that any man has a right to breed any woman, but I am absolutely convinced that every man has the right to breed my ass and it would be very wrong of me to ever impede that right, because that is my purpose. I am intended as a vessel for men’s cum. Just saying it aloud fulfills me. There can never be enough, and every drop goes inside,
  13. Oh, now... Talk about trouble - you’re the devil. With talk like that you could charm a man into doing most anything. One of these days I’m just going to have to head down thataway and let you make bank on my ass just to show you what a good southern boy I am.
  14. Barecubtop - These are deep waters. There is a big difference between the BDSM world and the vanilla world when it comes to answering a question about Dominance and submission in male-male sexual relationships. Part of the difficulty lies in the overlap of terms. “Dominance” and “submission” take on enhanced meaning in the BDSM subculture, but the words, as regular words, are indispensable in describing the peculiar dynamic of homosexuals functioning within a binary sexual system. You’re not going to get the same answer from a vanilla bottom as you would a BDSM submissive - that is, you might get a similar take sometimes, but from the BDSM submissives it’s likely to be more consistent. These issues are too complex to try to explicate in a post response, but if you’d like to email me with questions you have, I can try to give you some more depth. I spent five years as an owned submissive.
  15. I used to be unable to tolerate the thought of eating my own cum. But then my former Master made it a part of my training that every time he made me cum he also forced me to "Clean up" afterward, which meant making sure I got every drop into my mouth and swallowed it. In addition to that, enough men have now demonstrated their dominance over me by feeding me my own cum that I have no problem with it, and have pretty much come to expect it.
  16. Officially, from the standpoint of a responsible bottom who looks out for bottoms and encourages Tops to be responsible Tops, I can't agree that cash is the most important part of the experience. Unofficially, it would be a fucking wet dream to be whored out by you, @PERVERSATILE, because you completely understand it. Wish I was in the area where you do your thing.
  17. Before my former Master trained me, I had had only a couple of experiences that crossed into nonconsent. Afterward, however, once I honestly embraced the notion that I had become a set of holes with a duty to please any man at any time, it occurred to me one day that it might be impossible to actually rape me. Then I discovered that that wasn't entirely true. My master trained me to have dry orgasms on verbal command, every time anybody tells me, "CUM." Well, I had mentioned this to a guy, and he began to use the trigger on me, over and over and over until it went well past discomfort into torture, and then beyond even anything my Master had done to me - a brutal and intimate violation. So even though I don't think any man can rape my flesh any longer, I can still be raped in spirit.
  18. You're looking for tips from Tops, of course, but as a bottom who's been on the receiving end (including twice in the last month!), let me give you a few pointers from my end: 1. This needs to be something you enjoy doing first and foremost. You need to enjoy the power and control you get from being able to decide who gets to fuck another man, who gets to unload in another man. If that doesn't light your fire in a very special way, whoring someone out is probably not worth the effort for you. The bottom also has to genuinely enjoy his submission to you and be committed to pleasing you by allowing himself to be fucked by the men you send. This activity is a special power dynamic, and it's fantastic for both men when it works. What you don't want is to find yourself with a lazy bottom who just wants somebody else to do his shopping for him, and starts picking and choosing from the men who arrive. At that point, you're not really in control. 2. Almost every bottom fantasizes about being whored out and used by a gang of Tops. That doesn't mean every bottom is a good candidate. If you choose to do it, make sure the bottom is going to be an active participant, and not lie there like yesterday's catch at the fish market. 3. Pimping a bottom resembles work. There are ads to place and respond to, conversations to start up at the bathhouse, the bar or the ABS, phone calls to make to your network of FBs - you are, in essence, a broker. You have to get the word out, in an experienced way, to the right people. 4. Check your scruples. Whoring a bottom lies somewhere between commodities brokering and human trafficking. Some Tops whore bottoms because they enjoy the rush of it, and get off on the power, but are generally benign. Others look at bottoms as lower-order animals and think nothing of actually prostituting them in a cash sense. Even though it would never bother me in the slightest if a Top or a Dom made money off my ass, the latter is a criminal offense. 5. It's not just about your pleasure, or the bottom's, for that matter. If you're going to be successful, you need to make sure that your clients, the Tops you attract, are pleased with their experience as well. The dynamic between the pimp and the bottom is important in making sure the sexual experience of the Top is a great one. It's all about the presentation, the setup, and the performance - especially in a group setting. The energy built or not built during a sex act will translate into what happens next. A group scene is more likely to give high-energy results than a series of one-on-one scenes, in my experience. What you say while it's going on - your words of challenge and encouragement - can ensure that. 6. If you're going to whore out a bottom, you may as well whore out two at once. From what I've been told, that seems to draw better results for some reason. 7. I'm not sure how to tell you to find the right bottoms for the job, except to suggest that you not take one on unless you've test-driven him first and know that he has the staying power to offer a loud, lusty fuck to several men in a row and has the experience to handle a wide range of cockery. As to how you actually go about locating, contacting and recruiting other Tops and suggesting they come fuck a specific bottom, I have no idea - you'll have to ask them. Whoring Tops, I'd love to hear this, too. If you have questions about my experience from the bottom end, fire away.
  19. It makes little sense to hear a 21-year-old guy describing himself as *anything*.
  20. @lecheroxxl: Bear in mind that, contrary to what you may read in some areas of this site, few of us committed bottoms actually seek to harbor or spread disease of any kind. Most of us, upon finding that we have been infected, will be out of circulation for the course of treatment, not only for the sake of our own recovery but to prevent passing illness to others as well. I don’t play unless I test clear. I refuse to knowingly put another person at risk. I can’t address the gifter/chaser/stealther culture and to what degree it’s reality versus fantasy - I just know that I’ve never actually met anyone who really wanted to be Typhoid Mary.
  21. I know I’m weighing in here a lot, but you’re making me think. When you say “contributing to the lack” of Tops, in some cases it imples the contradiction of adding more of zero. It’s also confusing what is meant by “lack” - do you mean the lack of anyone willing to fuck an asshole, or the lack of cocks available for loads? There’s a difference. I enjoy fucks for the fucking; even if he saves himself for another hole, he still had me. In that cas I haven’t contributed to a lack of anything, and have, I hope, encouraged Tops to participate by adding variety to their menu. I will say that I agree in general that there’s not much point in bottoms complaining about the issue, however. Too many of us don’t really practice the worthy arts of preparation, seduction and performance that make sex irresistible to a Top. This weekend, when I was ass-up at the bathhouse, let my hips sway lightly to whatever music was playing, an one time when I sensed someone pause at the doorway, I flexed my glutes just a *tiny* bit in time with the music so that my hole peeked out. I heard him say, “Whew…” and he was in. Hooked. Don’t complain, men. Do something about it. It’s fun.
  22. This raises another good point - the size-fixated nature of cock consciousness in the gay community might have an effect on who's willing to come forward and Top, at least in group or public venues like bathhouses, where there are comparisons to be made. If a guy is on the fence about whether or not to top, and the guy next to him is Topping with a huge piece of equipment, the first guy may, regrettably and very unnecessarily, feel as though he can't "compete". Let me be the first to say, loudly, that that is ridiculous. My ass is tighter than any cock is big around, and my ass muscles love nothing better than squeezing down, so every cock fills me up. Some stretch me more, but every one of them fulfills me, no matter the size. Plus, my prostate is only so far in, and even if the cock is too short to reach the prostate, some of you cruel bastards know exactly what you're doing and can bring me to orgasm just teasing my anus with your cockhead (you know who you are, you motherfuckers... don't ever stop). I've had two or three really breathtaking examples of BBC lately (thank you very much, gentlemen) but my lifetime Best Fucks have been from quite average cocks used by master cocksmen, one just three weeks ago. He, by the way, identified himself to me as a Total Top - "I only Top," he said. "I just love to fuck." Would you complain equally that he doesn't offer up his ass as you would about a bottom who chooses not to Top? If so, you would be a fool; he is a genius at what he does, and should be encouraged to keep doing it exclusively. I realize this next point may get some pushback; please understand that I don't assume that this is true of the OP, but just a general observation. I sometimes wonder if the plaint that there are never enough Tops is a kind of sideways grumble from bottoms who felt that they did not get their fair share of cock at some event, or have been disproportionately overlooked or passed over online: Akin to the "I wish that was me" post often seen. Let's take this weekend's CumUnion in Indianapolis. Whether is was successful or not will depend on who you ask. If you ask me, fuck yes. As I mentioned above, I was fucked 24 times. I know I was not the only bottom there; there were at least three other BB bottoms there advertising their presence on BBRTS via QuickConnect ads and via the blackboard onsite... and by being open doors and asses up. (Good work, men.) I have no idea how well hey fared. You'll have to ask them. I do know that one other bottom had some luck, because the man who decided to pimp me out also lined up Tops for him, and let them use him in my room next to me tandem a couple of times. Now, if others did not get as much action as me (and there was plenty of fucking that did not involve me) I can imagine someone might grumble that it was unfair that a bottom was allowing a Top to push other Top traffic in his direction versus other bottoms; that is, the principle of unfair competition in a limited market. This misses a point. The Top wanted to whore me out. That was his groove. That was what got his mojo on. By making my hole available to him, I provided him a service, which also, incidentally, allowed me to provide service to any other Top who took advantage of it, thus fulfilling my purpose as I understand it. So, if this seems unfair to you, next time, find yourself a Top who wants to whore out your ass, bring him along, and let the Tops compete to see whose bottom can take the most cock. Better yet, have them put us in the same room and make a competition out of it. I guarantee that'll get the cocks pumping. But the thing I'm driving at is that success is the result of an active, not passive, approach. I have written about this before on other forums, but I'll summarize here; I didn't start any of this until ai was 37, and God knows I'm no Adonis. I'm not athletic, don't fit any of the usual categories of attraction, and have a face made for radio. But I've made up for a lot of lost time and had a hell of a sex life in the last 14 years just because I decided I was going to make it happen. I threw myself out there. I decided I wasn't going to care if men rejected me, I would try and keep trying, and I would never, ever, pretend to be anything other than exactly what I am. That strategy has gotten me richly laid and deeply bred, and has satisfied hundreds of Tops and Doms - I've made damn sure of it, because if they're not happy, I'm not happy. All I'm telling you is that there's nothing special about me - I'm not sexually privileged in any way, my skill with my ass is earned, not inborn. I'm not one of the Beautiful People. If I can do this, anybody can do this. You just have to want it badly enough to do the work to get it. If you wait for it to be handed to you, expect to be disappointed. But you know, that's life in general, isn't it?
  23. You make it sound as though we’re all actually Vers, but some of us just don’t want to play fair. That’s nonsense, akin to telling a gay man he could take sexual interest in women if he would just put his mind to it. I am a sub bottom. My libido does not fire up on the thought of penetrating another man - to me, that is a dominant trait, and I do not have a dominant personality. Only on the rarest of rare occasions will another man match my chemistry in such a way that I could fuck him, but almost invariably I simply cannot maintain an erection to do it because it doesn’t flip my switch. From what I’ve been observing lately, there isn’t actually a shortage of Tops or bottoms - people just aren’t connecting. I go to bathhouses (where, face it, everybody is there for a little action) and I watch men sit around in silence like wallflowers not saying a word to each other, everyone waiting for someone else to make a move, and most of them go home from the meat market dissatisfied and complain that nothing happens there. What’s the matter with these people? I, on the other hand, am writing this from my hotel in Indy one hour after finishing a marathon gig at the bathhouse where CumUnion was held tonight, and I was fucked *24 times*. This is because I and the Top who very graciously pimped me out took the time to actually talk to people and proposition them. I find that most men, when invited to fuck something, do, if they are the fucking sort. We’re not all the fucking sort. But you’re never going to get into our pants unless you ask.
  24. @bbzh You are correct, the USFDA iss expected to approve a drug for treatment of Hep C in 2018, but until now there has not been a reliable treatment. You were fotrunate to find a successful clinical trial - congratulations!
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