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Everything posted by Poz-Mcr

  1. Oh, how I've missed BreedingZone. My own fault reatly for wandering to other sites. But, back now and hoping to meet more new bb friends.

  2. poz, not on meds, don't know v/l at the moment - need to book an appiontment and find out
  3. Thanks for the follow mate! 

  4. Pozraw Manchester, UK
  5. He could fuck my anytime. Would love to add his strain to mine
  6. have to admit @youngaidschaser does it for me - looks and attitude - perfect package
  7. Definitely been 'too shy' throughout my life - not just sex life but in other things too - I look back and there is some (albeit limited) regret that I've got to nearly 50 and missed out on so much horny sleazy fun. If I could have my time all over again with the knowledge I have now, I would hope things would be much different. I can't blame anyone other tham myself, and there are many things that I could have done to push up the possibilities (like eating carefully/healthily and exercising to create a half-decent body). That said, I think younger guys have it much easier these days with sex practically served up on a plate on the internet and phone apps etc, which makes it so much easier to hook up than it was in my day.
  8. I don't have a lot of experience on this and the little I do is from a UK perspective, but I stopped my meds in January with the agreement of my doc. Told him that I was going through a bad phase (partially true, although not completely) and that I hadn't been fully compliant with taken the meds daily. The doc's view was that, given the possibility of resistence building up, it would be better to stop meds completely until I knew I could be compliant again that to stop/start them and potentially build up resistance. The aim was to continue with the regular blood tests to keep an eye on my levels, although that plan fell to pieces with Covid coming on the scene. Not yet had any further appointments set up for bloods.
  9. sucked off on the top of a double-decker bus! 🤪
  10. That's an interesting thought. I've generally never known what star signs guys are, so hard to tell. That said, my one true love in the past was an Aries to my Virgo - not surprisingly he was the one to do-the-dirty on me (when we were supposed to be monogomous). It would be interesting to see if your suggested theory works as it could help with finding compatible guys for fun.
  11. Still not experienced it all the way. Have got to the point of lightheadedness and spasming but I've not yet been made to black out - keep hoping though!
  12. I had a Prince Albert and loved it - took it out a few years ago when I got an infection, but the hole is still there and I might try to get it back in again. I loved it, felt amazing to wank and fuck with. The only drawback I found with it is that I needed to sit to piss otherwise I'd end up spraying my trousers, shoes, and floor.
  13. Having not been in a relationship (not by choice) for over 10 years now, this is an interesting subject for me. My gut instincts, desires and general needs most definitely lie on the spectrum of sleazy and kinky - I would, if I could, happily play with a different guy every day (not that I've ever had that opportunity - suspect, combined with getting older, I'm not to many guys' tastes). Yet, on the flip side of that, I long for a daily hug, cuddle, and sexual intimacy from someone special, who is understanding, accepting of, and into my needs (and I their's of course). So, would I want a relationship again? Absolutely. But, it needs to be with someone that I can be totally honest with and accepts all my kinks, desires and wants. Even if that was the case, could it be monogomous? Unlikely - getting older, I don't want to be limited on any potential opportunities that might arise; I spent far too many years of my youth suppressing my true needs from my various boyfriends and probably missed out on a lot of horny, sleazy experiences as a result. Could it be an open relationship? This is the one that causes me most emotional conflict. To work, for the reasons given before, it would have to be an equal open relationship. But, within strict rules to keep the green-eyed monster away; either my potential other half would need to accept me 'playing away' as much as they were, or we'd only play together with others. I'm not holding my breath though. It's hard enough, even as a singleton (and despite the apps supposedly making it easier to hook up), to find guys that I'm into that want to play with me, so I don't underestimate how hard it would/will be to find a guy that wants a relationship that would work for me. I live in hope.
  14. Loving it so far! As other's have said, I would defy any guy who reads this story to not want to be taken and changed.
  15. Just started using testosterone gel after a blood test indicated my levels were barely above the lower end of the range. Too early to notice any effects, just two weeks in at the moment, but I have high hopes that it may just give me my mojo back.
  16. I'm sure there are plenty in here that would help you achieve all of those positions, multiple times over!
  17. Hung Young Brit is the epitomy of a sex-on-legs horndog! Pure animalistic breeding sex! Perfect!
  18. Self-taught here, but oh how I wish I had had a sleazy mate or dad to teach me instead.
  19. twugglums
  20. Damn, wish I was in London now!
  21. Well, it is a shame the story was never finished, but a huge thanks to those guys that have resurected this thread recently - without you guys, I would never have found the story, and I would have been the poorer for it. It's got to be one of the hottest stories I have read on here so far!
  22. Love the hard animalistic fucking in these porn films - and the lads are pure sex on legs.
  23. Is it any better than psyllium husk powder on it's own? I've used psyllium husk powder (not the capsule form) in drinks on and off for the past year. It's not that pleasant drinking, but it seems to do the job at keeping the movements, well, moving. But I'm not totally convinced that it clears out completely - if PFM does then I'd be prepared to give it a go.
  24. I have had two encounters with men of the cloth. I'll come to the first in a moment, but the second was a novice monk. I was in my mid-twenties and initially met him before he entered the monastary and subsequently met him again a year or two later on a 'break' from the monastic life just before taking his full vows. On both occasions we had a lot of fun. He was such a cutie, and I think fondly of him whenever I look back - in other circumstances I would have gladly been up for more with him. Last time I saw him, he had left the monastary and was moving towards the buddhist faith. The first encounter with a man with a cloth was closer to home; the parish vicar (would probably have been in his late 40s early 50s) tried his best to seduce me and get into my pants - i guess today they would call it grooming. I was mid-teens when he first started his attempts - I remember clearly after a harvest festival service he asked me to go with him to the church hall to get some water for cleaning up inside the church. Miraculosly the lights in the hall failed to work and, whilst in the kitchen at the back of the hall, he started to try to 'tickle' me. I thought it very odd adn backed into a corner. Looking back on it, i suspect he was trying to get to a position to be able to grope me. I can't remember if he was disturbed but he stopped after a while and we went back over to the church. He continued to try to find times to start the 'tickling' again, but eventually left the church to move to a different parish. While you might think that would have been the end of it, the new parish was still in the same city. By that point, he knew I was able to play the piano and just passable at the organ, and every chance he could get he would ask me to cover for his regular organist's absence. My parents knew I loved playing - and ultimately I studied music later at uni - so I couldn't turn the offers down, and I could very well tell them it was because I thought the vicar was trying to get in my pants. I was, by this point, cautious of his attempts and made sure I didn't get within 'tickling' distance but that didn't always deter him and he often found excuses to turn up at the house when he suspected my parents might be out. It then came to the point that I was about to move to England to university and, of course, that meant I would be no longer available to cover his organist's absence. That was his chance/excuse to try to 'up the ante'. After a wedding I played for, he came to the organ pit and insisted that I should let him take me out to dinner to say thankyou for playing. He was not taking no for an answer and I couldn't get out of it. That night I made sure I put on a suit of 'under armour' - basically three to four vests all tucked into underpants. Just as well as i did; after the meal, he said that we should go for a walk to let the food digest. He drove me to one of the city parks where he found the most secluded part of the car park. He proceeded to try to get into my shirt, and pants, and groped me. He did, though have a conscience as, seeing how petrified I must have looked, he finally gave up and drove me home. The irony of it all, is that from the point that he first started trying to groom me, and for years after I went to university, I fantasized about him and what 'might have happened' almost nightly. The number of loads I blew thinking about him would have flooded a swimming pool. Don't get me wrong, by the time he started his 'tickling' I knew I was gay, but growing up in a religiously divided country where the only thing both factions agreed on was their hate of gay people, I was petrified of coming out. If things had been different, and perhaps if I had been a bit more experienced (or at least less scared) he might have got what he obviously wanted.
  25. Loving the story so far, can't wait to see how it develops
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