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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. Poz top not in meds here, you re so hot

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gregory


      Yes I am in france but I go to USA too

    3. MaxusJax


      If your in north east Florida in the near future hit me up

    4. Gregory


      With pleasure I really love that

  2. Thanks ! 

    My wickr is gregpoz


  3. Chicago was the city where I was pozzed, always in my heart
  4. I think one of the best city of raw sex is Berlin
  5. It s really hot like this
  6. Congratulation ! Like me you re on 2018 poz promotion
  7. I did a piss fuck last week it was really hot... I taked piss in ass in mouth and all over my body
  8. Very handsome boyYou re really sexy!3CF55C94-AC4C-4F13-B174-74AF5FBAA4D9.jpeg.0e4f034003e5c74a03ff443ec7367667.jpeg26E91140-D11F-4FB1-A061-4BE1E74F0D74.jpeg.d130859a207f76e97916884bbc05989b.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gregory


      Thank you bro !

    3. ronnie4u


      Extremely HOT , Beautiful , Exciting and Delicious !    :)

    4. pozboy


      by the time we've all had you, you won't look so pretty!

  9. I love use cum like lube... and a breeding ass is the better to fuck
  10. I will be on it
  11. 11 too with my best friend when he touched it
  12. In Berlin
  13. I will be on it yes!
  14. Yes I would like to do poz porn movie
  15. I am agree I think every one do it the same
  16. Yes I will come to it too
  17. Same here I love to drink hot piss
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