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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. You're doing great, bbpig. Keep it going, but don't forget to mix it up. What makes a story good and interesting is conflict - problems for the characters to solve. PS - I am covered in tattoos, and there's no way a decent artist could accomplish all of Tony's ink in only two hours plus have time for the piercings. Even fiction has a limit. Otherwise, keep doing what you're doing. It got me boned up.
  2. I'm a level 3. But most guys I play with are bottoms, so my risk is relatively low but not 100%.
  3. Think I got an early Christmas gift. Too bad I didn't keep the receipt. It hurts a little to pee, and my piss is a little cloudy. FUCK. Probably got it from one of the guys I fucked in the past two months, but I couldn't find the gift tag. This better not be what I think it is.

    1. 2014Anthony


      Ouch bud! Not a fun way to spend your Christmas.

    2. 2014Anthony


      Hope it doesn't turn out to be what you're thinking it might be.

    3. leatherpunk16


      Thank you. I'm doing better today. Checked my piss in a clear glass, and it looks normal. If I have something, this will be the third non-consecutive Christmas I've had a diseased dick. And I'm supposed to shoot a dirty movie with a pig on Sunday, so there's not a lot of time to get to a clinic, especially with the Christmas season going on. I hope it was just a freaky thing.

  4. After adding all this up, I'm only 158. That's more than I expected, but it was the 10-pointers that got me up there at the end. No worries. It's not about the score, but the fun you had in getting it.
  5. Hey, welcome back! I too am returning to the porn world in the coming year. I've already got a couple things lined up, and one in the works. Hoping to make a better go of things on this second round.
  6. Fucked a Latin twink in a harness last night. The pig I'm dating right now surprised me with him, and we took turns fucking each other. Then the pig felched the cum out of the Latin twink's ass. I then washed the remainder out of his ass with my piss. It was a wild piggy night.

    1. Monster5-8gPA


      Sounds like a really hot night had by all!????

  7. You sound a lot like me. I'm looking over the fence these days, and the logical part of my brain tells me not to do this. But my dick is super hard just thinking about what a weapon I have here, and all the fun things I can do with it once it's charged up. I am not actively chasing, but my subconscious appears to be. The angel on my shoulder is protecting me from going there, but the devil on the other shoulder is jacking off to the idea of pursuit. It's a disease, bro. You may have the benefit of great sex, but why can't one enjoy that without getting sick from it? You enjoy being sick? I don't. I don't do well with sick, because when I'm down with a flu or whatever, I barely function. It takes away from your life and things you'd much rather do. On BZ, we talk about getting pozzed like it's this wonderful thing, and while it improves the sex life of many, there are many many more who wish they didn't have it and the medical bills that come with it. And the stigmas that still exist. The stories in the fiction section are just that - stories. That's not how real people live. You don't have to be a character in one of them, no matter how glamorous their lives seem.
  8. Small update on the gym crush. His name is Cid (maybe he spells it differently). I wanted to speak to him about the possibility of hanging out, but he didn't really try to connect with me today. Hardly said a word, and beyond acknowledging me, I made no real progress. He did, however, keep bending over so I could see his fine ass. I tried to return the view when it was appropriate, but I think he missed seeing it. Maybe he's more a bottom?

    I also got his little Christmas gift. I just don't know when I'll get to give it to him before next week.

  9. I can tell you from personal experience that the porn world can be brutal. People will say, "Comes with the territory," but that's no excuse for being horrible to others. It is a business, and that means you be a professional and good to the people who support the kind of work you do. I walked out on one of my shoots because the director was so abusive. Like, verbally and mentally abusive to the point that I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't stay hard, and I couldn't perform. No amount of criticism has ever positively inspired someone to do better. In any field, or in personal relationships. Let me tell a story. When I was a cam model for Randy Blue, I had a guest one night who was so entertained by my show that he asked me to shoot for him. In my biography, I renamed him Yves, so that's the name I'll use here. Yves is the director for a minor studio that does both gay and straight porn on the east coast. He sent me a private message after my show on RB, and asked if I'd be interested in shooting at his studio in the spring. Of course, I accepted, but when I did my research on the studio later, I found that their content was not very popular, and it was web-based only. There was also no budget for it. Naturally, this gave me pause, but I went ahead with it, believing that I needed to get my feet wet somehow. After we had signed the agreement, Yves asked me to cam for him also. Looking to expand my market, I accepted this, and joined a very popular cam site. This proved to be a fatal mistake. In three months of working for Yves on his site, I made a whopping sixty-two dollars. It was laughably pathetic. I would work my ass off for three or four hours three times a week and make very little money. I also didn't like that the site recorded my private shows to resell to third parties, a fact I didn't know about beforehand. And of course, things went wrong. Some of the shows were simply not good; one time the camera froze up; another time the connection was shit. The weaker shows I could hide, but the ones that I couldn't hide - due to a limit on how many can be hidden - were laid bare to everyone to see and spend good money on. And I wasn't paid for these either. I had trouble getting people in my room, and getting them to stay. I did my best to acknowledge people as they arrived, and tried to come up with interesting shows for public view, but my resources were quickly exhausted. I found myself quite frustrated with the lack of progress, so I posted in the help forums for advice on what I might do. Other models accused me of whinging when I didn't think I was, and offered practically nothing in the way of support. I would occasionally get passive-aggressive texts from Yves the night after a show. Some choice memories: - Nice to see you working on Randy Blue last night. - Don't mention RB on your shows. That sounds like a redirect and makes us look bad. - You need to show more more dick. [sic] - Your show sucked last night. How to improve it is up to you. After several weeks of this, Yves told me "I have deleted your whiny posts in the forum. That's not what this site is about. Is it okay if we postpone your shoot a month? I can't devote the time to you right now, and your scene partner won't be available again until July." I was not happy about it. He slapped my hand, cheated me out of my earnings, and cancelled my shoot. I later found out that he was lying. My shoot was supposed to occur over IML weekend, but not at the event. He didn't have the time to do it. But when I got back, I found several stills of a film they shot over the weekend with different models. Inquiries to the models verified that Yves had indeed lied to me. He sent me a cheque, saying "Most models make this in one night." I told him, "Most models have managers who don't lie to them and treat them like an option instead of a priority, especially when they've made an official agreement." When I asked to reschedule the shoot in July, he told me "You're not worth my time. Give up." I simply said, "Ditto." After receiving the cheque, I deposited it immediately, and then told him, "You're a fucking joke. You lied to me about my shoot, you had no ideas for improving my shows except that I should just figure it out, and you used me in ways that are beneath a professional standard. When you figure out that what you did was wrong, you'll let me know. I suspect I'll be waiting a long time." And I never heard from Yves again. I continue to be astonished that some of these porn producers have no respect for their models: they underpay them, they treat them as expendable even though they are NECESSARY to complete their projects, they disrespect them both publicly and privately, and while they have strong artistic vision, they lack business sense and integrity.
  10. I have not had the pleasure of WS after sex. As a guy who is mostly a top, I can't switch the plumbing over to urinate after cumming. It just doesn't happen for a while, which I find really disappointing. Hasn't ever been done to me, either.
  11. Look up Shannon O'Feral. That's my new porn name. I follow back newcomers and guys with interesting content.
  12. Feelin' the need to breed today. And maybe get some breeding in return.

    1. bugRyan


      I'd love to fill your need and swap breedings with you.  Your neg nut for my POZ nut. If only you were closer!

    2. leatherpunk16


      "If only!" Two little words. Big meaning.

      I guess I do want it. I am flirting with this idea so much that I can't shake it. I know the risks, I know the consequences, and how much drama it would add to my life. But I think my hole craves it, and my dick desires it.

      The effect this site has had on me... I tell ya... :unsure:

  13. My gym crush told me today that he likes when I am there at the same time as him. Then he quickly followed it by saying it's because I'm "someone to talk to." I wonder if this guy is gay? I'd love to get pounded by this dude! Totally my type, and he seems to like me. But probably straight. #sadpanda

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. NLbear


      Then just start with suggesting to work out together. From what he says during those times you can probably deduct wether he is gay or not. Worth the try. You can always move to the topic of being gay later and you get to enjoy his company.

    3. leatherpunk16


      I have had an additional idea. Since it's the Christmas season, and I know what he likes, I could give him a gift card for the local vape shop. He's a vapehead, like me, and would definitely get some use from it. When I present it to him, I can say it's a small token of our friendship and that there's no need to reciprocate. Then it doesn't commit him, and shows friendly interest without being too aggressive in bagging him. I think he's smart enough to read between the lines, and see that I want more than a friendship with him, but I can't scare him off. A big gift would almost certainly do that, but this small one might endear me to him a bit, and put the ball in his court.

      Buying it is easy. When I'll get to see him and give it to him is another matter.

    4. NLbear


      Curious to know how he responds!

  14. bugRyan, I can't get your screen name out of my head this morning!

    WTF is happening to me...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leatherpunk16


      I'm afraid you may be right! #scurred

    3. bugRyan


      I'm totally upset that I didn't see your post until the night.  I don't usually log on here when I'm at work.  I'm flattered that my name is in your head.  TBH I had a raging bone last night when I replied to your post.  I'm new to the breeding thing but not the bug chasing part and your posts echo what was on my mind majorly for over 10 months, and probably way before that.  I love your hawk too.  Maybe you need a new name...bugPunkHawk

    4. leatherpunk16


      Don't be sore about it. But do stay BONED about it! LOL

      I was just explaining to another that it was like a song stuck in one's head for a full day. It passed.

      Thank you for the compliment. And the cool username! ...except that I'm not bugged. I'd be lying to others and myself, and creating confusion.

  15. I had been playing with this couple on a regular basis, and one night, the piggy one (Jim) pulled me into his bathroom. He sat me down in his shower, told me to be still, and let out a weak stream of piss that barely got to me. It was certainly warm, and smelled a little smoky. The next time we played together, I asked him to repeat it. He did, and it was better. He let loose on my face and chest, so I lowered my head and got a real golden shower. I loved it! Couldn't get enough after that, but his piss seldom lived up to the expectation. Later, piss became one of my kinks. When I met my late husband, I knew this dude was kinky. So for our third date, I took him to a monthly piss party. He met a cute Asian gymnast, and when the gymnast pulled his dick out, Mark thought "He wants me to suck it." NOPE! Mark got a mouthful of piss, and swallowed. Then he came to tell me what he did. I was drunk, so I shouted to the others at the party that a first-time visitor just got his first yellow load. No fanfare. Not one real response. Later, I was so drunk that I raped Mark at the bar. We moved to the cage and fucked, and these two men watched us from both sides. In true porn star fashion, I came all over Mark's chest. The two guys washed it off with their piss before Mark could taste it. He was so mad. A week later, he asked me to marry him. <3
  16. Something goes in here. Not sure what...


  17. If you know about it, I wouldn't say it counts as a stealth.
  18. Going on a first date in a couple hours. Gonna try to not pounce on him immediately, as I want this go somewhere besides the bedroom. But I'm horned up, and need a good deeping dicking! #gayproblems

    1. Monster5-8gPA


      Enjoy your date tonight! Your gonna do great! Have fun stud!

    2. leatherpunk16


      I did! And of course we fucked. We were feeling it. Definitely gonna see him again. Two piggies.

    3. Monster5-8gPA


      great news I’m so glad you did! You deserve something good in your life! ??piggies, definitely need more piggies! Enjoy your second date stud!

  19. You've got a lot of ideas! It really depends on the partner whether I top or bottom. I know for certain I won't pnp. My husband was killed by a guy who pnp'd so heavily that my husband went into shock and seizure. Almost died. Then he dropped dead two weeks later as a result of his injuries. So no pnp for me. I would prefer to not get any STDs, but that kinda comes with the territory. If it happens, then it happens, and I will deal with it. I definitely need a night of cumdumpness. These are all things that I would like to happen. We'll see which ones get crossed off the list.
  20. Hey pigs! I've decided to make a fuck-it list for the coming year. This should be filled with experiences and types of guys I should have sex with. I'm looking for things to add that I might not have thought of, so I am making a post about it. What would you add to the list? Here's what I've got so far. - do a muscle guy - do a black guy with a huge dong - do a fat guy - do an older gentleman - do a poz guy - do a porn star - make a bareback film - try felching - do an FTM/ trans person - elbow deep fisting, deeper if the bottom can handle it - get the dick pierced and breed someone with it - sex in the mud / outdoor sex - public sex Did I miss anything?
  21. My first bb experience was in 2003. I was hooking up with a married black guy who had a massive dong and high sex drive. He plowed me in his basement while his wife was upstairs shoveling snow. It was amazing. I tried to get him to go bb with me after that, but he wouldn't do it. Years later, I hooked up with a couple, and on our first playdate, I fucked 'em both raw. I had never done that before, but the opportunity was there, and since they didn't push the condom thing, I just went with it. And for the next three years, we'd always play raw. It was great fun. When they become unavailable to me after that time, I would alternate between condoms and raw, depending on my mood and the guy I was with. If he was poz, I'd rubber up. 'Undetectable' was not a known word at the time. If a guy wanted my raw load, I gave it to him. When I was doing porn, I requested condoms, and they were given to me, but I didn't have nearly as much fun, but the guy usually put them on wrong anyway, thus negating the point of having them. Now the only kind of sex I have is unprotected. Raw is Law! Since my husband died, I've been barebacking my way through hookups.
  22. The first time I had gono, I had to tell my fuckbuds. I had played with them in the timeline that I acquired it, and told them to be on the lookout for any symptoms. They had nothing at all. Or so they said. I got my injection, and let them know I was going to be fine. They actually invited me to come and fuck them that same night. The same day I got the treatment. The doctor had told me "No sexual contact for two weeks." But my buds told me that I was fine. So I went anyway, against medical advice, and we fucked again. They never had the gono, nor did I get it back. A most singular occurrence.
  23. This is all kinds of fucked up.
  24. Would it be in poor taste to wish someone "Happy World AIDS Day"?

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