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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Next chapter please
  2. Fuck that was a good story. Hopefully you will find time to reignite those creative juices and post another chapter.
  3. @losolent you are the supreme story teller. Loving it.
  4. Are the links to the other stories gone now? 😞
  5. In reality no and I am sure very illegal here in Oz. But it does make bloody good "fictional" reading.
  6. Another long wait since the last update. Hopefully there is more to cum.
  7. I have said it before but I will say it again @losolent love your stories. Going back through the archives I had no idea just how many there are. Thank you.
  8. I am following this great story just on the off chance the author may get back to finishing it hopefully.
  9. Loved it and thank you @losolent. It would appear that maybe this is the end of this sweeping love story of many parts. Loved the characters and the way they have been allowed to develop. The way you went off on different tangents to introduce new characters and draw them into the main story. Hopefully we haven't seen the last of these amazing people. So looking forward to your next story. In the meantime I have discovered some of your older stories which are keeping me occupied until your next new story comes to light
  10. Wow I had forgotten about this one. The beginning of Angelo and Ethan's love story "The Gifted Virgin" 💕
  11. Always good when I find one of your earlier stories. One of the best story tellers on here.
  12. Had rectal chlamydia couple of months ago. Not sure who from. But I did the "right thing" and let the ones I could remember know. Bad mistake, they are all fuck shy now.
  13. Hopefully you will complete another chapter to this hot story at some time.
  14. Wow, just finished re-reading this sexy love story. I know it has been a while since your last update but hopefully you will find the time to present us with a new chapter some time in the future 💕
  15. Interesting scenario - hope you get back to this story sometime.
  16. Just read this one and following @Giveit2meraw. Hopefully you will return to the story sometime and "twist that last twist" back to Liam and Dan and their story.
  17. Actually I would love to see "Dr Death" receive some of his own medicine ☣️☣️☣️
  18. I really hope you pick this one up again soon and write some new chapters, pleeeeeaaaase
  19. I have just revisited this story. Still as hot as the first time I read it. Thank you 💕
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