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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. If that is your first story, then I hope that imagination of yours leads to many more. Look forward to reading the further adventures of Tony.
  2. Got a neg load percolating inside my hole - pity it is not the real thing. But I'll take it.

  3. I don't understand either. When asked, I always wonder why when I have said all along that I am a bottom only. A glimpse of my insignificant dick in my profile pic is all they get. The centre of attention IS that fuck hole which needs ☣️charging.
  4. Thank you. I have actually closed browser and retried. But will check if registration has gone through like you said Your were right, registration has gone through.
  5. Been trying to register on bdsmlr for days now. No joy so far.
  6. Fuck I hope we get to a conclusion for this great story
  7. This story needs an update, can't wait to see where it is going. But doesn't look like the original poster has been on here for quite awhile. So not promising.?
  8. Well fuck organised for tomorrow afternoon. Calling in on his way home from work. Going to be bloody hot here so he should be ripe and sweaty yum.  BUT neg and I think married. But should be fun when he dumps his load in me. A BB fuck is a fuck.

  9. Have changed my screen name from swanee772 to negchaserlooking which better reflects where I am at.

  10. Is it possible to change my screen name to reflect a bit more accurately what I am looking for?
  11. And I have to add that the twist with N & K & S was pure genius or fantasy on your part.
  12. Well the eyes are a bit watery, yes soppy I know. But as I have said previously there are some absolutely amazing story tellers on this site. What a fabulous roller coaster ride. Love it and thank you #losolent.
  13. There are some amazing story tellers on this sight and you MackyJay are one of the best. I just loved the way this story cruised along from straight to seduction to experimentation to lust to acceptance (sort of). Throw in a love story of sorts and you have everything. I am sure that there are a lot like me out there who dreamed of something like this happening to them . But alas the horse has probably bolted for most of us older gays. But hey life is what you make it. Can't wait for the follow up chapters - Jim's acceptance or non acceptance, does lust overrule his common sense, does Hank's big fat toxic cock and possible love tip him over to full acceptance of the gift. Bring it on.
  14. Thumbs up - next chapter? How many loads did you take?
  15. Firstly I hope you are recovering from your injuries. I have just reread this story. I hope those new chapters you spoke of early November are gradually coming to fruition and we all get to continue the journey of Lukas, Mr C and Terry.
  16. Hey there is another LOL. So how did you go in Melbourne?
  17. Profile reviewed and updated some things.

  18. Met a guy for the very first time, Giving him a blow job and as he started to cum he also involuntarily started to piss in my mouth. Needless to say I drank and swallowed. Best of both worlds really, met on a few more occasions after that and I drank his piss at every opportunity.
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