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About polyglutton

  • Birthday 07/01/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    rural US
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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  • Background
    I began lurking here as a reader since 2011 when I've needed something extra spicy to get off, and Covid shielding pushed me to make a profile.
  • Looking For
    Raw fuckers who want to breed 😈

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  1. Thanks for bumping this up, it's hot
  2. Super hot story! I keep coming back this one.
  3. When I top I want a goldilocks or looser hole, because if the hole is too tight I'll go soft. I don't want to fuck guys who are virgins or can't open up without a very slow entry, because it gets me in my head too much about their pleasure, and in doing so, I lose track of mine. When I top, I want to be in control, and I want to be able to pursue my own pleasure with a bottom who's able the to accommodate the sort of varied and intense fucking that I provide when I bottom. I want to fuck a bottom without resistance or conditions, and I want to cum inside (otherwise I don't want to top fuck at all).
  4. Humans are drawn to novelty. Ask anyone in product development or go down the snack/junk food isle(s) of US supermarkets
  5. There's a whole juicy spectrum of my sexuality that I can't access unless it's with a good-chemistry regular
  6. Impossible question really, because some regulars can be average, build on the chemistry, or have an attrition of chemistry. Whereas randoms are just that: random luck. Who knows how good it will be?
  7. Basically since I started PrEP in 2014 I've avoided getting fucked with condoms, and just turned down condom sex even when I've been in dry spells. However last night in a moment of weakness/being tired I let a guy fuck me with a condom. Maybe it was slightly too big for his dick? I don't know, but it felt worse than I can remember (like being fucked with a plastic grocery bag). Never again; I'd rather go without and use my own dildo. I'm genuinely surprised at how bad the sensation was, despite plenty of silicone lube.
  8. Thanks for sharing this. I have also found this to be true.
  9. Until I see peer-reviewed data, I put this "more bottoms than tops" stuff down to confirmation bias and internalised bottom-shaming. We have a long way to go with these two problems.
  10. Love the creativity! I laughed a lot and stayed hard the whole time, a rare combination.
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