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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Certainly not me. But I can sure find tons more of posts/profiles online looking for “straight” men than looking for the categories above.
  2. Get as close to a big, gay friendly city as possible. Stay away from “medium” sized cities. These are the worst for hooking up, especially those dominated by “older” populations (Tampa, Sacramento, Phoenix, etc.) As opposed to those metropolises, these cities have just enough folks for guys to try to hold out for something better. A lot of guys in these medium cities have also moved from bigger cities, so they now think they are the big fish in a little pond. That does not work in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami or New York. There is so many fish in the sea out there that if you play games people won’t wait around they will just go onto the next. Even if you’re 100 miles away from one of these gay meccas, you’ll find you never go as much as you want, especially after a week of hard work and obligations.
  3. True. But all those guys are “beneath” straight men in the gay sexual pecking order.
  4. If I suspect that, I always ask “what neighborhood you in?” The locals have names they use or areas they identify that can’t be determined based on Mapquest.
  5. I wish gay men fetishized other gay men as much as they did straight men.
  6. Well since you brought it up…. I agree 100%. Turns out the “gay rights movement” wasn’t all about liberation or free choice. To many, it was about being accepted by straight society (who will never really accept them). You’d think we’d be at an all time level of sex and piginess. Instead we got a lot of older people bitter about prep so they refuse to be educated fully, and a bunch of youngsters who all think that are 10s because of the Internet. I enjoy coming to this site because it reminds me there are places gay guys can still express my opinions about sex and your experiences freely.
  7. As a black guy, I try to avoid any hotels with reception, especially in certain areas. Lol Also, beware of guys with locked doors where you have to knock and other various security barriers. They could be using those as extra “screening” criteria.
  8. I can empathize. I had a hot Spanish hey who sat in front of me in college. Apparently being from another country, he didn’t know baggy clothes were in so when he sat down got a good view of his underwear and his ass. Whenever a guy kneels down, bends over or lifts their arms up, I’m always curious to check out their underwear band. We have a nerdy/ hipster/gamer guy that works in our local grocery store. Either he has 30 pair of the same two types of underwear, or his doesn’t change them often which I find kinda hot.
  9. This is a message I got from a guy who had been messaging me on BBRT. Honestly, how should I respond to this? I so annoyed with these “I only give head” guys on this site, especially when I know they are BS.
  10. No one is suggesting that. But if you’re banging/getting banged by dudes in the process, you’re “straight.”
  11. This is not “diss” anyones look or preference. I like different types of men. But today I was out and I seen a gorgeous man in his late 40’s in a full suit, clean shave , styled hair. Very nice, subtle, masculine cologne. Dress shoes, nice watch. Very dapper. He sat right across (legs open?!) from me I was fascinated no lie. Pre a few Covid pounds, I might have had the nerve to go strike up some convo with this beautiful, well dressed man eating all alone. I was just kind of thinking how I missed that look and that niche is kind of missing. I love beards, but I’m getting to the point of beard/hipster fatigue. Can we get some variety? I mean I’d would have fuck him in a second I know the whole “ I’m not trying hard” think is in, but there was something sexy about this man who showed effort. I know I sound old school.
  12. That’s called growing up. Which is a real thing and conversation. But a lot of these guys aren’t taking about that. They’re talking about turning “straight” men (who aren’t really straight) into gay men. I know, it’s confusing.
  13. Although I don’t think your points are all encompassing, I think I agree with the sentiment you are trying to convey. It seems like there is just less sex gay happening. You would think it would be the opposite with Prep and the Internet. I meant at least two-thirds of the men who hit me up are looking for “head only.”
  14. Having a wife or girlfriend doesn’t make you straight. These are the men who are not straight but may be classified as “straight:” 1. Fucking women once in a blue moon, but only if it involves you getting some dick in the process. 2. Deciding you’d rather be miserable with a woman if you can’t find you poster boy/ trophy boyfriend 3. Being married to a woman and not having sex with her, yet seeking out sex with men. 4. Abstaining from all sex because you can’t find “hot men” 5. Hating youself for being gay or refusing to acknowledge you’re gay 6. Only topping twinks or fem guys 7. Being disgusted at gay sex unless it involves you 8. Having gay sex without enjoying it 9. Having gay sex after dark or only on weekends 10. Only being attracted to “hot guys” 11. Fucking other “straight” men with wives or GFs 12. Sucking dick yet not asking for reciprocation. Now we know these guys above aren’t really straight, but I understand some of you get psychological benefits from telling yourselves they are. So I will just say they are straight with quotations.
  15. Nothing will make me not cum more then a bottom harassing me about cumming. Let it build naturally.
  16. I recently heard a rumor they turned one of our local cruising parks into a homeless camp/ RV park. I drove by to see if it was true. As I drove through I seen a few dudes register for the tents And I’m not gonna lie I started getting a little boned. They were not homeless but definitely the drifter type. I drove further in And there were two husky bear types setting up their RV with their shirts off. Damn they were hot. I don’t know why but I’ve usually had good luck with the Gypsy “passer bye” types. Especially when their pants never seem to fit. They seem to like me.
  17. Everyone will do anything for the right person. If I’m on a “hookup site,” show me your ass, and we decide if we’re fucking first. We can talk about that other stuff after. But I’m not playing the pretend not to fuck game so you can waste my time. I can write a mini novel about these “too holy too fuck” guys. More often than not, they are fucking and just don’t want to feel like whore or they’re stalling.
  18. If being with your BF isn’t allowing you to be fulfilled, why do you have a BF? No judging, because I don’t think sec is everything, just asking. Because it’s obviously bothering you.
  19. Believe it or not, alot people use grindr not too hook up, but to boost their ego. They get off and feel a sense of superiority rejecting men.
  20. Anyone in a Treasure Island movie before the last 7-10 years. Steve Parker, Fyrfli, Dawson, Will, and all the rest of the original pigs!
  21. Yes. I pull out, don’t cum, then bounce. Don’t wait till I’m 50 strokes in to play games.
  22. Shout out and respect to all the fags in this post. The men who love dick in there lives, and welcome it. The guys who go for what they want online and in the bookstores/saunas. Though I’m more into masculine men, I admire that u go for what you want!
  23. This whole narrative that Black people are so homophobic that there is some underground culture of “down low” men exclusive to the black community spreading HIV is pure fiction. I’ve seen so many married white men in saunas and spas it’s ridiculous. How many black cumdumps do you know? There is just as much homophobia in the black community as their is in the white community, Latin community, etc. Black people were not the ones creating sodomy laws, outlawing gay marriage/education, or starting a “straight pride” parade. Let’s not even talk about the It Gets Better Project, where you can find thousands of stories of non black kids being persecuted for their sexuality. There are dozens of studies that show Black people receive lower quality healthcare than everyone else, even if they have insurance. I know this from personal experience. Also, some black HIV cases are from immigrants from other countries with extreme poverty looming for better healthcare. When they come here, they are lumped in with blacks who are Americans. There are some good points on here, but seriously some of you need to update your stereotypes. I swear some of you guys know nothing about the black community or perspective besides the sexual fantasies in you’re head. And you’ll always have some other black guy co-signing cause he’s bitter a few people in the black community who don’t accept his sexuality.
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