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Everything posted by Menbendovr

  1. This is a great story. I absolutely love the first chapter and can’t wait for more TexRanchKing.
  2. I agree with your assessment of how the online world has exacerbated and even nurtured the worst behavior in us when it comes to interacting with others. Many, if not all, of our social norms of engaging with others has gone out the window. People can be mean now and get away with it. Simply block or delete someone and you’re done. Can’t do that in reality with someone other than to never meet up with them again but online just facilitates a laziness in people to even try to have a normal interaction. I only go to places where you know men are committed to meeting and then having sex such as ABS and bathhouses or sex clubs.
  3. I agree with all this. I too had a short term relationship with a hot as fuck man who had cerebral palsy too. He was gorgeous and had a nice lean body and a perfect 8 inch cock. He simply had some mobility issues with his right arm and in his legs. He could walk. He was an excellent kisser and top. He fucked me beautifully and loved breeding me. He was very independent and loving. I think about him still today from time to time. Sadly, we lost track of each other over the years.
  4. That was very hot and exciting. I’m rock hard now after reading this.
  5. Very hot next chapter! Can’t wait fir the next installment.
  6. No worries! I wasn’t making any comment to disparage you. You were so eloquent about uncut cock, that I didn’t want to leave out all the cut cocks too. I agree with your sentiments above. I have no cock size limits when it comes to my ass at all. Cocksucking on the other hand poses some challenges for me depending on girth as well. But I try! Oh do I try! 😀
  7. Fantastic description of how one can enjoy foreskin and how it can mentally enhance the sexual experience. You gave some good insight here and have helped me think about this more creatively even as I’m uncut myself. I’m still an equal opportunity cocksucker no matter the shape, size, color, nor whether the cock comes hooded or not.
  8. Fucking hot dude! I just came back on Saturday from NYC. Wish I had been able to participate in a hot session like that.
  9. Really love this story! Don’t keep us in suspense about what happens next at this toxic campsite!
  10. I love how this story is twisting and turning. Keep posting your next chapters.
  11. This is one of my all time favorite stories on this site as well. Shot my load out again to it last night when I read it for the second time.
  12. Fuck dude! I love your story and the adventures of this hot little faggot. Keep giving us more chapters please.
  13. I know. It’s all instinct. He simply knows it is who he is and what he needs to do.
  14. My first experiences started when I was 10 progressing to an attempt at anal penetration when I was 12. Being inexperienced my neighborhood friend tried to penetrate me. I knew even then what I was born to do and be. I wanted it bad and he tried, but I was to tight and we didn’t know about lube and didn’t think about spit. I still fondly think back on all the hot fun two boys could have being naked together and feeling each other up. So much excitement over all that we did.
  15. I hope this story continues. I want to read about more matches in the ring. Dan and his friend need to get in the ring and be brutally poz fucked.
  16. That was a fucking hot story!
  17. This story is just phenomenal! I agree with what leatherpunk16 said that this needs to be made into a film production. I’d love to see it made into a sci-fi miniseries. This is a great story that absolutely must continue. If a movie production cannot be done, perhaps someone with drawing skills can produce a comic book version of this tale. I’d buy it in a heartbeat. PupLucky, please continue this fantastic story for us. You’ve got us entirely hooked to this just as the Makers seed has entirely hooked those it has infected.
  18. I hope the author can add additional chapters to this fine story.
  19. That was fucking worth every word written and every moment taken to read a piece of art like this.
  20. Hot! Let’s keep this story going!
  21. Fantastic story! Would be great fir you to write a sequel.
  22. That is too bad! I really found him to be extremely sexy.
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