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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. As someone who doesn’t solely define a man as a life support system for a penis, I couldn’t care less what colour a cock is (or age or religion, come to that.) Only that whoever it’s attached to has some idea what to do with it.
  2. Permanent residence on the (in)famous Fuck Tree!
  3. As George Michael notoriously cruised the Heath anonymously, I’ve often wondered if our paths ever crossed there. Actually, I did meet him twice professionally (and fully clothed!) but it would have been a bit rude to ask him about his Heath exploits… One night down there I met a very sexy blond Scottish guy, who invited me back to his. I followed his car for bloody miles. When we got there he dressed as a school boy (cap and all) and wanted me to “punish” him. It wasn’t really my thing at all but I played along because it was 3am and I had bugger anywhere else to go. Next morning we were served breakfast in bed by his flatmate who looked like Kathy Burke in Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. It was utterly bizarre. But that’s the Heath for you.
  4. I'm pleased you enjoyed the Heath. I sometimes feel that some guys who've never been there think those of us who have (many times in my case!) are exaggerating when we relate our stories. And I get that - sometimes even I have difficulty in believing some of the things I've done and witnessed there actually happened!
  5. That’s very interesting, To be honest, I was surprised how laid back my consultant was about it all.
  6. There seems to be mixed messages about this. When I went for my regular 6 month check up and bloods last week, I asked my consultant about monkeypox. She asked if I’d had the smallpox jab as a kid. I said I had and even showed her the scar. “Oh, you should be okay, then,” she said. “You should have some good immunity.” And that was it. Not terribly convincing if I’m honest. But I’m guessing that means over 50s (the vaccination programme in the UK ended in 1971) won’t be prioritised in any new vaccination programme for monkeypox.
  7. I think “Cockoos” are pretty common to most saunas I’ve been to!
  8. Back in the 80s/90s I used to cruise near a USAF airbase here in the UK and hooked up with quite a few American airmen (and, hell, were some of those guys fit!). We not only had to evade the regular UK police but the military police, too.
  9. Indeed. A mate in Manchester had it a couple of weeks ago following a group session, but only half of them got it. He’s been lucky as it’s been very mild in his case. It had started to clear up after a couple of days.
  10. In the UK, the Heath Security Agency has just withdrawn the need to isolate for anyone who’s been in close contact with someone who has MP providing they’re showing no symptoms. Apparently it’s because the most recent evidence here shows that “only a relatively small number of close contacts have gone on to develop monkeypox themselves.” I must admit, I was surprised how laidback my consultant was about monkeypox last week when I had my six monthly checkup.
  11. I agree with much of that. As someone who never came out because, essentially, I was never in, I’ve never had a problem showing my face on Grindr or Scruff. However, I note not many guys have a clear face picture on here, myself included. Is that because it’s not a hook-up site or because of the nature of the site? Probably both. I’m not making any judgements about that, by the way. I respect it. However, as a general rule of thumb I do understand the “No pic, no chat” rule, even if I’ve been pleasantly surprised on occasions I’ve broken it.
  12. It’s the same with the bias against faceless profiles. There may be 1001 reasons why someone can’t or won’t post a profile picture for the world to see. In some countries, it could be positively dangerous for him to do so. It’s not for me to judge anyone for it.
  13. Perhaps, then, the fundamental difference between us is that I’ve always adhered to the adage that it is better to travel hopefully than it is to arrive. So someone taps me, I respond and nothing comes back. What have I lost? Nothing. But if I’m tapped and don’t respond, I might - possibly not in your experience - just might have missed out on something good. I’m naturally laid back and optimistic and thus regard apps for what they are - a meaningless distraction for an hour or two, with no expectations on my part. If I get good sex on them (which I have), great. If not, I’ll grab a coffee or a whisky and watch some TV. To take them any more seriously than than, still less be annoyed by them, seems somewhat pointless to my mind.
  14. That’s an awful lot of angst over a wee little tap. I’m not sure I agree that one is obligated to respond to an unsolicited communication online. If it troubles you so much, why not state clearly that you do not reply to taps and stick to it? I wouldn’t because to do so might, just might, mean missing out on the greatest shag of my life. For example, just a couple of weeks before the first lockdown I got a tap from a faceless profile at 2am. As it was very close, I replied. Within the hour, I was having an incredible session with a lovely black and white couple, both good looking tops (let’s just say I was late into work that day). Had I been precious and ignored their tap I would not have had that. I can’t speak for others, but I’m certainly not going pass up opportunities like that because of some daft “no taps” rule.
  15. Much the same. I usually reply with “Thanks for your tap/oink/whatever. Much appreciated.” If they have a picture and look fit it will be “much appreciated and reciprocated.” To be honest, I never have understood why guys clutch their pearls and reach for the smelling salts about them. It’s only the online equivalent of an unsolicited wink across a bar. And some of us are grateful for the attention. Obviously, if one specifies that winks etc will be ignored and someone goes ahead anyway, that’s a different matter. But I can’t ever imagine making such a stipulation myself. I’ve always lived by the motto “never say no to new adventures, otherwise you’ll lead a very dull life.”
  16. Much the same how I felt when The Fort closed. I lost my inhibitions in there. And in a darkroom that black I was never going to find them again!
  17. My mate in Manchester who was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago seems to have got off lightly because his sores/lesions started to clear up within three days and he’s fine again now. Apart from some itching at the outset, it hasn’t troubled him much at all.
  18. This on the Sky News website tonight: “Anyone who has been in close proximity to a monkeypox sufferer no longer needs to isolate - providing they have no symptoms, health officials have said.The new advice comes as the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said it had got 100,000 more vaccines as monkeypox cases continue to rise. As of 18 July, there were 2,137 confirmed cases in the UK. Of these, 2,050 are in England, with a large proportion of the cases found in London. New information shows that only a relatively small number of close contacts have gone on to develop monkeypox themselves.”
  19. Sounds like it was a good afternoon…
  20. I could not agree more. There is nothing quite like a hot summer night (and I mean late night/early hours) down the Heath. It should be up there with the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey on any “must do” sites to visit in London.
  21. Isn’t that the definition of marriage…? 😉 Okay, serious reply. Yes, of course. I think most guys have, to be honest. There was another discussion recently about how hate fucks can be truly electric. I think I agree with that.
  22. My GP was very laid back about it all, to be honest. So I’m not sure I have the utmost confidence in what she said.
  23. Yes, I heard 70-80% too.
  24. If only the producers of daytime TV knew they aroused such erotic thoughts. 😂
  25. I know we’ve chatted about this between ourselves but I’d just add that a mate of mine currently has it. He’s been told to isolate for two weeks, which he finds absurd given the way it is spread (“I’m hardly likely to pass it on buying milk in Sainsbury’s, am I?” were his words) but he’s doing everything he’s been told - which is a first! The doctors aren’t treating him and just told him to let it run its course. He says he’s finding the spots annoying but nothing more than that. When I asked my GP, she suggested the smallpox shot I had as a kid (yes, I still bear the scar) probably does offer some protection and cited as evidence that there have been very few MP cases in the over 50s - at least in the UK. I’m not 100% reassured by that, but I’m going to keep monitoring it.
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