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Everything posted by Sfmike64

  1. Sex addiction is not a thing. It's not a psychological diagnosis that any reputable therapist or psychiatrist would make. It's not the same as being an alcoholic or drug addict. Compulsive behavior certainly exists in all sorts of realms (sex being one of them), but it's not addiction. Many links here: [think before following links] https://www.google.com/search?q=sex+addiction+is+not+a+thing&oq=sex+addiction+is+not+a+thing&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigAdIBCDMzMDJqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  2. They're probably all bitcoin scams!
  3. Is it just me or have the phishing scams with Asian guys exploded in the past few months on Grindr ? They have weirdly bad English syntax. Then usually want to switch to WhatsApp. That's the giveaway for me.
  4. I remember reading a porn story in Honcho or Mandate back around 1979-80 called Teddy the Hook. All about a dude with a curved cock.
  5. A-fucking-men. A couple weeks ago I went to a guy's house in the suburbs (should've listened to my brain not my cock) and he bailed when I got out all the way there. Asshole.
  6. It could’ve been worse, the initial message could’ve just said “s’up.”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  7. Let's just say I had a really good time. 🙂 Ask Luis....he's the only one who's name I knew.
  8. I'm a bad Daddy. I have to go back and read the last section so I can write another one or two. I have promised several of you privately that I would add more to this story, as it's the only one of my stories that I didn't wrap up neatly.
  9. I am SO NOT that guy. I'm 100% gay both romantically and sexually. The only pussy I ever touched (besides the one I came out of at birth) was the trans dudes I've fucked. I surprised myself by LOVING IT. But it was because it was attached to a dude. I think I"m the only one of my friends who really enjoyed cunnilingus (to me, the lube tasted like oodles of pre-cum which was delicous). The world is so deliciously complicated. 🙂
  10. I'm really verbal (more so now that I'm older). Love spinning a story with a bottom. I once fucked a guy who literally did not make a sound while I was fucking him. It was weird.
  11. I've never understood people who freak out when they get a little shit on their dick. Dude, you're fucking an asshole. Yes, we should endeavor to be clean when we get fucked, but....LITERALLY shit happens sometimes. You just have to roll with it and move on. He didn't deserve your hole.
  12. My husband has had the weird and hilarious experience of someone sending him a message on Scruff while we were sleeping, and then annoyed when no response came, and then increasing annoyance so by the morning the breakup had already happened.
  13. "I lived! I've gotta find out what to do now!"
  14. I’m with you….. me too. They’re so creepy looking.
  15. I've always had a hard time with fuck buddy relationships. I was either dating someone or it was a. one off or we became friends and stopped having sex. I met a guy back when I lived in SF who was a tall blonde surfer dude with long wavy hair. NOt generally my type (tall and lean and slightly furry) but something about his energy really worked. He was super into bear daddies (c'est moi) and we really clicked. Plus he turned out to be a really nice guy. We would get together once a month or so and play and then go grab a beer or a meal. When he had man trouble, he would confide in me. It was a lovely relationship for about 10 years. Before I moved to NOLA we hooked up. He told me that my insistence on playing with his tits for years while I was fucking him (even though he said they didn't do anything for him) had woken them up, and that was the thing he was most thankful for playing with me. It was one of the nicest things anyone ever said to me. 🙂
  16. I recall two. One in about 1982 who was a nerdy skinny white dude in St Paul. Had to be 11" or so. He fucked me with it too. Split me the fuck open and bred my hole. I was 18. When I lived in Boston in the early 90s, I used to cruise at the sleazy Pilgrim Theatre in the Combat Zone (RIP now condos). It was a huge old vaudeville house that had been built in 1914. Met this tall, hot Irish guy called John. He was tall, broad and furry, with dark black hair on his head and body. He had a huge, thick uncut dick and loved being deepthroated. He would just grab your ears and slam your head down on his dick and hold it. I never said no to that epic dick.
  17. Come sit in daddy's lap, son.
  18. "Have you seen my friend? He's about 5'10" with a buzz cut and a beard. He's wearing jeans and a t-shirt." Which of course described 90% of the people in the bar.
  19. Well….I’m irresistible, so that won’t be difficult.!
  20. I have no patience for this nonsense, TBH. If you don't want to kiss me then I don't want to fuck you.
  21. If I could pull a Frank N Furter and make a man, he would be 5'3", 180, thick, blonde buzz cut, blonde beard and thick blonde body hair with a giant fuckable ass and a 9" uncut cock.
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