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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. Indeed. We have clues only in that we have alternatives we can envision. But what will actually happen remains to be seen. My very UNscientific poll among people I know suggests their early thinking involved guns. And yeah that could I suppose happen. Maybe even 5050 odds of a civil war. But maybe odds are greater than I think.... I think speed of intervention will have a large influence on longer term outcomes.
  2. That would give those who wish to go after, let's say finally eliminate all those gay people so they won't reproduce, and then they will cease to exist... Not unlike 100 years ago as Germany devolved into it's despicable outcome.
  3. Costa Rica 25 years ago, vs now, and potentially where it may be 25 years from now...
  4. KILLS If the proposed drug kills someone; we would know early in the game; the drug trial would end and things go back to be studied. So when you write the drug kills xyz, that just won't happen. Now we might see some percentage of the group exposed to new(ish) treatment XYZ manifest other health conditions later on. But inferring that was "caused" by the vaccine would be unanticipated. We've had unhappy things happen while trying new treatments. If the option is "do nothing" vs "learn and do the best we can"; why would we not side for the latter? The trials we do are a pretty good predictor of how a new vaccine will work among the full population. It is nonetheless true we are working with diverse humans. At initial roll out the first users are the final guinea pig. Perhaps you've forgotten that during the Covid19 initial vaccinations they were rolled out by risk. Those who might die sooner anyway but for whom avoidance of the pathogen lessens a hasty death. My group; HIV poz, otherwise immune compromised, seniors with some underlying conditions were that first Covid vaccination group. It would be interesting to grab those stats specifically; how many of us were adversely affected by the vaccine and how infections rates evolved between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. SAVES Context is relevant here. The words you used were "(it) saves 10 million lives". Knowing how many lives were "saved" requires us to know what would have happened vs what actually happened. And while we can measure things to gain a trajectory of likely outcomes; we don't know specific numbers. By tracking information and grouping them into those we did X to and those we didn't do X to; gives us one way of considering outcomes. From that we can calculate what what likely would have happened. But it is a calculation. If you meant, 2 million died rather than 12 million from the disease we are attempting to control; I am pretty damned happy with that number. A more accurate metric would be when we compare the frequency and severity of infections between vaccinated and unvaccinated. And if you listen to any statement about Covid vaccine, it's goal was to reduce frequency and severity of infection. They absolutely do not guarantee you won't get infection by the targeted pathogen. If we're watchful, some of that USAID sorta work, we can detect and contain a new pathogen to as small as possible geographic region as we can. Initial containment limits progression and sometimes that is self correcting (looking back on human history). My HIV resistance directly connected to the Black Plague survivors. We implemented AZT largely as an experiment rather than do nothing until we achieved perfection. So the number you pose is unlikely, but honest if I am one of the 10 million, that is 10 million ostensibly happy people vs zero. I imagine there are stats one can pull that would give us the details of 85 yo 95 treatment success ratio.
  5. It would not be the first stupid venture Donny posed, started and failed in. What is unclear is he speaking as Donny the guy who buys (rather than develops) real estate? Or as POTUS? It is quite unclear if he sees a difference. He seems to have deluded himself into believing he owns the USA.
  6. Adding to @BootmanLA 2-1-1 use of PrEP has been approved for some time now. Meaning even that doesn't necessarily have to be taken daily unless you have raw anonymous sex daily. IF that is the case it would be worthwhile do discuss with your doctor how to manage your comparatively unique case with your doc.
  7. But to our Donny appointed SCOTUS guys R v W was "settled law".
  8. I thought the trend was to replace the IC engine with a Tesla Drive train in classic cars??? Maybe that's what Donny meant by Riviera.
  9. And while accepting and supporting of each other, we don't have to pick "the" solution. For example, I am concerned about the use of some medical intervention early in life. I'm uncertain puberty blockers will in the long run not be viewed as we view electroshock therapy or lobotomies 50 years from now.
  10. Religion made all sorts of sense centuries ago. Whether the "sometimes" intellect we humans display in the larger sea of what Hilary referred to as deplorables comes from a deity or is simply how we have evolved as a species doesn't change who and we are today. Religion hasn't been a bad way to look at things when we haven't developed skills to explain our world; Mediums these days do a big business when they get followers. Fortune tellers are nothing new. Right there with snake oil salesmen, and IMO a few steps below prostitutes in the career scale which have been around throughout our ability to record a history. We've a history, even in the USA's short 250ish years, of exploiting our neighbors and fucking them behind their mates back. We assume since we have a birth and death, everything else must as well. And we refer to that "on-going-ness" I think as 'god'. Religions developed social controls. I'm not sure "the board" sat down one day and did that; but they've evolved to be the arbiters of moral behaviors. All have a "god" figurehead with whom no one alive can actually shake hands with. Which is quite convenient. But the common thread around a good part of the differing religions are around survivability of the religion. So it became quite popular among humans to kill humans who didn't believe the same stories they did. Sort of like killing people for not believing Harry Potter's books aren't diaries of a real life. As we've grown as a species we. Rather rapidly; doubling twice now in my lifetime. We are for multiple reasons facing some big human decisions again as we approach the 100th anniversary of WW2. It has been a pretty good run. There are a lot of viable options if we can shift from catering to the few to catering to the most. We may see this rather soon, this year or next; or we'll weather through, achieve stasis for awhile; and then experience whatever methods get chosen for resolution.
  11. Dayum @BootmanLA Can I use this as an example of a cogent reply if I ever publish a dictionary? 🙂
  12. ... I could be Louis. A lifetime of bareback gave me other STI's but HIV remained elusive. If the goal is seroconversion, fucking is an inefficient way to accomplish that. But I could also be the protagonist. My hubby and I have had similar conversations. Many of us eventually come to realize that a relationship isn't sex any more than a relationship is doing laundry or mowing the lawn.
  13. That's mutual @Falls727. You've an open invitation to my dungeon when you next visit Wisconsin. I hope you would make that a fun stop on your visit.
  14. @pozpopperpig as lovely as that would be, he stopped writing this eleven years ago. And in fact he last logged in eleven years go. Doubtful there is a continuation coming....
  15. It is one of my frustrations with our pattern here on BZ of authors not finishing their stories. Some of course do have closure, even if us readers can envision continuations. But many just give up mid stream. Like pulling out midway and going home...
  16. No doubt about that @NicNorth
  17. @Erik62 we certainly have good reason to not trust Mr Vance. But at end I believe the struggle will be between Trump and his fuck buddy Musk.
  18. To clarify, T man gave Muskrat the passwords to all the accounts, plus unlocked the building, shoved the others aside and had him take over. Judges can make rulings till the cows come home (or more likely get lost now that no one is watching them); unless he is stopped, the passwords changed and his (very likely) spyware removed he is in control of the federal Treasury. Unvetted, just handed over... If anyone doesn't get the significance of this you're in for an unpleasant surprise. The guy running the show is Musk...
  19. We're definitely a group demonstrating a nice array of our own fetishes; barebacking being our common bond.
  20. @hntnhole indeed neither party is without fault, both have moved to their wingtips which only lasts awhile. Then the center majority eventually will do something. I am though concerned about how that will be done when all the financial control has been moved out of the legislature, and they continue to just let that happen.
  21. And it's important to note that unless you're having anonymous sex every day; and sadly at least many of us don't; you only need doxyPEP in proportion to your exposures. And in that case, just wait until the infection to treat it. I have doxyPEP in my cabinet. I have had occasion to use it. If you're ever going to take it and a newly prescribed antibiotic, by all means bring up the fact you've been taking doxy every day so he can take that into account (although, TBH, he'll know by your refill activity. ) Echoing above, your doctor did a bang up job disqualifying himself. WRT !. treatment failure. Sometimes one cocktail simply stops working as well. Numbers in your labs start to change suggesting the cocktails are lessening in effectiveness. And in that case exploring other ones is often the remedy. It would be uncommon for there to be a sudden failure, but uncommon things can happen. Biktarvy has been around 20ish years now, and many remain on it with pretty darned good periodic labs. But it is hardly the only option.
  22. Age hasn't seemed a deterrent. The fork in the road (as it were) for me was when I tested poz 18 months ago. Pretty fukken deep into my lifespan before that occurred. My profiles are honest as they've been all along; and so when my HIV status changed I updated my profile. That brought about a rather abrupt change. It took awhile for the "no one reads profiles anymore" group to catch up, but they eventually did and damn, that has really put a damper on my fun. No regrets of my change in status, but regrets others react to that without conversation.
  23. Agree with all of the previous responses. Love the story and recalling fondly baths and bookstores before 1980s.
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