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Everything posted by PhoenixGeoff

  1. The cheating on a poor married woman part really is the biggest factor for me. A big part of that is the fact that I'm poz. I'm not going to play a role in passing HIV on to some unsuspecting woman whose husband is out getting bred at the arcades before heading home. Truly straight men hold no attraction for me. It may be hard to believe, but all through my mid-to-late 20s, when I was on active duty, I never once so much as got a hardon in a shower. Part of that was fear. I never came out to anyone while I was in, aside from two guys who'd been comfortable identifying as bi to me first. But mostly, it's a matter of respect. I won't force myself on someone who doesn't want my attention. Having spent time in, then out, then back in, then back out of the closet (I seem to have spent much of my life going back and forth), I have a firm belief that coming out it a personal journey that should be firmly under the control of the individual. I will, if asked, offer help along the way if I can, but I won't push. On the other hand, I've known truly bisexual guys who were very open about their sexuality, both among other men, and with women. I'm not terribly interested in MWM 3-ways (although when I was younger it happened once or twice, mostly to get access to the guy), but I don't mind enjoying myself with bisexual guys who are open about things with their SO. They can actually be a lot of fun. Moreover, they're extremely unlikely to mistake sex for love, which has happened to me with a few gay guys over the years. Then there are the closeted guys who are making their first moves. I used to avoid the inexperienced ones too. But you know what? Someone was my first fuck way back when. And fortunately, he did a very good job of introducing me to the scene. Now, I'm not terribly attracted to the majority of men in this situation these days; young guys usually hold little attraction for me. But my work does afford me the opportunity to run into some older guys who are just taking their first steps into acknowledging and enjoying their sexuality. And there's something very satisfying about helping them along with that, even if it means that I have to place some restrictions on what we end up doing (and, in the process, educating them about HIV and other STDs; sexual health education in much of this country is atrocious). Consider it a form of paying back all those men who took the time and interest to turn you into the man you are today.
  2. Yeah, sorry...that kind of attitude is precisely why so many younger guys turn me off. I understand that different people have different standards, and that no-one will be attractive to everyone. And that's exactly why everyone has the ability to communicate with someone hitting on them and say, "I'm flattered by the offer, but you're not my type." Some of these younger kids need to learn that it was that kind of attitude that drove the foundation of the bear movement in the first place...we were looking to get away from all of that kind of bullshit. That's one of the things I've always really loved about bears...we're not so hung up on having the perfect appearance or continually working on getting the perfect body. And as a result, we are often a hell of a lot more laid back and fun to be around. Frankly, I wouldn't have any interest in being part of a group that told guys they were too old or too big or too scruffy or too rough around the edges to join. I hope the management of the Midtowne told those stuck-up queens exactly where the fuck to get off with their attitude. And I look forward to seeing them when they turn 40 or 50 and are desparately chasing their long-lost youth...that's never a pretty picture, though it can be an entertaining one Living well is the best revenge.
  3. In general, I'm the same as HungLatinDom...I like men who know what they're doing. Virgins do absolutely nothing for me. I'm also of the opinion that enjoying sex with another man ipso facto makes you bi or gay. I get that a lot of guys have problems with self-identifying as anything but straight...hell, I used to do the same thing way back when I was still working things out...but we've all got lies we tell ourselves, and telling yourself, "I'm straight" while you're enjoying that guy pounding your ass is one of 'em. On the other hand, I work in a pretty conservative, mostly male profession. I spend plenty of nights parked in small towns. And I've had opportunities to hook up with extremely attractive men who are pretty clearly very closeted (one thing that attracts that kind of man to truck drivers is that they know we'll be gone in the morning). For many of these guys, the closet manifests in the form of getting married and having kids and hoping that will "straighten" them out. Hell, in West Virginia, I've met some outstandingly great guys (in appearance, sexually and in general), but every single one of them, from what I can tell, has an ex-wife and usually a kid or two. In general, I've found that guys like that frequently won't even bring up the topic of condoms when it comes to sex. In many more conservative, especially rural parts of the US, the safe sex education leaves a lot to be desired (the one strategy they teach is abstinence) and education regarding gay sex is nonexistent. So all of this combined makes me wary. In general, I assume that my partners are informed about the risks and make their choices accordingly, just like most everyone here on this site. But I can't make that assumption about many of the guys I meet on the road. For some, I might be their only shot at getting laid with a guy that they'll have for months or even years, which means they're prone to making bad decisions out of horniness. And the fact that I have HIV makes things much more complicated...gay guys in San Francisco are used to being around HIV+ guys; the one gay guy in a small town in west Texas will know next to nothing (and is often terrified by it). And then, if they are married, there's the added complication of a spouse who is most likely unaware of her husband's activities. I can accept barebacking with another guy who has some idea of the risk involved and is willing to take a chance to get laid; hell, I made that particular decision myself. I can even accept that in the context of a guy in a relationship with another man; we all know HIV is out there and we also know that men, even the best of men, are pigs. But I'm not going to take the chance that some guy's wife might unknowingly be exposed because she didn't have a clue about her husband's sexuality. So adding everything up: the experience factor, the lowered ability to have informed consent due to lack of sex education, the potential for causing harm to innocent bystanders...it's just somewhere I choose not to go. I may be a pig, but I'm a pig with a conscience. (Incidentally, this by no means stops me from getting laid on the road...there are tons of insanely hot and piggy openly bi men out there. There are also openly gay men all over the country who are awesome fucks and easy on the eyes. And by "open", I mean, they are honest with themselves and their partners about their sexuality; the closet with respect to life in general is still a necessity for guys in many places even in 2013...I don't begrudge them that at all.)
  4. If only there were some way of getting all the pigs on this site together for a big fuck party to celebrate. It's the curse of the Internet...the hot guys are always at least 500 miles away.
  5. I firmly believe that even guys who feel strongly drawn to just be a top or a bottom should at the very least try the other side, if only to have a better understanding of what they're doing to or for their partners. Personally, I go through phases. Sometimes I'm a total bottom, other times I'm a total top. But that's rare. Mostly, I'm drawn to the man I'm with, and I'll either top or bottom (or both) depending on what it takes to get into his pants. I do make an effort to top on a fairly regular basis, since bottoms are more plentiful, and I believe that if I want to get loads shot into my ass, it's best to build up some good karma and pay it forward by breeding a few bottoms myself. Course, sometimes that backfires. I'll start out topping at a bathhouse and guys will just assume that I'm a total top. There have been times that I've ended up fucking three or four guys and never gotten fucked myself, only to find, when I mention it to someone, that he'd just figured I didn't get fucked. And then, there's this idea out there that truck drivers tend to be tops. Some are, but a lot of us aren't, and I've met plenty who, contrary to stereotype, loved getting plowed more than just about anything.
  6. I've fallen asleep with my cock still in the guy after breeding his ass once or twice. Ended up waking up with my cock still inside him, soft. But I rapidly got hard again, and woke him by fucking his ass and giving him another load. I'm not sure I'd want to be knocked out while getting fucked. Restrained and blindfolded so I didn't know who was fucking me, sure. Or woken up to a guy fucking me. But I'd feel like I'd missed out on a really hot experience if I slept through it.
  7. You're pretty high up on my personal list of men from this site I'd love to get with. I'm really going to have to see if I can get sent over to your side of Texas sometime....
  8. Alas, I have a job with a new company that keeps me west of I-35. The driving's a lot easier and less stressful (no Chicago! no East Coast!) but the downside is that I don't get around to meet as many pigs as I did when I was OTR. And trust me, there are some extremely hot men I met out there back east that I will sincerely regret not seeing again in the near future.
  9. Varies depending on the guy. Most are just one time things. Though I do find repeats happen unintentionally (sometimes even without me being aware of it) at home in Denver. I do have a small group of repeat fuckbuds, mostly in other cities I visit relatively often. Typically that happens either with guys I really click with sexually, or I'm often in a town with a microscopic gay community (as in single-digit numbers of guys) and there's one there who's attractive and handy whenever I'm there. In one or two cases, both.
  10. Only met one person from on here, and that's the man himself (a very classy guy, our host, btw. He had a bottom all lined up and everything to share with me). Part of the problem I have is that I'd love to meet up with some of you all while I'm out on the road, but (a) I need a kind of universal black book that tells me who of potential interest is close to me and ( that black book needs to work well on a smart phone. I do take a laptop with me, but it's a hassle to break it out, fire up the APU, and get online, when my smartphone is already there and already working. And this leads me to a plea to those who might be more tech-savvy and who also have the contacts in the industry. What would it take to come up with a Grindr-like app that focused on guys into barebacking? Yeah, I know BarebackRT has a mobile interface, but frankly, it's got a few rough edges, and isn't particularly user friendly for guys who are constantly on the move like I am. And, for those of you who don't travel around so much, wouldn't it be kinda nice to know that there's a potential raw hookup in the same bar, or down the street or wherever? No idea if development wouldn't be cost prohibitive. And I'd much rather see it built on top of an existing barebacking online community, either here or BBRT or something than a brand new startup. Although that might not be possible...hybrid web/mobile sites don't really seem to work very well.
  11. Because I love eating out a well fucked ass, and love sucking on a cock that's just been buried in a hot ass (mine or someone else's), my preference is for no artificial lubes at all. Cum is the first choice. Spit is second. Anything else is an extremely distant third.
  12. Two anecdotes from the road that illustrate what turns me on the most: I I was sitting in the truck stop diner having some lunch. Contrary to what you may have seen in porn, most truck drivers are not terribly hot. Many are in pretty poor condition, the combination of a sedentary job with a terrible diet. And many wouldn't be all that attractive even if they were in shape. This guy was. Most gay guys wouldn't look twice at him. But he was in his early-to-mid thirties. Average height, decent build for a driver (large framed, but not overly big or obese). Decent looking face, but not turn-your-head handsome. Certainly not pretty in the way some gay guys are. Shaggy...he had a beard going and hair he'd let grow out a bit. Unkempt in the way we often are when we've been out on the road for a while. And clearly, he'd paid little attention to how he'd dressed. Worn work boots. Old blue jeans, worn without a belt. The back seams had frayed where they'd dropped down low enough for him to step on them. An old, comfortable sweatshirt. An old baseball cap. All in all, dressed with an eye to comfort and not to how he looked. He looked like he didn't give a damn. In retrospect, it was the effortlessness of how he looked. Literally, he'd put no effort into his appearance. It was his take-it-or-leave attitude that really got to me. Let me explain: most gay men I know will put extraordinary effort into how we look. Whether you're dressing professionally or just heading out to the neighborhood bar, we'll typically put a lot of thought into the image we project. Even if you're deliberately cultivating an "I just threw this together at random" image, it'll still be, well, deliberately cultivated. You're projecting an image. I think a lot of this comes from spending our formative years in the closet, where we spend years having to pretend to be something we aren't. The rest comes from learning how to dress to attract the men we like. We think about the kind of thing that will draw their eye. And dress accordingly. We spend hours in the gym perfecting our bodies. Everything about us sometimes seems like artifice. This guy was different. He looked like he'd never pretended to be anyone other than himself in his life. And he clearly wasn't interested in attracting any attention. He was who he was, and that, naturalness, that integrity was incredibly sexy, in a way I've never seen a gay guy be sexy. II I recently had a breakdown with my truck. The main air line from the compressor to the tanks that hold the air under pressure used for braking had worn and was starting to leak. This is serious because if the air pressure drops enough, the parking brakes will automatically engage (so you don't end up in a situation where you're trying to manage an 80,000 pound vehicle down the highway at speed without any brakes at all). The pressure was dropping slowly, but steadily. I'd made arrangements to have a mechanic meet me at my delivery. He turned out to be the head of his company's maintenance department (all of his other mechanics were out on other calls). Mid 40s, potbellied, balding and bearded and very friendly. Typical sort of man you might see hanging out at your local bear bar, if he'd been gay (his wife came along on the call but didn't leave his pickup truck). We chatted a bit as he worked and I gave him a little bit of a hand here and there. As he got down on the ground and was crawling under my truck, I felt the stirrings of attraction to him. And it struck me what it was I really liked about him. This guy really knew his job. He was good at what he did. He'd been in the industry since he was 18. And he still wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. In fact, he seemed happy to have the excuse to get out of the office. Hardworking, competent, and cheerful to be around. In my years in the workforce, I've often been struck by how rare what I consider to be basic skills actually are. Basic reading and writing. The ability to show up on time. The ability to actually meet a commitment. Willingness to work, even do physically demanding labor without complaining. Willingness and ability to learn whatever kills are needed to get the job done. And maybe it's a symptom of my old age, but more and more, I find those basic attributes incredibly sexy, far more so than that perfect body. *** So it's basically an old-fashioned guy I want. Not a big head turning. Not a guy with a perfect body. Certainly not one with attitude. Not even one with the big paycheck. Just an ordinary, hardworking, salt-of-the-earth kind of guy. Course, a bit of a pig doesn't hurt either.
  13. Kyle, I've never been turned away at the DSC, though to be honest, I generally don't go there for the action (mostly doesn't attract my kinda men). It is kind of nice to go there in the summer and enjoy the pool and just relax. But for sex, the Midtowne is closer to me and more fun too in my experience. I've heard rumors about the DSC being picky, but I've personally never really seen it happen. But like I said, if you're looking for real men and actual fun, the Midtowne is probably the better bet anyways.
  14. Are they expensive? Yes, very. But in most cases, either private insurance or some government program reduces the cost to that similar to other drugs. The VA charges me $9 per prescription per month. (for U.S. readers) Do you think "Obamacare" will reduce the cost of HIV treatment? Not directly. For those who lack private insurance, government programs generally pick up the tab of HIV treatment (unless you've got enough income to pay for it yourself). The one area Obamacare might help is for people who pay for their own currently insurance out of pocket. Currently, these people are in a risk pool of 1. Because HIV treatment is so expensive, insurance companies charge a huge amount to cover them in monthly premiums. The people in the worst situation are small business owners, who often make too much to qualify for government programs, but don't make enough to be able to afford the premiums. Obamacare should help them out in three ways: First, health insurance companies can no longer charge extra or turn you down based on "preexisting conditions" like HIV. Second, people buying insurance on the open market (rather than through an employer) will be able to shop on state-run "exchanges" where they will be placed into a risk pool with everyone else in their state. And third, the government will now provide subsidies for health insurance premiums that will phase out at relatively high levels of income. Also, most states will expand Medicaid coverage to cover more people. But the main driver of the expense of treating HIV is the cost of the medications. And since most of the meds are pretty new, they're still patented. Which means the owners can and do charge an arm and a leg. The good news is that the patents on many of the most commonly prescribed meds are now expiring, or will in the next few years. That should bring costs down enormously as generics become available. Are the side effects really that bad? It varies considerably. Many people, like myself, only have minimal (or even no) side effects. On the other hand, I've known people who have gone through hell. In general, what the doctor will do when you're ready to start meds is put you on one of the front line treatments. This will be something most people tolerate pretty well and that you only have to take once a day. Then you'll see how it goes. Your doctor will want to ensure your numbers are shaping up well (CD4 count rising, Viral load falling to undetectable). And you'll be asked about side effects. If the side effects are bad, you'll switch out some drugs for others that hopefully will affect you less. The goal is to find an effective cocktail that's easy to take and has minimal side effects. Please be absolutely honest with your doctor about side effects. Don't try to "tough it out". I made that mistake early in my treatment. I was on Viracept and was having terrible GI problems...diarrhea, permanent low-grade nausea, etc. But I figured I could take it and failed to report the problems as fully as I should. After a time, I found myself becoming depressed. I missed doses. And eventually, it turned out that my virus became resistant to two of the drugs I was on. You don't want that to happen because it can severely limit your options for treatment. On the other hand, understand that any side effects you do have often will recede with a little time. That was my experience with Sustiva. At first it fucked with my head terribly. And if I even looked at an alcoholic drink, I go loopy. But with the passage of time, those effects receded. Now I only rarely get a very mild "unfocused" feeling after I take it. Is it true that meds, not HIV/AIDS itself, is what gives you "the look"? Are guys that are strict about taking their meds more likely to have "the look"? You're talking about lipodystrophy, which basically means that your body fat moves to odd places, leaving you with less in some places (like your face) and more in others (like your gut or the "buffalo hump"). We're not quite sure which is causing it or why it happens or why it's more severe with some people than others. I'd personally consider it a long term effect of living with HIV. Since the guys who are strict about taking their meds are the ones who actually live longer, it's hard to answer your last question too. Did you have to experiment with a lot of different meds to find the one you like? When I was diagnosed, I was a college student with student insurance. They covered the doctor visits and tests, but not the drugs. The doctor at the student health center referred me to a group that was conducting pharmaceutical trials in order to help me get meds for free. They were testing ways to reduce the side effects of Viracept, which is pretty notorious for its side effects (see what I wrote above). Long story short, I tried to tough it out as long as I could (I didn't want to get kicked out of the study and lose my free meds) and ended up becoming resistant to two of the drugs I was on. After that, I was referred to the VA (where I should have gone to begin with), where they place me on my current regimen. With only one minor change, I've stuck with that for about the last ten years. Do you take a cocktail of meds each day, or one pill with various NRTIs in it? I currently take three pill once a day, all at the same time. One of those three is a two-medication combination, so I'm actually on four meds. "NRTI", by the way, refers to a specific class of HIV meds (Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors). This class of drugs prevents the HIV virus from using a particular protein (reverse transcriptase) from copying the viral RNA into the DNA in your CD4 cells and thus hijacking the cell into producing more and more copies of the viral RNA. This is only one strategy out there for stopping the virus from reproducing. There are a couple other methods that attack the reverse transcriptase protein (NNRTIs and NtRTIs). Others attack other proteins used at other points in the process (protease inhibitors or PI, integrase inhibitors, etc.) or attack other points in the life cycle (e.g. fusion inhibitors). In general, the three meds in your cocktail will attack the virus in three different ways. So if you're on Atripla, you're taking an NRTI, NNRTI and an NtRTI. Most of the time, if your virus becomes resistant to a particular med, it will also be resistant to all other medications in the same class. The reason why we have multiple drugs in the same class is that the side effect profile will vary from drug to drug, so if, for instance, you're having trouble with Sustiva, you might be put on a different NNRTI. If you're interested, there's a description of the HIV lifecycle here. How are the 1990s meds (AZT, etc.) different from what we have now? When AZT first came out, we didn't understand just how easily HIV mutated in response to medications. So while it did a good job of stopping HIV in the lab, when tested on people, it worked briefly, and then stopped as the virus gained immunity. At first, too, we weren't sure how much drug was needed to be effective. So early on, patients were given extremely high doses, with correspondingly horrific side effects. As we've worked out the cocktail strategy (three meds is generally the magic number required to keep HIV in check), we've also radically reduced the dose prescribed as we've learned what's effective. AZT is, in fact, still routinely prescribed today as part of a cocktail. And at the doses currently used, it's generally well tolerated. And as a bonus, it's one of the few HIV meds that is currently available as a generic in the US. Let's say someone doesn't know that you're POZ and asks what all those pill bottles are for - do you lie or tell the truth? I always disclose to men that I feel there's even a remote chance of sex with, bareback or safe. Other than that, no-one's ever asked, so it hasn't come up. Outside of health professionals, only a handful of people know I'm HIV+, mostly family members and close friends. Do you ever take a meds vacation to get your VL higher when you're going to poz up a NEG? No. But I'm not a "gift giver". The idea of infecting someone else does nothing for me. I don't object to fucking neg guys who know my status (on the assumption that they're probably taking loads from other poz guys as well). But I won't go out of my way to spread the virus. Meds vacations was an idea that was floated about ten years ago where we thought that men who'd kept the virus in check for a while might be able to go off the meds for a bit, especially if the side effects were bothering them. We'd assumed that since HIV usually progresses pretty slowly, that they'd basically be starting from scratch and might potentially be able to stay off meds for a few years before needing to bring the VL back down. What we found is that if you go off meds, the virus rebounds pretty rapidly. Considering that vacations also offer a chance for it to become resistant, you'll find that doctors don't recommend them at all any more. Will meds make me not as horny to recharge and keep spreading The Gift? Possibly. Some of the meds have been known to have sexual side effects. If that's a problem, talk to your doctor about alternative treatments. Or just live with it. I know it's kind of a heresy around here, but there is more to life than just sex. I take Xanax every day, and I know that I keep getting tolerant to it and have to take more and more. Does the same thing happen with meds? No. Basically, the meds simply block the virus from reproducing. As long as you stick to the cocktail, they can work indefinitely. I've been on mine for the last ten years. That being said, if given a chance, the virus can become resistant to one or more of the meds you're on. This is usually caused by missing doses, but can in rare cases happen spontaneously. We've got a ton of different strategies for handling that situation now, with all of the classes of medications out there. Your doctor will adjust your cocktail and life will go on. That being said, once you find a cocktail that works for you, do your absolute level best to stick to it 100%. Many of the medications that are used as fallbacks have more serious problems, more difficult side effects, need to be taken multiple times a day, under special conditions. Some are injections rather than pills. If you have a set of meds that are working, only need to be taken once a day, and have few or no side effects, you do not want to lose that.
  15. I had a brief stint as an escort back when I was about your age (I highly doubt anyone would pay me for sex these days!). Surprisingly enough, only a little less than half of the clients wanted to top me. Then I figured out what they were really paying for. Yeah, part of it was that I was fairly young and pretty good looking. And hopefully, a decent fuck too. But more than that, they wanted: 1) Convenience...that I'd turn up where I was supposed to when I was supposed to. No flaking out. No being late. No being unprepared. 2) Safety...I wouldn't fall in love. I wouldn't steal from them. I also always used a condom with clients, more to protect them. And I always kept my mouth shut. In short, no drama. 3) I'd leave again once we were done. (Like the old joke that straight guys tell, you don't pay a hooker for sex, you pay her to leave in the morning). And only come back if invited (and paid). 4) Fantasy fulfillment...I'd let them decide how the scene would work. They could top or bottom. Vanilla or kink. Some guys enjoyed conversation first. Some got right down to it. I wore my Army uniform for one. Leather for another. Basically, if they wanted something very specific that it was hard to find a partner for, or if they had a kink they didn't want to admit to anyone they knew, they could come to me (and often I charged extra, depending on the scene). This is where I make my pitch for you to learn to top well, even if it's not really your thing. The fewer limitations you set on what you're willing to do for a client, the better you'll do as an escort. Basically, like anything else, success as an escort comes down to two things: having a superior product (your appearance, but also your sexual skills, ability to set clients at ease, etc.) and having great customer service. Essentially, you need to recognize that you're running a business. If you're going to be a professional, be a real professional.
  16. Man, ain't that the truth. I remember when I first discovered the baths. Within a year, I had a job working at one (got to get a free room there whenever I wasn't on duty). And the place had over 100 rooms. And it was one of half a dozen baths in town. Incidentally, got fired a few months later...fucking around with a customer that the assistant manager had his eye on. LOL. Was just as well, I was getting ready to enlist at the time anyways. But yeah...definitely miss the sleaziness. Guys were more open about fucking around too. Wish things were more like that these days. I'd gladly trade gay marriage rights for a sleazier gay culture than what we have now.
  17. Any guy who tried to punch or slap me would have a fight on his hands. Course, that could end up being pretty damn hot in and of itself....
  18. The problem is, he may well be.
  19. I agree with rivertimber. The problem is that there's a tacit admission here that you're involved, however peripherally, in some kind of drug scene. Assuming this isn't something relatively benign, like a little 420, even if he can't get you in trouble with the law, you would have serious problems dealing with any sort of hard drug abuse (thinking along the lines of meth or coke or opiates). That kind of thing will completely fuck up any kind of career you may have made for yourself, even if there are no legal ramifications. I'm assuming that you don't get into that sort of thing all that often because you don't have a dealer of your own. In a way, that's potentially worse: if the cops do take an interest, they typically use the threat of prison to get you to snitch on bigger fish. But you don't know any bigger fish, just the guy who's already snitching on you. Which means you could really be in a jam. Finally, add to this the fact that if hard drugs of some kind are indeed involved, it's entirely possible that this guy is a habitual user, which means that he could react to any action you do take in unpredictable ways. Maybe you'd intimidate him. But maybe he'd follow through on his threat. Or maybe, if he thinks you're coming after him, he might even get violent (paranoia is a common side effect). So I'd do what you're doing. Hopefully he goes off to find greener pastures and the whole thing disappears. That's the best case scenario for you. But if this guy decides to up the ante, you may want to talk to your lawyer about finding a way to get the police involved and getting him off the streets and in prison, hopefully in a way that protects you and keeps you out of the public eye. And yeah, I'd definitely lay low for a while. Quit whatever drug use you are engaging in, especially anything illegal, but I'd even cut out alcohol for the next little bit, just to be on the safe side. Stay off the cruising sites. Scrub your postings and profiles carefully to ensure they are well within the letter and spirit of the relevant laws (if you're into younger guys, make sure you specify that they're 20+; if you're HIV+ make sure you're disclosing that, preferably in your public profiles; remove any and all references to drug use; etc.). Better still, delete whatever profiles you can. If some ambitious prosecutor decides he or she wants to take a look at you, you want to give them as little ammunition as possible. That will also help in case your company decides to do a little investigating. It sucks, but everyone on this site needs to recognize that most people out there are not going to have much sympathy for gay guys engaging in bareback sex with multiple partners and potentially spreading HIV and other STDs. They're especially not going to offer much sympathy if there are drugs involved. And people in high visibility positions are especially vulnerable. (Case in point.) Conduct yourself accordingly.
  20. Yup...TattPig got it right. You should be aware, however, that Hep A and B can be transmitted via ATM. There are vaccines for both. My suggestion would be to get tested for them and, if you haven't been exposed, to request the vaccination.
  21. I see you live in Atlanta. Lucky man! Many of my hottest fucks have been with those sexy, masculine Georgia boys. Hopefully I'll get to visit again soon.
  22. Part of the fallout here in Denver has been that the bathhouse he used to frequent (which was finally raided after his arrest) lost its lease and closed down several months ago. Personally, I was surprised how long it took for that to happen: it was notorious for being a place with rampant, scarcely disguised crystal meth use. I can't believe that the police were unaware of it, but it went on that way for years and years.
  23. I find classic goatees (what I currently have) hot because they're part of a white, working class "uniform" here in the US. Larry the Cable Guy is the classic of the type (and I personally find him insanely hot) But I'm attracted to testosterone and masculinity generally. That includes all kinds of things from behaviors to secondary sexual characteristics, including body and facial hair, male pattern baldness, even where men tend to carry their body fat. It ain't all about the cock (or ass) with me. I like the whole package to be masculine, and that definitely includes facial hair.
  24. <b>baredevil</b>, syphilis infect has four stages, a primary stage immediately after infection (in which a painless chancre sore may or may not appear at the site of infection), a secondary stage that often present as a rash on your palms or soles of your feet, a latent stage when you have no symptoms at all, and finally a tertiary stage when it invades the central nervous system. If the doctor is recommending a spinal tap, it's probably because you haven't been tested for syphilis is a long time. If caught early on, a single large shot of penicillin will take care of it. But if it's been allowed to infect your central nervous system, then the single does of penicillin is less effective and you'll need extended treatment. In extreme cases, you may need a PICC line delivering a constant does of penicillin over a period of a couple weeks. Needless to say, the single shot in the ass is much easier. That's why you should get tested on a regular basis. For guys who have frequent bareback sex with multiple partners, I'd suggest having a test every time you go in and get your HIV numbers checked (or get tested for HIV), three or four times per year.
  25. The Kansas Department of Health and the Environment is denying that the bill would lead to quarantining. However, this does highlight some of the potential legal problems for people with HIV. A lot of guys who post on this site are pretty promiscuous. Obviously, we're not fans of using condoms (and posting to this site could probably be used as evidence that you don't intend to use them). And a lot of us have HIV. The combination of those three things might very well lead a state Department of Health to conclude (and a judge agree) that someone should be quarantined on that basis. A big part of the reason would be that governments, both state and federal (via Medicaid, Ryan White, etc.), often end up footing the rather expensive bill for HIV treatment. They've got a serious interest in reducing HIV transmission. So I wouldn't expect to see everyone in Kansas with HIV getting rounded up and confined. But it also wouldn't surprise me if someone who posted regularly on this site who lived there ended up getting quarantined.
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