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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Hmmmm .... where is that little doo-dad that relieves us of such nonsense .... I know it's here somewhere ,,,,
  2. Post-SOTU address last night, I doubt anyone that want's to be taken seriously can let the phrase "sleepy Joe" escape their mouths/fingers anymore. Over an hour of energetic proposals to right the wrongs of "his predecessor", the do-nothing/accomplish nothing worth noting poseur. There were plenty of proposals, new ideas how to right the wrongs, improve the lives of not merely his supporters, but of every citizen. Compare that depth and breadth of Biden's proposals to the shallow, thin veneer of hatreds offered by his bloviating opponent. Of note, the simpering little boy sitting behind the President's left shoulder appeared to be fighting back the tears of his failures, his party's failures, and the failures of his world-view. There simply couldn't be a more clear difference between the two running for President.
  3. As they say in the Real Estate business .... location, location, location.
  4. I would say that I'm concerned, but I don't actually worry. There's a hefty chance that women, pissed off over losing autonomy over their own bodies (and their supporters) will turn out in November, just as they have in recent state elections, and decisively ditch the repressive crowd. The R's have been defeated in a number of states, across the board. Add to that the traditional Dem base, and the odds aren't all that bad for Nov. Plus, now that the double-tongued bastard Majority Leader is ditching, that'll take the air out of the balloon for some of the less-committed R's. This racing season, they'll all be singing one last stanza of My Old Kentucky Home for that miserable wretch. That said, every one of us has to get out and vote these clowns out of office. Up ballot, down ballot, the whole thing.
  5. Welcome, happybreeder555. We hope to hear more from you, and the state of bb affairs back in Chicago.
  6. Isn't it odd how the so-called "Evanglicals" - purportedly following the message of Jesus - don't give a rats ass that their "Second Coming" is centered on a serial rapist, and all the countless other spectacular character flaws he possesses? So much for following what they claim as their foundational belief-system. They're "evangelizing" the direct opposite of what they seem to think is their "belief-system".
  7. None. A frat brother in undergrad was my first fuck. So, the first for me was at age 18.
  8. Not around here .... too many mosquitos are also hungry for action. The only mitigating circumstance would be when there are a lot of guys - like Inn Leather, for instance - and the mosquitos have plenty of other dining-selections to choose from. There's Haulover nude beach a little bit S of Ft. L., but sex is strictly forbidden, and that beach is patrolled by the cops.
  9. My kind of guy ... ready at a moment's notice !!!
  10. Thanks to Tom DeLay - also known for his "ballroom" dancing on some tv show years ago - who specialized in ultra-fine-tooth drawing of legislative lines. Not since "Da Mayor" - Richard J. Daley of Chicago - gerrymandered a thiiiiin line along Touhy Ave from the city out to O'Hare (and thus controlling every job out there he possibly could), has an expert like DeLay busied himself with the fine art of gerrymandering. Equally (or maybe more) talented at gerrymandering, Tom Delay's available map to effect his skill was much larger than "Da Mayor's" map.
  11. That's an interesting hypothesis, and not all that surprising. Is there any actual evidence that's how it (Oct) was effected? I'd be interested to read whatever there is ...
  12. Same here ... in cooler weather: button-fly 501's, Cockring, t-shirt (maybe a sweatshirt in cool weather), and either boots (again, cooler weather) or gym shoes, maybe a cap if I've waited too long to get a haircut, and nothing else other than a wrist watch. I enjoy seeing a guy cruising my Cock in an inappropriate place.
  13. Currently we're seeing Veep Harris being unleashed, on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday at the yet-un-renamed Edmund Pettis bridge. One admirable quality the Veep possesses, which the President does not, is the willingness to get bluntly tough - unmistakable - in delivering a thinly-veiled warning message. Apparently shortly, the US Navy will begin delivering crucially needed supplies directly to the Gazan seacoast. The airdrops of the most basic necessities of maintaining life are better than merely words, but once the Navy starts delivering shiploads of food / medical supplies, the relief of the tragedy suffered by the Palestinians can be substantially addressed, and despite the narrow self-centeredness of the PM of Israel. While I would have rather heard the threating language from the President's mouth directly, I'll take it from Harris' mouth too, and she's better equipped to deliver a kick to Netanyahu's balls anyway. It's not 'about time' - it's past time for this humanitarian message. The President didn't neglect to make his own statement however, hosting Nettie's chief political opponent - Benny Gantz - without so much as mentioning the Prime Minister of Israel. That would be as substantial a kick in Nettie's balls as we'll get from the President; in any case, it was definitely a double-barreled "shot across the bow" to said Prime Minister. TODAY is Super Tuesday - primaries in many States are taking place today, and I hope every one of us that can, makes his voice heard by voting today.
  14. Well, if you believe in attempting to overthrow the Government, invalidating elections, raping women, cheating every service-provider you do business with, cozying up to every dictator he can find, has what it takes to be a 'fantastic' President, shirking his duty to Serve when called, claiming 'bone-spurs", then yeah. For me, not so much.
  15. That may or may not be, but some empirical evidence supporting your 'observation' would be appreciated. Thanks.
  16. Congrats, StraightBottomSlut. Inn Leather is a great choice for accommodations. It's a little bit out of the way, but plenty of raw fun to be had there. I've commented with directions to Slammer, other fuckjoints before in the Fort Lauderdale section (I think?) - it should be easy to find. Good advice above about posting your needs on the cruise sites, particularly BBRT. They'll want pics, all of that. Hopefully, after a few days in the fuckjoints here, you'll <polite cough> 'amend' your moniker a little bit ... 😁
  17. I see you're in LA .... shouldn't be too tough a task there .... at all.
  18. If you're still around, Guest, your response is spot on. Thanks.
  19. This may help with that struggle: Since the US has a "two party" political system (liberal & conservative), there can only be two candidates with a serious chance at being elected President. Yes, there are other political "parties", but none of them possess even a fraction of the political power of the Republicans or Democrats. Thus, unfortunately, occasionally the voters are presented with a 'which is the least-bad' situation in any given election (local, statewide, national), and make their decision based upon that regrettable choice. None are ever "perfect", very seldom are ever "totally incompetent" (either Liberal or Conservative) candidates for the Presidency, so voters must weigh the pros and cons of each candidate against what they personally believe most important for the country. It's hardly an ideal system of electing a President, but - it's what we've got - so we weigh the pros and cons, and go vote on election day. Sometimes people only cast votes for local or State positions, and leave the top of the ticket empty. It can be a tough situation, but the crucial thing is to actually go vote. We can't complain about the results if we didn't bother to go exercise our right to have our voices heard.
  20. Have other, more important things going on here this weekend, so it'll have to wait.
  21. Special requests are fine, but the question here should be "who provides what". Frankly, I think that in a "private" hookup, that's the Top's responsibility to provide the other guys. In the fuckjoints, all that would be required for that Top to get what he wants, is sending the bottom off to take loads off other Cocks for half an hour or so. Just because a guy is a Top doesn't relieve him of doing his part in setting the scene he wants. If the hookup is not planned for a public venue, then it's the Top's responsibility to make sure he gets what he wants. It's not that tough. Any cumdump worth the name will have "regulars" he can call on to pre-load his Hole, and then stick around for the rest of the show. More, any serial-breeding Top will have fuckbuddies willing to provide the necessary loads - and the whole event would bring new BreedCocks to the bottom's attention. Win/win all around.
  22. Well .... as they say in AA ....... First things First !!!!!! 😜
  23. What an thought-provoking prospect. Of course, it never crossed my mind prior to reading your thoughts, (and if you believe that, the bridge over to Brooklyn is still available). Secondly, now that the US is dropping food (maybe even medical supplies?) parcels via helicopter to the starving-to-death (literally) Palestinians, some of the idealistic kids will realize that their best bet is to vote for one or the other, and come to the conclusion that Biden is the least-worse in their minds. Plus, there's plenty of time before the election, and - as Bernie put it last night on MSNBC - "not one more nickel for Netanyahu" until the eradication of the Palestinian innocents ceases, food-security is guaranteed, the 2-State Solution is accepted, and the process of achieving it begun. Only the "not one more nickel ..." is a direct quote - his flapping arms were trying to lift him off the chair, but ..... the rest is the gist of his comments.
  24. It may be time for a word-substitution: prudence seems in short supply in the SCOTUS majority these days - how about we coin a new, more appropriate word for this particular majority? The (new) word "jurisprejudice" seems to roll off the tongue nicely ....
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