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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Lots of interesting aspects to this thread ... I can't say that restraining the bottom's Cock in a cage does much for me, one way or the other. If the bottom is really into it, great - I'll play along. Catering to his fetishes somewhat will only get me a better fuck out of him, so I suppose it boils down to self-interest. I recognize that it takes (at least) two to make a scene as good as it can be for both men. My focus isn't on his Cock, it's on his Hole. It's not that I don't care if the bottom enjoys the fuck - I do. I want him to enjoy it, know his particular fetish is important. The better it is for him, the better it is for me too. On the other hand, I very seldom see Bd gear in the fuckjoints. There are a number of guys who wear Leather gear (half-harness, vest, etc), but these days that's more a sartorial statement than a Bd/Sm statement. Of course, in a Leatherbar, it's de rigueur.
  2. As I recall, that "grand display" of the actors putting on a condom was early-on in the crises. It was "butched-up" sometimes, with the Top tearing the packaging with his teeth, or having the bottom put the condom on the Top's Cock, and while a bit stilted, it was also a welcome reminder that every guy that wanted to live a while longer simply had to do it. I'm sure it saved lives. To the issue of "Gay 4 pay", I don't have any problems with guys that need money, and can earn it with their Cock or Hole doing just that. The desperately poor have always been, and will always be with us. I'd rather just fork over a fin or two, without the sex, but I have no blame or judgements to offer to prostitutes. As to "Ambassadors of Gay Culture", that's a bridge too far. I think that each of us, singularly and in organizations focused on some other activity - i.e. music, theatre, whatever - than prostitution are the de facto ambassadors.
  3. To the OP, of course there is ... hope you didn't poke a hole in your cheek !!! To the rest, of course there are. To the point though, BZ is the only site I know of wherein we're given the chance to discuss all kinds of topics - sexual and otherwise - each guy getting his say, offering commentary, perspective, differing ideas, and all in a (mostly) polite, genuine, interesting way. When I was still using the fuck-apps, I don't recall ever having any kind of conversation about other issues of the day. I don't think of Breeding Zone as merely a hook-up site* - I think of it as a meeting-place, where men like me can talk freely about whatever is on their minds, without concern for antagonistic, thoughtless replies (well, mostly anyway). Guys like you, for instance. For me, the opportunity to discuss widely ranging issues, from raw gay sex to politics to almost anything conceivable is a fantastic "find", which is why I visit almost every day. Sure, some of the topics I never bother to read, but those I do have content by educated, serious men who happen to love the same kind of sex I do. Win/win, in my book. *like bbrt, manhunt, a4a, all those kinds of sites. I know guys on BZ do hook up with each other occasionally, and that's great, but I wonder what percentage of members that would be ....
  4. I can't say I recall any talk of Islam, or presence of Islamic folks at all when I was growing up. It was a 'closed' social environment, and I didn't realize just how bad it was until I went away to school and discovered just how much more vibrant the human race really is. At least I got outta there as quickly as I possibly could.
  5. It's irritating that the load is wasted - even if other guys lap it up. At least, that's not a total waste of a perfectly good Sperm. I think a lot of porn actors are instructed by the director to shoot the first jet of Sperm onto the Hole, thus proving to the viewer that the Top actually did shoot his load, which, I suppose, is understandable in a "business sense". That said, loads should ideally be pumped balls-deep in a Hole, either for the next Top's dining pleasure, or as lube for the next Cocks.
  6. You always "get it", don'tcha ..... During covid, I allowed it for the sake of the buddy who I was getting through covid with. We trusted each other not to expose each other to covid, so it worked for a couple of sex-starved piggies. For some incomprehensible reason, he really wanted to fuck me, and he had a very modestly-proportioned dick, but it did nothing for me; it was a "grin & bare it" situation. Given the circumstances of the time though, it was just accommodating a friend/fuck buddy. Desperate times call for desperate solutions, eh?
  7. Actually, what eventually became the German nation gave us JS Bach, certainly the greatest musical mind to date. There are scholars to this day that spend their lives studying the enormity of his mind, contrapuntal voice-leading, from the most complex to the most simple, elegant musical thematic material. Telemann, Haydn, Beethoven, (and the just-over-the-border) colossus Mozart, there are just to many to list. And that's just the study of music. Add in all the other humanities, and realize that no other Western nation even comes close. What's so confounding though, is how that very flower of culture could turn inward so dramatically, so quickly. Anyone see any recent parallels a bit further West ???
  8. Well, guys who can't accept themselves in their wholeness, probably can't offer any possible "connection" either. What's there to "connect" with in the first place? Might just as well skip that guy and fuck/breed/connect with a guy who's happy and confident in who he really is.
  9. It's a complete SYMPHONY to mine ... I know how rumors upon more rumors tend to circulate, so let's hope abm0011 is correct!!! He knows all the guys "in-the-know", so let's go with his assessment. xxx (<--- those are crossed fingers)
  10. Agreed. I didn't reference that shameful behavior at all. Was just asking about the "advertising" component.
  11. Interestingly, there's a commercial on tv lately, advertising some men's pants (they look like dress-pants), and it winds up with a phrase alluding to "going commando". As I recall, there's an allusion to "if you wear these pants, you're good to go (implicitly) "commando". This is on regular, commercial tv - could have been CNN. Apparently, some men's clothing company (can't remember the name) is trying to promote ditching undies altogether, which I call Progress.
  12. This question is for all the guys that say they'd like to become positive: If that happens, would you get a biohazard tattoo? The only two I know of are the 3 concentric, broken circles, and a depiction of a scorpion, but there may be more that I don't know about. Since so many guys seem intent on becoming hiv positive, if that happened would you be proud of that fact? Advertise it? Wear a tattoo announcing that fact on an arm or leg or neck, where everyone could see it, no matter where you are? I noticed a guy at an auto parts store with a biohazard tattoo on his neck (must have been painful getting it), and other folks noticed it, with varying degrees of interest. All it meant to me was, he's a sexual pig ... and given that I don't possess "gaydar", he could have been straight, for all I know. What I'm wondering is, would you be proud of carrying that virus, and the resultant possibility of transmitting it to others?
  13. That makes sense to me. I've never thought that a virus can be "addictive", but I'm no doctor either. I've long thought that it was the wanton sexual behavior that is so compelling, so "addictive", not some illness. Any guy can, in theory, relocate to some area where there's tons of raw sex available, and keep his Lusts satisfied. Some would answer with "but my career" ... or "but my family / friends" .... any other issue that "prevents" them from their stated desire to become infected - which again - is a choice, For men who know and understand themselves, hearing that peculiar, siren call to wanton, recurring raw sex with many different men, it must be most frustrating to have put down "roots" in a sexually barren area. But that doesn't create the ability in some virus to be "addictive". A virus can kill folks, but it can't addict them. It's the Call of the Wild*, the realized/accepted need for wanton sexual contact with countless others like ourselves - our 'brothers in the life' - that is so compelling. I don't believe a virus can do that. *apologies, Mr. London
  14. It's been quite some time since I visited your country, which I very much enjoyed, particularly the North Country. I did have a bit of difficulty driving on "the wrong" side of those skinny winding roads though. I'm assuming you mean the Episcopal denomination? Here in the US, that institution has not fomented political trouble like the fundamentalist non-liturgical "churches" have. I recall that St. James (the Cathedral in Chicago) Church has long held a "byline": "Welcoming you as you are". More, they actually meant it.
  15. I have no idea what you're ranting about. Breeding zone is a site that offers any number of subjects of interest to men who fuck other men, plus non-sexual subject matter that is of interest to many of us. More, most of us can manage to do that with some measure of common decency, if not good manners. If you mistook an earlier post, may I take this opportunity to apologize as directly as possible to you. Further, I encourage you to take advantage of the "blocking" function provided, so you'll be spared any text I might generate. Thank you.
  16. You must be relatively young .... When some of us started fucking each other, using condoms was nothing more than a fetish a handful of guys practiced. EVERYONE fucked raw - there wasn't even a distinction between covered and uncovered. If a guy had sex at all, it was "natural", unobstructed, fill-the-hole sex. Of course, when hiv came along, all of that changed in one damn hurry. The pornstars started using condoms when everyone else did too. At the time, it was either cover it or almost certainly die a terrible death.
  17. Of course. Bernie Sanders being the most vociferous that I've heard.
  18. I haven't been able to discern that distinction. In the broadcast media*, I do see the banners asking the institutions to divest, etc, but I see more signs failing to make the distinction. As far as I know*, all of the institutions have replied in the negative. Most of the banners/signs the students display seem to be anti-Jewish, rather than anti-Israeli Government and their PM. If the focus of the protests were anti-Government, I doubt so many Jewish students would be so afraid to take part. I see the attacks/condemnations against Jewish students (or faculty, for that matter) as misplaced. That said ..... Thanks for your input. *I haven't watched tv as of yet today though ... I only watch Fox when there's a decent game on ... this new, "off-season" league isn't all that bad, though ... better than nothing!
  19. We're seeing increasingly strident unrest at many Universities/Colleges throughout the country lately, and the issue has become urgent. What presents as anti-"Jewish" demonstrations, is - as I see it - misplaced anger. While the plight of the Palestinians is truly desperate and only getting worse by the day, and the perpetrators of that outrage are obviously guilty of inhumanity and worse, blaming "The Jews" is misplaced, reactionary, and poorly-thought-out - as I see it. The blame doesn't lie with "The Jews" - it lies with the Government of Israel, and particularly with a soulless and utterly corrupt Prime Minister, devoted only to saving his own political skin, which is a completely different issue. He has resisted calls for elections, invents every conceivable excuse for postponing them, because he knows his "war plan" to murder as many Palestinians as possible is a crime against humanity, and not supported by a clear majority of the voting public in Israel. The "eye-for-an-eye" equation of antiquity has morphed, in this depraved P.M.'s limited vision, into visiting that which The Jews suffered in the last century, upon the Palestinian population, a handful of which deserve punishment, with the vast majority of these people remaining innocent of the October attack. I don't have any issue with students everywhere protesting the actions of the Israeli Government, steeping in it's hateful inhumanity. I completely support Bernie Sanders in his stand against allowing one penny of US funds to be used in any way to further this atrocity against men, women, children, babies, that have in no way injured the State of Israel. I well remember the anti-war demonstrations of the last enormous folly of US foreign policy, (when the Draft-Dodger-in-Chief's father hired a quack doctor to diagnose his worthless p.o.s. son with "bone spurs"). That greasy-headed McNamara, with his policy of "containment" is worthy only of contempt, and Westmoreland should have refused to carry out his President's orders, including the "carpet-bombing" of neighboring non-combatant countries. We're seeing parallel examples of misguided and tragic policies today in the Levant, by an equally depraved PM. Making this distinction clear - "Jews" vs the Israeli Government - is critical to the US as well, since it is the US who is Israel's chief ally. Anything else is nothing less than hideously Hitler-esque, and could cost a kind and decent man his re-election.
  20. Assuming the "extended" family (i.e. cousins, second-cousins, etc), none at all. To the OP, I am not in contact with any family (cousins, 1st or more) members, and haven't been for decades, and I miss them not one whit. I have one sibling, who is completely non-judgmental, and supportive of who her brother is. I hear from her family (i.e. her kids) never - which is fine with me. I do have a fairly extensive "chosen" family, who I am very regularly in contact with, and that's all I need to fulfill the "family" need.
  21. That's partially true, with the exception of current office-holders. When a politician has held office, and is seeking reelection, we have his/her voting record to judge them by; what they've actually done, as well as (admittedly the far less weighty) what they say they're going to do.
  22. There is a way to participate, and remain unbothered by insincere stirring-of-the-pot remarks. At the top of the home page, there are a number of things we can click on, one of which is entitled "other". Click on that, and a dropdown will appear, offering a number of choices, one of which is "ignore'. If you "ignore" some particularly offensive participant, you will no longer see the objectional content, (unless it's quoted in a reply by some other guy), and it will be easier to avoid paying attention to the unwanted content from that particular member. I'm hoping you won't abandon the thread, since - at least for some of us - the discourse on many widely-ranging, thought-provoking subjects is important to most of us. Your input is well worth the read and consideration. Some time ago, I blocked one guy whose input was never worth the time (to me) it took to read, and that's that. Please keep participating.
  23. The word "religion" carries a connotation of the Western belief-system, which has served us ill for centuries - about 20 of them. I don't consider Buddhism in that same "basket of deporables" (remember that one?). That particular belief-system is based on decent human behavior, rather than killing off those who don't believe in one singular dogma based on magic.
  24. Agreed - and that applies to any "belief-system" (usually cloaked in religious dogma) that causes separation rather than unity. A while ago, the boy-blunder Speaker of the House was supposedly quoted as believing that he might be able to bring about "the end times" - as in the Old (anciently old) Testament. He's allowed to believe what he wants to believe in (religiously), but no one is allowed to force their magical delusions on everyone else. The Magaroids are getting really close to the dogmatic beliefs of other ancient belief-systems that depend on magical illusions from the ancient past. Yet, some of we humans still cling to that which divides us, in the belief that they will be spared the apocalypse, if and when it happens.
  25. We need another choice added to the 7 choices at the bottom r.h. corner: How about PERFECTION ???
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