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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Assuming you're alluding to critical thinking regarding Organized Religion, we're in agreement. Also assuming you're alluding to politicians with positive agendas, ideas on how to alleviate the problems of the day through actual legislative proposals, again we're in agreement. That said, if you're alluding to one particular man offering nothing in the way of proposals to better the nation, offering only "retribution", repression, lies and deceit, we'll have to shake hands and part ways. That would apply across the board, since without any shred of "thinking" - critical or not - the nation advances not one inch, and only regresses. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  2. To the O.P.'s question, no. I'm the guy they're prowling for ....
  3. That makes sense, as well as the underlying issue of control. We can fuck, we can make "love," we can have anonymous pigsex with tons of guys, but no one can simply manufacture *real* love. Sounds like there's more afoot here than mere jealousy.
  4. Other than the usual, run-of-the-mill replies in previous pages, can you describe why you "love cheating"? I don't mean the "surface", common reasons, i.e. 'getting away with x or y', I mean the deeper reasons it's so appealing.
  5. I can, and will be, the very definition of discretion. I know, difficult to believe, since I seldom hold my 10 "tongues" on the keyboard here on BZ. That said, Hair Fuhrer is great, but Trumpanzee "trumps" even that allusion to the ridiculous Pompadour. I'm still laughing ....
  6. LOL .... yet again, may I have permission to use that one? Of course, I'll give proper credit .... 🤣
  7. Hmmmm .... maybe "pony glasses" ... "saran wrap" ... "freezing cum" / "frozen cum"? Some guys call them D.D's .....
  8. btw - what kind of site is that? I tried to google it when this whole brou-ha-ha blew up, but all I saw were some women, in not-at-all "sexy" photos.
  9. THAT was most interesting, Viking8x6 !!! Thank you.
  10. Some time ago there was an extensive discussion of this topic, and quite a bit of useful information shared. Maybe you can find it here, somewhere. Maybe some kind of search?
  11. Not all kids mature sexually at a certain age. I know and accept that there has to be some age-limit, but I think that the sexual maturity of the guy in question should somehow be accommodated too. In junior high swimming class (held with all guys naked), there were guys who's Cocks were mere nubs - not one pubic hair - and some guys with a full bush of pubes, and clearly an able Cock & balls. That's not to say that a "late bloomer" can't be sexual - but laying down the law at X age without taking into account the physical maturity of the kid seems a bit too iron-clad. Maybe I'm just a bit on the jaded side 😁
  12. Well, that's another new one for me ... never heard that term before. Thanks, JamesL100 !!
  13. Mine as well, fuckholedc. Thanks so much for the more in-depth explanation.
  14. Mr. Smith: 1. You don't know that. 2. There is nothing "hysterical" whatsoever about the exchange of ideas with one's peers. There are a number of threads on BZ that I'm not interested in, so I don't read them. I suggest you follow suit. 3. "uhh" is not a word. Maybe it's you that's living in some "magical whirlwind". 4. Since it appears you're only interested in throwing road apples, however ridiculous, may I mention that there's a contrivance here on BZ wherein we can "block" individual members, and thus not be bothered by their input. At the top of this page, there are 7 links, the 5th of which is entitled "other". If you need help in accomplishing this task, one of the moderators will help you "block" the input from other members that seem to irritate you so substantially. I encourage you to use that function as it relates to my input. This site is for every guy, exchanging viewpoints on all kinds of issues, and doing that with some measure of respect for the viewpoints of others. Myopia simply doesn't work well in this type of milieu. In any case, good luck to you.
  15. To the OP's initial question, not at all. Love to do it to bottom guys though.
  16. Maybe it's just me, but that link took me to the "subscribe" page, with a number of teasers included. I do wonder why Orlando, as opposed to, say - Ft. Breedingdale or Miami - but I doubt I'll subscribe to that newspaper just to read the answer, if there is one. Anyone else experience the same issue?
  17. I'm guessing 'for what it's also worth'? I'm only familiar with N.O., since there was a regional convention there (pertaining to the business). I absolutely loved New Orleans, and still do. There was a bar around the corner from the place we stayed, two-storey, with iron grilled balconies guys fucked on. People on the street could watch if they wanted to. Can't recall the name of the joint, but it was a First Class Pigpen. Antoine's, Brennan's, Galatoire's, Court of the 3 (?) Sisters, so many wonderful restaurants, with the Blues bars, Jazz joints everywhere ... I just loved it. Thanks for mentioning the UU's; I've respected those folks for many years.
  18. First, welcome to the site - we hope to hear more from you. To the question, no, dammittall. I have to take a breather for a while before Breeding another Hole. But then, my first rodeo was a long time ago too.
  19. Better than poppers any time. I don't care of other guys use poppers; I just don't care for them. But a "natural" smell on a cumdump's body does the same damn thing for me.
  20. Shucks - it would be worth that just to get him out the door (in Monopoly money, of course).
  21. Thanks for the kind response. This is what in-depth discussion of serious issues is all about - and the reason I enjoy BZ so much. While I don't read every single post about every single subject, I always enjoy reading what you have to say; most worthwhile every single time. 😉
  22. I don't know how I missed this topic entirely, but I did. Fascinating issue and discussion. Thanks.
  23. eeeewwwwww .... that's disgusting .... but, we work with what we have, eh?
  24. As I understand it, the more you take part in conversations (I mean, writing something), the more opportunities you "earn" for leaving a "reaction" to other guy's additions. It took me a while to figure that out too, so don't be unhappy - it'll sort itself out.
  25. Well said, ellentonboy !! There's also this thing called 'Learned Skill', which some heavily-hung guys never had to learn. The technique, experience, all of that counts for something too. A modestly-proportioned Cock can put the BreedSweat on a bottom too, provided the Top knows what he's doing.
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