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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. One easy way to increase the size of a guy's nipples is to visit your local auto-parts store and get a set of "vacuum shut-off's". They're really cheap, small rubber tubes, closed off on one end, and the set includes shut-off's of various lengths and width's. Wet the skin around the nipple with some spit, squeeze the shut-off, place it on your nipple, and release. The nipple will expand to fit fairy tightly inside the rubber tube. To take it off, tip the shut-off to one side, thus allowing air to enter the tube, and gently rock it back and forth until it slides off. You'll wind up with nipples that are (temporarily) the size of the inside diameter of the shut-off, which shows plainly and vulgarly through a t-shirt. It will take some repeated use to gradually get your nipples to assume the desired dimensions for an appreciable length of time though. A note of caution: experiment with them, to determine how long to leave them on. Left on too long, they can also force blood to seep out of the tip of the nipple. Auto-parts stores can be a pig's panacea, limited only by your imagination !!!
  2. Well, that's being generous, and good on you for it. No guy was ever born already knowing the in's and out's (!) from day one. All of us have to learn our craft at some point.
  3. First, BootmanLA, thanks so much for the informative, incisive and clearly thought-out response. It's sharing of views like this that I particularly enjoy about BZ. I invariably read and learn from your thoughts. My direct experience with the immigrant-groups is based on only a few years of interaction after moving to FL. Chicago, where I lived my adult life until about 15 years ago, was somewhat limited, since there, immigrant communities often stayed, lived in their own neighborhoods. Virtually all the Northern European groups had claimed a certain small area and centered their lives in that particular area, and the only group that lived everywhere were the Caucasians and the African Americans (which community centered mostly on the famed South Side - some areas of which were very wealthy. A certain area of the near South Side, for example, is known as "Little Italy". Cross one street, and you're in the Irish neighborhood, etc., and kids are taught from an early age not to cross those dividing lines on pain of getting beat up. I don't even know where the Cuban community is back in Chicago. Sad, huh? Thus, my reply to this thread was focused more on experience in business, as opposed to experience with cultural interaction. As an immigrant to the US myself (as an infant), I am certainly familiar with this inclination to stick to your own folks, which is how I grew up and lived until I went away to school, discovering there's a big wide world out there. Thus, my only "real-life" experience with these particular nationalities was limited. Living in SoFl now, it's like learning new things all the time. For instance: You're the first person that has pointed that out; I had no idea. While I understand how the level of melanin one possesses is determinative in cultural status, I had no idea that Cubans considered themselves as close to "white" as a nationality-group could get, yet retain their heritage. All I "knew" is the standard, Batista-era perceptions. This is another fresh realization for me. Of course, I knew from the earliest years how cultural identities factored into the instinct to hate "the other", but my educational experience was heavily focused on two areas: music and business, and I achieved success in both. That said, there are innumerable aspects of life that I am not educated in, and it's men like you who - after lo, these many years - help me (and a lot of others, I'm certain), continue to expand their knowledge. I could go on, but, essentially I want to express my thanks for your kindness and inclination to help others understand what they don't. As we used to say back in Chgo, "you shit crushed pineapple" - which is definitely a colloquialism for First Class. Thanks again.
  4. To the OP, I'd guess that no, we're not. What we are however, is a lot of self-aware men that refuse to comply with cultural norms. Most of us don't honor those repressions, and we go about our lives in freedom to be the men we were born to be. Acting on that self-realization as often as we'd like, or as often as possible, is nothing but an emotionally healthy way to live our lives, and the repressionists envy us our freedom. That's where the anti-gay hatreds are sourced from. We're not such a "rare breed" - we're simply living our lives, doing what we must despite the attempts to subjugate us. To those who attempt to force us to do otherwise, I say Fuck You ... NOT
  5. While that's absolutely true, there are tons of truly enraged women here - from the health-care debacle to the banning of books to the whole "woke" cesspool, and there's a decent chance the R's will lose power in the next election. It's not impossible the Statehouse may become more blue (if decent-minded folks get out and vote - particularly all the local "downballot" positions), There are also a lot of pissed off LGBT+ (did I get them all?) folks that aren't in South Fl, but in other counties here. I may be unreasonably optimistic, but we may get a big surprise in about a year from now. It wasn't all that long ago that Florida was considered a "swing-State", fluctuating between Red and Blue. DullSantis may not have made it, if the D's hadn't run such a flawed candidate in Charlie Christ. As Churchill once said: "Never give up. Never give up. Never give up."
  6. Thanks so much for sharing the terrible experiences you went though. The only ray of light is that you did what so many of is did: you started to resist the complacency and demanded Action from the powers that were. The President (at that time), a former B actor in Hollywood never even let the then-current descriptor pass his lips. It took countless hours, as you describe, on the part of many gay men to summon forth the activism that finally broke through. You did everything you could possibly do and more, and for that every single one of us is grateful beyond words to express. Take heart though; while progress may seem glacial, we're able to put those horrors in a mental drawer, and keep that drawer mostly closed. Best of luck, and thanks for sharing your experiences.
  7. To the OP's photo, it looks like "slack" has a different connotation in the UK. I'd call that Hole fukkin perfect !!!
  8. I know that most guys can't just uproot their lives and move to someplace where wanton raw sex is more available, more backrooms, fuckjoints. It's a real shame that all the lovely Lusts can't be fulfilled regularly; here's hoping that one fine day every guy can get all he needs.
  9. Absolutely. It scared everyone like nothing before or since. Before, everyone fucked everyone, at the drop of a hat. When guys started dying it was like Armageddon was upon us. No guy that went through those days and came out the other side alive will ever forget. One guy just laid down in our driveway and died - not the sort of thing one just sluffs off. Guys that were already "out" didn't go back in the closet; everyone we knew just stopped fucking altogether. We supported each other, went to countless "Celebrations of Life", and then started to Act Up. Demonstrations shut down LaSalle St* many times, until the rest of the world started contracting the virus too. But it took a long time for the wanton sex to return to anything close to what it was before. What hiv didn't do, however, what change who and what we were/are. It just forced a pause in the magnificent pigsex we all loved, until treatments began to surface. Some guys made it through - like muscmtl above - and thank Whatever he did. Most of us were scared shitless. *Financial district in Chicago
  10. I'm mix-machs about it. Concentrated nip-play doesn't do much for me, but I do like to brush my hands over them while fucking ... they're sort of like mini Cocks that just don't pump loads ...
  11. That's for sure !!! Yes, it's a lot easier these days to just hit the fuckjoints and get down to it, but if there's a downside to the fuckjoints, it that the edginess is missing. Every guy is doing every other guy - which is great, I'm not complaining - but that whiff of celebrating the "forbidden" has been replaced by the thrill of every guy, dozens and dozens and dozens of them, celebrating their Lusts, fucking/getting fucked by every other guy. It's still really special, just in a different way.
  12. Lots of guys think loose, cum-sloppy Holes are the very definition of "sexy". Makes it all the easier for dp too. I wouldn't give it any more thought: your Hole is perfect just the way it already is. I'll bet there are guys reading your post right this second with a hard Cock in their hand ...
  13. We had an office in LA, and always made a side-trip to SanFran when there was area staff meeting out there. San Fran was magical - almost too much to take in. There was so much of everything - like a triple smorgasbord of every facet of our queer lives .... I think Gay San Fran just burned itself out from the sexual heat of it all ... sort of like too much of a fantastic thing. Of course, hiv ripped things apart too, and maybe the magic in the air just never recovered .... I don't know .... but I'm damn glad I got to experience some of it.
  14. I suggest you try playing checkers or gin rummy or old maid or any other kind of *actuall* game. Just tell the guy what you want, and he'll either fuck you or he won't. Much simpler, right? Good luck ....
  15. Really? Well, I'm not. I've heard of the Fox News channel, but when I bought the televisions, I had the technicians operate on it before I took delivery: neither of my tv's will even go to Fox (unless there's a good game on ... ). As to the rest of your post, my only reaction is I'm sorry I bothered. Good luck to you too.
  16. Interesting thread .... I can't say I remember ever been really angry in a sexual context. For Leathersex (Bd/Sm scenes, I always did a negotiation well in advance, per the protocols. I don't mind eager subs, but I don't like pushy ones. Still, in the common definition of "angry", I can't remember being really pissed off at a bottom. Disappointed maybe, but not really angry.
  17. Interesting how old threads resurface occasionally. I'm a 6, in that I never used rubbers. I did go monogamous during the health crises - nothing at all but my life-partner's Hole for a few years. As treatments became available, we started to resume our previous practices, little by little. Got on PrEP as soon as it surfaced - and felt protected enough to re-ignite the fires of Lust again. It was really easy, and I'm still alive, Breeding Holes, and sexually healthy.
  18. Well !!! I'm impressed, rock-cock-jock !!! You know a lot more about the "mechanics" of it than I ever did. Thanks for the interesting response.
  19. It IS fun ... and one way to make sure there are always DD's around is to never ever waste a load. Keep a couple of pony glasses around in any room you're likely to have sex in, or wherever you like to jack out a load. Tell your fb's to save their loads too. Sperm is precious - it should never be wasted. Some of us have discussed this in detail in an earlier thread: how to store it, keep it fresh, use it when the time cums, etc.
  20. How about starting at the beginning: In a sexual context, the word "cheating" means that one partner in a relationship a) promises, affirms, whatever, that he will remain "faithful" to the other partner, but b) doesn't follow through on that promise, knowing that he'll have sex with other men, and is therefore "cheating" on his partner. The best way to alleviate this issue, is for both participants in the relationship to remove that "promise", knowing they'll have sex with other men. They can promise to love each other, take care of each other, share everything (or not), all kinds of issues that relationships need to be founded upon. If a guy has "promised" not to cheat, thinking that his would-be "partner" will never know, he's not only damaging the relationship needlessly, he's demeaning himself with the lie. Why go through that whole mess in the first place? When each guy promises only what he knows he'll carry through on, a great relationship can be built. When false promises are made in the first place, why even bother with the lies? Be buddies, be friends, and be honest. Just be *real* first with one's self, and then with the other guy.
  21. After a bit of a medically-necessary hiatus, I got the welcum news that I'm good to go. I was kinda wondering why I'd get applause just walking down the street .... apparently they all knew something I didn't - until the doc's office called. So, went over to Ramrod for a beer last night, before heading over to Slammer. It was door-nail dead. Drove over to Slammer, and I'd never seen the West parking lot so empty. If I get over there later than 10:15/10:30, usually the parking lots are full. Of course I immediately suspected the worst - but once I got inside it was fantastic all over again. It wasn't jammed - but it seemed like every single guy there was a qualified, degreed graduate of Pig U. I always hit the darkroom first, but it was so jammed I couldn't even get in. So, I wandered around for a while. The orgy room was even darker than before - which only poured gas on the burning Lusts of the men packed in there; couldn't get into the orgy room either. The elevated blowjob platform was pretty full, so I went up there, and fed it to what is certainly one of the very best Cocksuckers I've experienced in recent memory; apparently his mouth cavity is naturally large and deep, and I could have easily Bred his magnificent throat, but that's not my main focus. The kid begged, so I told him that sure - I'd catch him a little later - and tried the darkroom again. This time I was able to get in there ... just. The same bottom that's always there was in his same place, taking a load. I happen to like hands, mouths - adding the tactile component to the blackness - not seen, only felt, and I like to return the favor. Finally the Cock in my usual "first-of-the-night" bottom pumped him full, and withdrew, so I had my chance, got down and started mouthing that well-fucked Hole. He'd obviously been taking loads for a while, and it was far, far better than poppers ever dreamed of being. Stood up, unbuttoned the jeans and started getting my Cock into his Hole. He turned his head and said "where have you been?". It's nice to be remembered. The darkroom was jammed, guys squeezing in behind me, and I was focused on doing what I must - and I didn't notice that someone had reached around and unbuckled my belt. The 501's aren't terribly tight, but they're not loose either, and suddenly I felt a hand slipped down my jeans, feeling up my ass. That was a surprise, but it felt good too - and I continued rutting in that lovely Hole. Now. I don't think any guy would look twice at my ass, which is fine with me, but in that pitch-blackness, the visual sense is removed, leaving only the aural, olfactory, and physical touching to communicate/share our Lusts. Never-the-less, I felt a Cock against my ass as I was rutting in my favorite BreedHole, and to my complete surprise, it felt kinda good. This, while other guy's hands were feeling my/other guys chests, arms, bellies, Cocks, back, and I was feeling up theirs - guys whispering Breedtalk in my ear ... it was more fun than it usually is. No, he didn't fuck me - but some other guy had bent down and was licking his Cock, my ass, and combined with all the other tactile pleasures, I couldn't hold back - pumped that bottoms Hole full. I couldn't see, but I think it was two guys that then started eating the bottom's Hole, but there were arms, mouths, heads, Cocks everywhere. It was one of the best times in quite a while. Point: The number of guys there don't really matter - what matters is the Pig Quotient of the guys that are.
  22. I think you're exaggerating a little bit. Homes are still insurable, but it true that the costs are becoming burdensome, but there are ways to limit the costs too. The other issues you allude to are political in nature, and either the voters will address them or they won't. Yes, one day we may get "wiped out" here in Ft.L, just like the West coast of FL suffered extensive and wide-spread devastation last season. Earlier this season the Panhandle suffered extensive damage as well. However, very destructive hurricanes have been visiting Florida for many decades - it's nothing new. As you may have noticed, the climate problems have been apparent everywhere - not just here in FL. So, we have to vote for candidates that look to the future, and try to improve it.
  23. Thanks for that perspective, BlackDude. I think there has to be more to it. Folks who start businesses (generally "small" ones), are almost certainly motivated by wanting to provide a better life for their families here in the US than they had back in their homeland. That is an admirable urge, and the one upon which our financial system was founded. It does take a certain measure of industriousness, and a decent sense of what the market is for their proposed business. Once that business begins to flourish, they may open another location for that same business, often within relatively close proximity to their original business. I doubt they're going after the "pale" customers at first, preferring to cater to their own community. Once they achieve that kind of success, they begin to assess how to expand, into which communities, and that's when the endemic, deeply rooted racism becomes the major stumbling block. I think it takes a few generations of family members to really comprehend just how deeply racism is imbedded in our society, and then how to overcome it by (what I understand to be) your description; proximity to whiteness. While it's instinctive to trust our own cultural group, that limits the potential growth too. When that recognition becomes apparent (usually a generation or two after the initial founder), it also becomes clear that merely "proximity to whiteness" isn't enough to overcome the inbred, narrow hatreds that many Caucasians possess. When the financial resources of Caucasians are required to really "make it", there are already a couple of generations that grew up in the US, and understand how to "work the system" to their benefit. Recent immigrants don't enjoy that kind of understanding. The deck is already stacked against any expansion - any *real* money/power. While the sorry excuse of a Governor here in FL is a (now nationally-proven) disgrace, I would wonder if the immigrants seeking to improve their lot in the US brought that with them, or picked it up here in the US. The hellish practice of slavery existed on this continent before the US was even founded, and it's legacy is deeply imbedded in the population. How would an "anti-Black" perspective become deeply infused into a population of some other country - say Cuba? I've never been there, and know little about it. What I know of Cuban immigrants, is they're a hard-working, cheerful group, and most welcome here. While I've heard plenty of racist shit through the years, I can't remember hearing anything singling out Cuban-Americans. Thanks for your interesting addition.
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