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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Here, there are parking lots all over the place where (temporary) voting stations have been set up. There's a woman named Debby Muscatel Powell running for (p)Rick Scott's seat. I doubt it will happen, but by all that's unholy, I'd love to see that one hit the bricks. This is probably wishful thinking, but is that a whiff of PURPLE I smell in the air ????
  2. This mishmash means absolutely nothing. She can claim she's of Royal Swahili blood, for all I care. She could have swooped in on a rocket ship from Mars for all I care. It's her proposals that I'm interested in. It's her heart, her mind, her intellect that I'm interested in, and why I voted for her. In comparison, the other choice has no concern whatsoever for anyone but himself, his mind is so clouded we need foghorns blaring when he mouths his mindless insults, lies, etc. This shadow of a man simply must not ever have the reins of government in his fat puffy hands ever again. Ancillary note: when one votes via mail-in ballot, you get an email saying the Registrar's office has 1) received your ballot, 2) counted your ballot, and 3) recorded your votes (assuming you cast a vote for each vacancy). These come over a span of several days, thus tracking the progress of your ballot as it's being counted, recorded, etc.
  3. Who's saying what to who .....
  4. I actually had to ask the Googler what BNWO meant, and I don't live a particularly sheltered life - at all. That said, if Black guys can bring about a better, more Just, more equal citizenry throughout the world (or even just in the US), I'm all for it. It's not like we Caucasians have done such a fantastic job of it. Hells Bells - we're just now getting around to taking down the offensive statuary dating back 150 years .... molasses is downright runny in comparison.
  5. I'd be interested in reading that too, nanana. Would you consider posting the analysis here, so all of us can read it? Or, if that's not convenient, maybe just a link to the source? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for posting that quote. What Chomsky may not be taking into account though, is the ease with which disaffected people can get easily-carried/disguised machine guns. It's already happened on hole 5 of his golf course near that ridiculously pompous structure he lives in.
  7. Sadly, I have come to believe that the "cult" you reference has been forming for a smallish number of years. These folks seem to be disaffected by anything and everything. They're not happy with any particular thing, they only know they don't like what happens to be the case at the current moment. Some have the presence of mind to lay the blame for this sense of unfulfillment at this door or that door, some are only able to complain, and most have no idea why they're so unhappy. These folks are unable to figure things out on their own, they're only able to react to the manipulations of other, more clever folks. Thus, in the example at hand (early 20th Century Germany), there was indeed a wound to the German Nation, inflicted by the winners of WW 1, via the Treaty of Versailles imposing "reparations". These were economically crushing, a door into that nations national consciousness, through which the would-be tyrant danced delightedly. Hitler was more adept at taking advantage of current situations than creating them out of whole cloth himself. In that sense, Trump and Hitler are two peas in a pod, but the Austrian guy had the presence of mind to figure out how to seize power first, and then introduce the real horrors. Remember: the election rules in Germany required that any of the many post-war parties there achieve a majority in their Congress (Reichstag) - which is exactly what happened. The nazi party got the most votes in that election, and the President of Germany was therefore obliged to install Mr. Hitler in power, and the rest is horrific history. Mr. T. has neither the mental wherewithal nor the patience (he's gotta win now to stay out of the clink) to bide his time. There is not one whit of similarity between the two men. One started up with nothing, had nothing for much of his earlier life, the other had everything, worked for nothing, grew, both intellectually and physically, has not one semi-interesting proposal to offer, has only one "talent" (that being insulting his betters). If Trump had had the General Staff of Germany at his beck and call, we'd be rid of him already. Those generals would have offed him easily and successfully right off the bat.
  8. I didn't bother to vote on this one. Maybe it held some relevance years ago*, but I think we've come further this past decade than the premise behind this thread. We're not "this" as opposed to "that" anymore. We know better now. We're all one. *I notice it was created 10 years ago
  9. For the last 90-ish years, the word fascist (with derivatives) has instantly summoned forth the memory of Hitler, the epitome of the term. That figure, universally reviled, was either substantially more intelligent or more clever than the Hitler-lite cretin we're anointing with that hellish moniker today - or perhaps both., Without going into the whole set-up for the tragedy in Germany, there is little similarity between the two, as I see it. The German was cunning, a brilliant manipulator of the population, able to inspire throngs with patronizing oratory catering to the populations most poisoned inclinations. Our current problem-child is not cunning, he's breathtakingly stupid. He's nothing close to brilliant - he's stultifyingly dull. He is moderately able to manipulate a segment of our population, given that the hatreds he's manipulating have existed for long before his dull spewing rotted word-salad has. The word "cunning" is so inapplicable, I'm surprised the word-processor doesn't refuse to allow it being typed in this context. We're busy summoning up the most reviled figure in recent history, just to demean a truly insipid, dull, stupid, myopic shell of a man, who has as much intelligence in his entire corpulent body as Hitler had in his little toe. That man was a miscreant, just as our current problem is, but he was not stupid. Nor was he brilliant, as some have suggested. What he did possess was the craven thirst for power at any price, which is the only thing the two have in common. The Prussian military machine, pre-dating the hellish Hitler by centuries, is what the blaring trumpet seems to be wishing for. As a matter of history, that military machine served whoever the King of Prussia happened to be, and I rather doubt that anyone named Trumpf* carried royal blood in their veins. * apparently, the original name, before that family emigrated from - you guessed it ....
  10. So I guess you and partying.hard did get together .... A little while ago a cloud came floating by, and it was comprised not of water vapor, but only fluffy white feathers ... it rained a little too, but not the usual drops of water. I reckon I need say no more ..... 😁
  11. I'm with you, phukhole. I think we tend to be attracted to that which we don't posses ourselves - be it a lot of hair, very little hair, whatever. I happen to have virtually no body-hair, so of course, I love it on other guys, and I I adore a hairy ass, Hole. I don't need a gorilla - but at least some body hair is most appreciated.,
  12. well isn't that just first-class ......
  13. Yeah, I've picked a few bouquets of fresh blooms too, but explained clearly before any action that I wouldn't go much farther. I much prefer an everblooming potted plant that will keep blooming for years and years, with the proper care. I actually have several pots of zephyranthes. The original plant being at least 130 years old, which came from (who I think was) a great*-grandmother in Sweden. Not the actual original bulbs, of course, but descendants of the original. *there may be two "greats" - I couldn't manage to nail that down.
  14. The only thing I don't really care for in the above quote is the reference to "shame". I'd prefer "natural", "guileless", or similar. Yes, I know it ends in "less", but an affirmative word would be even better. I don't think any guy (or girl, for that matter) should ever feel ashamed of who he is sexually. The only circumstance where "shame" is appropriate, is when it's cast at those who attempt to shame others for whatever reason. When a guy honestly embraces who and what he is, and celebrates it without any hint of shame or guilt, I find that very attractive, and I want to "connect" with guys like that. And, I don't mind waiting my turn at all. It's not what a guy says, it's what a guy does that counts, and I do love cumdumps.
  15. I've found, through the years, that there's plenty of reassurances of all kinds needed to deal with when a "freshman" is involved. I know, we all start someplace on the developmental scale, deepening, enriching our sexual nature, but I'll gladly let some other guy deal with all the "coming to terms" issues. I've done it any number of times, and that was enough. Get it figured out, get some practice, and then come see me .....
  16. Thanks for that explanation, topblkmale. I too enjoy the depth of character you refer to, assuming it's more than a 1-n-done. I see spirituality as separate from religiosity, which contrivance I'm not interested in. But a spiritual man, whose belief-system doesn't include dependence on magic, is always most welcome. Then again, I never ask guys about those attributes in the fuckjoints; it's only after getting to know a guy somewhat that their depth of character (or lack of it) becomes apparent.
  17. In that sense, of course they had to know what would happen. It's not quite the same, but it's similar to the "totentanz" the trumpanzee's are busy with. It makes no sense, none of it is thought through, with only the immediate shiver of delight when one side or the other manages to pull off a good, hard "kill". Now we see the latest in this tit-for-tat - Yahya Sinwar's murder - which some would say is utterly Just and deserving - but that's not up to me. I will say that the cycle of killing on a "tit-for-tat" basis lends itself to a truly endless cycle of violence and death. Worse, that applies in a somewhat more subtle way to us, here in the US. The actual acts of vengeance aren't as - well - "permanent", but the principle remains the same.
  18. I'm sorry to know that Slammer intimidates you. There's really nothing to be concerned about; I've been going for years - I can't remember even one time some guy got violent with another guy. There are employees around that make sure nothing untoward happens (but they're "busy' too sometimes). Pigs can be dirrrrrty, but they're also mostly decent guys. Hope you reconsider !!! In any case though, have a grrrrrrrrreat time here in Ft. Lauderdale, and get back home with a big fat filthy smile.
  19. Do you mean you actually ask guys about their religious beliefs before you fuck them? And if the answer isn't to your liking, you ditch them?
  20. And, thanks for that link, PozBearWI ....
  21. That's true, of course. What isn't all that clear however, is to what extent the IDF is dominated by the PM. I find it disquieting that the US has just finished a bombing run with our Stealth bombers. As I see it, that's definitely a substantial step along the path of getting sucked into this conflict. The salt in the wound is the fact that Nettie is clearly side-stepping input from the President, in favor of staying in power. Obviously, the bombers wouldn't have been sent had the President not signed off on it, and he hasn't said anything (other than via Austin) about it. We have garrisons of US troops all over the Levant, including in Yemen. Expanding the war to attacking the Houthi's (by proxy -the US) is hardly any progress towards ending the conflict. I'd like to hear a little more from Austin about this.
  22. Interesting observation, and thanks for stating it. I'm unfamiliar with any details though - do you have any? Point me to where some of that is spelled out? Thanks.
  23. There are roughly twice as many Jewish Americans as Palestinian. I hate to be crass, but ..... if the numbers are as tight as the media says they are, who knows ..... I definitely think she's a peacemaker, as opposed to a partisan figure in that conflict. I'm just glad I'm not a politician.
  24. Submissive, sexually - but willing and able to discuss issues of the day vigorously. Milquetoast is definitely not on my list.
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