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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. We continue to resist. We continue to stand up for what's good and decent and right with our nation. Every smallish gesture counts. We never surrender, we never give up.
  2. We don't. The Vandals are at the door, and as of a/o Jan 20, they'll be waltzing right through the door. The shit has hit the fan, and it'll get blown on all of us.
  3. I think a lot of this tragedy can be laid at our national, original sin - namely, racism, with the accompanying slavery-issue, along with a healthy dose of misogyny. There are a lot of pinheads out there that think they deserve everything, merely because they were born Caucasian American. Not only is Harris a woman, but her blood isn't completely Caucasian. I actually thought we'd come a bit further than we apparently have.
  4. You're just our hero, no matter where you go ....
  5. I've been thinking about this one for a while .... and I think it had to be when I met my other half. While I'd had plenty of pigsex (and so had he) before I met him (both of us were doing the dirty in a bathhouse when we met), the completely "natural" veneer of wanton sex he exuded was magnetic to me. He was sucking some guy off, I was fucking some Hole literally right next to him, and when the Cock pumped his mouth full, I just leaned over and kissed him, still plugged into the bottom I was in. He was quite handsome anyway, but when he had a hard raw Cock in his mouth or up his gut, he was just beautiful. So, neither of us "turned" the other into a sexual pig, but we both nurtured, refined, increased the depth of wanton pigsex in each other. It was one helluva ride ... I'm the luckiest guy I know.
  6. Is there some way to "flag" a certain reply in a given thread, for later reference? This response was First Class; many thanks, BootmanLA.
  7. Lets make a deal, bimarried001 ...... I'll send you some smooth Tops (when I run across them), and you send me the bottoms that are just too furry for you (when you run across them) !!!
  8. And still yam-mering away with all the crap, right to the bitterest of ends. Sorry - couldn't resist 😉
  9. I'm taking a different tack than some of the above responses. I lived the LeatherLife for decades back in Chicago, member of CHC, the local Leather org's, etc. Since you're inexperienced, lucaboy, you might want to communicate that to your Top, if you already haven't. You don't mention how - well, "heavy" - the prospective scene will be, but it is something you should 1) know about in advance, and 2) address in the required negotiation. Some men believe that a submissive should be nothing but that. An experienced sub of many years could offer that kind of service, since he's already well experienced. I get the impression that you're not that experienced, so here are a few thoughts that are generally accepted within the confines of the Bd/Sm/Leather life: There should always be a prior negotiation of the limits for the proposed Bondage scene. Sadly, there are irresponsible jerks out there, and it's entirely acceptable that you take the steps to properly protect yourself. I will add that ANY responsible Top will not only understand, but be impressed by your proactively bringing the issue before the prospective scene, and during the "negotiation". This process will allow each guy to become somewhat familiar with the other, and allow each man to ascertain whether or not the other guy a responsible man or not. The negotiation should contain mention of hard limits, those limits that are negotiable, and areas of interest to you both. The negotiation should take place some time well before the scene. Just because some man presents himself as an experienced B/d Top doesn't make it so. Presenting yourself as nothing but a mindless piece of meat is asking to be treated as such, and will hardly prove productive, That's simply asking for trouble. I hope with all my heart your first encounter will be productive, and you're not disappointed or worse, damaged in some way. If there are any other issues you'd like addressed, you may message me. I'm only interested in your well-being. It's a tremendously rewarding life, when it's lived within respected, negotiated borders*. Good luck !!! *(which borders can always be re-negotiated, and the T/b relationship matures comfortably).
  10. In some old big fat Christian cathedral, any denomination, and right on the altar (but not during the services). And it should be some choirboy - definitely not one of the clerics.
  11. I remember so well ... they didn't say it outright, to my face, but it was perfectly clear regardless. Plus, all 4 of my male cousins went on to fail at their first or second try at a career, and wound up back at the same tired old trough: they became pastors !!! In fact though, I wouldn't have fucked any of them with trump's shriveled excuse for a dick, no matter how hard they begged. That's the real tragedy. What could have been useful, productive lives wound up being wasted chasing myths created only for the "saved". But who do they hit up for some dough? You guessed it. They weren't born any more stupid than anyone else - but they chose to stay there. They think that just because they lay down, foam at the mouth and holler "Jeeeeeezuz" they're entitled to squat on top of humanity. The real stunner though, is they think they're entitled to "inherit" the earth, without lifting so much as a finger to help preserve it. All they have to do is spout the 'party line', and presto - they get to squat on the labors of other folks. People need to use their minds, become educated (not necessarily higher education, but that certainly doesn't hurt.
  12. I wish it were that easy here in the US ..... here, we have to maintain a verrrrry slim majority in the Senate, get the boy blunder sidelined in the House for a little while, all kinds of maneuvering just to get something like "common sense" gun legislation to the President's desk for his/her(!) signature.
  13. No. "Changing the rules" would require altering the Constitution, which would have to be done well-prior to any election, considering all the factors that would have to be considered by Congress, and then voted upon and passed. Not that I'm familiar with rules governing your country, but I rather doubt it could be managed in Australia either, since your Government and ours originally branched out from the same source.
  14. I regret your confusion, Erik62. That reference to my preference for non-Caucasians only means I prefer men that don't look like me; in other words, merely a preference. I've shared sex with every type of guy, and many times over. More, preferences are merely that. Just because I'd rather fuck men that don't look like me doesn't mean I haven't fucked Caucasians hundreds of times, or won't hundreds of times more. Actually, my commentary on issues like these is quite consistent. I've long believed that the cultural barriers we construct are negative in value, no matter which particular barriers they happen to believe. If you consider that a "collision", well ..... so be it. Have a great life anyway.
  15. Hmmmmm .... Thanks for that most interesting twist to the issue. It wouldn't surprise me at all that the H.F. folks would use a truly dull and insipient man as cover or shill, particularly someone so desperately insecure as the former President. The potential Veep has remained in the weeds lately, which would mesh well with your suggestion. Given whose tit he's been suckling on these past number of years, that wouldn't surprise me either. Thanks for pointing out that interesting twist.
  16. Hell yeah ... unless: I always do a "sniff-test' first though. It's not fool-proof, of course, but almost. If there's an - oh - how about "accident waiting to happen", I'll move on. Sticking my tongue up a well-Bred, Sperm-soaked Hole turns my cock from merely hard to absolute granite. It's the mark of my opposite number, and a really dedicated pig.
  17. How interesting .... he's certainly stupid enough to be used by almost anyone of malintent. Do you have any follow-up to offer? For instance, by who/what entity? For what purpose?
  18. I think "major freeloader" is waaaaay too gentle term. The North American Continent was invaded by "pale-faced" people, the first of which were befriended by the Native American peoples. When enough of my forbears had arrived, they proceeded to hunt down, murder or otherwise eradicate the indigenous folks that had lived on this continent for millennia. The few indigenous that managed to escape the wholesale slaughter were rounded up, forced onto what was then deemed "useless" land, and left to fend for themselves, which basically remains the case down to this very day. Of course, that outrage against humanity was followed up with the importation, enslavement of a race of people that has, at certain times, at least been acknowledged and some attempts at amelioration made, with further redress coming mostly from the flapping lips of those who at least give lip-service to the issue. "Freeloader" is far too kind a word to use regarding this eradication of an entire population.
  19. Isn't it odd that so many folks seem to need to foist their personal belief system on others? As though there's some shred of validation available if they can convince others to see the same light. It's as though their own beliefs aren't enough to sustain them - they have to "conquer" in the name of their particular sect. What's so wrong about applying our sexual stance (i.e., we do what we must do to be whole, complete men, and apologize to no one) to the rest of our lives?
  20. Interesting topic. Most of us have wound up with some ancillary belief-system, other than the traditional Christian dogma. I tend more to Deism, which I find no where near as intellectually insulting as the various liturgical (or even non-) organizations. But it doesn't need any particular name, as far as I see it, since it's as much my own construction as it is others. I'm a bit surprised no one has mentioned it in this thread. Still, always interesting to read what other's have come to believe on the issue.
  21. Welcome, new guys !! We look forward to hearing more from each of you.
  22. Back atcha. Have a good life. Consummatum.
  23. Well, I don't go on day-trips to other counties all that much, and Ft. L. is in Broward County (the most reliably blue County in the State), so what I see is around here is skewed Liberal anyway. If Broward were more of a middle-of-the-road County, I'd be jumping for joy. One of these decades though .... Agreed. How many times have we jumped out of bed the morning after, to blaring headlines saying "The polls were wrong"? I learned a while ago that the only poll I could affect, is the election in which I voted. Actually, I was going to host a little dinner event for two of my best buddies on Election Night, but we talked it over and decided to wait until the dust settled and the actual result was clear - probably 2, 3 days later.
  24. For starters, her proposals re: restoring Women's Reproductive Freedom. Next, her proposals for gun reform. Then there's her "down payment" proposals, to help families get out of the cycle of renting, and into owning, which - as I'm sure you know - is a substantial step in building generational wealth. She understands that taxation burdens the less fortunate, and will help alleviate that. The other guy only has tariffs to offer, which everyone knows (or should) is merely an added sales tax on imported good's and services, that most folks agree is already taxed enough. As I'm sure you already know, virtually everything we buy has foreign-made parts/components. She's planning to ameliorate costs of rental housing, which is a huge step in building generational wealth. Harris is all about bending that Moral Arc as far towards Justice as she can, and that's more than enough reason for me to vote for her.
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