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Everything posted by StlBottom

  1. and clean their cocks after each load
  2. As I poorly stated last December, not a chaser, do not want to be hiv or any of other options that are available. However, my total submission for the sexual pleasure of others has to be inclusive. So never, ever hesitate to take anonymous, bareback cock. Knowingly taking poz loads has not yet happened only because the sex-vibe I needed was not there. So I keep on looking.
  3. still here, still available
  4. for me, nothing is sluttier than an anonymous load in my ass. anonymous dATM is 9.99
  5. i used to swallow it all. Too many party drugs come out in piss still very much potent. would not be good for me.
  6. i do Not like being rimmed. Subs do the rimming, Tops/Doms/Dommes get rimmed. That's the way it was when i was growing up.
  7. Have only done parties, overnight, 3 day weekends. Years ago. Did do overnight/all day bookstores/abs/theaters a few times.
  8. Finding ones with some brown ass streaks covering parts of the used condoms made those extra special. Always set aside for the more nasty play times.
  9. 261 all as a sub, nothing as a top - no points for fucking or similar activities
  10. Never mention condoms or anything else regarding them, always up to the Top, bareback never refused if it is brought up by the Top. Cum and go
  11. Can't do morning piss, other flavours are all okay but some color is a must. Not a fan of tobacco flavoured piss, as bad a early morning.
  12. my thoughts are far from his face, it's his dick. Can he stay hard long enough to get it in my ass - gentle like? If can get hard, is it long enough to penetrate more than an inch? Has he dropped a load earlier, does he have any left for me? Does he do atm?
  13. until they cum but 5 minutes max, want as many different cocks and cum as possible
  14. StLouis : YES. Full-face, cam, video, photos. BB, suck, facials, ws, nasty
  15. Was not something I chose, was lucky I was able to start very young in a supportive, loving and perverted environment. Experimented, learned who, what but not why, I was. I grew up where being sexually easy was a virtue, something to be proud of, something to enjoy. Sex feels good, being easy feels good, being fucked feels good, sucking feels good, being used feels fucking great. Being a Top/Dom is so not who I am, not even close.
  16. I will rim any ass, anytime do not want my ass rimmed - seems too much like being Dom/Top
  17. Looking forward to see what Page Two has in store for out hero
  18. Sister Marie Charles Park, on the river in st louis, was a great place to hookup until guys started giving the civilians, with kids!, a show. Stopped going as it got way too risky, police always around.
  19. <but there are some where it's just how they're wired.> That's me. And had a relationship with a female who knew, encouraged, and watched, as I had sex with men. That was in the last century, no female ltr for a while (a few short ones though), and still enjoy being used for sex, by men, and women. But do not want to sleep in the same bed with a male. My kinks have changed a little, my attraction to lovely young ladies (and now the gurls) has not changed
  20. Knew I was not the only one into used condoms, but is a lot more popular than I imagined. Anyone in my area get in touch, have some cum fun.
  21. yes, 3 holes for cocks
  22. Same when i tried to log in with my (not used for a few years) account. When could not log on selected the send reset email - no email. Then tried to setup a new account, no confirmation email for two new email (gmail) accounts.
  23. definitely older adults in the early years, adding both same age and younger as i got older, but the older guys >18 to 70+, but mostly under 40.
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