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The phone rang next to me, waking me from my sleep "Who the fuck is phoning at this hour?" I sleepily muttered. I picked up my mobile and answered it. "Dad!" It was Laura, my daughter. She had come home from University for the Easter break, and had headed out with her friends earlier this evening. I looked at the bedside clock... 01:35 glowed back from the alarm clock... very early Saturday morning. "Uh...what's up sweety?" "Dad! Sorry, I guess I woke you, but I could really do with a lift home. We got separated as we left the night club, and I can't find a taxi or my friends anywhere." "OK honey, are you sure there are no taxis around?" "No Dad, I've been wandering the streets trying to hail one, but there is nothing around... I think I've managed to get myself lost." A note of panic in her voice helped bring me to my senses. "Where exactly are you?" "I'm in the industrial estate - all I can see are warehouses around me." The night clubs had all been moved out of the town centre after complaints from the neighbours about the noise. Still there should have been plenty of taxis waiting outside when the clubs closed. "Can you see any business names?" "Well, I'm in front of one that sounds like a removal company." "OK honey, I know the one." We had used the firm to move the family to the town five years ago. "Stay right there - I need to get dressed and then I will be right over. Probably about 15 minutes." "Thanks Dad! You're a life saver!" I hung up the phone, turned on the light, apologising to my wife and explaining the situation to her. I grabbed a pair of black tracksuit bottoms and slipped them on. No time for underwear. My trainers and zip-up sweatshirt were by the back door, and I grabbed them as I headed out into the cold and up to the garage. I stifled a yawn as I waited for the automatic garage door to open and hopped in the car. Driving through the deserted streets, I made my way out of town towards the industrial estate. Ten minutes later I started navigating the one way system that made the estate a nightmare to negotiate. Still, I used it as a rat run to get to the out of town shopping centre, so I was pretty sure how to get to the removal firm. Turning the corner, I could see the warehouse further down the street on the left. Dim street lighting illuminated the road, but it all look deserted. "Come on Laura, where are you?" I thought worriedly. I pulled up outside the warehouse. The tall double chain link fences were clearly padlocked. Still no sign of her. "OK, she's not stupid. If she isn't here, she must have either caught a taxi, or gone somewhere for shelter from the cold." Luckily I had remembered to pick up my mobile phone as I left the house. I dialed Laura's number and waited. Eventually, it rang out and diverted to the answer machine. Just then, something caught my eye. A light in the warehouse was on, and something had caused a shadow to pass in front of it. Maybe Laura had also seen the light and headed in for some shelter. I parked the car in the lay by just past the main gates. the engine. I got out and locked it. I saw that the pedestrian gate to the side was unlocked. Pushing it open, I walked up to the warehouse. The light was coming through a frosted glass panel in a door marked Office. I tried the handle, and it opened. "Hello anyone there? Laura?" I called out. The office itself was dark, but a light was coming from the main warehouse, which I could see through another door. Getting no reply, I walked over to the other door. "Anybody here? Laura?" Still no reply and no noise could be heard.I poked my head into the warehouse to see if I could see anyone. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me only for three men to jump me and gag and hood me, dragging me further inside. I was shoved onto the ground, on a packing blanket. My hands were tied behind my back. They removed my hood. I could see four men standing a few yards away looking at me. I thought I recognised the man in front. "Wasn't he one of the removal men from five years ago?" "Right, we can begin." This from the man in front. That sobered me up a bit more. "Get him up on his knees." The two other men came over and grabbed me under my arms and hoisted me up into a kneeling position. "Welcome to payback!" Something made me look over my shoulder. It was Laura. She was kneeling in the same position further along the blanket. Her hands were also tied behind her back, but she was also gagged. Her top was tight around her big breasts, her nipples jutted out through her bra obscenely, no doubt from standing out in the cold. She was wearing a short leather skirt that didn't quite reach her knees. Tearing my gaze away from her breasts, I looked at her face. A piece of tape was covering her mouth and her blue-green eyes were wide with fear. Tears were drying on her cheeks. "So, a quick introduction first." The man has walked over and stood between us. "You may not remember me, but you employed me and my men to move you into that big house of yours a few years ago." "I remember you," I said as defiantly as I could. "Good. What you might not know is what your little daughter was up to that day." "Pardon?" I looked over at Laura, but saw no change of expression. "Your little daughter is one big prick tease." "What! Look, I have no idea why you have tied us up here, but..." Before I could finish my outburst the man hit me hard across the face. "Shut up! You just keep that mouth of yours shut while explain the situation. You will have plenty of time to use your mouth later on, I promise." Coarse laughter from the other men. "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, that day five years ago caused us much frustration. Your daughter started to flirt with us. Now we don't mind a bit of flirting with pretty girls, a perk of the job you might say. But out of sight of Mummy and Daddy, your daughter started taking it a bit further. A bit of leg on show here, a bit of cleavage on show there, a bared midriff, a sexy look over her shoulder. And damn, she was just as hot then as she it now. Anyway, this was every time one of us carried in one of your boxes. "Needless to say, we started to get a little hot under the collar, and one of the lads decided he would see just how far she was willing to go. So up he went with the final box for her room and found her sitting up on her bed. He sat down at the foot of her bed and asked if there was anything else he could do for your precious daughter." "And you know what your daughter did then? Huh? She looked him straight in the eye and said 'I think there something I could do for you'. Now if that isn't a come on I don't know what is. Just then I had called out for my man to come and help with that dining room table of yours. So he left and came back downstairs." Once we had finished the table, and he had told us what was happening upstairs right under your nose, he and his best mate over there headed back upstairs and into her room. She was propped up on her bed in a pair of sexy panties and bra. My men looked at each other and smiled. "OK girl, how about you help us over here and relieve some of the pressure your little show has built up?" With that, they both started to pull down their shorts to reveal two growing erections. And, let's just say that these two men are not short in that department if you get my meaning." More coarse laughter. "You still have us beat there mate!" one of them called out. "True, true," he said with an evil grin on his face. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I just didn't see her as the prick tease this man was describing. I glanced over at Laura, her head was bowed now so I couldn't see her eyes. "So there they were, two large erections pointing straight out at your little girl, both men slowly fisting their pricks in anticipation. And guess what she did then? And I know because I had just joined them in the room. The little prick tease backs away onto the corner of the bed and pulls her clothes back on!” "Well, that's just not right. To be left out on the cold there, just isn't right. So the two men walked round both sides of the bed to close in on her. All they wanted was a little action. A quick suck would have done the job, and we all wouldn't be here today. But no, she starts raising her voice threatening to shout out to 'Mummy and Daddy' that the big bad men were going to rape her." "Bloody prick tease," interjected one the men. "So what were we law abiding men to do? Hell, the girl was going to ruin the whole thing, so there was nothing for it but to back away. We finished the job, got out tip from you good self..." a sneer crossed the man's face at this, "and we headed off. But we all said that what that girl really needs is a damn good fuck. Oh and your wife too. Damn was she hot. Those breasts of hers were huge!" My face reddened at this remark. My wife has beautiful large pendulous breasts that my daughter has inherited. "We'd been out on a long distance removal journey. We'd finished packing up when couldn't quite believe our luck when we were closing up the warehouse. There standing outside our very front gates was your daughter, pacing up and down trying to keep warm waiting for Daddy to come and pick her up. I recognised her immediately. Just look at her now: once a prick tease, always a fucking prick tease. I'm mean look at that top and skirt. Push up bra, to fully emphasise that big pair of firm tits, with big nipples just begging to be sucked. The spitting image of your wife." "She didn't recognise us - probably forgotten all about the men she fucked off all those years ago. But hey, what's a man to do. I asked her if she was ok, and she explained that you were coming to pick her up. I did the gentlemanly thing and suggested she came into the warm office to wait. She would have no problem seeing you from there. And in she trotted in her leather boots, bum swinging in front of us, erections growing in our trousers." "The rest was easy. It was easy to tie her up and then wait for you to show up. Had a little chat while we waited. You know, catching up with old times. "Look, for god sake," I finally spoke up, seeing now clearly where this little charade was going, "you have got to let us go right now. I'm sorry that my daughter upset you and your men all those years ago, but I'm sure she has learnt her lesson now, and if you just let us go, we won't way anything to the police, I promise." "Fine speech, but I don't think I gave you permission to speak." And with that the man punched me hard in the gut, doubling me over. "So here is how the rest of the night is going to go. You are going to sit there and watch as all four of us take our time to fuck your daughter in every single one of her holes until she begs for more. It is the only way the little prick tease is going to learn. "Oh, and we will film the whole scene, make real sure that you and your daughter's faces are clearly visible. And if you go anywhere near the police, we will have that video onto the internet quicker that you can say 'incest' with a nice little story that you had set this whole thing up because you wanted to get into that pussy of your daughter." "We do, however, have a proposition that will hopefully spare your daughter from the pleasure we had planned for her." "What is it?" "I think that will be become clear shortly." With that the man walked over and stood in front of me. Slowly, with a wicked smile on his lips, he undid the belt on his jeans. Then the top button, and slowly he pulled down the zip. I couldn't believe what was happening. Surely he couldn't mean for me to suck him? He slowly pushed the jeans over his hips and down to his ankles. As he stood up again, I could see a large growing bulge in the front of his boxer shorts. "I think you are getting the picture." One of the men had moved off into the shadows and now came back with two video recorders mounted on tripods. He proceeded to set them up to cover the scene that was unfolding. The man in front of me was massaging his bulge, and it was slowly resolving into a full erection. A big, enormous, thick dick, whose head had started to poke out over the top of he waist band. He put his thumbs into the waist band of the shorts and pushed them down quickly. His prick sprang forward and hit me in the face. It continued to grow. "Open wide Daddy. Time to save you daughter from this monster. I bet it would rip her wide open." This was becoming a nightmare. I wasn't gay, I wasn't. I loved my wife, I loved fucking her. "Come on, you must have worked out the deal by now. It's either you, me and this beauty, or it's your red haired beauty over there and all four of us. Open wide and say 'Ah'." His prick was pulsing right in front of my nose. I looked up into his face, and took a deep breath. Slowly and opened my mouth and shut my eyes. "No, look at it while you suck me off." And with that he moved his hips forward and his prick touched my teeth. "Come on, open wide. And don't you dare bite." My teeth parted and he pushed further, my teeth scraping along the top and bottom of his prick. I closed my lips over his dick and started sucking and licking. He put his hands on the top of my head and started move my head and his hips back and forward a little amount. "Nice and slowly, and we will have you swallowing this piece of meat in no time." Please, please, this had better save my daughter. I slowly sucked and licked my first prick as the man thrust in short lengths in and out of my mouth. "Hm, not bad for a beginner. Now let's start feeding you some of the rest of this monster." Only the large head of his penis had entered my mouth, and now he was starting longer strokes, introducing more and more of its length. Soon he hit the back of my mouth making me cough and splutter. My jaws were starting to ache with the girth of his dick. The man continued to thrust in and out of my mouth hitting the back every so often. Slowly he angled my head upwards and starting angling the thrust down some more. I was now looking along the shaft, half was still not inside my mouth, up into his face. A big smile was playing across his lips. "Hello, my good little cock sucker. Now here comes the good bit... well, for me at least." With that his prick touched my tonsils and I started to gag, pulling away from him. "Oh no you don't." And he pulled my head back into towards his groin, again causing his prick to enter the top of my throat. He repeated this a few times, each time causing me to gag. "Hm, nice and tight. I'm sure your daughter's ass would have felt like this." My gag reflex started to subside and the man started bashing my throat with a little more urgency. "Ok, things are slowly coming to a head now." The other men laughed. They had moved to stand behind the man face fucking me, to have a better view, and were stroking their own impressive erections. The thrusts were becoming quicker now, and slowly my throat was accommodating the intrusion. I had stopped licking and sucking, but it was clear that it was the tightness of my throat that was now turning on my tormentor. The next thrust caught me by surprise and he pushed harder to force his prick deep into my throat. He stopped there and waited a couple of heart beats as I struggled to catch my breath. "Fuck yes," he let out in a low growl. He pulled back and let me suck in fresh air, and then plunged it straight back in. He picked up the pace now, diving deep into my bruised throat every few strokes. "Look at your daughter, now! She can't believe her eyes. Her dear Dad is sucking a huge dick like a true faggot! I wonder if it is turning her on?" I refused to look over at Laura, concentrating on trying to breathe. To my shame, my prick was fully erect now, pushing my tracksuit bottoms out from my waist. "It certainly turning you on!" He continued to fuck my face to what seemed like an age, and then suddenly pulled my head all the way forward, and let out a loud grunt. His cock broke through whatever resistance remained and buried itself deep in my throat and started to pulsate and dump streams of spunk inside my mouth. Pubic hair tickled my noise and I struggled for air, the monster completely fully inserted into my face. On and on his cock pumped. "Oh man! Yeah! I love breaking in new fuck meat." He rubbed the head of the prick in my hair and took a couple of steps back. "All yours!" he said to the other two men and sat down on a pile of blankets. "What!" I spluttered, my jaw aching as I spoke. "You promised to let us go!." "I said no such thing, and besides, my mates here also want a bit of fun." "You bastard!" I shouted, "Let us go now." "Or what?" he laughed back. The two men advanced on me and pulled me up to my feet again, carrying me over to the mound of blankets. They threw me face down pulled my tracksuit off. My hands were still tied behind my back and the blankets under me tilted my arse up into the air. One of the men knelt down behind me and pulled my cheeks apart and started greasing up my arsehole with something cold and sticky. "Get the fuck off me." I said struggling. "Shut him up will you" said the man behind me. The other man walked around in front of me and knelt down and grabbed my head and tilted it backwards. "Open wide. Time for another face fuck," And with that he plunged his prick straight in and down my throat. At the same time, a felt something warm between my cheeks as the other man started push at my arsehole. The man started thrusting forward, pushing his big prick into my arsehole. God it hurt. I could feel something tearing, he kept pushing. I couldn't scream because I was effectively gagged. The man fucking my face had started a rhythmic thrusting now, and the man buggering me started to match it. Little by little, he pushed more and more of the prick into my aching arse. And then the pain started to ease and I closed my eyes, tears forming and rolling down my cheeks puffed out by the face fucking I was receiving. In and out they both went, abusing me, fucking me, hurting me, yet beginning to turn me on. My dick was rock hard and throbbing. It was being rubbed against the rough blankets I was sprawled across, and I could feel myself getting closer to ejaculation myself. Suddenly the prick in my throat started to pulse, and more spunk shot deep inside. The man behind me speeded up and soon had his full length sawing in and out of my arsehole. "Fuck!" he shouted at the top his voice, and buried himself fully in my arse. I could feel the hot spunk gushing out and filling my bowels. "He really likes to be fucked, doesn't he!?" I rolled over and felt spunk leak from my arsehole and move down my leg. What the fuck had I become? I looked up and saw my daughter a few feet away crying her eyes out, still kneeling, with the tape across her mouth. "Right. That's the starter out of the way, time for the main course." I was too weak to offer much response to this. Of course they wouldn't let us go now. They were about to fuck my daughter and there was nothing I could do. Laura was trying to back away from the men now, obviously realising what was about to happen. She gave a muffled scream because of her gag and looked at me for help. The men simply lifted her up and marched her back in front of me. One of the men stepped up to Laura and cut her skirt away from her knickers and cut off her top, revealing a push up bra, with her breasts overflowing the top. The knickers were cut off next, and then the bra, leaving her tits to hang freely, leaving her naked except for a pair of leather boots. "Wow, a natural red head!" The men were looking at the triangle of flaming ginger hair that my daughter was trying to hide my crossing her legs. "None of that now, let's see you as nature intended," pulling her legs apart, and making her stand with them a couple inches apart. "Very pretty." Laura obviously hadn't shaved, but the hairs were fine and light, and you could see her cunt through them. Damn it I thought, I'm sitting here, having just been buggered, oggling my daughter's pussy. What kind of sick pervert was I turning into? The man had shed all his clothes and was stroking his monster prick again. It was as hard as ever. He walked behind my daughter. "Well, buggering does that to a man," he laughed at his weak joke and kicked my daughter on the back of her legs causing her to fall down on her knees. He then pushed her so that she ended up on all fours, directly in front on me. I could see between her arms, her breasts dangling down, her nipples still erect and pointing up at me. Beautiful pink nipples. Beautiful breasts come to that. Oh god, fucking marvelous tits, if I'm being honest. They swayed slightly, having formed perfect domes. I loved seeing my wife like this. It would turn me on in a instant. The man had dropped to his knees behind Laura and shuffled forward until his prick touched her bum. "You have a beautiful bum lady, and it will be a joy to fuck it" he said, dipping his fingers into a tub of something. He started applying the goo to my daughter's arse. It must have been cold, because she made a start forward, trying to escape. The man obvious was working his finger into her arsehole as Laura struggled. "Whoa there little horsey, you can't run from me." With that he reached forward and grabbed a handful of my daughter's long red hair and pulled it back like a reign. Her head went back and she stopped struggling. A low grunt escaped from my daughter's throat as he worked a second finger in with the second. "Need to open you up bit honey, my monster is going to rip you open wide as it is." Tears were reforming in my daughter's eyes. The man withdrew his fingers and lined up his prick against my daughter's hole. "Now, here's what happens to stuck up little prick teasers." And with that he thrust forward and pushed his large bulbous head into her anus. Laura screamed, loud enough that the tape did little to suppress the noise. "Yeah!" shouted the man, "squeal for me!" He pulled back and thrust again, popping his prick in and out of the tight opening. Laura obliged! The man started a thrusting motion, the same one he used as he had fucked my face. In and out his dick went, and slowly but surely, more of the monster disappeared up my daughter's arsehole. The pain must have been incredible. The rocking motion had started my daughter's breasts swaying to and fro in front of me, her head held high and clear by the man's grasp of her hair. Her tits started slapping against her upper arms, and bouncing inwards and together. The slapping was now being echoed by the man behind her, having fully penetrated her, his large balls banging against her bottom with each thrust. "Oh yeah! Your daughter is a good fuck!" My own erection was forming again, wanting release. One of the other men came over and knelt next to me and started jerking his hand up and down my shaft. Right in front of my daughter's face. The chief man buggering Laura was picking up the pace now, and my daughter's sobbing had slowed to a dull grunt with each thrust and slap of her tits against her arms. The man jacking me off also speeded up. I was close. The man buggering my sweet, bad, naughty, sexy Laura gave one final huge thrust and started to come deep into her. That pushed me over the edge, and jets of spunk flew up and hit Laura on her face, tits and arms. "Oh god!" I cried out loud. "Ah, It's time to take some photos." One of the other men returned with a digital camera and had captured the moment when I had come all over my daughter while she was being buggered from behind. "Right lads, up for some more action?" The two men grinned as they turned her sideways, still on her knees and elbows, and started a repeat performance of their acts on me. They had swapped positions, so I guess Laura was about to have the cock that had been deep in my bowels served up to her to clean. The man ripped the tape off her mouth. He pinched her cheeks to open her mouth, and started feeding his dick into her mouth. The man behind her had no trouble slipping his hard cock into her gaping arsehole. Laura had lost all her fight, and stayed still as the two men started fucking her from both ends. From the side, I could see the cock entering her throat, making it bulge obscenely. Again, her breasts started swinging to and fro. "Such a beautiful sight to see a girl filled from both ends." said the man standing behind me playing the video camera over the scene. The men kept up their pace for a good few minutes, during which time Laura made no sound. Then they started to speed up their thrusts as they reached their climax. Coming closely together, they filled my daughter with their spunk, withdrew and jerk the last few drops over her back, hair and face. "Good for the skin I've heard," one of them laughed. Laura collapsed to the floor. "And now, for the main dish!" What more could he possible have in store? He turned Laura over onto her back. Her eyes were closed. "OK Dad, time for you finale! Get over here and fuck your daughter in the cunt." "No." The word came out quietly. "No? I don't think you are in any position to say no. Or put it another way, you say no, then we three will rape her cunt one after the other. And then we will find what else fits in that nice little hole. I'm sure there are ample 'toys' we could find around here. And we will keep doing this until you do fuck her. So you either fuck her now, or you fuck her later, complete with sloppy seconds." All four men laughed at this. I was pushed towards her. She had started to cry again, and I whispered, "I'm sorry,I'll pull out" as I drew closer. I was positioned between her legs, but my cock had lost its tumescence. I could see her abused anus, leaking spunk. And I could see my daughter's cunt, nestling in the triangle of fine ginger hairs. Her legs up and apart and exposed her cunt lips, and I could see her enflamed clit, and a very moist opening. "Suck Daddy's dick and get it ready for your cunt!” She shook her head only to be punched and had her head pulled forward towards my cock. She very reluctantly started to suck on it. My cock got hard again, both from the administration of my daughter's fellatio and ashamedly the tempting prospect of fucking her.I lined up my prick against her wet hole, and pushed forward. Laura, with her eyes still shut, let out a cry as I slipped ever so easily into her cunt. "Damn, she's wet" one of the men said. And she was, that first push had put my whole throbbing penis deep into my darling daughter. I felt a mix of lust and shame as she felt so good. I started pulling out and then plunged back in, a little harder than I had planned, but the little cock tease was turning me on. In and out, a little harder still. Slowly, I built up my pace. I continued to thrust in hard. Laura's eyes were open now, looking up at me, and she had started panting in short quiet bursts. I kept a steady rhythm going, fucking my daughter. Her legs still pressed up next to her side, allowed he breasts to move freely. And they started hitting me as I fucked her in and out. It felt so good. I reassured her that I'd pull out when the time came. But right then I felt a hand between my legs. I looked back, and saw the man who had been doing most of the filming moving in closer, his own monster cock was erect. Judging the moment, he pressed the head against my stretched anus. "Room for me? This'll stop you pulling out of her as I push myself into you!" he hissed into my ear, and pushed forward in time with my next thrust. He buried himself deep on that stroke, and I let out a loud cry of pain. Laura shuddered slightly. A few thrusts later, and the man was completely inside of me, filling me to bursting point, a hot fire burning in my guts. His pace matching the thrust of me fucking Laura. The three of us continued fucking for another few minutes when I felt the man started to speed up and then empty himself completely in my hole. That pushed me over the edge, jets of my sperm splattered the inside of Laura's cunt as I came again nd again inside her. Incredibly, Laura started bucking and squirming as I was dribbling my last inside her. I picked myself up and lay down on my back next to my fucked daughter. I could see the other two men had been circling the action with the video cameras, capturing every sordid detail of this incestuous violation of my daughter. The two men who had been denied access to Laura those five years ago, now demanded their cum-uppance and took turns to unload themselves into Laura's well lubricated pussy. Laura's screams were ignored as they both ploughed her forcefully. They both grunted in satisfaction as their years of frustration had come to an end and squirted their cum inside her. Laura's weeping was interrupted by my phone going off. The chief handed me the phone and told me to say I'd got lost by going down some wrong back passages, but I was on my way back with Laura now. “Looks like we've got some delicious breakfast. I fancy those juicy melons your wife has!” We were both bundled into the back of the van, they knew their way. The extent of their revenge grew larger...
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- barebacking
- forced sex
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I was never a chub chaser till I became a dedicated bare backer and breeder. A huge turn on for me to spread those enormous butt cheeks and get into that hidden, sweet tight hole. Even better when I tag-team fuck with another top cause it works well to have a buddy pull apart the chub butt cheeks for good penetration. What do chubs on this site think about this? Hope you big boys don't think your big asses are just being used; they're actually being appreciated and worshipped.
- 202 replies
- 32
Wondering how many people who bareback or bug chase suffer from depression? I do, and my psychiatrist thinks this may be related. As in risk taking behavior/self destructive. Unrelated but interesting/hot, his husband barebacks behind his there's that too. Ran into him in a bathhouse and had some fun.
- 69 replies
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- depression
- mental health
(and 2 more)
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Dad’s Basement Part One OFF LIMITS !!!! That’s how it always was, no one had access to the basement except Dad. Growing up I used to imagine that he was a mad scientist and it was his laboratory where he conducted hair raising experiments. As I got older, my thoughts changed - was it his private gym - he was built, but I knew he went to a gym early in the morning - hell I even went with him quite a few times. My mind always wondered, but I never had the chance to go down —— until now. Here it was my eighteenth birthday, I was home alone, which was the norm since Mom ran off with some man she met on the internet when I was starting my teen years and has not been heard from since. It was when I was heading to the kitchen to get my breakfast, that I saw it. The basement door was open, not wide open, but just enough to know someone could go down there. Stomach be damned, my curiosity was strong than my hunger at this point. I had to see what was down there. “Dad, are you home?” I yelled. No response. I made my way to the laundry room, which accessed the garage and saw that his truck was gone. My stomach groaned - not from hunger, but nerves. I made my way through the house, looking for my Dad. I wanted to make sure I was home alone. I was still scared of getting caught in the “forbidden basement.” He was no where to be found in the house, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t hiding some where. Fuck I can’t believe I would think that my own Dad would set me up. I had to make sure. Grabbing my cell, I dialed Dad’s number, he quickly answered after one ring, was he waiting for this call. Was this a set up? “Morning Squirt, what’s up?” he said. Squirt - the nickname he knew I hated, yet called me that when it was just the two of us. “Dad, do you want me to do the yard today?” I asked “It’s your birthday and you want to do yard work? We can do it this weekend, together. Any more silly questions or can I get back to my work so I can be home on time?” he replied. “Yeah, are you coming home early or what, like you said it is my birthday.” “Right now, Squirt, it looks like normal time. Got any other pressing questions?” “Nah, I’m good” I replied. "Bye, Dad.” I hung up and quickly made my way to the basement door. In my mind I expected it to be closed and locked, thinking it was all a trick of my mind. Without knowing it I held my breathe as I made my way to the door, only to slowly release it seeing that the door was still a jar. Nervously, I slowly pushed the door open, exposing the darkened stairs which lead to the mysterious basement below. I squinted my eyes to see if I could see anything in the darkness below. Nothing! That first step was the hardest, I had always known I was not allowed down here, but with finding the door opened I could not help but break the rule. I felt the way to see if I could find a switch to illuminate the mystery, nothing. Another what the fuck? I slowly descended the stairs until I was at the bottom. The nerves in my stomach were twitching so bad that I thought I was going to throw up. I was frozen to the floor, as my hands explored the walls, searching for a light switch. It wasn't long until I found one. I closed my eyes and flipped it, as I thought “let there be light.” At that moment, I wondered if this is really what I wanted. Did I want to know my Dad’s secret? I slowly opened my eyes, finding the room flooded with a red light. The walls were darkly painted and if I were to guess they were black. There was symbols painted on they walls with phrases under them. The one that was the biggest and stood out the most was a circle like symbol, that I had seen somewhere before, but did not know where, and had the phrase under it that said “TOXIC FOR LIFE” Else where there were sayings like “no load refused,” “Seed belongs in holes,” and “gifting is the way” - and more. I didn’t under stand. I slowly moved inwards, noticing a leather pad hanging from chains in one corner, two padded “saw horses” in the middle of the room. What the fuck is this place, I thought. It’s not a gym, because I have never seen equipment like this. As I made my way back, I saw that tucked under the stairs was an open shower area, with white tiles and three heads and two drains. I still didn’t understand. I passed out of that room and into another. The room was painted just like the other, with more phrases. The only different was the symbol, this time there was a huge scorpion on the wall, freaky as shit and ugly as hell. Under the big scorpion was shelves with little brown bottles on them, as well as what looked like plastic bottles filled with a clear liquid. I racked my mind trying to figure out what this shit was and what it was used for. From where I was standing there was a darkened opening to my left and one to my right, leading off to who knows where and what. Being adventurous, I went to the left, it was dark inside so I felt my way. I bumped into the a wall in front of me, but felt an opening to my right, so I turned and continued. I bumped and turned many times again. Shit this was some kind of maze. I panicked, I tried to remember which way I turned and went. What if I get trapped in here and Dad finds me here. I turned and moved, finding relief when I found the opening to get out. I have to be more careful. I discovered nothing with that adventure, so I decided to head to the other opening I went across the room and into through the other opening to find a wall blocking me, but with openings on the left and right. I went left only to find that this lead me to a room with another wall that went completely across the room. I walked to my right keeping a distance from the new wall with my hand on the wall that I first came to. I saw that there was three holes in the wall, which allowed light to come through. I gathered my courage and crossed the room to the middle hole, to discover that the hole came up to about my crotch. I slowly squatted down and looked through the hole - only to see the outside door to the left, which was letting in the light from out side through the frosted windows. I didn’t understand any of this. I went back out and look around the big room again, I failed to notice more shelves holding more brown bottles and plastic squeeze bottles. In each corner was a TV, hung high near the ceiling. As I got back to the stairs, I realized there was another opening on the wall with the light switch. It was still dark inside, so I reached around inside trying to find the new room’s light switch. A musty smell invaded my nostrils, rousing my curiosity, as well as my cock. Why was I turned on by this smell. Moments later I found the switch and found this room was a locker room. The lockers formed a square in the center, yet none were on the outer walls. Entering I found why. There were hundreds of used jocks nailed to the wall with pictures under them. The jocks were stained, some a bright yellow, some creamy, some very dark yellow. I lifted one of the jocks to look at the picture. It was of a naked man who’s cock was hard as a rock, my guess the owner of the jock. I lifted the picture up, to find a name, date, and what looked like a code - numbers mixed with three letters in the middle. Looking around I could see that three walls were almost covered with jocks. The fourth was bare. At this point I wanted out of the basement. I had so many questions, yet I found that I didn’t want to seek the answers to them. Switching off the lights I made my way I back upstairs, climbed them and put the basement door like I found it. My mind was racing - what the fuck was that shit downstairs and what did it all mean. Confused, I wanted answers, but again I didn’t. Was I really suppose to see this? Did Dad make a mistake? I went to my room, grabbed my laptop, determined to find out what all this was, even if it took all day. I logged in and had an email from my Dad pop up on my desk top. It’s subject line was “BASEMENT” - I forgo my searching to read this. It read: Squirt, I left the basement open for you today. It is time you found out what the secret is. It was after your call that I knew you were going to head down there. So here is what I do down there. I SUCK DICK, GET MY DICK SUCKED, FUCK ASS AND GET MY ASS FUCKED. I can only put it bluntly. Yes, son I am a faggot, cocksucker, or if you want me to be pc - I am gay. I built the basement as a sex club for men like me. We get together as much as possible to have sex. There is a sling hanging from the ceiling, fuck benches, a maze with glory holes, and a glory hole wall to suck cock from people not in our “Club.” I have well stocked it will lube and poppers (you snort to get a rush - not drugs), the TV’s are for porn. I am sure you are wondering what are on the walls. Son, we are a Poz Fuck Club, each of the members is HIV positive and each man enjoys passing his strain to others. We do not let loads of cum go to waste - we swallow and we breed. The jocks and pictures are of men who had been converted by our club members. I know this may shock you, that your Dad is a toxic cock slut, but after discovering what you were watching on line, I thought it was time for you to know, learn and maybe join in (this part makes my cock hard) Don’t be embarrassed - I want you to be open about sex even with me. I will be open with you. We will talk more when I get home. Happy Birthday Son Love ya, Dad I read the email over and over. He knew what I watched on line. I was so scared that if he ever discovered my secret, it would either scare him or anger him, not turn him on. I needed to talk my mind off him and the basement until he got home. So I headed to the living room to watch movies until he got home.
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I was bored and horny, and was just reading through some stories on Breeding Zone with the television on in the background for noise. I briefly remembered hearing that the multi-state lottery was at a large amount and was expected to make someone very rich. The thought played in the back of my mind but I sort of forgot about it as I stroked my boner to the images of the boys mentioned in the stories I was reading. I was mid-forties and in decent shape but life hadn’t been particularly good for me, I was recently unemployed again, having lost my full time job a couple years back, and been filling in with shitty part time retail jobs. I lived in a dingy apartment that had seen better days. It was a nice neighborhood when I moved in, but over the years the management companies changed, as did the nice neighbors, as they moved out in moved trash. I pretty much kept to myself, traveling out for hook-ups, occasionally going out to the clubs and bars, often just hanging around as the cover charge at the clubs was usually enough to keep me sober as, most of the time, I could only afford soda. I scanned A4A and BBRT then came across a hot ad for a cute 22 year old who was into just about everything on BBRT. I oinked him and waited, and waited then went back to cruising the ads, then back to BZ for some more hot stories. I was just about to shoot a hot load to a bug chasing story when my computer oinked in the background, indicating I had a message on BBRT. Checking my mail I found a message from him. H: Hey Daddy, thanks for the Oink, what’s up? M: Just browsing around looking at who’s on-line. H: Anyone catch your eye? M: You did. H: Thanks, I almost didn’t respond when I looked at your age, but your body got me rock hard. M: Then I guess I owe you a 'thanks'. Then BBRT advised me "This member has unlocked his pictures." H: Hope you are even more enticed with my unlocked photos. By the way I want you to know I’m not a hustler, but was wondering if you were generous. There was that question I always seemed to get from the younger crowd, wanting a free ride, a sugar daddy, a john to service. I almost ended the conversation until he continued saying: H: Daddy you still there? Daddy, I meant that I find you interesting enough that I wouldn’t mind if we became friends, not just a casual hook up. But I can’t support you. I’m still in college with two shitty retail/food service jobs, and given the distance it says we are from each other, I guess you’re in a similar boat. Our neighborhood is pretty much a slum. M: Oh so you think I live in a slum. H: That’s not what I meant, but this is certainly a lower income 'hood. Wouldn't you agree? M: Well, I guess you’re right about that. Want to meat up at S for coffee? H: Can’t do that tonight but would love to “meat up” in the morning. I checked out his unlocked picks, thinking 'Damn this kid is cute, and has a great body. I wonder if maybe he has an agenda.' M: Sure. Say about 8:00 or so. H: Sounds cool. My name is Jeremy, by the way. M: Awesome. See ya in the morning then, Jeremy. I relooked at his pictures and began wondering what I was in for, He was 6’1 about 150 pounds had blonde hair, blue eyes and a athletic looking body, looking at that sweet face and juicy cock and tight ass had me extremely hard and dripping pre-cum, but shit he was going to meet up with me in a little over 8 hours, I decided to save the cream for him if he wanted it, after all I could always jerk off to his pics after we met. I turned off the laptop and turned down the volume on my phone and went to sleep, filled with erotic dreams of Jeremy and what we could do together. The alarm went off on schedule and I was up and showered by 7, had thrown together my gym bag and tossed it into my car, going to the gym was one of those little things I struggled to get past in my current financial state, but I figured I was more hirable if I looked good and fit. Around quarter past I drove across the street to the supermarket and did some light shopping, on the way out I stopped off at the lottery machine and purchased a ticket for that night’s drawing. I arrived at the coffee shop shortly before 8 and ordered a white mocha and took a seat facing the door. Just shortly after 8 Jeremy walked in wearing black basketball shorts, a white wife beater, and an oversized hoody, zipped up about half way so that the tank top showed through revealing his muscular hairless chest, carrying a large backpack, his well-toned legs sprouted slightly darker fur, than was on his dirty blond head, he nodded in my direction then went to order himself a coffee. Upon finishing his order he came over and sat down next to me and extended his hand in greeting J: hey there, glad you could make it, I don’t remember if I caught your name on line last night or not M: oh sorry I don’t think I shared that, its Matt J: glad to make your acquaintance Matt His smile was electrifying and melted away any reservations I had about the boy. We chatted for almost an hour over our respective coffees discussing this and that and soon discovered that in spite of our 24 year age gap we had lots in common, and I soon grew very comfortable around Jeremy, almost like he was my son, As we each finished our drinks I asked him if he would like a ride home, having seen the sweat glistening on him when he had unzipped the hoody after sitting down I had concluded he had walked here, not to mention his musk was not only making me hard but he smelled great sitting so close. He accepted the offer and we headed out to my car, upon belting ourselves in I pulled out of the parking lot onto the street. I followed his directions as he led me back towards my apartment, having me pull into my drive and circle around the complex in the opposite direction I would normally take. We rounded the corner nearest his apartment and he turned to me J: you want to come in and hang for a while longer? M: sure J: you can park in any open uncovered space M: tell Ya what I’ll park in my space and walk back to your apartment J: you live here too? M: yeah and it seems not so far from you We both laughed as I parked the car, then walked to his place one building over. We entered his sparsely appointed apartment and were on top of each other as the door closed, his hoody hit the floor first as he lifted my tee shirt off. He began sucking on my quarter sized nipples shortly after we broke our kisses off, his hands found the buckle on my belt and soon I felt my jeans being lowered, having gone commando, freeing my trapped hard cock. I slid his shorts down and fondled his cock through the mesh of his jock strap his precum oozing through the fabric. We stood there groping each other and pressed against the door when Jeremy took my hand and led me to the couch where we began caressing each other anew, Jeremy not allowing me to free his cock from the Jock which was now soaked with his precum, his hard cock straining to be free J: please daddy I want to pleasure you, my release is secondary, please fuck me daddy make me your boy M: you want me to use you as my boy, breed you with my seed J: yes daddy I need you to breed me, make me yours I sank down and sucked the precum from his jock into my mouth then lifted his legs and slathered my spit and his precum on his hole, before rising to my knees and aiming my cock head towards his sphincter M: you sure you want this, there’s no going back J: yes fuck me, give me your daddy seed M: you sure you want my load blasted into your boy cunt? J: yeah daddy give me all you have to give I pushed into the unyielding pucker, but it would not open for me M: you ever been fucked before, son? J: no daddy you’ll be my first Oh my god he was a virgin and he was offering up his cherry to me, I changed my tactics a bit and began licking at his hole tongue fucking him to see if I could loosen him up. I could feel his pucker loosen some after about five minutes of probing with my tongue, I then inserted a finger and it slid in after a brief amount of resistance, I wiggled it around massaging his prostate from within. His tight ring began to yield and loosen enough to slide in a second finger, and after about five more minutes a third, I was now rubbing on that tender spot just inside of Jeremy’s sphincter his moaning beginning to fill the room, I removed my fingers from his hole and replaced it with the tip of my mushroom head, flowing with precum it quickly made the outside ring slippery and slick as I worked my head over his pucker. J: fuck me daddy, do it now M: here it cums son I pushed in as he bucked up to meet my thrust forcing the first few inches into his hole J: oh Fuck, oh Fuck, OH FUCK M: just relax and try to push out a little As he did I could feel his ring relax and I pushed another two inches up into his gut, I pulled out about an inch the slowly slipped the rest of my 7.5 inches into his rectum, he moaned as he felt my pubes on the back of his nuts tickling the taint as I ground my pelvis into his ass J: oh daddy I fill so full, now let me ride it M: mmmm so tight and pulsating around my cock As I rocked back and forth I could feel his ass muscles convulsing around my meat, like Jeremy was orgasming on my cock inside his hole I slid it out the thrust back in, the waves of muscle rippling against my organ increased and I began pumping it in and out of Jeremy faster and faster the walls massaging my cock on each pass, I soon realized I had made the boy have a anal orgasm as I continued fucking him M: I’m going to cum where you want it J: oh daddy breed my ass make me yours forever, give me your toxic seed, POZ my hole I had never discussed my status with the boy but his talk of me POZing his virgin hole just made me harder and after edging in his convulsing hole for about 15 minutes I blasted my cum deep into his bowels. I was still hard after I came so I continued to pump in and out of his flooded hole, I so enjoyed fucking a cum filled hole and then about 5 minutes later I felt the tingling in my balls again and felt the semen shooting from my cocklips again, blasting another load in his gut J: oh daddy we are now one, thanks for breeding me M: it was nice fucking you, you made me cum so hard I rolled off of the boy and we snuggled on the couch for a while before either of us could catch our breath enough to talk M: why’d you tell me to POZ your ass, we never discussed status? J: I just figured, since we meet on BBRT, you said ask me on your profile and you were willing to breed some dumb twink without even asking status or offering yours, you must be POZ M: All good assumptions but in my case wrong J: oh …, sorry hope I didn’t offend you I started laughing then pulled the boy into me and started making out with him, caressing his muscular body and getting him all excited again. M: so are you still negative? Being as you were virgin and all J: yeah I am, sorry about the POZ talk while we were fucking M: no problem, kind of got off on it actually We both began laughing together and resumed our exploration of each other’s bodies and mouths, soon he was sucking in my cock removing the ruminates from our lovemaking, his 8 inch slender cock rock hard, I couldn’t resist as I slicked it up and then climbed in his lap and impaled myself on his drooling member J: what are you doing? I’m all bottom M: you’re a top for now boy, now fuck your daddy I held my ass about three inches away from his crotch and he began thrusting upwards into my willing hole, every now and then I would raise and lower my ass a few inches to get him in me deeper, all the while I had my tongue buried in his mouth and we dueled for oral superiority, he suddenly pulled back J: oh fuck I’m going to cum M: oh yeah give me your toxic load fill me with your AIDS babies wreck my hole J: oh god I’m filling your hole with my POZ cum I ground my ass down into his groin getting as much of his twink cock buried in my ass as I could, I could fill the wetness seeping around his cock pulsing in my hole, I threw my head back and for the first time saw the photos on his bookcase besides the couch. I froze as one in the upper corner caught my eye, it was a man and a woman, the man was in a brown suit and the woman in a teal chiffon dress, it was so familiar, I blinked and went back to Jeremy kissing him passionately, now fearing the photo linked us in a way, that he was unaware of or maybe he was. Jeremy pushed me off and I got up we were both drenched in cum as I had shot again as he was cumming up inside me, blasting both our abs and almost to his neck, Jeremy grabbed my hand and led me to the shower where he tenderly washed me off then himself. J: Matt I have class in about an hour so I need to leave now, if I’m going to catch my bus M: I’ll drive you in if only to spend a little more time with you J: that’ll be great just let me get dressed and I’ll meet you out by your car. I gathered my clothes and hurriedly dressed while Jeremy got himself presentable in the bedroom, I looked at the photo again, not really believing my eyes. I exited Jeremy’s and hurried to my apartment I scrambled around and grabbed a couple dollars for gas then hurried out to the car where Jeremy was waiting for me. I unlocked the door and we both hopped in, about a mile down the road I began to ask the question that was nagging me M: the photo on your bookcase the one that looked like a professional prom photo, might I ask who they are, since it isn’t you J: oh that’s just a Photo of my mom and her boyfriend, she says it was taken when he won a portrait package in some raffle, I always suspected he was the one to knock her up with me, but she never wanted to talk about it but I always suspected. M: hmmm interesting story I dropped Jeremy off at the bus stop in front of his university then did some errands, . I had noticed a strand of dirty blond hair on the head rest in the car, about Jeremy’s color and length, I placed it in a zip lock back, I had a friend who did DNA testing to determine paternity thought this would maybe calm my nerves. it was after 2 when I got home Little did I know how much my life would change over the next 24 to 48 hours.
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Chapter One The more I stood there looking at the black steel door in front of me, the more I got pissed. He disappeared in the evenings during the week many times, only to show up with some lame excuse to where he had been. Tonight, I followed him. I was going to find out what the fuck was going on. I expected to see him go into one of the many adult bookstores in our area, but he went passed them and down this alley. I wondered if he knew I was following him, because at the top of the stairs leading down to where I was now, he paused and looked at the entrance of the alley. A smug grin came across his face and then he descended to the door. With a loud bang, he was gone. My anger grew and without thinking about it I kicked the bottom of the door. The thud echoed through the alley way. I heard some loud clicking and the door swung open. “What do you want” a deep commanding voice said from the darkness inside. “I, um, I’m not sure……”I stuttered out. “You the fresh meat?” the voice asked “I……” Without starting my second word, a large muscular arm reached out of the dark, it’s hand grabbed my arm and pulled me in. The door slammed shut with a loud thud, then a click and I knew I was trapped inside this place. Before I could say anything or even protest, the man pushed me into a room and order: “Strip” I was shaking with fear and without even thinking, I pulled my shirt over my head, stuffing it in one of the large brown bags on the floor. I kicked off my shoes and tossed them in. “Hurry the fuck up, the clients will be in soon” I undid my jeans and pulled them off, tossing them in the bag. There I was standing in my underwear, with this huge muscle man looming over me. “Underwear too,” he said, “Fuck are you shy?” Hooking my fingers in the waistband of my briefs I pushed them down my legs. His had went to my ass, rubbing it, then sliding his fingers in my crack. They moved up and down, teasing my hole. I was too scared to pull away and allowed him to play with my ass and hole. “Okay, lets get you strapped in and hooked up” he said. He grabbed my arm, around my bicep and pulled me down a darkened hall. As we moved I looked around, trying to see if my cheating bastard of a boyfriend was lurking around. I got a good look at the first room we past. It was full of glory holes, about 4 on each wall. I tried to get a better look, but the brute pulled me along. He pulled me around a corner and opened a hidden door. I could see a padded bench about waist high in the room. A black piece of leather covered an opening in the wall, blocking my view of what was on the other side. “Get up there and slide through” the brute ordered me. I quickly, got up on the bench on my knees. “Wait, stay just like that and relax” I was too scared to move. He grabbed a bottle off a shelf. It had a long thin tip on it. He squeezed it a bit and a clear liquid oozed out the top. Using his thick finger he rubbed that liquid up and down the tip. He positioned it at my hole and slid it in, squeezing it. I could feel the warm liquid coating my insides. Once he was satisfied, he pulled it out and put it back on the shelf. “Okay slide through” I laid down on the bench and slide my legs through the opening, lifting the leather just a little. “Keep going until I tell you to stop” I slide more and more. My legs were hanging out in the other side. I kept moving until the top of my ass was just past the edge of the bench outside the leather. “Right there. He positioned the leather up around my belly button and clamped it down on each side of me. He put my arm down beside me and strapped me in, then moved to the other and did the same. He pulled another strap over my chest and pulled tight. What ever was going on, I wasn’t going anywhere. He grabbed a clear plastic tube, that looked exactly like what you would see in hospitals to get oxygen. He hooked two hoops around my ears and then positioned two tips coming out of the tube up my nose, one in each nostril. “I don’t think this is right….” I said finding my voice. “Yeah they all say that the first time” “But….” “Relax and enjoy” he said leaving me in the room, turning off the bright light above leaving me in the dark. A few minutes later, I felt a hand around my ankle, raising my leg up. I could feel cold leather around my ankle shortly after. The slack in what ever was holding my leg was pulled tight and I was left with my leg in the air, unable to move it. Before I could even say anything my other leg met the same fate. A rough hand started to explore my ass, feeling my smooth cheeks and then my crack. The fingers pushed against my hole. I felt a sharp nail scratching the sides of my hole, then press inside. “Prep him good” a voice said. As the finger slid inside and started to scratch at my insides, I breathed deep through my nose. Poppers were flowing through the clear tube and I immediately felt the relaxing wave run through my body. The finger nail continued to scratch up my insides. “You’re going to love this” another mysterious voice said through the walls. I mumbled something, even I couldn’t understand. “Been coming here for weeks” the voice said. Even in my popper high I recognized the voice, it was my boyfriend David. I fucking knew it. “Just keep huffing and you will enjoy it too” My mind wondered if he knew it was me. I hoped not. The finger pulled out and I started to hear ominous music playing. In the darkness of my little room my mind began to wonder, what exactly was this place. Soon there were noises in the hall that brought my mind back to the situation I was in. Voices were talking, some I could make out what they were saying, others I couldn’t. “Look they have fresh meat” someone said rubbing my ass. “I will try that soon, but I am going to slid into the one that’s been here before” “Yeah, guess he’s not infected yet” “Been taking all the loads and haven’t turned” David said. “You need more then” a voice said. “Yeah, been giving it to the boyfriend too, want to pass it to him” David said. “Huff deep” a voice said. I heard a grunt and then David moaning. What the fuck was happening? Was he getting fucked right now? I felt a finger play with my hole and slid in and out. I tensed up a bit. “The more you tense up the rougher it gets” a voice at my feet said. The finger was replaced with a cock head, pressing against my hole. I huffed deep from my “popper line,” as the head push in and went balls deep. The pain was intense, yet dulled a little from the huffs I was continuing to take. “Just popped the new boy’s cherry” the man said, “going to open him up and seed him deep” Fuck, even through the popper fog my mind was in a panic. This man was fucking me raw, I only ever fucked raw with my boyfriend. I tried to move and I couldn’t, the restraints were too tight. I squeezed my hole, trying to force out the raw cock, but that only encouraged the man. “Yeah you bitch in heat, squeeze that ass around my cock” “Fuck, sounds like he wants to milk out that spoiled seed” “First time chasers are so fucking eager” My mind raced to come up with ideas on how to escape. I tried to focus on not breathing through my nose, but as the cock continued to pump in and out of my hole, the more I huffed the poppers. “Wish y’all were infecting my boyfriend” David said. What the fuck, I thought. Not only was he cheating and taking loads and trying to infect me with what ever disease he caught, but now he wants me here getting infected. My anger grew thinking about how fucking twisted this was. Yet, I hadn’t cried out for them to stop, nor did I expose to my boyfriend that I was in the dark room next to him. “I get that hole next” I heard a voice say. “It’s yours” It wasn’t the man fucking me responding. It was David’s top. “Heard the shit shot up there hadn’t taken, so they called in the big guns” “Yeah?” “Full blown, med resistant” There was a loud cheer from the other side of the wall. David was moaning loudly, could even hear him over the slapping of flesh as the two tops pounded our holes. “If that don’t take, I will go the blood route” David said. “Oh it will take” the man said. The cock in my hole was thrusting in and out at a fast pace. His balls were swinging and hitting my back when he thrusted in. They must have been so low hanging nuts. The head of the cock would meet the inside of my hole, pull it out just a bit and then his cock would be shoved back in balls deep. My pulse throbbed in my temples and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, drumming out the rhythm of the fucking that I was getting. “Full blown huh?” someone asked, “you look like death is trying to beat down your door” “I take that as a compliment” the man said, “plan to infect as many as I can before I meet the grim reaper” David was moaning louder and louder as the slapping of flesh got louder and faster. Who ever was up his hole was pounding him like there was not tomorrow. The man up my hole was still pounding me at a good pace. “Here comes your first load of the night” someone said. “Shoot that cum up my hole, breed me you diseased fucker” David shouted. “Ohhhh fucccckkk” There was cheering as the man came up David’s hole. This encouraged my top who started to pound my hole harder and faster. I was grunting with every thrust in. “Cherry boy is about to get his first infecting” the man said. “Break his cherry, breed him deep” someone shouted. “Hold on buddy, it only gets better from here” David said. The man slammed into me deep. I could feel his cock pulse as his load shot out of his piss slit and splattered the walls on my insides. “Virus ho!” he shouted. There was more shouting and cheering as the man shot in me. I closed my eyes and felt my warm tears run down the side of my face, cooling as the moved away from my eyes. My mind was twisting in the guilt of what just happened. I was beating myself up for allowing this to happen. for not stopping the muscled brute from strapping me to this bench. “Beg for my disease” voice said, “Beg for my death” “Please gift me with your disease, your death. Shoot your mutated virus in me, to spread” David said. I heard a loud grunt and knew that the man had shoved his cock up David’s hole. “Oh fuck yeah Daddy,” David yelled, “deep dick me” I listened close as the man pounded David’s hole. My cock was hard and standing up, supported by the leather. A hand slapped my ass hard, making it sting and warm, then a cock slid up my hole. I moaned. A hand wrapped around my cock and slowly jacked it as the cock started to move in and out of my hole. “Milk that last untainted load out of those balls” someone said. The man started to jack my cock faster and faster, while his cock was pushed in deep, his crotch against me. I could feel my cum building. “Anyone wanna eat a virus virgin’s load” the man jacking me asked. “Oh fuck no” someone replied, “waste that shit on the floor” I felt a new hand take over jacking my cock as the cock in my ass started to move, pumping in and out. Soon they were moving at the same rhythm. Each time the hand slid down my shaft, it crushed my nuts. I wanted to cry out that I was about to cum, but did’t want David to know it was me on the next bench getting seeded by anonymous men, just like him. My muscles began to tense up as my cum load got closer and closer to shooting out of my piss slit. My ass muscles squeezed the cock in my hole, only to have it pump harder and rougher. “He’s about to blow” the guy fucking me yelled. “Jack him harder” someone yelled. “Milk that vanilla load” another voice yelled. “Empty those nuts, so they can fill up with poison seed” David said. My body tensed up more and I felt my muscles twitch and my cum shoot out. I could tell this load was shooting high. The men cried out as my piss slit opened and my load flew high in the air. The hand on my cock continued to jack and my cock continued to shoot. Until it to too sensitive and began to deflate. Once limp the hand dropped it and it fell on to my crotch.
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First Time With Tina, And I Became The Cumslut I Always Dreamed Of
Guest posted a topic in Chem Sex FICTION
so it began yesterday at about 3:00. A guy who i was texting off of manhunt and i decided to meet up at his house, so i got cleaned out, shaved, and looking like a bottom. I drive to his house, walk to the front door and before i could knock, he opens it and lets me inside. It was a pretty nice house but the tour started and stopped in the bedroom. He went about picking odds and ends up to clear some space, especially on and around the bed, before offering me some pot. I decline, not really my sex drug, and stripped down to my boxers like he was doing. He then told me that he was going to smoke some meth, and since i had never done it before but had heard good things i asked if i could smoke with him. So we light up in his bathroom in nothing but underwear and he teaches me how to smoke out of a pipe. After a few hits i asked him about a booty bump and said that it was something i always wanted to try. Luckily he had a needleless syringe just for that. So as he's making the bump (dissolving the crystals in water) i start to feel the effects of the smoking. It odd at first and i was expecting a little more to be honest but little did i know what happens after you bump your booty. I'm feeling very horny at this point and just to get him in the mood i strip of my boxers and spread my shaved asscheeks revealing my hole. He turns around with the syringe in had and takes a good long look. Since he had told me that one of his favorite positions was doggystyle, i gave a slight slap to my ass and assumed the cusmslut position, face down, ass up. He groans and smacks my right cheek the the left and asks ,e "are you ready for it" i nod in reply and he lowers the syringe to my hole and gently pushes the tip in. After a moment he depresses the plunger and i feel a cool feeling instantly replaced by a light burning sensation. Within minutes the effect was apparent, i wanted his cock in me, whether my mouth or my ass. So i stand up walk to the counter where he is at and drop to my knees, taking his flacid cock into my mouth and gingerly sucking for a few minutes before getting up and going back to the bed. he follows me in and sits on his couch, amongst various cock rings and other toys, and begins to shoot up. Once he's done he lies down on the other side of the bed and says "suck my cock" which i eagerly do and start playing with his nipples as his slow growing meat is reaching further and further to the back of my throat. After a minute or so of this he is pretty hard, about 7 inches tall, and decently thick. he then tells me to get on the other side of the bed and get on all fours, which i do. he the comes up behind me and spreads my legs apart so my ass is even lower. He then takes his cock and slaps it on my hole a few times before pouring a decent amount of lube on his cock and on my hole. Without so much as a word he pushes forward and the head of his cock begins to push past my ring. I'm lucky that i had stretched myself out before i left with my fingers and a dildo, even so, it still hurt. But just as it happened the pain was replaced by a rapid feeling of fullnes as his balls slap against mine. And so he began fucking me, alternating between fast shallow strikes and quick deep thrusts, in seconds i was in heaven. He fucked me like nobody had before, at least not someone his age, and after a few more moments all i could do was moan and beg for him to keep fucking my little slut hole. He did just that and plowed at me from behind for another few minutes until he pulls out and tells me to get a pillow, lay on my back with my ass barely over the side and put the pillow under my butt. he moved me around until i was perfect and then slapped my ass some more. Once again afterwards he slaps his cock at my hole and drives in, and begins doing the same thrusts and motions as before, but somewhat jerkier. after only a minute or so he pulls out and says that he has to lay down, and i notice that his cock is rapidly shrinking. He lays down and begins jerking himself off and tells me to play with his nipples. So as we are trying to get his cock hard again (meth will do that) he starts moaning louder and louder until finally he comes on his chest. Needless to say i was disappointed. That load was the first meant for my ass that day. After a while he regains his composure and gets up to take a piss, saying that this usually doesn't happen, so i sit back and stroke my limp dick until after a while the porn that was playing (vids of him fucking other dudes along with some old vcr tape) seems to be exciting him again as he tells me to suck his cock more so he"ll get a hardon. I try and try but the only thing that happens is after about 10 minutes he cums again. That's two full loads that were supposed to be deposited in my ass! Then the tina reminds me that i'm still horny as hell and i lick the load off of his chest. After that we sat around and talked about sex and life and other things until i had to go, dinner date with friends. Pic is my shaved boihole- 11 replies
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MY first dating experience was when I was 19 and I dated this guy Ken for about 3 months before he dumped me for another guy. I don't really count him as a boyfriend since we were only dating a few months, but I still call him my ex. Or first date started in the middle of the night. He picked me up and we drove around, parked for a bit and made out for a while. Then we went back to his place and fooled around. We only kissed and sucked each other, but he was the first guy to actually let me shoot my load in his mouth and then he swallowed it. We didn't really share much except a good sex life, but when we fucked, it was with condoms. I almost always fucked him. He was the one to take my ass cherry. I really wanted to get fucked, and he was willing, so one day we were at his place and he broke my cherry with his condom covered cock. It got cut kinda short because he noticed I was bleeding. I was kinda freaked out and it put me off bottoming for a while, but eventually I got to the point where I was totally versatile several years later. I ran into him about 10 year later at Pride and we talked a bit and caught up. He was being really flirty and said something about hooking up. I told him I was down so we ended up going back to my place which was only a short walk away. At my place we wasted no time kissing and getting naked. It felt amazing to have my cock in his mouth again. He sucked me for quite a while, then asked if I wanted to fuck him. I said yes and asked if he wanted me to use a condom, and he said it was okay if I wanted to fuck him bareback. I lubed up my cock and started pushing it into his hole. It was like fucking him for the first time. I slowly slid my bare cock in and out of his hole, building up speed. I put his legs up on my shoulders and started driving my cock deep in his ass. He moaned in pleasure, not even jerking himself off. I only lasted a couple minutes before I sank my bare cock deep in his ass and finally shot my load inside him. He kinda giggled and said wow, that was awesome. He hadn't cum yet, so I asked him if he wanted to shoot a load in me as well. He said yes, so I lubed his cock up and then straddled him and sat down on his 5 and half inch cock bareback. I rode him up and down for a minute before letting him take over, thrusting his bare cock into me. He only lasted about a minute before he said he was gonna shoot. He thrust a few more times as his load filled my ass. As I kissed him I pulled off his cock, and I felt his load dribble out of my ass onto his stomach. There was no blood this time, only semen.
First, RawTOP sir, thank you for opening this forum. Sincerely, your kinky little pig Now, Are there any other barebackers out there who are also into fisting and water sports? Any experience? Let's discuss. Some fiction would be hot too. (Mind RawTOP's rules please)
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I want to know what other's experiences are like with broken condoms, whether purposefully breaking them or accidental and whether you feel it as a top or a bottom. For me, if I've used an oil based lube, and can reasonably expect it to break, I have felt it break or know when it breaks fucking as a top. The very first time a condom broke (because it was expired) I was unaware as it was a complete accident. I only remember it feeling much better but I didn't stop. I don't think any of the bottoms I have fucked have felt it break because none of them say anything to me about it. To my knowledge I have not had a condom break or have been stealthed on the few occasions when I bottom, so I have nothing to say there. Can you feel it break? Does it matter if it is accidental and you're not paying attention or if you are waiting in anticipation for it to break? Does being a top or bottom matter? Let me know what your experiences are. The poll allows for multiple answers for you versatile guys. Comments encouraged.
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Awesome, deepthroat Cocksucker, looking for clean, HWP Dudes, to let me suck their Cocks, to completion and/or Fuck my tight Asshole, til they Breed it, with major Semenload. HMU, guys. Let’s get your Tanks drained!
This is a true story of how I took my first bareback load; I’ve embellished it for this section… I’d been barebacking for a couple of years now, mostly topping for many a demanding bottom, but occasionally I’d enjoy someone entering me bareback. I’d let them fuck me a bit, enjoying the sensation of a cock sliding inside me. But, I was always strict that they would pull out long before they were ready to shoot their spunk inside me. On my way home one afternoon, I was feeling slightly randy and stopped by a gents toilet block next to a park that I knew guys would hang out for sex. Indeed, as I entered I could see a couple of gents occupying two of the toilet cubicles and whilst I was urinating, another guy was wanking his cock at the urinal. I could see it growing before me. I responded by going over to the remaining cubicle, leaving the door open, getting my cock out and wanking it, letting the guy see my own growing manhood. He came over to my cubicle and closed the door behind me, continuing to wank his cock. I sat down on the toilet seat and started to suck on his almost fully tumescent dick. It wasn’t huge, but it was a normal sized penis, now grown to full erection under my mouth’s administration. I stood up and dropped my trousers, not quite knowing what would happen next. The other guy did. He dropped his pants and turned me round to face the toilet and then with only some spit as lube, shoved his now erect cock up my arse and started to pound it hard. At first, I was happy for him to pound away, enjoying the feel of cock sliding in and out of me bare. Conditions were cramped, but I was enjoying the ride! He kept sliding in and out for a good 5 minutes, at which point I felt that although I’d been enjoying the fucking, I didn’t want him to continue anymore as I didn’t want him to seed me. So I tried to pull away and manoeuvre myself back around to face him. His cock slipped out of me, but otherwise I remained trapped with my body still facing the toilet. With another spit on his cock, he re-entered me. I can’t say I wasn’t enjoying the forceful thrusting of this guy’s cock, but I was a little worried about where this would end up. It felt at times a little painful owing to the lack of lube, but otherwise he was going at quite a good rhythm and my arse could easily accommodate his erection. Although it felt good having his bare cock sliding within me, I got more and more concerned that he was going to come in me. So I struggled to get free of his thrusts and once again his dick popped out of my arse. But he wasn’t finished with me and I felt the tip of his cock pushing within me again as he plunged his stiff cock up me for a third time. This time he played with me, changing his rhythm, making me feel his cock rubbing inside me. Sometimes, he almost pulled right out, only to shove his cock firmly inside me again. Much as I was enjoying this, I was having growing concerns that he would ejaculate if he continued like this, so I again resisted him and tried to stop this barebacking going too far. This time, however, despite my protestations, he continued his onslaught. Pushing me against the wall and banging me harder and faster. I was unable to get away from him and feared he was going to explode within me. He fucked me forcefully and relentlessly, I could feel his cock slide in and out. I was resigned to taking my first unprotected load. Then, to my surprise, he just pulled out. There were no grunts, no feeling of spunk flooding me. I felt relieved he’d stopped and not seeded me. That was until I turned round and saw his dick head coated with spunk. He shot his load inside me and I hadn’t even felt it. He wiped his cock clean and left the cubicle, leaving me to come to terms with my first loading.
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Frazer was walking in a countryside park when he encountered a group of naked men fucking each other. Instead of being horrified, the sight of this activity turned him on. After a short while watching them, he got his cock out and started to wank it, so turned on was he. This brought a newcomer to his attention, who came over to him and started wanking Frazer's cock himself. Before Frazer knew what was happening he'd got his pants and underwear off him and had undressed fully himself. He wanted to fuck him bare, but Frazer would have nothing of it and made him use a condom. It hurt as the man thrust his cock up his virgin arse. When another man passed by to watch the scene, the man who was fucking Frazer encouraged Frazer to fuck this other man whilst being fucked by him. After a condom was rolled on Frazer's dick, he proceeded to shaft this new guy whilst still being fucked by the first! Frazer continued visiting the site always insisting on condoms until one day he arrived well lubricated. Indeed his state of inebriation may have contributed to his visiting the park. As he approached the area, his saw a black with a large cock beckoning him over. After some sucking he was ready for more action. He turned Frazer round and with not much ceremony shoved his bare cock up him. Frazer was too drunk to care and enjoyed the thrill of the fuck, but still had sufficient willpower to stop the fuck before it had gotten too far. Frazer was both attracted and appalled by barebacking. He refrained on other occasions, but started watching bareback porn, which encouraged him to experiment further. On a visit to the cruising site, he bumped into the man he had fucked those many months before when he had started coming to the park. After a lot of foreplay, the man turned round to be fucked, Frazer got out his lube and his condom as normal. But the temptation was too great for him and he squirted the lube on his bare cock before thrusting it into him. This really turned him on and he came inside the man. The man turned in delight rather than anger when he realised he'd been barebacked. This lead to many other such sessions. Frazer then started to visit men's saunas. He soon discovered how amazing darkrooms were. He was very popular there because of his well endowed cock. Some older trolls would trap him in a corner and force themselves on his bare erection. He also discovered after having exploded into someone who was riding on top of him that not everyone was able to notice when someone had come inside them. But he still avoided being fucked bare. This changed one visit as he was passing by one of the open booths as he spied a young man playing with his magnificent cock. He went over to him and started to work on his great cock with his mouth to reach its full manhood. Then with lust in his eyes, he decided he needed that cock inside him and went to straddle it. With much coaching, help with positioning by the young man and the lube in his possession, Frazer managed to great this large dick up him. Frazer started to ride him, knowing that everyone who passed by could see that they were barebacking. He raised himself up on the cock as far as he could go and then plunged himself down again. This really turned him on. It must also have turned the young man on, because before he knew what was happening, the young man was urging him to pull off as he looked down on the still engorged cock that it was oozing cum. Frazer had had his first load and he really enjoyed it. Frazer craved more and when he next visited the sauna, he went straight to the darkroom, which was heaving with bodies and perched himself up on a bench with his arse out to receive loads. He wasn't disappointed as many of the occupants took turns to load him with their spunk. He was particularly turned on by the feeling of being fucked raw and the cum that trickled out of him after the loading. Even when he got home, a great gush of cum emptied into his pants. Having experienced this, he wanted it again and again. He tried to visit more often to get that same exhilarating feeling of being barebacked. As yet another cock exploded in his mouth and he moved onto another accommodating cock that he wantonly rode with abandon. Frazer realised that he had moved from being a condom user only to being a cumdump as the man, who was fucking him, infected him with a release of his toxic load right up Frazer's arse.
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Dear sir, just wondering where it would be most appropriate to discuss kink? I do enjoy watersports, but there are are kinks I'm very interested that aren't cum/status centric. Is there an appropriate place on this site for that?
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Hey guys! I'm curious on your thoughts of felching! Have you done it? Would you do it? I have felched before and it wasn't by choice. I use to have a regular fuck bud and we fooled around for almost a year and a half. We ditched the condoms about six months into our sexual relationship and for the most part I was the top but he was the alpha. After sucking his 7 inch cut cock for awhile he would make me lay on my back and sit on my face and eat his ass. Sometimes the ass eating would go quick and other times he was very horny and would stay on my face until he felt that I had rimmed him enough. After that he would bend over assume the position and be ready for my raw cock. There were two rules with him: spit only for lube and I had to be balls deep inside him to cum. This was fine by me because I loved pumping his cleaned out ass full of my cum, and there was no mess to clean up after. One night we were both very horny but couldn't hook up so we just sent dirty texts back and forth to each other. He was telling me that he was watching creampie porn and watching as some of the tops would lick and suck the cum out of the bottoms ass. Told me how hot it would be if I did it to him, of course I said yes and was thinking with the head between my legs and not the one on my shoulders. So the next time it was business as usual except after I was done with rimming him he moved forward and worked my cock inside his ass. I thought nothing of it and enjoyed the change and liked the fact that he was doing all the work for once, but little did I know he had something planned for me. Finally I was getting close so I grabbed his hips,pulled hard, and held him down to the base of my cock. I hadn't cum in a week because asked me to save up my load for his ass and I did just that, so you can guess I had pumped with about 7 or 8 good spurts of cum. I was spent and felt great! But before I could move,blink, or say anything he was off my cock and sitting on my face again! I was caught off guard and was pinned down under him so I couldn't move or say anything either. He told me there was a new rule: I had to lick and suck my cum back out of his ass and he wasn't getting off my face until I did it. I didn't want to at first but what choice did I have? So I slowly opened my mouth and made a seal to his hole with my lips and started sucking and poking at his hole with my tongue to try and get my load back out. Finally after about 10 minutes his pushed it back out in spurts, my cum and his ass juices all mixed together. After he finished pushing out all my cum he got off my face and helped me up, I was able to go spit my load out. After that night I only had felched him a few different times when we both were in the mood for it. Once he and I parted ways I haven't felched anyone but I'd like to try it again. But this time I want to find a cum dump that has had a few different guys unload in him and felch those loads out.
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Here's a pledge for those interested. Which of you would support the proposition: Ay load taken; any load given!
Hoping to visit Vauxhall Chariots for the first time tomorrow afternoon between 1-3pm. All cummers welcome!
What was I doing? Entering this grotty old office building, going down dingy corridors, with only the odd bit of poor quality xeroxed paper pointing the way to the meeting room. I was hoping going there would help me with my problem. Soon I arrived outside a door, whose window was covered with a notice stating meeting in progress. After quite a hesitation, I finally summoned enough courage to enter. A few heads turned towards me as I shuffled my way to a seat at the back. In the empty seat next to me was a tatty copy of the constitution. I thought I'd read that later. There was a man at the front speaking from a lectern. He was addressing the roughly dozen people attending the meeting.“Hello,” he said, “My name is Frazer and I am a barebacker! It has been a month since I last barebacked anyone.” A ripple of polite applause came from the assembly. The person, who I presumed was in charge invited others up to testify. A younger member of the group came up to take over the rostrum. “Hello, my name is Ray and I am a barebacker!” He continued, “It's been 4 weeks since I last barebacked!” Another round of applause ensued. He was replaced by a tall Scotsman. “Hello,” he said in a soft Scottish accent, “I'm Drew and I've lapsed several times since we last met.” A sense of sympathetic silence pervaded the air. Drew continued “After our last meeting, I went to a cruising ground where I enjoyed gorging on 5 cocks and let them all then take me bareback, spattering my inside with their hot cum.” The host interjected, “Drew, you know the rules, do not continue like that!” But Drew continued “A week later I visited a sauna and in the darkroom, I fucked two men bare coating their innards with my spunk and then let one of them return the favour.” The host intervened again, “Drew you have already been warned!” Drew retorted, “It was only last week, when I went into a gents where I sucked off one guy in the cubicle, who proceeded to ram his saliva-lubricated cock straight up me and shoot his load inside me!” “That's enough, Drew, you have already been warned, you know the rules. Members de-bag him!” Immediately, most of those seated, got up and started stripping Drew, some very forcefully. Within a few seconds, he was stark naked. To my amazement the leader of the group began sucking Drew to attention, whilst Frazer was rimming him. I got up and sat down again on the front row to get a better view. Other members started removing all their clothes and a free-for-all started. Now that Drew was fully at attention, the host turned round dropped his pants and let Drew slip his manhood up him. At the same time Frazer stopped his rimming and now inserted his cock up the now lubricated arse of Drew. Others were beginning to pair off to suck and fuck. But I wasn't left out of this. Ray came up to me and started to remove all my clothes. “So much for dealing with my barebacking addiction”, I thought. Ray was obviously attracted to older men and almost licked his lips as he saw my dick springing to attention. Ray took no time closing his mouth around it, his tongue delicately teasing my manhood and making me even harder than before. Meanwhile most of the party were now in the throws of fucking each other bare. Many were using the front seats to press against as they were rammed from behind. I hoped they would hold up to the onslaught. Then it was my turn as Ray obviously wanted me to take him from behind. He held firmly to the seat, turned around and offered me his bum, which I gladly made use of by squeezing my now fully erect cock into his tight hole. As I banged away at Ray, I felt the chap next to me banging away too. Every time I thrust out, so did the other man, so our naked bums kept caressing each other. The feeling was surprisingly erotic. The double effect of pushing my cock up this young man's delightfully tight arse and the constant collision of buttocks with the man next to me was too much and with a satisfying grunt, I released my load into his young arse. By this point, my inhibitions were totally gone and I looked for other opportunities in the group for further barebacking. The host's cock seemed somewhat promising. Although still fairly flaccid, it seemed quite thick and long. I went over to him and started sucking him as Drew continued to mount him. Drew's stamina was amazing. After having shot his load inside the host, he turned his attention on me. With but a quick spit on his cock, he angled himself carefully and proceeded to give me a good shafting. I found myself being spit-roasted and enjoying every moment of it. I certainly wasn't going to be helped from indulging in bare-backing with this group! Drew was an amazingly good fucker. After putting just the head of his cock inside, he started pushing in gently. After a while, he picked up speed pushing his cock inside fully again and again. He pushed inside further and further until his balls touched mine. The feeling of his scrotum against my arse felt great. Slowly Drew picked up his pace. He pulled his large penis almost out of my hole and then thrust it all the way back into me. Whilst I was enjoying this thrusting, I was slurping on cock and feeling it grow even harder in my mouth. Drew started pummelling me harder and harder, his breathing quickened and then I felt squirt after squirt of his semen pouring inside me. It was then I noticed that quite a number of people were watching the newcomer getting his cum-uppance! One person, in particular had been watching intently and now made his move on me. Just as I felt the host's penis throb as he left his salty deposit in my mouth, so Frazer stroked his cum-covered cock into action again and shoved his engorged cock right up me, lubricated by Drew's previous load. Most of the rest of the group were watching Frazer pistoning in and out of my willing arse. So much for my addiction! I held on tightly to the seat as he vigorously thrust his cock up my hole. I could feel the squelching of Drew's cum from the previous fuck and then some of it started to dribble down my leg. The audience certainly seemed appreciative of the newbie's show. Then Frazer shoved his dick hard inside me and kept it there. I realised he was letting more of his hot jizz blast into my hole. He pulled out and the last gobs of spunk splattered on my back as the crowd egged him on. Suddenly, the group seemed to go back to normality as if nothing had happened. People started dressing and got back into their seats and started chatting to one another. The host, to whom I'd had the pleasure of giving a blow job, approached me. “Welcome, We all enjoyed your display. Hello, my name's Mark” I replied “My name's...” But I was cut off from finishing my sentence. “No, don't tell me your name. This is barebackers' anonymous, we meet once a month to fuck one another bareback. It's anonymous, so we make up names and don't use our own. Hope to see you again next month.” I arrived especially early the following month in eager anticipation of what was to come. Indeed, I now had the courage to go to the front to address the assembled company. “Hello, my name is George...
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Hi fellas. I'm a 43 year old bi guy who identifies as 'mostly straight,' meaning that I love women but like fooling around with men when the mood hits...and the mood has been hitting hard lately. I want to bottom again, but it's been nearly a decade since I last took a cock in my ass. I want it anonymous, I want it raw, and I want to be sure my ass is well cleaned out beforehand. My question is, what is/are the best way(s) to properly clean out? I've heard differing opinions on anal douches. Respectful, serious answers only, please.
I will be visiting Budapest, Hungary, and looking for information on the gay scene in general and barebacking in Budapest in particular. Any hot places or hot men for bareback action?
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Part I: I stumbled across his profile on the gay message boards, "Poz Top interested in meeting Hiv-, bare only". Reading this and seeing his photos had me instantly hard. The photos showed a muscled Daddy type with somewhat of a gut (what I'd later find out was due to HIV meds). I sent him a message letting him know how hot his profile was and that it turned me on, even though I didn't go bare. He thanked me in his reply, but told me that he was only interested in chatting once I decided that I wanted him bare. His words stuck with me and I continued to look at his profile over the next few weeks. After 12 years of safe gay sex, I found myself wanting this man more and more. One night after drinking more than usual, I found myself home alone and back on line. I sent him a message telling him that I was ready to talk about taking him bare. He responded that if I was serious, he would help me "do it right." I told him that I was serious as the alcohol was doing the talking for me. He made me provide him with my address where he told me that he would send on the items for my preparation. The next morning I woke up and regretted the exchange as I knew that when it came down to it, I wasn't that serious about taking him bare. I put it out of my mind until I got a package in the mail a couple of days later. I started to get hard as I opened the package, not knowing what to expect. I was scared and excited at the same time. When I opened the box, there was a letter on top. It read: [I]Preparation Instructions for becoming a Cum Slut, enclosed are a couple of videos of men that have learned the value of becoming a Cum Slut through my instruction. They started taping themselves once they received a package similar to this one. You will do the same. For now, close this package and do not look at it again for two days. Do not play with yourself or cum in the meantime. When you are good and horny and have 30 minutes or more before any other commitments, take the top video out of the package and start watching it. It was signed, Your Trainer. Damn I was hard and I wanted so much to continue going through the package, but I did as I was told. The next day I was so horny, I couldn't wait any longer and put the tape into the machine. The tape started by showing the top from the neck down, then panned out to see that he was wearing a hood, but nothing else other than a cock ring and boots. "I want you to watch these tapes and follow the lead of these men, doing the same things and getting used to the idea of becoming just like them. If you are a true Cum Slut, you will start to crave it and will not be able to get enough. I also noticed that your skin if fairly light, before we meet up I want you to start tanning and I've included some special items in the package for you to use when you do. I go to Palm Springs every few weeks for play. When you are ready for me to take you there and turn you into your true self, message me and we will make it happen. The video then changed and I saw a man in his mid twenties with a nice but slightly stocky body. He was stripping for the camera, then arranging his dildo's from smallest to largest. He picked up the smallest one and worked on his hole for about ten minutes before moving on to the next size. After a few minutes, I noticed that the date stamp changed and he was now using larger toys. The video was just over a year old. After a few minutes, the video changed again and my trainer was back. He stated: "You will use toys on your hole for a minimum of 10 minutes a day. Do not go larger than the size of a large cock. I want you able to take any and all sizes, but I do not want you too loose. Now open the rest of your package and then send me a message if you are interested in going further." There was another video tape inside with a note attached reading "Watch this two weeks from now." Underneath were two dildos. One was the size of an average cock and one the size of a large cock. There was a note under the dildos. It read "Know that these toys have been used by other men who have progressed to becoming full service Cum Sluts. If you have your own toys, use them as well, just do not go larger than the largest one provided. The only other thing in the package was an envelope in the bottom. I opened it up and it was a set of stickers with lettering about 2 inches in height. They spelled out the words "Cum Dump" and "Breed Me". The note inside the envelope said" Use these stickers when you start tanning. Place the letters for "Cum Dump" on your lower back, just above your waist. Place the letters for "Breed Me" across your chest. The letters will not melt or burn in the tanning process, they will just leave you skin untanned in these areas, making the words so that they can be read when I take you to Palm Springs. Make sure you place the letters in the same spot each time you tan. I look forward to seeing your tanned body with your messages clear for all the men to read. I was overwhelmed, it was one thing for him to do me bare, but for a group of men to see me that way? This was going to be quite an experience. My heart was thumping in my chest. I was scared and excited at the same time. I got on line and sent my trainer a message. I thanked him for the package and told him that I would be following his guidance. I then picked up the phone and made an appointment to go tanning. After a couple of weeks of using the toys on my hole and starting the tanning process, I was looking forward to watching the next video tape. I had worked up to using the largest dildo on my hole for a good 10-15 minutes a night. I was amazed by how quickly I had been able to go to the larger size, just by being consistent and making sure I made it a daily routine. I put the tape into the machine and noticed a different man than the first tape, he was older than the man on the first tape with a long lean runners build. He was using a large dildo on his hole, it looked just like the largest one that my trainer had sent me. I wondered if it was the same one and felt my cock lengthen. He really went to town on that big dildo, taking it hard and fast for a few minutes, then he took it out and got a small dildo out and shoved it up his hole. As he did this, I heard my trainer's voice, which had been dubbed onto the footage. “Now that you have gotten your hole used to the largest of the dildos, we need to make sure that you give and get enjoyment of the smaller cocks out there that will offer you their loads. I want you to really open yourself up with the large dildos, then push the small ones in and work your ass muscles to keep them in, squeeze down on them." As I heard these words, I saw the man in the video stand and watched the small dildo slip out of his ass. He reached back down and shoved it up his hole again. This time as it started to fall out, I could see his ass clench and he caught it about half way down the shaft. He continued to do this over and over. I heard my trainers voice again “Don’t get discouraged if you are so wide open that you can’t keep the smallest dildo from falling out at this point. If that happens go up in size and practice on that dildo. With practice, you will learn to control your muscles and be able to accommodate any size of cock." The video continued to show the man working his ass muscles on the dildos for another ten minutes. Then the scene switched to show the man laying on his back with his legs in the air and a medium sized dildo sticking half way out of his ass. The camera view was at the same height as the dildo but back at an angle so that I could see his hole and the dildo. I could see his ass push out on the dildo and then it seemed like his ass was pulling the dildo deeper inside of him. I heard my trainer's voice again, “Milking a man’s cock with your asshole shows him that you are a true Cum Slut and will do everything to make sure that you get ever drop inside of you. Practice on the dildos, by holding on to them with one hand. No pushing or pulling with your hand is allowed. Push out with your ass onto the dildo and then squeeze your hole and draw it back into you. I’ve heard some men say that it helps to image that there is a condom on the dildo or cock inside you. Think about pushing your ass out to grap onto the condom and as you squeeze and draw your muscles back in, think about your ass rolling the condom up and off of his cock, do this over and over until you can imagine that your ass has rolled the condom completely off his cock. You will use this skill at various times, including just after a man has shot his load up your hole. Before he pulls out, milk his cock to force as much cum into your hole as possible." I looked down and noticed that I was rock hard and dripping precum. I wondered how I had gotten along all these years having gay sex, without doing some of these things that now seemed so basic for a bottom to be doing. I set up the video camera and started in on my new training. I sent a message to my trainer and let him know that I was progressing and that I was looking forward to meeting him. I also told him that I had gotten off of work for a three day weekend, just three weeks out in case he was interested in meeting at that time. I got a response the next day that he could make it work and was proud of my progress. Hearing that he was proud of me made me work that much harder. I was also getting more tan and the letters where I wasn’t tanning were really starting to stand out. I got excited every time I saw my body in the mirror and could see what I was becoming. The next three weeks seemed to drag by as I was looking forward to meeting my trainer in person. I kept busy with nightly sessions on the dildos, learning to open myself up quickly as well as squeeze down in order to pleasure the smaller men. Then the Friday that changed my life came as my trainer dropped by my house to take me away for the weekend. He got to my apartment, just after 9am on that Friday morning. He was probably 15 years older than I, slightly taller with a musky scent and a few days of stubble on his face. As instructed through our messages, I opened the door in nothing but a new jockstrap. My tan had come along well, so as he walked in, he could see the “Breed Me” letters across my chest. “Very nice,” he said. “Your on line photos don’t do you justice. We’ll have to take some new ones. Turn around" he told me in a more authoritative voice. I did as instructed and felt goosebumps as he inspected my body. “Oh yeah, you will be popular, this will be a great experience for you. Did you clean out this morning?" “Yes Sir,” I answered. He nodded and smiled and asked to see my bag. He had told me to pack all my dildos, poppers, a couple of jock straps, a pair of shorts and flip flops. “Looks good” he said. He moved in and grabbed me around my waist and pushed my chin up so that I was looking directly into his eyes. “Are you ready for this, is this what you really want?” he asked. “Yes Sir,” I answered and he smiled again. It felt like my body was melting. I wanted to feel like this all the time. “Where are the video tapes of your training?” he asked. I opened up another section of the bag to show him. “Good, I’m looking forward to watching those as well.” “OK, let’s get going. Show me what you were going to wear in the car.” I showed him a pair of shorts, a t-shirt of a local sports team and shoes. “That will work,” he said. "Put them on and let’s get this weekend going." I did as I was told and followed him out to his car. I was nervous about not driving myself. By getting into his car, I was allowing myself to be his. I opened the passenger door, took a deep breath and got inside. We had been in the car about 10 minutes when he told me, “We are going to take a detour to meet a man that is not able to get away to Palm Springs this weekend.” I had no idea what he meant. I was nervous and scared and beginning to doubt what I had gotten myself into. When I didn’t say anything, he told me “Relax, this is a good thing.” A few minutes later we were pulling into a parking lot between City Hall and the surrounding businesses. Getting out of the car he told me, “Leave your bag, we don’t want them going through it at security. Follow me”. With that he started walking towards City Hall. I didn’t know what was going on, but I followed him. We went through the main entrance and through the security and metal detectors. I was glad that I wasn’t wearing a metal cock ring. I saw my trainer talking to one of the guards, but couldn’t hear what he was saying other than “…expecting us…” The guard made a phone call, then motioned us to follow him. We went to a set of elevators in the back and rode to the top floor. The doors opened and we were greeted by a man I’ll refer to as the Politician. I couldn’t believe that I was standing in front of this man and that my trainer seemed to know him. “Good to see you again” the Politician said to my trainer. As he looked at me he said, “Looks like we will have a productive meeting. Let’s get started." As we walked down the hall, the Politician stopped to ask one of the secretaries if the conference room was currently in use. When he heard that it was available, he asked that it be reserved for him for the next hour. We were led further down the hall to the conference room, which was very impressive. Hardwood floors with a large hardwood conference table surrounded by large leather chairs. As he shut the door behind us, he turned to me and said, “OK, take off your shorts, let’s see that ass." I was stunned. Not only that the Politician was gay, but that he was so forward and forceful. Here was a man, older than my father telling me to strip in a city conference room. He then turned and picked up the phone on the table. I heard him ask for “David” and then a few minutes later say, “Bring poppers and lube to the main conference room, pronto.” Damn, what was going on here? I had only unbuttoned by shorts by this time and he noticed. “Come on,” the Politician said, “I only have an hour and at my age it takes me a little longer before I shoot my load.” I was stunned again, but managed to take off my shorts. “Now lay back on the conference table” the Politician said. As I did, he and my trainer each took at leg and moved a chair so that my legs were elevated with my ankles on the tops of the chairs. My trainer then stepped up and pulled my ass closer to the edge of the table. It felt surreal, it seemed like I wasn’t really there, but caught up in a dream. Just then the door opened and a man walked in and handed the Politician a bag. I was embarrassed, just laying there with my pants off showing the whole world my ass. The other man didn’t seem to pay that much attention and turned to leave. As he was walking out the door, the Politician said, “Oh, and make sure that the monitoring and surveillance equipment are turned off for this room.” Fear shot through me again, I had just walked into a situation where I could be filmed. I wondered if the words were really code for him to turn on the surveillance equipment. My heart was thudding in my chest. The Politician took the lube out of the sack and put it on the table, then handed the bottle of poppers to my trainer. “You know, I really should take a piss before I fuck this man,” the politician said. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, I saw my trainer drop to his knees and unzip the Politicians’ slacks. He reached inside and pulled out the politicians cock and balls, so that they were hanging outside of his pants. It was a nice package, large balls with an average sized uncut cock surrounded by grey hair. My trainer took a hit of poppers and then opened his mouth so that he was just below the Politician's cock. I couldn’t believe it. Up until now I had thought that my trainer was 100% top and here he was getting ready to drink the piss of another man. Before I could completely process what had just happened, the Politician started to piss. My trainer repositioned his mouth so that he was taking it all, not spilling a drop. I was fascinated and turned on. When the Politician was done pissing, he said “OK now, get me ready for his ass.” My trainer then started giving the Politician a blow job. As he was getting blown, the Ppolitician started fingering my hole and lubing it up. He noticed that my cock had gotten hard as well. I heard him say “Well now, it seems like this man liked watching you drink my piss, maybe after you turn him into a Cum Slut, you should turn him into a toilet as well.” He then let out a laugh as I believe he saw my cock jump and became fully rigid. The Politician slid one of his lubed fingers up my hole and started probing. “So I understand that up until now, you have only let men fuck you if they wore a condom,” the Politician stated. “Yes Sir,” I answered. “Well I’m glad that I get to be the first man to bareback your ass. I hope this becomes a good memory for you, of course you will not be able to tell anyone,” the Politician said. “I understand,” I replied. Just then the Politician pushed a second finger into my hole and pulled his cock out of my trainer's mouth. His cock was a grower. It was slightly longer than average, but it was the thickest one I think I had seen. “Let’s see how well you take this,” the Politician said as he lined his cock up against my hole. My trainer handed me the poppers and told me not to spill it on the wooden conference table. The Politician watched me take a long hit of poppers and then slid into my ass as he saw it take effect. “Very nice” he said. I felt so full inside and had to look around me to take it all in. Here was this Politician still wearing his suit, his cock in my ass. I could feel the cold zipper hit the side of my ass as he pushed himself all of the way in. “Take another hit of poppers,” my trainer said and he got behind the Politician and started pinching his nipples through his dress shirt. I did as I was told and could feel the Politician pick up his rhythm. I could hear my trainer whisper into the Politician's ear phrases like, “Breed this neg man's hole.” “Give him your load deep inside.” “Make him remember this seeding.” The words were obviously working as I could feel the politician grow more rigid inside of me. “I’m getting close, tell me now if you want it or not,” the Politician said. “Please, breed me, give me your load, Sir” I said as I started up into his eyes. I wondered what this man looked like out of his clothes, he seemed fairly fit, but having him fully clothed made me wonder even more. “Here’s your first gift” I heard him say as he leaned over and put his mouth over mine. He pushed his tongue deep in my mouth as he started to grunt loudly. I was disappointed that I couldn’t feel his cum in my ass, but I was sure that it was being deposited. When his thrusts slowed down, I started milking his cock as my trainer had instructed. “Oh, you want it all don’t you?” the politician said. “That’s good, get it all out of me and into you”. My trainer leaned over and told me how proud he was of me, that I was going to be a good Cum Slut. As the politician slid out of my ass, they both told me to clamp my hole tight and to keep it all in. I pulled on my shorts and we started for the door. Before we left the room, the politician turned to me and said, “that’s a real sweet hole you have there man, make sure you offer it up to every man possible and you will have a full life”. With that, he turned and walked down the hall. “Come on,” my trainer said,” let’s get you to Palm Springs and build on your experience.” We left the building and started walking towards to car. As we were approaching the car, my trainer stopped when he noticed a convenience store across the opposite street. “Let’s get some supplies for the road, I could use a drink,” he said. We went into the store and I picked up a Pepsi. He did the same and also picked up some bottled water and an empty spray bottle. We paid and headed once again to the car. After we were on the road again, my trainer asked me what I thought about my first experience. “It was damn hot, but also a little scary,” I answered. “Yeah, not knowing if someone could come into the room is quite a thrill, and I could see how it could be scary. Not to mention the fact that you are taking poz loads now. You will get used to it and get to the point where you don’t care if someone comes into the room or not. You will just want everyone to see you for what you really are. I still remember the first time that man fucked me. I’m pretty sure that he is the one that pozzed me,” he said. Upon hearing this, I got a chill and fear jumped into me again. I knew that I was going to be taking a poz load or two, but had no idea that the man that just fucked me was poz. I was having a hard time thinking that he was into guys so the thought that he was poz didn’t cross my mind. I took a drink of the Pepsi and wished that it was something stronger. I felt my face get hot and flushed. At the same time, my trainer took his hand off the wheel and placed it on my upper thigh and gave it a squeeze. “You sure did give him a good time. You are quite the bottom. I’m jealous that I wasn’t the first poz bare man in your hole,” my trainer said. Somehow that seemed to make me feel better as my attraction to my trainer was growing. “Let’s make one more stop before he get on the highway to Palm Springs,” he said. I didn’t even ask where. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to know. I leaned the seat back in the car and just tried to relax. After about 10 minutes, I felt the car slow as my trainer pulled into a parking lot. I looked up and noticed that it was a local adult bookstore. I had never been in, but had heard stories. “We are just going to pick up some more supplies,” my trainer told me. “This isn’t really a good place for bareback play, but it does come in handy”. We got out of the car and went into the store. The clerk behind the counter knew my trainer and called out to him as we entered. “I was afraid you weren’t going to make it,” the clerk said. “My shift ends in another 20 minutes and I thought I’d miss you”. “Sorry about that,” my trainer said. “We had another stop to make first”. He turned and smiled at me when he said that and ran his hand down the backside of my shorts as he did. The clerk smiled back as he got the message. “Here are the supplies you asked about,” the clerk said and handed my trainer a small brown paper sack. “I hope you can put them to good use,” he said. “How about a good butt plug,” my trainer asked. “ I don’t want my man here to lose the loads that get up inside him. I want a tight fit, but nothing too large that will be hard to keep in for an extended period of time.” I could feel my cock stirring hearing this talk. “On the back wall, left corner”, the clerk replied. We went back and took a look at the butt plugs. They had so many different kinds. Some were so small they were laughable, barely larger than a finger. Then there were others that were so large it was scary. “I think this will be a good one for you,” my trainer said as he picked one up. I was turned on and surprised at his choice. It wasn’t the traditional triangular shaped butt plug, but instead round, like a small trailer hitch. “This will plug you nice and good,” he said. “And it will spread out your hole nice for all those future deposits in your hole.” We walked back up to the counter and he handed me some cash. “Pay for this,” he said. “I left something in the car, be right back” . There was a short line of guys getting tokens for the video booths in the back, so I waited and just as I was paying my trainer came back in with the spray bottle. “Go ahead and get some tokens for the video machines as well,” he said to me as he was walking in. I noticed that the spray bottle was full, I assumed from one of the water bottles that he had picked up. He took the sack with the butt plug and put the small sack from the clerk inside it and we headed toward the video booths. I wasn’t sure what was going on as I didn’t think he wanted to play here, but thought maybe that he changed his mind. I had those nervous feelings that were turning me on again. He looked into a couple of empty booths before he said, “this one isn’t bad, go on in”. I went in and he followed. He put a couple of tokens in the machine and flipped the channel to some gay porn. I noticed that there was dried cum across the video screen from at least two different men. My trainer reached into his pocket and pulled out some poppers. He handed me the bottle and told me to take a hit. As I followed his direction, he took the spray bottle, aimed it at the video screen and sprayed water over the dried cum. “That will loosen it up,” he said. “Now take your tongue and lick the screen for me”. I couldn’t believe what he was asking. It seemed so dirty, but was also a little of a turn on. When I hesitated, he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed it toward the screen. By that time the poppers were working and I stuck out my tongue and started licking the screen. I was getting turned on as I did this. “Lick it clean,” he said. “Think about all of the types of men that have shot their loads here and where this may have come from. It doesn’t matter to you, you will take it all. Maybe it was an old man, or an overweight man, or a man barely old enough to be legal. You will take it all.” My cock was rock hard inside my shorts. I had pretty much cleaned the screen as he was talking. I couldn’t taste much, but it was a turn on. “Good job,” he told me. “Let’s find some more”. We walked out of the booth just as another man walked out of a booth a couple of doors down. “Let’s see if he left us anything,” my trainer said as we walked into the booth. There was a big fresh load across the screen and part of the wall. I was sure that I’d get a better taste out of this one. I started to take a hit of poppers and my trainer told me to wait. He reached into the bag and brought out the butt plug. He took it out of the packaging and started rolling the butt plug over the cum. A moist layer of cum was attaching itself to the butt plug. “Now, pull down your shorts and take a hit of poppers,” he said. I did as instructed and he then told me to take my fingers and run it through the cum to lube my hole. I reached out with two fingers and slid them across the screen. There was enough cum that it filled my fingers and started running over the sides. As the poppers took effect, I started to lube up my hole with the cum. I felt my trainer push my back to bend me over, and I took the hint and followed through. He then took the butt plug and started pushing it against my hole. The butt plug didn’t seem that big when I had looked at it, but it wasn’t going easily into my hole. My trainer told me to take another hit of poppers as he slide the butt plug through the remaining cum. As I relaxed, he was able to get the plug inside my hole. It felt big, but also secure. Once he got the plug more than halfway in, my hole just sucked it up and pulled it in. “Damn, that’s hot, “ he said and I had to agree. “Lick the rest up,” he told me and I did. We found three more booths with dried cum that I cleaned for him. “The key is to spray the water above the dried load and let it drain down and loosen it up. You don’t want to spray the load directly, or it may cause it to come off the screen.” “Good job,” he told me again as we were walking out of the store. “I sure could get used to having you around,” he told me. “I’m glad to hear that,” I said as I felt my heart warm in my chest. We got in the car and headed out of the parking lot. “OK, no more stops now until we reach Palm Springs,” he said. “This has been a pretty good time and we haven’t even gotten out of the city yet”. I had to agree. I was getting more comfortable, both with this man as well as with my role. When I stopped to think about it, it still didn’t feel like it was “me” that had done these acts, yet I knew that once I had done them I couldn’t stop wanting to do them again and again. “Let’s go through a drive through and get something for the road, do you have any preferences?” my trainer asked me. I told him that I didn’t care, but that I wasn’t sure I wanted much to eat if I was going to be getting fucked a lot. “Don’t worry too much about that, we’ll have plenty of time to stop and clean you out as needed. I want to make sure you get enough nourishment this weekend,” he told me. Hearing him say that actually made me feel really good. We went to a local drive through and placed our order. As we were waiting in the line of cars my trainer told me, “Take off your T-shirt and if it’s a guy working the drive through window, I want you to undo your shorts and pull them down as he is handing our lunch out the window.” I got butterflies in my stomach as I heard this, but also started to get hard again. I could feel the wetness in my jock strap from all the precum of the days events so far. I took off my shirt and waited. “It’s a guy at the window,” my trainer said, as we were one car back from the window. “Feel free to take a hit of poppers as we pull up if that will give you more confidence to show yourself.” I grabbed the bottle as he pulled forward and took a hit. When the clerk at the window leaned over to give my trainer his change I un-did my shorts and started sliding them down. I felt embarrassed, yet proud to show this stranger what I was. There were wet spots on the jock from my precum. I saw the man do a double take as he handed out the cash, then a look of disbelief as he went back to get the food. I’m not sure from his angle if he could see the ‘Breed Me’ letters across my chest, but I imagined that he did. A different man brought the lunch and handed it out the window. I wondered if he had told a buddy what he had seen in the care and that man needed to take a look or if it was the normal process. This other man definitely seemed to know where to look and didn’t seem as shocked. As he handed the food out the window, my trainer took his other hand and reached over and grabbed my thigh. The man in the window gave a smile and told us to have a good day as he handed the drinks to my trainer. We drove out onto the street and I couldn’t believe what I had just done, but it felt right. “Why don’t you go ahead and take those shorts all the way off for the drive,” my trainer said. It felt a little awkward sitting in his car with just my jock and shoes on, yet it felt right as well. I felt very submissive sitting there while my trainer was fully clothed. I told my trainer that I was getting a little bit of a headache from the poppers and he told me that there was some aspirin in the glove box and I was welcome to it. I took some and started to each the lunch as we drove towards Palm Springs. I wasn’t sure what to expect as we took the drive, but my trainer broke the ice by just starting to talk about himself. He gave me his background on what he did for a living, how he started having sex with men and how it had progressed over the years. He asked me questions about myself and I found it very easy to talk to him and share my past as well as my current life. I told him about my past relationships and how it never seemed to work as the other men were not dominant enough or didn’t want to get into some of the kinks that turned me on. I let him know that I was content in my current job, but that it wasn’t anything special and that I had plenty of spare time as I didn’t care to put in any extra time at the office. The time seemed to go by quickly as we talked and learned more about each other. At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know too much about this man as it could dilute the fantasy side of what was going on, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. The more I knew about this man, the more I wanted to please him. The next thing I knew we were turning off of the highway and had entered Palm Springs. We drove for another ten minutes and then pulled into the parking lot of a gay resort. It had high fencing around the parking lot, so I couldn’t see much of the buildings inside other than the roof line. It looked like there were a few different buildings, at different angles to each other. “You better pull up your shorts,” my trainer told me, “but leave your shirt off”. I got the butterflies in my stomach again as I thought of men seeing me with the words across my chest and back. We got out of the car and got our bags out as well. My trainer had a much larger bag than I had and I wondered what all he had in it. He grabbed the small paper bag from the bookstore and we started for the main door. I noticed that the parking spot he had pulled into said ‘Reserved – Towing Enforced’ and brought that to his attention. I didn’t want to lose my transportation back home. “I guess I didn’t tell you that part yet,” he said, “I’m a co-owner of this resort. That is one of the reasons why I come down here ever few weeks. It comes in handy and you will definitely benefit from my contacts.” I was impressed and turned on again. We walked into the front door where there was an L shaped countertop. The small part of the L was the check in counter and the large part of the L was the bar which faced the pool. “Good to see you are back,” the man behind the counter said as he greeted my trainer with a big smile. “And I like what you brought with you, damn,” he said as I saw his eyes go up and down my body and settle on my face. “Welcome,” he said to me, “enjoy your stay.” With that he buzzed us through the door that lead to the pool and grounds beyond and handed a key to my trainer. “We’ve got number 102 ready for you,” he said. We walked through the door and I noticed that there was a good sized pool with a couple of hot tubs on each end. There were a couple of rows of chairs and lounges for men to lie down on around the pool. There were various buildings of rooms around the pool as well as yard areas with tables and paths between the buildings. There were a few men laying out around the pool, but most of the place was empty. My trainer led me to one of the rooms that overlooked the pool with a slight elevation so that we could see down on the pool and the men from the front porch of the room. He unlocked the door and we went inside. The room was fairly standard, a large bed with a table and two chairs next to the window. There was a dresser along the far wall and nightstands around the bed. I noticed off to the right a door leading to the bathroom. There was also a small refrigerator and microwave in the room as well as a sink. A large TV was suspended from the ceiling and it looked like it was on a pivot so that it could be moved for better viewing. My trainer checked the fridge and I saw beer, soda and bottled water were stocked inside. He then went to what I thought was the closet door and opened it up. “Take a look,” he said. I was surprised to see that it wasn’t a closet, but another room. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the sling suspended from the ceiling, as well as a tub, a rim seat and a locked cabinet. The wall had leather restrains of all kinds hanging off of it in various locations. There was also a TV suspended from the ceiling in this room. “Take those shorts off and get in the tub, I’ve really got to take a piss and it’s time to start getting that clean jock of yours dirty,” my trainer instructed. I have had some small experiences with water sports, but not much. As I took off my shorts, I noticed that I was getting hard. “Take a hit of poppers and enjoy this,” my trainer said. I got in the tub and took the poppers and then laid back. He pulled out his cock. This was the first time that I had seen it in person. I wasn’t expecting to see the big PA. His photos on his profile didn’t show it, but I had noticed that the photos seemed a little dated once I had seen him in person. He stood over me and started to piss. He was aiming for my jock, but the PA caused him to shoot some separate streams in different directions. I felt and saw my jock get wet as I noticed my cock straining to get harder inside the jock. I ran my hands across my chest and legs to feel his piss and rub it into my body. He did have quite a bit to get rid of and as I watched I realized that I did too. I started pissing through my jock as he was finishing. “Oh yeah, that’s good,” he said and watched as I relaxed and pissed. He reached up to the TV and picked up the remote that was fastened to it and handed it to me. “Flip through and find something you like,” he said. “There are a few channels that we control here with gay porn that you can get on this TV. The set in the other room also gets local channels, but this one is just for porn.” “Lay there and soak,” he said, “I’m going to unpack and see if any of the workers need to take a piss”. I wondered what kind of men could show up and just unzip and start taking a piss on me. I tried to relax in the tub as best I could and looked around the room, wondering what this place had in store for me. I heard my trainer on the phone as I flipped through the channels on the TV. There were four channels of gay porn. I noticed that they were all showing bareback films. The first channel was showing a pre-condom film from the 80s. The second was showing leathermen getting it on, while the other two were showing twinks and musclemen. I heard my trainer hang up the phone as I settled on the 80s film. I laid back and squeezed my jockstrap, feeling the piss fall onto my cock. A few minutes later my trainer walked in the room. He was carrying two leather straps. “Let’s try these on and see which one works the best,” he said. He moved in toward my neck. It turned out that the leather strap was a collar. Here again was the feeling of being turned on, yet a little scared at the same time. “We want to make sure the men realize you are only here to be used, not for anything more,” he said as he fastened the first one around my neck. It was a wide black band with studs around the top and bottom. “This one isn’t going to work, I want to make sure that you are comfortable and can move your head around.” He took it off and put the other one on which was not as wide and was just plain black. “Yeah, that looks good” As the words were coming out of his mouth, there was a knock on the door. “Be right back, take a hit of poppers,” he told me. As he walked out of the room, I opened the bottle and took a long hit of poppers, wondering what was in store for me. As I was screwing the top back on the bottle, my trainer walked in the room with three other men. They all took out their cocks, aimed at me. I really was feeling used. Of the three, I was only attracted to one, a 20s Hispanic man with a tool belt around his waist. The other two men were either too old or heavy for my taste, but hearing my trainer tell them to ‘wet me down’ and ‘get me soaking wet’, then telling me to ‘enjoy my shower’ and ‘feel it all’ got me turned on. Knowing that it turned on my trainer to see any man use me was enough for me. After they were done pissing, they zipped up and left. My trainer took a few photos of me sitting in the tub. I hadn’t realized that he had the camera and wondered if he had been taking pictures of me being used. “OK, stand up and pat yourself dry,” he told me as he handed me a towel. I handed him the towel back, and he used it to wipe my jockstrap around the waist band. He uncapped a marker and bent over to start writing on the waistband of my jockstrap. He wrote on the front and the back. As he capped the pen, I looked down and saw ‘Room 102’ on the front. I assumed it was something similar in the back. “I don’t think the men will have any trouble finding you, but you can’t be too sure,” he said. “Bend over,” he said and I felt his hand on the base of the butt plug. I had almost forgotten that it was there. The only times I felt it were when I would bend over and it would tend to go deeper inside me, as well as sometimes where I was sitting down. He spit on my hole and rubbed it around the base of the plug. He slid his finger between the side of my ass and the plug and ran the finger half way around in a circle. He continued to do this as I slowly started to loosen up. My ass was tight around the base of the plug. He told me to take a hit of poppers as he spit on my hole again. As the poppers were taking effect, he took hold of the plug and pulled it out in one quick motion. My ass gave off a suction sound and I almost fell backward, but my trainer caught me. “Let’s go down to the pool now. We can show you off and get the men horny for you, as well as dry off and rest.” He handed me my flip flops and we went down to the pool where my trained stripped to his underwear. Damn, I couldn’t wait to get it on with him. He took out some lotion and rubber it over my chest and back. “We don’t want those words to burn or worse, tan where they can’t be read,” he told me. We spent the next couple of hours at the pool. For a while, I got on an air mattress and showed the men my ass in the jock and the words across my backside. As the afternoon went on, the pool started to get more crowded. Various men came up and talked to my trainer, but no one seemed to talk to me. Many of the men did look at me and smile. I noticed that my trainer also continued to take photos. When the pool got so crowded that most of the chairs were filled, my trainer got up and had me follow him back to the room. We went inside and he told me, “Clean out your ass. Make sure it is clean nice and deep. I’ve got some work that I need to take care of back in the office. Don’t answer the door for anyone. I should be back in about 30 minutes or so.” He continued to show me how he had the proper tools already in the bathroom for me to prepare my ass. He grabbed my ass as he was walking out the door and it felt great. I did as instructed and cleaned out my hole. I was sure that I was good to go before he got back, so I lay down on the bed and turned on the TV and started watching some porn. A few minutes later my trainer came back. “OK, are you ready for some more?” he asked. “Yes Sir,” I answered. “Good, get your bottle of poppers and then get on all fours on the bed. Put your head down so that you can see your ass in the mirror on the wall”. I did as he instructed and noticed that he brought out the small bag from the adult bookstore. “Remember how I told you that the bookstore wasn’t the best place for bareback fun?” he said. Without waiting for an answer he continued, “Although, if you need some anonymous cum, it is abundant if you know the men who work there. That guy behind the counter has been saving the cum filled rubbers that he finds for me. “ He opened the bag and showed me that it was filled with various types of rubbers, holding cum and tied off so they wouldn’t leak. “You won’t be using any lube tonight other than cum,” he told me. “Now relax and watch your hole.” Between my legs, I could see him in the mirror. He took a condom out of the sack and held it so that the cum load drained back to the tip. He then tore off the top where it had been tied together and slowly turned the jagged edge upside down. With one hand he held the condom just above my ass crack and he positioned his other hand with a few fingers against my hole. I watched the load of cum fall from the rubber and onto my ass. I could feel and watch it slide down the crack of my ass. His fingers stopped the load from traveling past my hole and directed it against my hole and started rubbing it in. “Push your hole out,” he said as he rubbed the cum into my skin. He did the same thing with seven more rubbers. It was so hot watching my ass get lubed up in this way. Some of the loads were runny and came out fast, while others were thick and slow. After the third load, he started fingering my hole and pushing the cum inside me as well. As he opened me up, he continued the process and I felt the inside of my hole getting slick. When the seventh load was drained, he told me, “OK, I think we are good for now. If you feel yourself getting dry let me know, we have plenty more, but I don’t think it will be a problem.” “Here take a fresh bottle of poppers and get back in the tub and turn on the TV to channel 22,” he said. I knew from before that this was one of the porn channels. I got in the tub and turned on the TV as instructed as I heard him talking on the phone. The channel was blank for a few seconds and then I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Across the TV screen was the first video that I had made for my trainer. It showed me stripping and laying out the dildos. I knew what was coming next. Across the bottom of the screen was a running message like the TV news shows had. As I read the screen, I started to get harder and feel nervous. The message said: ‘The man pictured here was negative as of Friday morning. He is here to take loads. He will be taking any and all loads. Sign up at the bar for a timeslot. All men who sign up, must show up on time and be prepared to shoot a load within 15 minutes to maintain the schedule. No pullouts, all loads will go inside this man. This will go on through Sunday brunch. When the upper left of the screen is green, this man is taking loads. When it is red, he is resting’. As soon as it was done, it started over again. “What do you think?” my trainer said as he walked into the room. “I don’t know,” I said. He laughed and told me that at least it was an honest answer. I was turned on and overwhelmed. “We have strung together your videos with the photos on your profile as well as those we have taken today. Plus many men noticed you at the pool today. You should be in for a massive breeding.” He watched the screen and mumbled that it wasn’t quite right and left the room. I heard him pick up the phone again and talk. He walked in a few minutes later and watched the screen again. As we were watching, additional text filled the top third of the screen. The letters were transparent so that you could still see the image. There were two rows of three columns on the screen. The first row had the words ‘POZ’, ‘NEG’, and ‘?’ across the columns. The second row showed a “1”, “0”, and “0”. “We are only counting the loads that get directly injected into you by a cock,” he told me. “Now, get up and get your ass in the sling. I wanted you to be able to see the TV screen and see what was being broadcast to all the rooms at this resort, but you are needed facing away from the screen, in the sling.” I got in the sling, put my legs in the straps and held the bottle of poppers tight in my hand.
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FREAK SHOW I needed to get out of the house. I needed some fun. It had been two weeks since that asshole packed his bags and left, with no fucking reason. I wanted to get away from the memories inside my condo. So I get ready, ready for anything and headed out, driving around the city for a while, not wanting to head to the bars. They were predictable and filled with people that new me and the ass hole. So instead I jumped on the interstate and headed west. About thirty miles outside the city, I saw a sign for a traveling carnival. Not the fun I had prepared for but a good distraction for my pain, maybe I would laugh. I exited and found the parking lot, which was just a big empty field that was filling with cars. I was directed by a man with a flash light to the next empty space. He walked up to my car opened window. When I turned to the window, I came face to face with his crotch. I could see a long tube snaking down his left leg. “Ten bucks to park,” he said. I pulled out a ten and handed it to the man. Before I could pull my hand back in he thrust his crotch toward my hand, pushing his bulge against it. Fuck, my mind wondered if that actually happened. Apparently it had as the attendant bent down, looking into my window. He was handsome, jet black hair with just a little grey at the temples, his eyes were blue and had a thick salt and pepper goatee. I could see inside his shirt, which was hanging open at his neck, revealing a jungle of black hair on his chest. “Looking for some fun?” he asked. “Yeah man, any kind of fun.” “Oh I know what kind of fun you need” he said, squeezing his crotch. I just smiled. “Inside the gate, look for a guy in a black T, it will have a red cross on the right chest” he said. "I'll give him a call on the radio him to tell him to look for you.” With that, he walked away, pulling a radio from his hip and speaking into it. I rolled up my window got out and headed to the gate. There were people every where but I could still see the hot men, their crotches and their asses. Some were in groups of other men, while others were with families. At the gate I paid my entrance fee, and went it. I looked for the guy and instantly found him. Shit, you really could not miss him. He was a massive muscled man, his shirt was straining to hold back his chest, shoulders, and arms. I moved through the flow of people entering, making my way to him. When he saw me, an evil grin formed on his face. Something told me I was in for some trouble. “Ready for your fun?” he asked as I approached. I nodded 'yes'. “Follow me.” We moved through the crowds, passing rides, games and food. We turned next to the fun house and entered a door near the back of the trailer that was the fun house. It was dark, and I could hear laughter coming from inside. With a flick of a switch the small room dimly lit up. In front of me was a window, I could see people passing by pointing and laughing. Some screamed. I started to get nervous, asking myself 'What the fuck is this'? The muscle man, stood next to me and removed his shirt. His pecs were massive, like boulders, smooth and tan. I watched him unbutton his jeans, then popped all the buttons on his fly. He was completely smooth, no crotch hair at all. I could just see a little of the base of his cock and the metal cock ring. What really caught my eye was the tattoo where his hair would be. It was a scorpion, black with a touch of red. He moved behind me and pulled my shirt over my head. Reaching around me, he opened my shorts and dropped them to the floor around my ankles. I was still watching the people on the other side the window. A family had stopped and was just staring, as if they were shocked on what was going on. They jumped and then started to laugh. What the fuck? I could feel his hand on the waist band on my underwear, tugging them down, until they joined my shorts at my ankles. “Shouldn’t have worn those,” he said. I kept looking forward through the window, as I heard his jeans drop. He was rubbing his cock up and down my crack. My cock was rock hard, my head was spinning. I wanted this so bad, yet I wanted to run. He dropped to his knees, placed a hand on each of my ass cheek and spread my crack open. His hot breathe was blowing directly on my hole, causing it to pucker and twitch. "That's it, baby, wink at me,” he said, “show me you want it.” He slowly began to lick my crack, up and down, using a force so strong I had to brace myself against the glass. His tongue found my hole and began to lick it round and round, until pushed into to my hole, tongue-fucking it. I moaned loudly as the people moved on the the other side of the window. At this point I didn’t care who was watching. The man’s tongue slid further into my hole. As good as this felt I could only imagine that his cock would feel like and I was soon to get to know exactly what that felt like. He stood, dropping his hard cock onto my back. I heard him spit, only to feel him lift his cock. I looked over my should to see him wiping the spit on his engorged cock. The cock ring had his cock so hard and thick it looked almost purple. It was massive in girth. "Got a condom?” I asked. "Don’t use them.” “I don’t get fucked with out them.” "You do now” he said, putting his wet cock head against my wet hole and pushed. I tried to fight but he wrapped his free arm around my waist holding me in place. My hole gave way and his raw cock slide in. I tensed up from my hole being stretched open. The pain was intense as his raw cock moved in deeper and deeper opening my hole wider. I felt like I was ripping open. He continued to push in as I held my breath. "Breathe. It will make it better.” “Please take it out. I only fuck safe, man. I don’t want this.” "Relax baby, it’s going to be okay. I won’t hurt you,” he murmured, pausing only to finish his sentence with the word "much." His cock slowly moved back, pulling out until the ridge of the head of his cock was pulling at my hole, then he pushed back in, until I felt his smooth abs against my hole. Over and over he slowly moved in and out of my hole. The pain started to turn to pleasure and I let a moan escape from my throat. “See baby, I knew you would like it.” He picked-up speed, his cock pumping in and out of my hole. He gripped my hips tightly as his balls began to slap against mine. I licked my lips. Holy shit this was hot, this was good. I had almost forgotten he was fucking me raw. Then it hit me again. I couldn't do this. “Fuck man, take it out and put on a condom, please,” I pleaded. “Too late, man. I leak fuck juice like crazy. It's in there mixing with your ass juice. The damage is done.” I tried to push off him, but he had my hips in a death grip. The pain had returned with a vengeance. “Won’t be too much longer and you will get a big shot of poison.” He pounded me harder and harder, my fate was sealed. I watched the people laugh and point in my direction on the other side of the window, as tears ran down my face. I knew I found trouble. “Here it cums! Take that toxic seed, baby.” He pushed up against me, his cock jumping in my ass as his legs shook behind me. He was right. it was too late now. The damage was done. As he had said. He withdrew his cock and I tried to straighten my back, but he stopped me, saying “Nope, stay just like that for a sec.” I could hear noise behind me but didn’t know what was going on. He pushed some thing against my hole and it popped in. “Got to keep that in. Don’t want to let that poz seed escape before it works it’s magic.” He stood behind me and laid his chest against my back as I reached for my shorts and underwear. "Oh, by the way, the visitors couldn’t see us from out there. It's a two way mirror.” I grabbed my underwear to pull them up. I only had reached my knees when I hear the click. He was holding a switch blade. I panicked. He reached down and cut my underwear off me, sniffing them and tossing them aside. "You don’t need those. Now, get dressed. I want you to meet someone.” We both dressed and left the small room of the fun house and moved again through the crowd.
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It was early days in my visiting saunas. I hadn't had much success. I suppose as a greying and overweight man (a typical Daddy Bear) I wouldn't appeal to many who attended. This afternoon, however, things were different. I gotten into a routine of going into the sauna after showering. As I entered I noticed a gorgeous tanned young man on the top bench of the sauna. To my surprise he seemed genuinely interested in me. I gave him a quick massage, but no further as there seemed to be an unwritten rule as to not go too far in this part of the club. So after enjoying this contact I headed upstairs to see if there was any action. Although, fairly quiet a young blond man was happily barebacking another chap in the barred open room allowing others to watch. I took advantage and enjoyed the show until it reached its obvious climax: the man took a good load from the blond guy. They both then left the cubicle and I thought I may as well move in myself to see if anyone was interested in joining me. To my delight someone did come along and join me. It was the gorgeous tanned man from the sauna, I'd seen earlier. We continued with the massage I'd been giving him earlier. He really enjoyed the sensitive touching I gave him. Soon he had positioned himself in a partial crouch so that it was possible for me to take him from behind. I applied lube to my cock and he willingly took my bare cock up his arse. It was rather a confined space and so a little uncomfortable but I intended to make the most of it. From time to time others came to watch the spectacle, which as an exhibitionist I enjoyed. One of the viewers was the blond guy I, myself, had watched earlier fucking another guy in the same cubicle. After a while he headed back to the DVD room just along the corridor. Although I really wanted to fuck to completion, we both found the confines of the space too difficult to continue, so sadly he pulled out before I'd unloaded into him. Nevertheless, it was a great bare back fuck with a great guy. I got out of the cubicle myself to look up and down the corridor to see if anyone else was about and interested. As I looked towards the dvd room, I saw the blond guy looking towards me and again surprised me by coming out of the room and over to the cubicle to join me. Here was another beautiful young man wanting to fuck with me. As he divested himself of his towel I presumed he was going to fuck me as he'd done with the other guy, but far from it. He sucked my cock back to full attention and then lowered himself on top of me. He obviously wanted me to shoot my load up him as he'd done for the other man! He raised himself up on my cock and down again milking my cock. As I'd found in the past this was always the surest way for me to come quickly! The feel of my cock sliding into his bare arse and the excitement of of being watched whilst I fucked him was too much and I exploded inside him. But I was game for more so I headed over to the darkroom. There was quite a gathering in there and one chap with quite a large erection clearly needed attention so I immediately engorged his cock with my mouth. It was quite a mouthful and I feasted on his large dick. To my delight I was surprised when another man in the darkroom unceremoniously stuck his bare cock right up me. I then realise I was positioned that others would interpret an open invitation to fuck me bare. As I munched on cock, I was sticking my arse straight out into the room! This was the first time I'd been spit roasted and I was enjoying it. My sucking became more and more vigorous as his pounding became stronger. It had the desired effect on the one I was giving the blowjob to, who shot his load down my throat. Unfortunately the other guy pulled out before finishing his job, for which I was most disappointed. Anyway I decided on further exploration and went down to the basement to the equipment room where I found the guy who had been fucking me bare back on his own near the corner bench applying lotion to his arse. I took up the hint and took the lotion from him applying it generously to my cock, which then easily slipped into his willing hole. The pressure built up inside me as I slipped in and out of his hole. He too was expressing appreciative grunting as he wanked his cock vigorously to my thrusts. Then almost in unison as I sprayed inside him, he sprayed his load over the bench and onto the wall behind. I was most impressed with the distance his spunk travelled. I was finished: emptied of my spunk and ready to return home for the evening. After I'd showered and dressed, it was only then I discovered the reason for my success that afternoon. As I handed over my locker key as I was leaving, I noticed they were laying out free food and drink. A notice was displayed “Bears' evening”! Now I understood why I'd been so lucky!
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You are welcome to join me at E15 sauna between 6-8pm on Thursday 9th November. I hope you'll leave me with loads of presents! I'll be happy to reciprocate. All cummers welcome!
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