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Part 5: The Difference Three Months Makes


-Three Months Earlier-

Wiping the sheet of sweat off his forehead, Dillan panted heavily as he took in his surroundings in the quickly dimming and heavily forested part of the park he was running in. What had started as a short run to burn off the nervous energy he was feeling had easily turned into an hour-long run.

The stress of the midterms was brutal. Psychology had been surprisingly easy, as was Biology and surprisingly enough Calculus. However, it was the dreaded Organic Chemistry course everyone in his major feared that had his stomach in knots.

Studying for hours upon hours somehow still hadn’t seemed to help. It also didn’t help the professor was known to be especially evil and put the most enigmatic and esoteric things in the test, to further break the souls of anyone who would dare try to take his precious course, or at least… that’s how Dillan felt.

“At least the professor grades on a curve…” Dillan muttered to himself, huffing as he tried to catch his breath.

Looking around, he noticed how surprisingly empty the park was and noted how late it was already getting. Normally, this time of year the nights would still be rather cold and not great for cooling down after running, but as luck would have it, the weather had become an uncharacteristic heat wave.

Slowly, Dillan began to slow his breathing, feeling the sweat drenching his body absorb into his shirt, causing the thin material to cling to his body as what felt like a river of sweat poured down his face and into his eyes.

“God, it’s so damn muggy…” he sighed, looking around for a possible water fountain to grab a handful of water to splash on his face and cool down.

Sadly, he saw nothing of the sort nearby, and only a small bathroom through the woods around the corner of the path. Groaning, he slowly stretched out his legs, feeling the slight ache of what would likely be massive cramps later in the night.

“I knew I should have stretched more,” he sighed, before slowly walking down the path towards the brick building. Bending the curve, he took in the drab-looking structure as a nagging feeling settled into his mind. Something about the building had him trying to remember something he had heard once… be it in class or at lunch or the like. However, nothing could come to mind, just that he heard something about it.

Walking in, he looked around the dimly lit tiled room. Several stalls with a few aging urinals were off to one side. Fresh paint covering over graffiti was sprayed on some of the doors, and two of the stall doors were closed. His footsteps echoed loudly in the sparse room, the sounds bouncing easily off the worn tiles.

Walking over to one of the sinks, he turned on the cold faucet, and a slow steady stream of water poured out. Refreshingly cold water filled his now cupped hands and he splashed several handfuls on his face, and he let out a relieved sigh.

That’s when the back of his right thigh cramped up. Fighting back a whine, he looked over to one of the free stalls, and limped his way in, taking a seat and closing the door. He began to massage the tense muscles, grinding his teeth as the pain spread and the muscles slowly began to relax under his manipulations.

At first, he didn’t hear anything other than the occasional dripping from the faucet he had just used. That was until he heard shuffling in the stall next door, with the occasional thumping noise and what almost sounded like a muffled moan.

Looking around, it was at that moment when he laid eyes on the crudely cut-out hole on either side of the walls of the cubicle that he realized what he was trying to remember about this particular bathroom.


It had been at lunch in the food hall, after a particularly stressful lecture when he was re-reading his notes while trying to eat a sandwich when he’d heard several of the popular guys joking around at the table across from him.

“Fuck dude,” one of them, Eric if he remembered correctly, said, taking a huge puff on the very obviously banned vape he was holding, “That lecture was brutal as shit. Got me stressed the fuck out!”

“Ha!” replied Chris.

Of course, it’s Mr. Perfect the Football Captain and the Dipshit Brigade, Dillan thought to himself, barely looking as the head ringleader of the group exclaimed, ripping the vape out of his friend’s hand and taking a long hit on the device, exhaling out a huge cloud out.

“Shit man,” Eric whined, grabbing the device back and slumping in his seat, “Not all of us can fly through that stuff like you and boy genius over there. Some of us are actually stressed!”

“And some of us are trying to study and eat,” Dillan muttered, looking back down at his notes before taking a bite out of the dry and bland sandwich in his hand.

Suddenly, Chris threw his arm around his friend and smiled mischievously at Dillan.

“Hey, you just need quick stress relief,” Chris said grinning, “Just head down to the old bathroom in the forest part of the park. I hear there are some horny fags looking to suck a guy off if you get there at the right time.”

Dillan sighed as he forced himself as he once again re-read the same section of his notes, trying to drown out the banter of the two, until Chris spoke again.

“Fuck, you might even get lucky and get the ‘boy genius’ himself at one of those dirty gloryholes looking to help a guy out,” Chris laughed, shaking his friend’s shoulders.

Sighing, Dillan got up, stuffing his books and notes into his bag and grabbing the half-eaten sandwich. Getting up, he shot the muscled jock a baleful look before tossing the sandwich in the trash and walking out.


Blushing hotly at the memory in a mixture of anger and embarrassment, Dillan continued to rub the muscles of his leg in silence, noting as the person next door began to let out an occasional moan in time with the now louder thumping of the bathroom stall wall.

Slowly, he began to feel his cock harden slightly, imagining what was going on. Getting turned on by the sounds coming from the other stall, Dillan’s hand slowly drifted to his groin as he slowly rubbed himself through the thin material of the jogging shorts.

“Fuck yeah man,” one of the men moaned softly, “Your dick feels so fucking good in my hole.”

“Yeah, bro, even better than your mouth,” the other man said, as he seemed to pick up pace, “Love sticking my meat into a sloppy dump like yours. Gonna add my Grade-A cock snot to the mix.”

“Yeah bud, breed me,” the first man groaned.

Dillan, unable to hold back any longer, checked to make sure the door was locked to the stall, and pulled out his hard cock, slowly tugging on it as he listened to the sounds of the two men fucking and dirty talking.

Suddenly, a finger shot out the glory hole, startling Dillan. At first, he didn’t know what to do, or say. Until the finger began to curl upwards in a come-to-me motion.

Hesitating for a moment, Dillan thought about pulling up his pants. The finger pulled out and suddenly, a mouth was at the hole. The guy behind the wall ran his tongue along the edge and Dillan felt himself slowly making his way to the hole, lining his hard, throbbing prick to the hole.

Hot wetness surrounded his swollen member as he let out a nearly inaudible groan. A mysterious hand grabbed his balls, pulling him tight against the wall as the unknown man worked his tongue around his cock expertly.

Dillan had to grip the back stall behind him with one of his hands to brace himself as he felt the guy go to town on him, relishing the feeling of sheer pleasure on his cock. Two doors down, the man fucking the guy sucking him began pounding the wall hard in his fuck lust.

“Shit, yeah, tighten up that fucking cumhole,” he groaned, the slams echoing loudly into the dimly lit bathroom, “Gonna shoot my load in you!”

The mouth-sucking Dillan pulled away for a moment.

“Give it to me man, fill my ass up,” the man sucking said, before diving back on Dillan’s cock with renewed fervor.

The other man let out a loud groan as the slamming slowed to just the periodic thump as he shot over and over into the other man’s ass, as Dillan continued to get the best blowjob, if only one of the few, he had ever received.

“Fuck… yeah,” the other man sighed, accompanied by the sound of some pulling up their pants and zipping up.

Suddenly, the mouth left his cock again as the center man replied.

“Same time tomorrow, stud?” he asked while shuffling sounds emitted from the other side of the wall.

“Definitely,” the first guy said.

Frustrated, Dillan began to pull his cock back as he assumed they were done, leaving him with a case of blue balls. He went to start pulling his pants up when the man next door put his cock through the wall.

“Jaw’s a bit sore and needs a quick break,” he softly said out loud, wagging his cock in the air, “You want a go?”

Dillan sat down on the stall, and grabbed the cock, looking at it for a moment. Longer than his for sure, but thinner and more veiny. Uncut where his was cut, the head glistened, with a bit of precum leaking out of the tip. Below it, two large, hen egg-sized balls hung loosely.

Dillan barely thought about it before slowly sucking it into his mouth, relishing the taste.

Slowly he began to let his face get fucked, using one of his hands to tug and squeeze on the massive set of balls in his hands, eliciting a groan and a hard thud against the wall. Occasionally he would work his tongue around, licking the other man’s piss-slit as the guy nearly pulled out of his mouth, hearing a sharp intake through teeth in satisfaction as he did so.

Dillan lost track of time as he focused solely on the wet, hard prick in his mouth. Slowly his jaw began to start aching, unused to the actions it was doing. Softly, he tapped on the wall, pulling slightly away.

Suddenly, the man pulled back and was gone, exiting through the stall door. Confused and dejected, Dillan frowned for a second as he sat there in silence. That is until he heard a knock on the stall door. Automatically, he reached forward and unlocked the door.

Before him stood the man. Dillan guessed him to be in his mid-forties, with dark brown hair that had just begun greying on the sides, and a scruffy face with a well-formed mustache. Not overly muscular, but still an average build. Dillan internally likened him to the dad character from some animated movie he saw years ago, personified.

Wearing a tank top and loosely holding a pair of khaki cargo shorts around his hips, his cock was standing at full attention, bouncing slightly in the warm, humid air. Dillan noticed a sleeve of tattoos going down one arm,

“You’re a cute little fucker, ain't ya,” he said, making his way in and pushing the door softly closed behind him.

Dillan gave a slightly confused half-smile in return, pleasantly surprised at the sudden intrusion.

“Hard to get the right position with a wall in the way,” the man explained, before letting his pants drop and pulling Dillan’s head towards the glistening cock. As he wrapped his mouth around the man’s dick, he took note of the man’s tattoo just below his navel. It was a large black scorpion in a vaguely tribal design, with the stinger dripping bright red. Something about the tattoo struck Dillan as being odd, but unable to place it, he let the thought go and buried his nose in the man’s pubes.

The man proceeded to fuck Dillan’s mouth again, taking deeper and deeper strokes down his throat, occasionally gagging him and only stopping to let him catch his breath before slamming back in. The man’s balls swung with each stroke, slapping his chin repeatedly with each slam down his throat. Drool began dripping off his chin, causing the man the smirk before pulling his throbbing dick out. Slapping it on the side of his face, he let out a slight laugh.

“Fucking enjoying my dick, pig,” the man asked, almost making it sound more like a statement.

Dillan, wordless and still trying to catch his breath and let his jaw relax from the brutal assault, could only nod in agreement.

“Good. Time for you to bend over,” he replied, tugging on his spit-covered prick and gesturing for Dillan to turn around.

Dillan complied and bent over the back of the toilet before thoughts of backing out began to fill his mind. But, it had been so long since he had been fucked. Months? Over a year? He was stressed and always felt so refreshed after, even though he’d had sex only a handful of times. The man was hot. Getting filled and shooting his load would be a great way to relax.

But… was he really about to let this random stranger have his way? Neither of them had a condom as far as he could knew, and he was in a dingy bathroom where anyone could walk in. He was about to stand up and tell the guy he changed his mind when he felt the man begin to rim his exposed hole.

Lust from the sensations he was getting from the man’s hot tongue wiped any further detracting thoughts away as he let out an involuntary moan. He stood there, bent over, relished the hot, wet firmness of the licking, and shivered occasionally as he felt the man’s scruffy facial hair brushed against the sensitive skin around his anus.

“Oh, fuuuuuck, yeah, keep doing that,” he unintentionally moaned, words becoming harder to form as he felt the man began to replace his tongue with a rough finger, then two, stretching and spreading the tight circle of muscle. Dillan let out a sharp hiss and flinched as the man roughly shoved in a third finger, the nail catching on a part of the sensitive and thin skin.

“Ow, your nails are kinda sharp,” he said, pulling away slightly.

Stopping for a moment, the man pulled out a small brown bottle and a pack of cigarettes from his pants pocket. Setting the pack on the back of the toilet, he opened the bottle and held it under Dillan’s nose.

Dillan’s instantly recognized the bottle as being poppers. He had never tried them before but had secretly always wanted to try them. He silently nodded and began to sniff several times at the bottle. At first, he just smelled the odd scent of the poppers when suddenly, he felt the effects spread throughout his body.

Flushed and relaxed, he instinctively pushed back on the man’s fingers.

“Good boy,” the man growled, roughly shoving his fingers hard into the now loosening hole, “Gonna fuck you nice and hard. Wreck that tight hole and make you beg for it.”

With the effects of the poppers flowing through his brain, Dillan barely found himself being able to form a thought. After a few moments, however, he finally could find the words to speak.

“Do…. Do you have a condom?”

“Nah, bud,” the man said, continuing to roughly shove his fingers in, still scraping the walls with his nails as he continued, “But I can pull out if you want. I’ll let you know when I’m close.”

Dillan nodded, his mind still swimming in the popper-induced fog. Suddenly, the man pulled his fingers out, leaving him feeling slightly empty at the loss. Just as suddenly, the man was pulling his ass upwards and the head of his cock was pressed against the opening.

Groaning once again, he felt as the man slowly worked himself inside his ass, internally grateful for the slickness of the rimming and the now apparently copious amount of precum the man was leaking. After a few moments, he was fully inside, the man’s massive hairy balls resting against Dillan’s thighs.

Reaching around Dillan, the man grabbed the pack of cigarettes, pulling one out and lighting it before finally exhaling a huge cloud of smoke after holding in the smoke for a moment.

“Want one?” The man asked, offering the pack to him.

“I, uh…” Dillan replied, his mind scattered between the rush of poppers and the cock seated deep in his guts, “I’ve never smoked before.”

“No worries,” he replied, “I can swap smoke with you if you want. Get you used to it. Feels amazing while fucking. Even more so with poppers.”

Once more, Dillan only nodded his mind in a flurry of activity, overwhelmed with all the sensations and actions taking place. Satisfied with the answer, the man wrapped one of his arms around Dillan’s neck, and after taking another deep inhale, began pulling him back against him as his other hand pulled the burning cigarette out of his mouth.

Turning Dillan’s face towards him, he locked lips with him, making out as he began to breathe out the smoke into Dillan. Breaking away, he smiled as Dillan blew out a huge cloud of his smoke. Slowly he began to rock in and out of the hole, picking up speed. Occasionally he would stop, feeding Dillan more smoke.

“Fuck, you got an amazing ass,” the man growled, flicking away the now-spent cigarette butt before pulling another two out and lighting them. Taking one out, he placed it on Dillan’s lips.

Dillan coughed hard, not used to the stronger smoke, nearly dropping it out of his mouth. Suddenly, he felt the man holding the poppers under his nose again.

“Take a few hits and then try again,” he said, slowly pistoning his cock in and out as he coached Dillan.

Doing as he said, he took several deep sniffs off the brown bottle, waiting a few moments for the wave of heat and relaxation to hit him. Nodding at the man, the bottle was removed and Dillan again took a draw on the cigarette, surprised that he no longer felt a strong urge to cough. Fighting back only a slight cough, he exhaled, amazed at the large cloud coming out of him.

“Fuck yeah, man,” the man growled, picking back up his pace, “Looks like we broke your smoke cherry. Suck down that smoke while I breed your college boy pussy. Gonna flood you with my potent baby batter. Paint the walls of your insides with my seed, fucker, and then work it in with my prick.”

Dillan could only focus on the sensations of smoking, getting high on poppers, and feeling the man fuck him hard and deep. Only the thoughts of those things were running through his head. After just a short while, the man’s rhythm began to falter.

“Love fucking tight holes like yours. Breaking them in and nutting deep inside. Damn… Gonna fucking shoot,” he said, slamming even harder in an uneven tempo, “Where do you want it?”

“In… in…” Dillan breathlessly groaned as his ass received the brutal assault, “In me.”

“Fuck yeah,” the man groaned and he began to jolt, the first volley of cum shooting out of his dick, “Take my dirty fucking nut. Gonna ruin your sexy little ass. Fuck! Take all my toxic load. I’m knocking your slutty ass up.”

Dillan’s mind slowly worked over what the man said as he continued to jerk around with each shot of cum. It was at that moment he realized what the tattoo was, having read about it in some random forum on the internet. As the realization of what had just happened set in, the man slowly finished shooting inside him.

“You… you’re poz,” Dillan huffed out, half in a question and half in a statement, “I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Hey, bud,” the man said, holding Dillan in place as he slowly pulled out his spent cock, coated in a light sheen of cum, “I asked and you said to cum inside you. Not my fault you took a raw cock. Also, you never asked about my status. That’s on you.”

Standing up for a moment, Dillan’s mind processed what had happened.

The guy has a point, he thought to himself. I didn’t ask. I wanted him to fuck me. And… I enjoyed this. God… why did I enjoy this?

“Dude,” the man said, taking a drag on his cigarette, “I seriously would have pulled out if you asked, but like I said, you wanted it. You saw my tatt and you're at a fucking gloryhole in the park.”

Looking down, Dillan realized he was standing at full mast.

“I’m… um…” Dillan said silently, grabbing the man’s arm, “Just surprised I guess. I’ve never done something like this before is all…”

The man let out a small smile as he took another drag on the cigarette before letting out a slight laugh.

“Looks like you’re a little bugchaser and you didn’t even know it,” the man said smiling, gesturing to Dillan’s still painfully hard dick.

“A…. What?” Dillan asked, confused and unfamiliar with the term.

“Look it up when you get home, bud,” he said, blowing the smoke in Dillan’s face.

Grabbing his head, the man pulled him down to his now softening cock.

“Clean me with that hot little mouth of yours. And if you give me a bit, we can go for round two.”

Pulling the half-smoked cigarette out of the the other man’s hands, he then put both back in his mouth, as he watched Dillan put his cock into his mouth.

Both stilled as the sound of the bathroom door opening echoed in the tiled room. The new stranger walked over to the stalls and opened the door to their stall. After a few moments, another man walked up to the open stall door, taking in the scene. Slightly overweight, he was wearing a wife beater and jeans, dark black hair threatening to escape from under his shirt. He began rubbing a noticeable-sized lump under the fabric.

“He looking for another load?”

The man outside the stall nodded slightly towards Dillan.

“You want to get a few more loads in you before I add my second load to that sexy little cumdump of yours,” the man asked, looking down at Dillan as he pulled his cock out of his mouth.

Slightly embarrassed, Dillan nodded. The first man sat on the toilet and drew hard on the two cigarettes in his mouth before pulling Dillan slightly up and swapping the smoke with him.

“Hot little pig boy here is looking for some fun it seems,” the man said, grabbing the bottle of poppers and bending Dillan over, “Enjoy, fucker.”


-Present Day-

It was three hours later, and with 5 loads in his ass from several other men who came in during his time in the restroom, Dillan slowly walked back to the dorms. The first guy, true to his word, had fucked him and left him with a second, equally large load in his ass. Between each guy, he’d fuck him lazily until another person came in, working each load deep in his intestines.

His mind had been racing. After the high of sex and poppers wore off, he began to regret his actions. He pulled out his phone, setting up an appointment the next day at the campus health center to get on PEP, vowing to never be so stupid again. But, unknown to him at the time, the seed had been planted so to speak.

It was a month after looking up the term the man had called him, ‘bugchaser’, that horniess got the better of him. His research led him to parts of the internet and porn he’d never imagined. Every night he found it harder to not come to bareback porn, shooting his largest loads to the ones with a poz guy or smoker in it. He had taken his PEP pills, and testing showed he was surprisingly clean of all infections. Lucky, it would seem.

Two months after, he was back in the dingy bathroom, taking loads in his ass and mouth. He never saw the guy from the first time there again, secretly wishing he could have another round and finally scratch the itch their encounter had created in him. Yet still, nothing on his testing. Even though this time, he didn't take PrEP. Nor PEP. Something had changed in him. At first, he didn’t care if he caught something. Then, it became a fascination and longing. Reading about the fuck flu… knowing another man’s virus was changing him permanently. The dirtiness and [banned word] nature of everything intrigued him. Making him shoot his cum everywhere when he thought back to all the things the man in the bathroom had said to him while the fucked.

And then, three months later, he couldn’t stand it anymore. The strange desire he had developed now had him currently bent over, with a stranger shoving what he guessed to be frozen cum from strangers into his ass. Sharing a cigar with his former tormentor, and secret object of his desire and jealousy. Drinking the same man’s piss, in some strange turn of fate. In a sex club, on POZ night. It would be a horrific miracle if he didn't catch something tonight.

Laughing to himself, he silently wondered what else this night would bring. Because, based on the past, it was amazing what a difference three months could make.

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