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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2014 in all areas

  1. My husband is out of town for the week, so this morning I posted my normal slutty Craigslist ad: "Looking for guys who want to fuck my ass and shoot their load inside. Evenings only. Looking to host. Send me a pic of your cock" beneath a pic of my ass. I was checking my email throughtout my day at work, and I got several responses from guys wanting to set something up in the next few days. No one seemed to be looking for tonight though. Then at 5 minutes to 5:00, I get a message asking how soon I could be free. The response didn't have a cock pic like I asked for which normally turns me off. I replied pretty much now. He responded that he was headed my way on the interstate and asked if I could host in 20 minutes. His urgency really turned my crank though, so I agreed without asking for a pic, his stats, or anything about him. Luckily, I live very close to my work. I rushed home and did a quick clean out. I was ready on time; he had sent a message saying he would be 5 more minutes (bonus points for courtesy). I saw his car pull in and peeked out the window. He was a handsome, young hispanic guy. I was glad my horny gamble looked to be paying off. I let him in, and we went to the bedroom and got undressed. He seemed a little shy keeping his white t-shirt on. He had nice hairy legs, but I was a little disappointed by his small, flaccid cock. He asked if it was ok that he only wanted to get sucked and fuck. I told him it was. He laid down on the bed, and I climbed in and began sucking his cock. He was uncut and sweaty from the car. I started sucking and he began moaning. As he began to relax, his cock grew in my mouth - and grew and grew some more. Soon I was sucking a thick, 8 inch cock that was testing my deep throating abilities. The gamble was really paying off. He was starting to reach for my ass, so I got up on all fours and turned to give him access while continuing the blow job. To my surprise, he started stroking my cock. "I didn't want you to think I didn't care about you enjoying it." I just moaned and sucked. Then he asked if I had a dildo he could use on me. I hopped up and took a medium sized toy from my bedside drawer. I greased it and my ass up nicely and resumed the position. He slid the toy into me while I continued to suck his big cock. "We have to make sure you are nice and opened up, " he said. I thought, "I am about to get one hell of a rough fuck." He asked me to get in doggie position. I lubed his cock well with some silicone lube that I knew would not dry out. I got in postion and had just enough time to take a huge hit of poppers before he shoved his cock into me all the way in one smooth motion. Between the poppers and the lube, I was just able to stand the force of his entry. Any rougher and even an experienced slut like me would have had to yelp a bit. What followed was one of the best fucks I ever have had. He pumped his big cock into me over and over varying his speed, angle, and thrust. Soon I was pressing back into him as hard as I could and milking his cock with my hole. We were both moaning and mumbling. He kept telling me how hot my ass was, and I kept telling him how good his big cock felt. It was getting very warm, and I felt him pulling off his shirt. After about 10 minutes, he started to make little pained noises. "It feels so good. I am trying so hard not to shoot." I told him to go ahead and breed me. He told me he wanted to make it last. True to his word, he kept fucking longer. He kept changing the angle and depth, so I could feel him stretching out my hole so well. He put both hands on my lower back and pushed me down for a while. Then he lay down on top of me and crushed me into the mattress never stopping his fucking. After about another 10 minutes or so, he paused and asked if he could put me on the edge of the bed so he could stand and fuck harder. I flipped over and raised my legs. Then I saw his chest for the first time. It was scupted with muscle with big pecs with a deep cleft and covered all over with thick black fur. I almost came it was so gorgeous. As he thrust back into me, I ran my hands all over his chest and pinched his nipples. He started jacking my cock. I knew I was into the intense assplay too much to cum, but it felt good to let him try. With his feet on the floor, he could slam into me really hard which he did over and over. After another 5 minutes despite his best efforts to last, his orgasm started creeping up on him. He held my sides in his hands and pounded out a load deep into me. He pulled out. I dropped to the floor and gently cleaned his cummy cock. I showed him to the bathroom to wash up. We both thanked each other for the hot fuck. As he was getting dressed I told him what a stud he was and how hot the fuck had been. He seemed disappointed he hadn't lasted longer. I told him he lasted plenty long for a 24 year old while thinking he lasted a long time for any age. He seemed a little embareassed by all the praise. I assured him I meant it. It turned out that he was halfway back on his way from seeing his folks. Since I am at a good stopping place, he said he would like to come back again. I gave him my cell number and email address and told him he was welcome in my hole anytime. After he left, I pushed the dildo back inside scooped out some of his load. I jacked off while sucking the toy clean. I hope I do hear from him again. My gamble on hooking up without a pic or stats certainly paid off.
    3 points
  2. I am sort of a middle of the road, bottom... I like to be told they are enjoying my hole or mouth. But over the top screaming will kill the mood.
    2 points
  3. This story is a prime example of why stealthing, lying about your status or simply not disclosing it is better kept in fantasy land. No one is a winner in the end. Including us, the poz guys who don't do those things. Makes us look bad. But I feel for the ones infected by the coward. Not something anyone deserves.
    2 points
  4. Part 7 Jason brought a rollaway cot and had Scott restrained on his belly and once that was done he and Bear, Jayden and Ben each got their bottom boys rigs ready by first slamming about a third of the fullest rigs they have ever seen and then after releasing their tourniquets pulling back on the plungers to fill them with their positive blood. Bobby and Greg had anxious looks on their faces as they have both fantasized about getting tied up and slammed with poz blood and tina. Bobby had asked if they could restrain him completely and gag him to add to his fantasy and Jayden was happy to and told the others to do the same to their bottoms. Timmy and Scott looked at each other and both saw fear and panic and when Scott tried to struggle that made Timmy even more scared and he started to struggle too. “It looks like Scott and Timmy are having second thoughts” said Hank Jayden laughed and said, ”good thing they can’t move then” Jason looked at Scott and told him to relax as he put his hand on his chest and told him it will all be better soon, you and Timmy are going to be free. Scott and Timmy both settled down and Jason told everyone to find a vein and get ready as I want us to slam them all at the same time. Once everyone was all set Jason told them to push as the mix of tina and blood started to enter the boys. Jayden told Ben that since Timmy had just been slammed he should take most of this himself and only give Timmy a little more Tina plus of course your virus. Ben nodded but he knew what Jayden was doing as once he was rushing on such a huge hit he would lose his hardon and beg for cock and Jayden liked to put Ben in his place. Ben didn’t care but he did want to cum in Timmy so he hoped the rush helped him shoot before he had to stop pretending he was a top and take his place with the rest of the boys. As each needle was removed Phil, Brian and Hank wiped clean each boy’s arm as the tops were already plowing their boys. All around you could hear the bottoms cough and grunt then over the next few minutes all you could hear was flesh slapping and the boys moaning. Ben started pounded Timmy like a madman hoping the friction would keep him hard and Timmy was grunting as he wasn’t yet use to such a pounding and didn’t expect it from his buddy. Jayden called over to Ben and taunted him to see if he could stay hard long enough to breed Timmy and Ben could only moan in reply. Ben’s rush was hitting him so hard and he wanted to switch places with Timmy so bad but just then Brian, Hank and Phil came to his rescue. Brian slid up Ben’s ass as Hank grabbed his tits and Phil pulled Ben’s face to the side and shoved his tongue in his mouth. Ben was lost in the pleasure he felt and started to fuck Timmy even faster and harder as that could Brian’s cock in his ass to go just as fast and hard and in under a minute he starter to scream as he filled Timmy with his load. The guys helped Ben to the floor and Brian started fucking him again as Hank took position to enter Timmy. Jayden smiled as he watched Ben and once Ben was being fucked Jayden turned his attention back to Bobby. He removed his gag and yelled for everyone else to do so also so that they could hear the boys begging. He then looked back into Bobby’s eyes and called him a slut and told him tonight he would never forget as started to get his fingers into Bobby at the same time he kept fucking him. Bobby started to beg to be stretched more and Jayden told him that he wasn’t going to stop until he could get both hands inside of him and then shoved two more fingers into the boy and at that Bobby’s eyes rolled back and his cock while still soft started to shoot off. Jayden announced that his bitch was cumming from getting his hole destroyed. Jason was going easy on Scott and asked him how he was going. “Oh god, Jason, I feel so good. I didn’t know it would feel so good. Wow, faster and harder.” “Yeah, that’s a good boy. You may be Timmy’s Daddy but you’re now my subby and I plan on getting you in my sling many times. I want to have a party where everyone is a top except you and Timmy and you can both get fucked and bred dozens of times. Do you want that Scottie boy?” “Fuck yeah, I want it now. Call me Scottie boy again!” “Oh little Scottie boy loves being my boy, don’t you? I bet you want to call me Daddy too” “Daddy, Daddy harder please” “Oh Scottie boy we are going to have so much fun” Bear told Greg to get ready for his first load and then slammed into the boy all the way and held him tight as his club shoot deep into him. He bent down and kissed Greg and told him that he was happy to have him as his son and told him when he gets the flu he should call him so that can celebrate. As Bear pulled out Phil was there to enter the boy next. Bear went over to Jason and said we need more tops for these boys or they’re gonna kill us, do you mind if I call a few friends. Now that the clubs are closing I know some guys that would love to join us. Jason told him to get as many as he could. Bear made two calls and twenty minutes later eight of his friends showed up and they enjoyed the fucked up bottoms that were all begging for their poz cum. One of the new guys asked is it ok to breed them with my toxic load and then they were all told that every one of the bottoms was converting tonight. The new guys gave the other tops a much needed break and the party went on. Around noontime the next day people started to leave and the party finally started to wind down. Jason passed out some pills that helped everyone left crash and soon the house was quiet again.
    2 points
  5. Sex Enhancement Drug Trial Subject Week #1 I had just started college and was blown away by the costs. I was in need of cash and decided to check out Craig’s list for jobs. There was one that caught my eye and got my cock stirring. The head line read, “Gay males needed for sex enhancement drug trials.” I clicked the link and read the complete ad. It asked for gay college age guys age 18 to 22 who were in good health, did not use drugs of any kind and were either a bottom, versatile bottom or versatile. It required me to send a picture with my height, weight, cock size, if I was cut or uncut, the date of my last HIV test and the results. I had known I was gay as early as I can remember and with my jock body didn’t think I’d have issues finding guys to hook up with, but this was a wet dream cum true. I wrote my e-mail telling them that I was 18, 6’ weighing 160 pounds with a 7 1/2” cut cock. I included a couple of pics I had of me in my Speedo from high school swim team and a couple nudes I had showing my cock and ass. I continued to check out Craig’s list when a reply to my e-mail arrived. It asked me to drop by to complete my enrollment process. This included my filling out some paper work and submitting to blood and urine tests. The next day I dropped by the test site office just off campus. I was greeted by a cute stud that looked to be in his mid to late 20’s. He had me complete the appropriate paper work, had some blood drawn and filled a urine specimen cup. I was asked to commit to a decision how I would take the drug. The first way I could take the drug was in the form of a pill by mouth where I would be paid $250 a week. The second way was by nasal spray where I would be paid $300 a week. The third way I could take the drug was by suppository where I’d be paid $350 a week. The last way I could take the drug was by shot and I would be paid $500 a week. Since I had no problem with shots I selected the last method so I could get the most money each week. I was told that I should hear from them by the end of the week with further instructions. I arrived back at my dorm room after class on Friday to discover a message from the testing company. My labs came back all fine with a clean drug screen and a negative HIV test. They asked if I was available to participate that night in the first round of trials. If I wasn’t available I’d have to wait a couple months until the second round of testing began. I responded that I would be at the testing site at the scheduled time ready to participate. I arrived early for the trial and was shown where I could lock up my clothes. I was then shown to the shower area where a hot guy made sure I was cleaned out and ready to play. After I was all ready I was shown to an area they called the prep room where I sat down and the medication and was given final instructions before receiving the drug. The guy about to give me my shot told me “Some guys cough after getting the shot, so don’t be alarmed. You will probably feel your heart race a bit, that’s normal. If the drug is working correctly you should feel the need to get fucked immediately. After you have received your shot you are to enter the play area and have as much sex as you want. You will be monitored by close circuit TV and the number of times you have sex will be recorded along with the number of loads of cum you take inside you. Since all participants have been screened it is your choice to use protection. Most participants choose to take it raw or bareback.” I watched as he placed a rubber strip on my arm just as they did when they drew blood. He then took a syringe with the drug inside and stuck it in my arm. I watched in fascination as the contents disappeared into my vein. He then put pressure over the injection site, raised my arm overhead and asked if I was ready. I nodded ‘YES’ and he pulled the rubber strip off. I coughed a couple times and felt exactly as he described. I NEEDED TO BE FUCKED!!! He let go of my arm and told me to have fun. I walked through the door and noticed 4 other guys from college that were in different areas getting fucked. I was quickly approached by a hot stud with a hard dripping cock. The thing looked to be nearly 8” as he pushed me to my knees and fed me his tool. As I sucked his cock I was approached from behind and felt a couple hand pull me into doggy position as the stud I was sucking dropped to his knees. I kept working the cock into my throat I felt a stiff cock at my hole. Before I could look I felt the cock driven deep inside me in one stroke. Normally it can take me a while before I can take dick like that but the drug they gave me had me wanting that cock bad. I took a moment to ask the guy fucking me to pound his load home. He wasn’t one to disappoint as I felt him hammer away while I tried to coax a load from the guy I was sucking. I could hear the guy fucking me begin to breath heavy indicating he was close to cumming. He then thrusted in deep and groaned out as I felt his cock spasm in my ass. It wasn’t until the guy fucking my throat pulled away that I got a good look at the stud that just fucked my hole. He was as hot as the rest with a cute tattoo on his lower abs. I could barely make it out and wasn’t able to place it but thought I had seen it in biology or the doctor’s office before. As he pulled out I noticed that he had fucked my bareback and I had taken a stranger’s load. In my mind I didn’t care, I just knew I needed more cock. I didn’t have to wait long when the guy that I had been sucking slammed his tool inside me. With the priming I did with my mouth I didn’t have to wait long for his load when I felt his cock spasm inside my hole. I lost track of time but by morning I had been fucked by every guy in the place and some more than once. As I left the testing site I was informed that I was fucked almost 30 times and took about 20 loads. I was told to return the following Friday for my next session.
    1 point
  6. Many years ago, when I was still in my late 20's, I was dating this guy (kid really) named Josh. He was several years younger than was I, and several degrees less mature. We had been dating smoothly for about a year when I finally introduced him to a couple who were friends of mine, Rob and Erik. For better or worse, prior to meeting Josh I had had three-ways with them once and a while, and I had told Josh about some of these encounters. Rob and Erik lived about two hours away and they invited us up to spend a weekend in the city, drinking and having a good time. Now, knowing Rob and Erik, I knew that their idea of a 'good time' would probably mean all having sex together, and I knew it would be hard for Josh to resist. Hell, it would be hard for me to resist! Rob was defintely the whore of the couple: he was very outgoing and very handsome and very much a bottom. All with the body of an Olympic swimmer. Erik was the smaller of the two guys. He was also more reserved, frankly he was a bit nerdy. He was also a top with a nine-inch cock. While Rob was a fun bottom who really got off on being fucked, it was Erik that I enjoyed making cum, because Erik shot like one of the fountains at the Bellagio. He always launched several spurts, usually hitting the wall and ruining sheets in the process. I always wanted feel Erik shoot in my mouth, but was not allowed to. You see, Erik was poz while Rob was not. And Erik was always very cautious. Josh and I discussed the prospects of an invitation from Rob and Erik and had agreed we were content to remain a monogamous couple and we would politely decline any sexual offers - if they were presented. On that Saturday evening, we had been out drinking and having a grand old time and we all probably had a bit too much. We got back to their place and I decided it was time to get ready for bed. When Josh finally climbed in and we were laying in the dark, he told me Rob had kissed him while he was in the bathroom, and had invited us to have sex with them. "Josh, we talked about this. We said we were not going to do anything wth Rob and Erik." "But you have, and you liked it! Why don't we? It could be fun" Josh whined. "Josh, this is precisely why we talked all this out beforehand. So that it wouldn't become an issue." "But it's still an issue!" "Let's just go to sleep. Night." I could feel Josh stewing next to me while I was trying to relax. About five minutes later he sat up and announced, "Well, I'm going to go fuck Rob and Erik." "Have fun with that," I said and rolled over. "You're being an asshole," Josh spat as he left the room. My stomach churned into knots. My boyfriend had just left me to go have sex with two of my friends, after we expressly talked about NOT doing that very thing. I was seethingly mad, and hurt and upset. I tried my best to go to sleep, although it was difficult when I could hear noises start coming from the other room. After about five minutes I heard someone walk in to my bedroom. I initially hoped it was Josh, but it was Erik. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired" I answered. "Are you sure it's okay that Josh is in with us? It feels... awkward... without you there too. This was so like Erik, always the nice one. And the one I liked best because of it. "Yeah. He's a big boy. It's his decision. Go. Have fun. I'll see you in the morning." Erik hesitated, then slowly left. Try as I might, I just couldn't fall asleep. Notwithstanding my conversation with Erik, I grew more and more upset with Josh with each passing minute. How could he be treating our relationship this way? Is this how little he thought of me? Of us? Probably ten or fifteen more minutes went by, when I heard someone enter my room again. Again it was Erik. "So, um... is Josh neg?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" "Well, because Rob is riding Josh's raw cock right now and I was just curious" he said, as he sat on my bed. "I see. Yeah, I could have predicted that. I figured Josh would be angling to fuck Rob if he got the chance. And they'll be at it for awhile. Josh takes forEVER to cum." I knew Josh had a thing for Rob. For that matter, EVERYONE had a thing for Rob. He was quite charming. And I knew Rob would like Josh, because Josh had a thick eight inch cock with a wicked left curve. Plus Josh was in his early 20's and fucked like a demon. "I guess that leaves us out," Erik sighed. And that's when I decided. Fuck Josh. Fuck all this. I was going to have Erik fuck me. "Go get your supplies. We're gonna fuck," I told him, sitting up and giving him a deep kiss. "You sure?" he asked. "Go. Now. Hurry!" Erik was back in a flash. "I don't even think they noticed me come back in the room," he told me when he got back. We started making out, and soon I was going down on Erik's enormous rod. I had always felt extremely lucky to have Josh's big cock to play with, but Erik put Josh's dick into perspective for me. Erik is massive. Easily every bit of nine inches, and the thickness of his cock was verging on ridiculous, especially the middle of it. Toward the middle his cock flattened out, and it was wider than four fingers across-- then it tapered again to normal size at the base. I could only get about half his cock in my mouth before I couldn't fit any more in without the risk of teeth. Or tearing the corners of my mouth. While I worked on Erik, I could hear Josh and Rob ramping up in the other room. They were getting loud, and Rob was starting to vocalize a bit. I wanted to get Erik in me so I could add to the fuck noises and let Josh know that a REAL cock was nailing me. But I was nervous as fuck. Before when I used to have sex with Rob and Erik, it was mostly blow jobs, and me fucking Rob. Erik had tried to fuck me twice before, but I could never get him past the midway point. It just hurt too damn much and I always had to make him stop. And Erik, being the nice guy, would lose his hard on if he felt like he was hurting me. But I needed him to fuck me tonight. All the way fuck me. To permanently wreck my ass for Josh's cock. I told Erik I was ready, so he grabbed a condom and lubed up. And I generously lubed my butthole. "Here, I brought some poppers," Erik announced, adding "They're fresh, and should help." Erik lay on his back, and I straddled his monster cock. I hit the poppers and started easing down onto him. I did pretty well at the start, but then I hit the thick part, and my ass would slide no further. Not even with poppers. I tried sliding off, lubing, and reinserting. I tried bouncing a bit, and easing my ass downward on each stroke. Still no good. Then I just tried forcing my ass downward which made me gasp and cry out a little in pain. "Damn! I'm hurting you. I knew it wouldn't work," said Erik despondently. I could feel his hard on slipping away. Fuck. I desperately wanted his horse cock inside me, but it just wasn't working. I was angry at myself for tensing up and not being able to take it, and I felt bad that I was once again going to disappoint Erik. I quickly pulled off of his cock, ripped off the condom, and started sucking him again while stroking his shaft. This got him going again, and soon he was oozing precum. Josh and Rob were really going at it now. We could hear the rapid slaps of groin against ass while Rob was desperately (and rather loudly) urging Josh to fuck him harder. I wondered how much of this verbal display was for our benefit. That's when I made the decision. I was drunk, horny, and very angry with my boyfriend, so I grabbed the lube, re-lubed Erik and my asshole, and got back on top of him. Erik's cockhead was at my hole before he came to his senses. "What are you doing? I don't have a condom on!" he whispered loudly. "I'm getting this fucker inside me NOW. At least once all the way." "We can't... we shouldn't...." "Just don't cum in me," I said as I began to work him inside my ass. In he slid, but once again, I was stopped at the midpoint of his shaft. But damn it, I was going to take him regardless of the pain. So I hit the poppers hard, waited for the wave of euphoria to hit, and then I squatted down. Hard. It hurt. Man, did it hurt me. I think I could feel my sphincter tearing a little as the thick part forced inside of me. I instantly broke out in a sweat, and tears stung my eyes. But then suddenly with a painful pop he was inside, and I slid down to the base. And now along with the pain in my ass, there was a dull pain deep inside my guts where his head was stabbing up into my colon. Erik grabbed my hips and steadied me as I sat impaled on his massive pole. "You ok?" he whispered. "Oh my god, that's a lot of cock," was all I could get out as tears ran down my cheeks. "This feels amazing," he said. "You know how long it's been since I've fucked a guy? Nine months. And I had to stop fucking that guy before I came because he was in so much pain. Rob always picks up other tops for us to mess around with, and even though some of them see my cock and want to try, they never manage it." I bent down and kissed Erik. And slowly lifted myself so I could start to ride him. I only ever pulled halfway off him, because the thick part of his cock was knotted inside me and wouldn't pull past my protesting butt hole. But I must say, the tug on my hole from the inside was an amazing feeling. Slowly we worked up a rhythm, and between that and poppers, I suddenly found myself getting fucked steadily by Erik's dick. Even though my asshole was still on fire, the pain was slowly giving way to pleasure. Incredible pleasure. The thick part of his cock was like a Mack truck driving over my prostate with every stroke, and the sheer volume of cock moving in and out of me was making every inch of my body quake and tingle. We eventually, slowly, rolled over so that I was on my back, legs spread and in the air and he was on top. We did this maneuver completely without disengaging his cock from my hole. Erik liked the leverage he could get in this position and we could also kiss more easily-- which we did. Erik set up a steady rhythm of pumping my hole while we kissed and sucked each other's tongue. If I listened, I could hear Josh and Rob really putting on a show now. Josh was shouting things like, "Take my cock, bitch!" as Rob answered with the scream "Oh God! Oh God! Ah! Ah! Ahhh!" over and over. I thought that once Erik was in me, I would give them some verbal back in return, to get some revenge on Josh. But it just didn't feel right anymore. What Erik and I were doing was far too intimate, and I was content to stay quiet. So was he. From the angle that Erik was fucking, and from the size of his cock, he was edging me closer and closer to orgasm with every thrust. I could feel it building slowly... from the inside. Deep inside. I wasn't even touching my cock, but I knew that I was minutes, perhaps seconds, away from cumming. I was trying to delay it with snorts of poppers, but to no avail. Thankfully at about that time, I hear Josh shout, "Fuuuck, I'm getting close! Your ass gonna take my load, bitch?" I whispered "Erik, you are getting me really close. You keep fucking me, and I'm gonna cum." Rob meanwhile shouted between grunts, "Ugh! Fuck me! Ugh! Give me that cum!" "I'm really close too," Erik said as he kept fucking me. I heard Josh's now-familiar, animalistic "rrrrrRRRRR-UGGGH! UGGGH! UGGGGGGHHH!" as he started cumming inside Rob's hole. "Oh God, just don't stop fucking me, Erik!" was all I managed to say grunt as the cum started spewing from my cock in streams across my belly. "Oh FUCK, I can feel you cumming! It's gonna make me shoot!" shouted Rob as he starts grunting repeatedly. I was staring up at Erik, as he looked down at me with a mixed look of sexual passion and concern. "Oh no... I can't stop. Oh God, I can't stop it. I can't..." Erik stopped pumping, his breath caught, and that's when I felt it. I felt Erik's ridiculously hard and thick cock start to throb as it was parked motionless inside my ass, stretching my hole even further with every pulse. His prodigious, positive load filling my guts. He shuddered, his breath ragged as his cock charged my insides. "Oh shit! Oh I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Erik kept repeating. I hushed him with a kiss as his cock occasionally still twitched in my rectum. As we kissed, I heard the shower start and I knew that Rob and Josh were getting cleaned up. We stopped kissing, Erik looked at me and said, "What are we gonna do?" "About what?" I said. "This never happened. They fucked, we didn't. We just talked and waited for them to finish. Sound good?" "But... I came in you. And I'm poz. What about you? What about Josh??" "You let me worry about me. I begged you not to stop fucking me. And that thick cock of yours wasn't coming out again til you went limp. Besides... you liked fucking me raw, didn't you? Tell me the truth." "It was fucking amazing," he said. "I felt so... connected... to you. I kinda want to do it again." "And I gotta admit I loved feeling you cum inside me. I think I've wanted it for a long time. How about we leave you inside me, pretend to be asleep, and make those two sleep together tonight so we can fuck again" I suggested. So that's just what we did. We rotated around so that Erik was behind me, spooning, and we covered up. Josh came in a few minutes later and we pretended to be asleep. Josh tapped me to wake me up. I groggily said Erik was passed out and that I was pissed, and I wasn't waking him up. Then I told him to go crash with Rob. Josh said "Whatever" and walked out. Erik bred me twice more-- never pulling out his cock til the very end. Once later that night after we dozed a bit, and once in the morning before Josh and Rob got up. By the last fuck, Erik was long dicking me with his whole cock - the thick part punching past my hole and driving me wild with the most intense fuck pleasure I'd ever experienced. When Erik finally did pull out of me I felt so empty inside. And I don't mean just my ass. I felt like crying. Plus, my asshole hurt like it had never hurt after a fuck session; I was totally torn up. The sheets could attest to this fact, as they were a blood and cum stained mess. And even though Erik was positive, I was bound and determined to keep as much of him inside me for as long as I could. We all had a tense, hung over breakfast and said our terse goodbyes soon after. I broke up with Josh after our drive home, citing his immature behavior, but knowing it was because I didn't want to be the one to infect him. As I knew my negative days were probably over.
    1 point
  7. I always felt a bit inexperienced, maybe that was why I rarely tried to hook up at all. I thought I'd mess it all up or not know what to do. I am only 18 but still, I wanted to not disappoint the expectations people were bound to have for a hot date. I was already on my third load while watching some hot porns, but today my libido would not settle down. I think I needed the real thing. I was online in a flash, but I had no idea what site was best but I settled for adam4adam. Being a rare sight online did have its perks, you got lightning fast responses and instant interest. A 42-year old muscled massage therapist hit me up (at least he claimed to be in the profile when I took a look.) He asked if I minded older men who liked submissive boys. I admit I never gave much thought to top, bottom, and the in-betweens but his question caused my dick to stiffen. Must be a sign. "Yeah, I'm down for that," I replied, pondering where we'd fuck. I couldn't do it at my parents house. Hopefully this guy could host and was close by. "Can't host, and I'm guessing you can't either." His next e-mail confirmed the worst case scenario. I thought it was all over, I told him sorry and maybe another time. "Hold on there boy, daddy isn't finished with you yet. Send me your address, I'm in your part of the neighborhood, get that hole ready and be outside in 10 minutes, and no matter where you're at, I'll be there." I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. He seemed determined and excited to meet me. I was just a skinny gamer dork, though often people remarked I'm much more attractive than I seem to realize. I was considering this as I got ready and it seemed like a mere instant before I was outside and a sleek black mercedes with tinted windows was pulling up before me. I glanced around nervously incase I got it wrong, but the window lowered to show a grinning dark haired man with a handsome square jaw and traces of silver hair through his beard. The smiling blue eyes were enough to make ice melt, this was definitely the guy. "Hey boy, ready to please your daddy?" He questioned as he patted the passenger seat next to him. I went around and got in as shy as can be, I couldn't even answer him. I must've been blushing. "Mmm, don't worry boy, daddy is going to take care of you," a strong masculine hand reached over to massage my left shoulder tenderly. His fingers were like magic as he worked that hand across from my shoulder, to my neck, and then down the mid of my back. I completely relaxed, even when that same hand stuffed itself down into my shorts and his strong insistent fingers invaded my hole and pushed me forward a bit to give him easier access. "Ah...I didn't bring lube," I admitted suddenly, realizing I had some as his fingers worked at me roughly. "Don't you worry about that," the blue-eyed sex god whispered in a sensual voice, "I'm gonna take of that hole." That's when we stopped. I looked around not realizing that we were in the parking lot of a public park that was closed by this time of day. I looked at him questioningly. "You're going to service daddy right here and now boy, my cock needs to unload," and before I knew it I was face down in his jean covered crotch as he unbuckled and unzipped to reveal his cock which I couldn't remember the size of from the brief time I glanced at his profile. "Oh God..." I mumbled as I sucked gently on the stiff cock that was still hidden beneath his boxer-briefs. It looked massive. "That Cock is going to be your God boy as long as your servicing it with your holes," daddy told me in a matter of fact tone. I had a feeling this wasn't a man you said no to. His 9 1/2 inch circumcised dick was out and already dribbling long trails of pre-cum. His underwear had huge wet spots from the short drive over to the park. I couldn't believe I was doing this, I never took anything that huge before...and without lube? He couldn't really plan to put that in my ass? He coaxed my mouth over his thick head and used a hand to shove my head down so that I took nearly half his shaft before gagging and trying to resist. He continued to keep me in place, until I relaxed a bit and he could drive more of his cock into my throat and with his free hand he went to my hole and began to probe once more. My throat felt like it was a rubber band that had been stretched all out of shape. His cock was so thick I was sure he could probably see exactly how far down my throat it was. My eyes were watering and I could barely gasp enough air between his thrusts and deep throating to handle what he was doing to me. "Can't deep-throat daddies cock to make it cum boy?" An evil and greedy glint came to his eye, "Then your sweet cunt hole is going to pleasure this dick instead." I tried to apologize, to say I'd do better...but he placed his index finger firmly against my lips and just said, "Shhhhh." "Get on your knees in the backseat, look out the rear window and stay that way after you lower your shorts so I can see that ass," he ordered. I wordlessly complied, I wasn't sure what would happen if I tried to question the instructions. My hole felt so vulnerable in the air conditioned car when my shorts were pulled down. I heard him climb from upfront to position himself behind me, he grabbed my hands forcibly and put them in front of me, "You leave those there, you don't do anything. Daddy's in charge now." He shoved my legs apart with his knees and a firm hand pushed against the small of my back arching it slightly so that my butt poked out a bit further and my hole felt more open and exposed. "D-do you have a condom?" I asked nervously, I was almost surprised I even remembered to question him, I was so nervous about even handling it. "Yeah I have a condom," I heard and felt him spit right onto my hole and then another sound of him spitting, probably for his own cock. That monstrous piece of meat was pressed against my sphincter quickly and with both his hands on my hips he pushed me back onto it and down slowly. I squirmed uncomfortably, trying to ease back off it...it got so thick so fast I thought I'd rip open without lube. "Where you think that hole is going?" Daddy growled, he kept pulling me down but now he also rose to greet my hole too and his cock popped suddenly and forcibly into my hole. "AHHH!! OH GOD!" I cried out trying to get away now in earnest. My hole was on fire and I thought his cock felt like there was nothing on it. I tried to turn around to see but that's when a strong hand clamped on the back of my neck. "You look straight ahead fuck toy," he barked, "You are my property now, you don't act, you don't think. You just take this dick til I'm done with that boy pussy." I made a soft noise of protest, but I complied, relaxing somewhat. His cock slowly eased further into me, and the burning sensation subsided. "Good fucking bitch boy," he commended me. My reward was a sharp and deep thrust upward that plunged him fully into my unsuspecting hole. I swear, it was like a kidney moved out of the way in order to make room for that cock inside me. The hand that was on the back of my neck now moved to my throat as I cried out. He squeezed firmly and deliberately choking me into silence. I still tried to make another noise of protest and turn to face him...I quickly regretted that. The second hand came to join the other and both now choked me harder til I was submissive and he pulled back on my neck as he choked so that I arched my back more and opened more of my hole to his greedy cock that was eagerly pumping me. Things were starting to get hazy, I could feel my hole was really wet for some reason like it had been lubed up. Did he really pre-cum that much? Fuck. If that was pre-cum he was in me raw...but it didn't matter. I couldn't do anything with that death-grip controlling me like the reigns for a horse. I could see in the rearview mirror up front his firm hard body pumping me, and the ass that had a tan line from his days on the beach or maybe working outside. Maybe if my hole didn't feel like it was never going to be tight again I could have enjoyed the sight of him fucking my ass...this fucking Sex Beast of a man. His thrusts became jackhammer hard, I could breathe again as he let go of my neck and put one hand to my hip again to keep it firmly in the position he seemed to like the most, which was the one where my hole was tilted upwards a bit so the curve of his cock could hit this sweet spot inside my ass I had no idea was there... his other hand worked his fingers into my mouth forcing me to suck on them. I didn't realize doing that would make me open my hole more. "Now you're ready boy," he leaned in as he impaled me viciously and bit onto my neck. It was hot even as it hurt, but I saw why he did it. His cock swelled even more as he must've been getting close to coming, it was easily 10 inches at this point hit painful spots in my ass that seemed to feel extraordinarily good to him. His clamping down on my neck kept me from moving anywhere as much as it hurt and as much as I felt more and more like he was just using my ass because it was inexperienced and young to fuck. I wondered if I was really just a hole to him like he said earlier. He didn't care if I got off or enjoyed his cock...though I know on some level I was enjoying his cock. He just wanted to get off and I was the sap who let him inside. "Please," I begged, "Tell me you have a condom on." He began to grunt and lead into me hard, slamming my hole with such force I felt like it was a shockwave going through my entire body and numbing my boy hole completely. I moaned with the strangest sense of pleasure through all that pain and worry. He kept thrusting deep and purposefully, his cock kept moving to other places in my hole with each thrust spreading what I could feel was his load. I couldn't just be imagining it, there was so much and it was so warm. "Boy I told you," he said with the hint of a laugh in his tone, "I have a condom. It's you."
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  8. Ultimate Stealth Being an independent contractor, I have to go where the work is, and I accepted a six month contract to work in Tampa, FL. I hired my partner to be my helper in the work, as I commonly do when I have to work out of town. We are each Poz, and we are nearing the point where we will need to go on meds, as our counts are getting high. But I expect we have about a year of still being potent. I tell you this because we enjoy being gifters, openly or by stealth. We’ve each knocked up about 20 men, and we were talking about how we might get that number higher during the time we were on contract. We decided to create new profiles on all the sex sites we use, new screen names, and to list ourselves as Neg and Safe Sex Only. We found a nice apartment on North Dale Mabry and rented sufficient furniture and made the second bedroom into our playroom, installing the one piece of furniture from home we had to bring with us, our big sling. This has seen years of use, and we are so glad we got the springs that make hard fucking such a pleasure. We also have a big mirror that we mount on top, not the little fish eye mirror some sites offer, but one almost as big as the sling stand itself. If the spotlight we clamp on the side is in the right place, the bottom can watch that cock disappear in his ass just like he was watching porn. So many men tell us that is one of the things they enjoy when we fuck them, after our big thick cocks. I think mine is thicker, but Johnny’s is just a bit longer, with a nice point that seeks out second sphincters so well. I don’t need to tell you how much we love to tag team breed in that sling. Each will fuck till he gets close, then the other takes over, and the fuck seems to go on forever. Plus we like to keep the head of the sling low, so the mouth of the bottom is at cock level. He can just turn his head and keep the next fucker sucked up hard and slick. Now eventually any breeding top will spew in his bottom’s hole, and then the other gets to fuck in his cum and plant his load on top. I love to pop a tight hole open and fuck him till I plant my load, but I also love to slide in on the warm blanket of another man’s cum. Seeing that white ring of cum around my shaft as I fuck is as much a turn-on as that marvelous feel of warm cum as the lube, a warm glove around my shaft as I fuck and breed ass. There is no better fuck lube than another man’s cum. And after I plant my load I always present my cummy cock to the bottom, so he can suck it clean and get to taste the cum of the various men that have given him their loads. I’m sure most of you know the pleasure and excitement of finding a Neg bottom that wants to convert. He will be so excited about it that he’s practically fucking himself on your Poz cock. The first man I ever knocked up was stiff as a poker the whole fuck, and when I told him it was the moment of conversion when he felt my Poz cock spasm in his ass, filling him with my poison seed, his cock exploded and shot cum over his head without him touching it. I’ve done lots of conversion scenes, and they all make me stiff thinking about them. But the ones that make my stiff cock drip are the ones I fucked and bred that didn’t know I was Poz and giving them dirty loads. I think stealth gifters are probably the dirtiest fuckers I know. And the worst ones are the ones that pass themselves off as Neg and Safe. And I guess that makes me a really dirty fucking bastard, ‘cause that’s what I do. So we got moved in and set up and found the local places, but as usual, most of the action came off the net. In order to set it up, we made sure to buy a big box of condoms, something we’ve never had to do before. And we got gloves for fisting, something else we’ve never had to do. But buying them was not nearly as bad as having to use them. But it was necessary to set the scene, so we did it. We had many men over and made sure they were safe as they did for us, and we were very careful to always use rubbers when we fucked them, and gloves for the few that wanted to fist. And after a month, we had a pretty good clientele. We had discussed how we might make the change from safe to raw play, and we decided we would wait and let the bottoms ask first, so we wouldn’t show our hand in the game. And sure enough, after about a month, they began to ask. And we refused, as that was not safe. We wanted to wait until about six weeks before we were to leave to begin playing raw, so that if anyone tested Poz, we would be long gone by that time. And the plan worked perfectly. The bottoms kept asking, can’t we play raw, since we’re all safe, and we used the standard speech, we don’t know where you’ve been or who you’ve played with, and they used the standard speech, only the bottom is at risk, the tops never get it, only bottoms get AIDS fucked up their ass. So slowly, about three months into the game, we began to give in. We would fuck safe with a man for the first loads, and then play raw at the end, when we were mostly out of cum and it was very unlikely that anyone would be infected. But we also began to plan our big party. By this time we had our targets in mind. Besides the single men, there was one Daddy that had a Boy and sometimes would bring some other Boys along. We wanted to nail Daddy, if possible, so if we didn’t get his Boys, he would, as he would often breed them, knowing they didn’t play raw with other men. So six weeks prior to the end of my contract, we set up the party. In our regular play we let them bring up the possibility of making this a bareback party, as we were all safe. And of course we refused at first, finally giving in to them. “OK, if that’s what you want, since we know we are all safe, we will do it bareback.” The week prior we both had to be good and not fuck with each other or anyone else, so our balls would be as full of dirty Poz cum as possible. We set the party for a Saturday night, and invited Daddy and his Boy, and he would bring two other Boys, so we each could have one to start with, and then trade around. And the times we were with Daddy prior to this, we made sure to include him in the rimming, so he was accustomed to us rimming his ass, just to warm him up or while he was fucking. After a while he got to enjoy it, which is what we wanted. When it got to the point that he would offer us his ass for rimming just before he would start to fuck his Boy, we knew we had our man. When the given Saturday arrived, we skipped dinner after a light lunch and took Viagra, so we knew we would stay UP for all the action ahead of us. By the time the men arrived we were both about to bust to breed ass, so after we’d all had a beer and gotten naked, we were very glad when the Boys started to suck the Dads. And we made sure to rim all the Boys well, so that rimming became part of the fuck ritual. I was fortunate to get Daddy’s Boy first; Johnny got one of the others and Daddy got the odd Boy out. I got Daddy’s Boy in the sling and made sure he had his poppers as I ate his ass, and I ate it even longer than normal, so he was begging for my dick. And all that spit made it easy to slide home raw in that cute tight ass. He really was a great Boy for Dad, but all I was thinking about at this point was trying not to spurt too early. I wanted to give him a long hard fuck and wear his ass out good, so the Poz cum I would inject would take. So I started out slow and easy, and then would build it up and really begin to pound his ass, which he loves, and then I would back off and play with his ass lips on the head of my cock, again till he would beg me to fuck him hard. After several times of soft and easy and then hard pounding, I knew I was getting to the point that I couldn’t take it much longer. I looked around and saw Johnny fucking one of the Boys on the bed, and Daddy had another Boy on the opposite side, so the Boys were kissing each other while the Dads had their legs over their shoulders. I think Dad hit the point of no return first and planted his load. “Damn, don’t it feel good to breed a Boy’s ass!” he shouted as he spurted his load. And about that time Johnny let go his dirty load, and he just looked at me and smiled that dirty breeder look while he dumped his poison load in. So it was my turn, and I increased my tempo and fucked that Boy as hard as I’ve ever fucked any man, and felt my dirty cock spew as I gave him the poison load that he will never forget. He was telling me how good it felt to have a man cum in his ass, but he was preaching to the choir; I’ve heard that so many times, and I’ve told every one of them, once you take a load raw, you’ll never want another rubber in your ass, you want cum! We all had to take a break after that, so we sat around drinking beer and smoking till the Boys started sucking dick again. I had told Johnny beforehand that we would each knock up a Boy, and then in the next round, he would knock up the Boy that didn’t get any Poz cum the first time, and I would go after Dad. So Johnny went after the Boy that still needed his Poz load, and Dad went after the one that got Johnny’s load, and that left me with Dad’s Boy again. I was letting him suck me and playing with his ass; he knew I had already had him, so he was biding time till Johnny could have a turn at his ass. But I was aiming for Dad. I got down behind Dad as he was fucking the Boy with the Poz cum in his ass, and began to rim him as he fucked ass. He pulled out a little to give me a better target, as he knew the rimming helped him get stiff to fuck again. And then he resumed fucking, and with the help of the rimming, it wasn’t long before he planted his second load. This time when the Boys went out with Johnny for beer and smoke time, I made sure that Dad stayed back, as I sucked his cock clean and just generally made him feel comfortable on the bed. I had him lie back with his legs over the end of the bed, and finished tongue cleaning up his bush and balls, and then I put his legs on my shoulders and began to rim him again. I knew this would turn him on, and despite having planted two loads in a relatively short time, he was beginning to get stiff again. Funny thing, a man’s tongue in your asshole will do that to you. So I’m slobbering all over his ass and making love to his hole, and he raised his legs off my shoulders to give me better access. I couldn’t have asked for a better path to my target. At the edge of the bed I had put a small container of Crisco, and I was greasing my cock up, and despite having planted a load earlier, the thought of knocking up Daddy had my cock stiff and dripping. So when Daddy was holding his legs up and moving his ass on my tongue, I knew this was my chance. I got up as quickly as I could, and I stuck my greasy cockhead up his ass. The pop of the cockhead parting ass sure got his attention, so I leaned over him to begin kissing him, pressing his legs to his chest, and forcing my cock up his ass. I had greased up well, so I just slid home after popping open that tight hole. He was trying to protest and get me off, but I was telling him how wonderful he was, what a man he was, all the things you say to a man to get in his ass. And I think he was actually enjoying it, as he started kissing me back and stopped resisting as I began to work my cock in till I was balls deep. I imagine Daddy had been fucked before, as just about every gay man has been at some point in his life. He may not like it, but he will accept it. I always say “When you open your body to the root of his manhood, both receive pleasure!” And though I may not enjoy having the shit fucked out of me, I do like to feel a man inside me sometimes. And having the Boys out of the room removed any feel of shame he might have felt if his Boy had been there watching. And after I got going I could tell he was getting into it, even though I bet he would never admit it. But my problem was how excited I was; I knew I couldn’t keep this up much longer, as I was so hot to breed this man with my Poz cum. So our fuck was not long, but I ended it with a very hot and heavy slap-ass breeding that I hoped would do the job. I sure did enjoy watching his face filled with pleasure as I filled his ass with my poison cum. One of the problems with stealth breeding is you get too excited doing it and cum too soon. When I pulled out I felched around his ass to clean up any drips, so that the Boys wouldn’t see he had taken a load, but I didn’t suck any Poz cum out, I wanted it to stay in there and take hold. I suggested we go join the others after a last kiss and thanks for a hot fuck. We went in and found the Boys about to drag Johnny back in for another round, so we let them go play for a while I had a smoke and Dad had a beer. Then after a long enough pause to recharge, we went back in. Johnny was fucking Dad’s Boy in the sling and the other two were fucking each other, but when we came back in they untangled and the one I had not yet fucked sucked me and I got in him while the other did the same to Dad. I think each Boy had two loads by this point, and I had fired so hard and deep that I doubted I had any cum left, but I had a stiff Viagra dick that was loving fucking in the cum in his kid’s ass and I did my best to work it in good and hard, even if I couldn’t add any more but a dribble of demon seed into it. We finally gave up late in the night/early morning, and Dad and the Boys left us to collapse and recuperate. But before they left we made plans for a going away party the last Saturday we were to be there. And what a party that was. Dad came back with the two Boys, and we invited all the men we had been fucking raw, and they all came except one that had the flu (we hoped it was the Poz fuck flu). Johnny and I held off the week prior, again so that our balls were full, and we tried to nail the ones we were not sure of. There were a couple of guys with the sniffles, so we were getting out of town just in time. After we left as many men as possible dripping our poison cum, we packed up the sling and stole away in the night, deleting our profiles and our screen names and changing our email addresses and profiles back to what they had been before: Poz breeders, dirty raw fuckers, only plant our loads, no condoms allowed! And if you’re interested in converting, talk to us! Jerry Prince 11/9/12
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  9. Question for bottoms... When a guy is shooting his load, do you like him to be loud or just unload? I've had guys who were so loud, it killed the moment. I've had guys who were quiet but so intent on coming that the intensity in their movements and eyes made me come without touching myself. I prefer that over a loud comer any day. Am I alone in this?
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  10. It started innocently enough. The security guard where I work was driving me out to my car since I get out off in the middle of the night and safety in our parking lot tends to be an issue at that time. Generally it was a short drive, only giving us time for very short conversations, usually involving the weather or the phase that the moon appeared to be in. I had always thought he was a hot guy, probably an ex-cop. He was late 40’s, 5’11” and had the remnants of a guy that had done a lot of lifting in the gym in his 20’s. One night, however, I had ended up parking in a far lot due to some construction in the lot I normally parked in. Once we had exhausted the weather, the conversation turned to our personal lives where he ended up discovering that I was gay. I’m out at work and don’t generally hide the fact that I’m gay from people and didn’t think anything about our conversation until the next night. He picked me up as normal and instead of talking about the weather he started right in on me being gay, not derogatory, but more inquisitive. This continued every night for the next two weeks, then one night I hopped into the security pickup with him and caught my thin scrubs on the latch of the pickup, ripping out the side seam and exposing my right ass cheek. I got in and while he drove me to my car I examined how mangled my scrubs were and while doing so he took notice that I was wearing a thong. This must have excited him, because by the time we had reached my car his pants were stretched tight against his erection. He rubbed he dick through his pants, trying to reposition it so I wouldn’t notice. Seeing his dick get hard made my dick get hard and he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. “I hear you gay guys are good at sucking cock.” “Well, I guess most of us probably are. Guess you’d have to let me suck yours and make your own opinion.” That’s all it took and he had his pants unzipped and his cock at full mast. I went down in his cock, which wasn’t easy considering how thick it was. It easily rivaled a beer can in girth. As I sucked him through the fly in his uniform, he put his hands inside the ripped seam in my scrubs and rubbed my ass. Occasionally he’d pull the thong to one side and touch my hole. While I was sucking him I extracted his enormous long balls from his pants and pulled on them slightly. Apparently none of the women he’d ever been with had pulled this maneuver and in no time he was flooding my mouth with cum. Once he started to go soft he pushed me aside, tucked his junk back in his tighty whities, zipped up and told me he had to get going to do his security checks. I was fine with being used for his pleasure. For the next couple of weeks I kept parking in the far lot where there was less chance of anyone seeing us and every night he would give me a hot load. As he got more comfortable with the fact that he liked being serviced by a guy he got more daring with my ass. At first he’d just rub the cheeks, maybe tap my hole a little, but then it got bolder and started licking his fingers and inserting them in my ass. One night after giving me another huge creamy load he said that the next time he saw me he wanted me to bring some lube with me and make sure my ass was clean. As instructed, the next time I worked I made sure my ass was clean and brought along a sample size of lube. As usual, we drove to my car and I blew him, but this time he inserted an entire finger, then another, then another, until he had three of his fat fingers going in and out of my hole. Just as he was about to cum I clenched my ass and held around his fingers. This really turned him on and he shot the biggest load in my mouth to date. Once he had started to go soft in my mouth he, took his fingers out of my ass and wiped the lube on my shirt. “Tomorrow night, in addition to the instructions you had for tonight, make sure you call me and I’ll walk you out.” Again, I did as instructed and called him when I was ready to leave. He met me by the elevators and when we got he pressed the button for the basement. As the elevator descended the erections in both our pants grew. We got out of the elevator and he led me through a bunch of different doors until we got to a deserted area of the basement. He took out his bundle of keys and unlocked a door to an empty janitor’s closet that had a big wash sink and a drain in the floor. “Take off all your clothes.” I took off everything, but when he saw that I had opted to wear a jockstrap for the evening he stopped me from taking it off, saying “Get over in the corner by that drain.” I went over and stood in the corner and he put his hand on my shoulder forcing me to a squatting position. He then took out his big hard cock. “Open your mouth faggot.” I opened my mouth just in time for him to release a golden stream of piss into it. Much to his surprise I closed my mouth around his cock and didn’t spill a drop. Just to show his dominance he took his cock out and squirted my face with the last bit of piss left in him. “Get up, get the lube and lean over the sink.” I retrieved it and leaned over the stained basin. With his teeth, he tore open the little packet, squirted the majority of its contents all over his cock and then what little was left he rubbed around on my asshole. He then line up his thick cock with my ass and, without saying a word, shoved the entire length into my ass. I let out a little whimper as his big balls swung into me. He grabbed my face and turned it towards him. “Shut the fuck up and don’t make another sound.” Once he was sure I would make any more noise he started to assault my asshole in a way that made me think that he had been thinking about doing this to me for some time now. It only lasted for about five minutes, but after he had cum in me and started to go soft, he pulled his dick out leaving my hole gaping. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t get my hole to close. Using my hair, he pulled my mouth onto his cock and instructed me to clean it off. Once that was done he pulled out two zip ties from his belt. One he put around the plumbing behind the faucet and the other he put around my wrist and looped the two together, effectively tying me to the sink. “The last guy will cut you loose when he’s done with you.” With that he zipped up and left me in the room alone in the dark. I could hear the key in the door locking me in. It was a few minutes later when a set of keys jingled outside and the light was turned back on by a very hot janitor I had fantasized about for months. He was mid-40’s, 6’4” and spoke with a heavy Slavic accent. He stuck a finger in his mouth and then in my ass to see how loose the security guard had left me. He played with my ass for a few minutes while he rubbed the engorged cock in his brown uniform pants. He didn’t say anything, just a few “mmmm’s”. Suddenly he unzipped his pants, pulled his underwear to one side and let his cock spring forth from his pants. It wasn’t quite as thick as the guard’s, but it was easily four inches longer and uncut. Without saying anything, he spit on my hole and spit on his cock, then he started full-on fucking me. There was no getting used to it, no pause, just in and out like he was using a jack-off toy. He kept up his pace for 15 minutes or so until he grunted and I could feel streams of cum being released inside me. He then yanked his cock out of my ass and came up to the sink. He instructed me to open my mouth and proceeded to piss in my mouth and all over my face. When he was done, he went over, picked up my undershirt and wiped his cock off. Then I was left alone again in the dark, hearing the familiar sounds of a key locking me in. After a few minutes another janitor came in. This one was in his 50’s, 6’2”, skinny with a full beard and mustache. He was yawning and he entered the room. He immediately had a finger in my ass. “Nice.” He yawned again. “Sorry, end of my shift. Had to come in and get a piece of this after hearing how good you were.” He took a pair of snips from his back pocket and released me from the zip tie. “I’ve had a rough night; think I’ll let you do all the work.” With that said he undid his pants, pushed them down to his ankles and lay down on the floor. “Come on; work this load out of my balls.” I knelt down between his legs and started sucking his big uncut cock and was pleasantly surprised to find a PA hidden under the foreskin. Only thing I love more than foreskin is a PA with it. As soon as I had his fat cock hard I squatted over it and rode him and hard as I could, squeezing my insides over the balls on his PA. It didn’t take long before I was cumming in my jockstrap without ever having touched my cock. The clenching from my orgasm resulted in him letting loose inside me. I sat there for a minute, relishing the cock in me. Finally he got up and let me clean his cock for him. When we were done he told me I was free to go. I got dressed and found my way out of the basement and back to my car. When I got home I was still so horny from what had happened I squeezed some of the cum out of my ass and jacked off thinking about the three men that had unloaded in me.
    1 point
  11. Just finished up with one of my busiest and sex-filled weekends in a long time and got some great fun along the way. Even started to notice a big bruise on my right chest -- hopefully it's the result of hot sex this weekend, but damned if I know how I got it. Friday started with a 20-year-old athletic black top coming to my place. We'd been trying to meet up for months after chatting on A4A, and the wait was worth it. Flat on my back, legs in the air and feeling his arms and abs as he pumped his 9 inches steadily, it wasn't long before we both erupted. Load No. 1 complete. With my roommate at work for a few more hours, I wanted to make the most of having the house to myself, so I hit up a FB that I've seen probably 8 or 10 times now. Tall, well-built white guy and packing 8 1/2 inches himself and gets rock hard without even trying. He lasts about 15 minutes, and after trying to hold off longer, couldn't hold it and shot deep. Saturday mid-afternoon I got a text from last night's 20-year-old black top. He was bored at home and watching football, and he said the games were making him want to fuck. So with the roommate at a concert downtown, I invite the kid over and we have an exact repeat of last night. Same position, same everything, and it was perfect. That night I had plans to meet a committed couple who I'd been wanting to be with for months. Work schedules always got in the way, but we finally made firm plans to meet at their place. Both versatile tops, mid-40s, both on the bear-ish side, which is a fun change of pace for me lately. I get there and we all immediately click, talking about football and just casual chit-chat over a glass of wine. Finally the clothes come off, and they both take turns tagging my ass. They'd said earlier that they were both undetectable, and neither wanted condoms, so I obliged. One had a PA, which felt amazing, the other had pierced nipples that I couldn't stop pinching and fondling the entire time (and he loved it). Between the two of them, they probably spent 45 minutes fucking me before finally shooting. We laid in bed for another 30 minutes making chit chat before I left. We agreed that we definitely want this to happen again. Even though my ass was starting to feel a bit sore at this point, I hopped on Grindr just to see who was on, and immediately a 25-year-old hit me up. Cute enough guy, white, 25 or 26, said he was vers and looking for company. I wasn't far away at that point, so I headed his way. I knock on the door and turn the knob and immediately see him sucking the dick of a beautiful black kid, probably 21 or 22 I'd guess. So while the host sucked, I walked in and didn't say a word as I stripped the hot kid's shirt off and start running my fingers up and down his abs and chest while I kissed his neck. He had to be at least 9 or 10 inches and easily the thickest beer-can dick I've seen in a while. I don't have a lot of experience in 3-ways, so I'm not sure exactly what etiquette is, but after about 10 or 15 minutes of watching the other guy suck his dick, I was ready to get pounded (my assumption was that the hot kid was a top, or at least versatile). So I suggested we all head to the bedroom, and while the host stopped off in the bathroom, I laid down on my back and watched as the hot kid slid up between my legs, spit on his deck, lifted my legs over his shoulders and slowly pushed inside me. He felt amazing, and with my ass already lubed from the earlier tops, he felt smooth as silk. The host walked into the room within about 2 minutes, laid down beside me and started lubing his ass. The hot kid took the hint, pulled out and went to slowly push into the host, but that didn't last long. After about 30 seconds of trying, the host said he couldn't take it because it was too big. So the hot kid moved back to me while the host jerked off watching my ass get stretched and worked over by the hot kid's tool. Within about 10 minutes his pace picked up, and he asked if he could cum in me. Of course, I said yes, and felt him shoot probably the biggest load I've had all weekend. He pulled out and walked into the bathroom, and next thing I know the host has his face and tongue buried in my ass and licking out the day's results. Little did he know he was sucking out 4 loads from that day, not just one. After all that, I was exhausted and ready to go home and collapse. Today, my ass is definitely sore, but I wouldn't trade a minute of it.
    1 point
  12. I agree that sometimes the guy is too loud and it kills the moment. I rather have him voice his pleasure or tell me I'm being knocked up or quiet. His thrust and intensity is far more a turn on than a Tarzan howl.
    1 point
  13. I don't really so much get "horny" as I go into heat, everyone knows that I'm looking to be fucked or that I'm being fucked. My biggest turn offs are guys who treat bookstores like a church or a social gathering. On the one hand, I get you are there for some cock worship, but, porn. It's right there, volume turned up. What's one more chorus of "fuck me," "I'm going to cum in you," stall wall shaking, belt clanging going to do? On the other hand, I get that historically bookstores and bathhouses were pseudo community centers. But could you take the conversation about your new furniture, broken down car, shitty ex, etc. somewhere else? And also, not look at me like you just suffered listening to me enjoy some dick.
    1 point
  14. I took a load from a fb with a bbc, kept his load in all night.
    1 point
  15. Reminds me of my childhood.....except it was my uncle
    1 point
  16. Nothing like a HOT hole to keep guys CUMMING back for more!
    1 point
  17. Wish a Plowman would drop in on me and fuck me silly. Luv to sniff that tangy jockstrap of his, too. Can't wait for Dad and the boys to return to plow and plant more "seeds."
    1 point
  18. When I was in Columbus I received an response from an OSU student. He was 20 6'1" 200 and said he was straight. He also said he was horny and wanted to fuck a man in the ass. He asked if I would leave the door open so he could just come in the room Now usually this to me is a phony. But he said he would be there in 10 minutes so I thought what the heck. I set door open and laid on my stomach bare ass. Well actually in about 12 minutes I heard the door open. I felt a hand on my ass feeling my hole. He then said hi and was I ready. He then said he did not have a condom but would I mind it bare. He said he was dd free and hadn't had sex in a month. In he went. He said it was tighter than his girl friends pussy. He was going to town when he said he was getting close. I then pulled him deep and held his legs so he could not pull out. He moaned loud and then came deep in me. He pumped three or four times. He went soft and fell out. He then got up wiped his Dick and but his shorts back on. He said thanks and left. I could feel my ass leaking his cum and al over my ass. A young buck full of cum now empty in me
    1 point
  19. I am a cum hole but I DO want pleasure. That being said, please deposit cum kindly sir and if I cummy in my jockstrap when you fuck me, you've definitely done your job!
    1 point
  20. As my nam I lies. I want that seed in me. I'm a cumwhore, I don't want a drop wasted. Leave it in my pussy or mouth, that's where it belongs.
    1 point
  21. If i'm taking your bare cock in my ass then I expect you to shoot inside me. Simple.
    1 point
  22. If you are fucking me bareback I expect your cum in my ass. But I love when a top asks if he can breed me, because I beg for his load and he usually pounds harder.
    1 point
  23. Yeah.. I agree with most of what the others have already said.. If I'm going in or having a guy go in me bareback, it's a given that the load is going inside. What's the point of barebacking if you dont take/give the load? Now if someone were to ask me to pull out before I came, then I would. Wouldn't be happy about it, but I'm not going to make them do something they don't feel comfortable doing. I'm not about wasting the seed. It needs a warm, wet place to accept it and let it breed. That's what it's all about.
    1 point
  24. I would not let someone in me bareback unless I was cool with them breeding me. To expect the top to ask for further permission is silly. That said, I understand that most tops will want some assurance that I am willing to take the load the first time. I try to let him know through the dirty talk during sex. All that said, one of my favorite sexual moments is when the top asks if he can cum inside, and I tell him to go for it. I love that look - total joy and satisfaction - when he knows he is free to breed.
    1 point
  25. If it's not bareback, it's not fucking......and it's not fucking if cum isn't shot in the bottom's ass!!!!!
    1 point
  26. I'm new to barebacking but definitely think if you let a guy in you bareback he should be able to cum inside you. I use to use condoms but it's just not fun and guys slip them off anyways
    1 point
  27. I assume that if the guy doesn't say anything, it's cool if I cum in his ass or mouth. I think it's a given anyway. I mean, what's the point of barebacking if you're going to ask the guy to pull out when he cums?
    1 point
  28. For me it is implied.when a guy fucks me bareback I assume he will cum in my ass. Actually that is the only way for me. Never pull out
    1 point
  29. About six weeks ago I saw an ad on GayRomeo from a guy from the north of the country who was looking for a small apartment in my (relatively new) hometown in the south. Looked at his profile: 42,Top Only, Size L dick. Relationship and safe sex fields empty. Not much else in his profile. Three pics of random body shots (no dick shot). Sent him a PM that my downstairs neighbor was about to move out shortly to live with his girlfriend and gave him contact details of the landlord and myself. Got a "thanks" back but didn't hear anything else. Even if I very likely was not his type I thought it would be nice to have another gay guy in our small complex as I still don't know any other gay guys in this town after moving there myself recently. Wednesday morning there was a guy at my door. Introduced himself as the guy from GR. Attractive nice looking man. Thanked me for the info. He liked the apartment and had been moving in (which explained the noise I'd been hearing). I introduced myself and told him to let me know if he needed help. He could use some help that afternoon. Went downstairs later when I heard him move around. Guy was dressed in show-all gym tights and tanktop. Seeing this I knew it would probably more than just moving stuff around. While doing some work he started asking questions about the town, environment, work, GayRomeo, what gay life was like here. Got personal by asking about HIV status. Then startled me by asking if I got enough dick! Guess the answer showed on my face (no). He cupped his cock and balls and asked if I wanted some (he'd seen my GR profile too). I wasn't prepared so in short I just sucked him till the last drop. Nice size cock, thick and cut (which is unusual here in NL). Afterwards he grinned and told me to come back anytime. And that was Saturday. He texted me if I wanted a drink when he got back from work (2nd day on the job). I did prepare this time. Was good that his new couch was leather because I spunked all over it when he plowed my ass (no questions about condoms). He dumped a nice load in me, patted my ass and said it was nice to have such a "friendly" neighbor. Not sure if he means that or if he just thinks it is very convenient to have a willing hole living upstairs, but I don't really care. He's on the police force and works shifts so I never know when he's home or not but I am not complaining. Never imagined I would have a hot fucker like him living so close. This is going to be fun. Attached pic is not from my new neighbor but it gives you an idea what he was wearing Wednesday afternoon and told me there would likely be more than just helping him moving stuff around.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. After passing the test with 1 guy, it was time to test me to see how I would do in a large group. I took an extra long lunch at work and made arrangements with that guy to host me for a bareback seeding for an hour during my lunch hour. I drove over on my break, in my jock ready to get fucked. I was parking when he texted me to see where I was because tops were beginning to arrive and were parking waiting for the signal. I arrived at his place, he told me to undress and lay on the bed on all 4s. he had a blindfold for me in case I wanted to use it and a marker ready to go. I figured why not, would be hot to take loads and not know who it is. I got down to my jock and layed on the bed. He came in, handed me a bottle of poppers and then wrote “cumdump” on my ass with an arrow to my hole. I could smell the marker, it was hot. Soon after that the doorbell rang, he told me to get ready for my first load. I put on my blindfold and got ready. I could hear them chatting and then someone walking down the hall…”damn man, nice ass, looks good” I felt a hand on my ass, a finger slid in my hole, and I could hear the guy taking off his pants. He bent over and licked my hole just to get it wet then slid his cock right in. The next 20 min were a blurr. It was a constant door bell ringing, guys taking off their pants, fucking my ass, seeding my hole. While one guy was fucking my ass, I had another one fucking my mouth and god knows how many waiting their turn. There was about a 7 min window where no new tops showed up. the handler took that opportunity to add his load to the mix. he shot his wad in me and added a hash mark. I had taken 10 loads up my ass so far and 2 down my throat. The doorbell rang and he told me to get ready again, I layed back down and put on my blindfold. A guy walked in, what sounded like a young kid by his voice, I couldn’t see since I was blindfolded. He started to face fuck me. he was the only one there, the handler asked him if he wanted to fuck my ass, he said no, he just wanted to fuck my mouth…he then said kid: “can I do anything to him?” handler: like what? Kid: piss in his mouth and stuff Handler: yeah but he has to drink it all, I don’t want to deal with the mess. I had never drank piss, but I was desperate to prove I was a good slut, so when the kid unleashed his stream of piss in my mouth I started swallowing like crazy. I got most of it, but some did seep out. the door bell started ringing again, and it was back to taking cock, after about another 15 min there was another break. The handler came over and looked at my ass, admiring the cream pie of cum just leaking out, I finished off my breeding session with 5 more loads. After that, everyone was ushered out and I was allowed to take the blindfold off. I had taken a total of 18 loads in my ass, and 4 down my throat, my back had all the ass loads hash marks and my chest had 4 for the oral loads. The handler took pics, he said its hotter to use these pics next time I want to be seeded. He just send out a mass text with my cummy hole asking tops to come breed me. I left, tired, full of cum, a little sore. I went back to work, gave a 1 hour presentation all the while clenching my ass, I was afraid the loads would start to leak out. hottest breeding I have had so far and look forward to more. i shortly after tested positive for the clap. totally worth it though, i would do it again.
    1 point
  32. A difficult question, not least because of the unfortunate truth that some men lie. In the USA you'd be an ideal candidate for PrEP, and I'm sure I've read of Canadian doctors prescribing truvada for off-label use as PrEP. But as you can say you can't afford the $800 per month... Really, it all hinges on how much do you trust this guy. I have HIV and I know that my viral load is low enough that I'm below the level at which I could pass it on. In fact it's a worst nightmare situation for me: my partner (also poz) was having a routine operation and the surgeon slipped resulting in one of the nurses getting sprayed with my partner's blood. I wrote Pozdaddy (it's in the Backroom Fiction section under chasing/giving) as an exercise to see if I could write and eroticise gifting. Any request to see the printouts of his blood results is going to look crass - personally I'd take offence if someone asked me that. It generally takes a viral load of 1000 to be capable of passing HIV on, though last time I used that statistic someone here commented that there has been recorded a transmission from someone with a VL of 386. The European PrEP studies are all using 200 as their undetectable marker, whereas the figure varies from 70 down to 20 in the UK depending on which hospital you use. The risk to you is much less if you're fucking him than the other way round. Is it low enough for you? Fucking after fisting may carry an extra risk because of micro-abrasions in his ass. Ultimately, it all comes down to the degree of risk you're prepared for. I used to use my motorbike as an illustration: although great fun, it's a risky form of transport. After putting tens of thousands of miles on various bikes, I had a minor accident, barely scuffing my leathers, but breaking my ankle badly enough that two years later I still need a stick to walk out of doors. To me the risk was worth it, even though I know I'll never ride again. If he truly is undetectable, then he's one of the safest fucks in town: TasP, Treatment as Protection, is the natural counterpart to PrEP. When I see my doctor I'm automatically asked about sex I've had since I was last there: nothing to gain from lying. I presume his HIV clinic has the same approach to STIs as they can complicate things with HIV. After all that, if I were HIV-, I'd go ahead and fuck him, and if someone were making me the offer I'd be reaching for the lube...
    1 point
  33. Finally hooked up with a young black guy I have been talking to on A4A all summer. He moved here to start college last week. He is slim and short and very handsome with 6-7" thick and a total bear chaser. He was a little shy at first, but I could tell he was experienced. He was a great cocksucker and worked my nipples like a pro. I sucked him too, and soon he was ready to fuck. He took me doggy style and pumped me hard. We were both hitting poppers and totally caught up in it. I was moaning and begging for his cum before he shot after an excellent 20-minute fuck. I was still horny, so I posted my standard Craigslist ad. "Looking for guys who want to fuck my ass and shoot their load inside. Evenings only. Looking to host. Send me a pic of your cock." Just as I was about to turn in, I noticed I had a reply. A construction worker in town for a job was looking for some release. I invited him over. He was about 6' and nice looking with a sturdy but not toned body. We stripped. I sucked his 7" hard, and he bent me over the bed. He kept telling me how good my tight ass made his cock feel. Pretty quickly he was asking permission to breed me which I gladly gave. I have been fucking myself with a toy and licking his load off while I typed this.
    1 point
  34. You can't call yourself a true cocksucker if you don't swallow! That's why we do it right? To get a taste of that delicious creamy sperm...? Yum!
    1 point
  35. Just got back from a porno shop a couple miles down the street, spent two hours in a booth, naked with my ass back up to a glory hole and the booth door open so other men could come in & fuck my face. I ended up taking 7 loads in my cunt & swallowing 5 more (although two came from the same guy) before I left. Most of the men who used me were older daddies, but I slurped on a hot younger guys dick half way through, he looked like he was still in high school but I wasn't gonna complain lol. My hole is still sloppy & cummy, been keeping a plug in me so I can occasionally pull it out tonight & get a taste of anon cum until it's gone. :-P
    1 point
  36. I met a guy from CL around 2 am.....he was supposed to host but when I got there...I realized he was planning to play in the public gym in his apartment complex....I was hesitant since that was not part of the plan...but he convinced me that it is safe and it will worth my while....So I gave in....He fucked me really hard on the bench press and dumped 2 loads in me.....
    1 point
  37. Haven't posted here for a while because i got bored with telling my exploits to everyone but okay yesterday afternoon i had a hot time in a club that is open in the afternoons too, So there i was in a jock & sneakers upstairs getting fucked multiple times by the same guy, He just kept coming back for more, It was hot. I was on the rubber bed face down ass up & i decided i'm gonna stay in this position & see what i get, Damn i got fucked in total 5 times within 1 hour. When i got up i could feel all those loads swimming around in my gut. It was hot.
    1 point
  38. took a load on my cycle ride today met another lycra clad cyclist in the forest who was having problem with his bike gave him some help fixing it and he started to feel my ass and then started rub his cock on my ass next thing i know he pull down my short and slide his cock up my hole and pump hard he fill me up then he got back on the bike said thanks and cycle off.
    1 point
  39. I made myself learn to piss hard. Every shower every morning I'd get myself hard--and make myself piss that first cup of tea I'd drunk to start my day. I have been able to do it ever since--the better hydrated you are, the better.
    1 point
  40. I have been barebacking for years now, I am poz. I have always wanted to do a good old fashion seeding but was always to scared to go through with it. I got the courage to do it a couple times but I live in the suburbs and getting a good crop of tops to not flake was hard. I even made a date with a fellow bottom, we were going to drive out about an hour to go to a bath house and take loads together but at the last minute he flaked. Then one of my regulars told me about this guy that has a “stable” of bottom, and that he has many tops to seed them. He gave me his info on BBRTS and told me to hit him up. I sent the guy a note, asking to be part of his stable. I checked my messages regularly, after what seemed like forever, he responded 2 days later. He gave me a tel, told me to text that tel and let that person know I was being sent by “Tim” and include some pics….he said that was one of his best stable hands. I texted the number and included two pics, one of my face and one of my body including my hole as instructed. Shortly after I got a text back telling me when I was free, I work in the area, but don’t live in the area so we scheduled a lunch time fuck for the next day. Part of being in the stable was to take any load, no matter what, no load refused. So he never sent me any pics back. I was given an address, was told to show up at 1pm sharp and wear a jock. As i drove over I was nervous, but super horny. I was on my way to get seeded by someone who I had no clue what they looked like. I arrived, parked and texted him that I was there, he gave me an apt numbers. I walked over ,knocked on the door and was greeted by a cute husky guy. Not really my type, but I was sent over to prove how good of a cum dump I was and could not refuse any load. He lead me to the bedroom where he told me to strip. He was already naked in a jock. He came over and quickly started to fuck my mouth, pulling my hair, having me tongue his balls. He pulled me up by my hair and told me to get on the bed on all 4s. he dove in behind me and started eating my ass. All the while he kept saying “:mmm yeah, tops will love you, nice ass boy, you will definitely be a favorite” After a deep tonguing he got up and I could feel the head of his cock on my hole. He slid in with no problems and started fucking me. he quickly shot his wad. He told me to lay still and he then started to fuck me again, told me not to worry he can shoot twice. He fucked me a lot slower the second time and longer. The whole time he was smacking my ass, calling me a whore, a slut and telling me how the other tops were going to love me and fill me with loads. After a bit he dug his hands into my ass, tensed up and shot his second load into me. he pulled out, ate my ass clean then walked around to the other side of the bed and had me lick his cock clean. He told me I did good and that he would report back to Tim, he had me get dressed and I left back to work with 2 nice loads in my ass.
    1 point
  41. Part 4 Jason watched his younger brother Greg drop to his knees and suck Scott and couldn’t believe how submissive Greg was being. Hearing that his brother wanted to be in the sling shocked Jason as he never knew him to bottom. Then Jason saw Scott push Greg’s face on Timmy’s pissing cock and watched him swallow he started to get aroused. But when Greg went back to his knees and started to suck Scott again and was roughly fingering his own hole and finally when Greg nodded to Scott when he was asked if he wanted to be his urinal too is when Jason knew his own little brother was going to become his own personal slut boy before the night was over. Scott had been friends with Greg for a few years and always thought he was strictly a top. He noticed that Greg’s rig looked to be as full as Bobby’s was and figured he needed to get fucked up in order to get fucked. Scott held Greg’s head in both his hands as he started to cum. He pulled back a little to make sure Greg tasted his load rather than shoot it directly into his belly. Scott knew he always could use a piss after cumming and continued to hold his friends head but pulled his cock nearly all the way out so that just the tip was in his mouth and then he slowly started to piss. Once he saw that Greg was going to swallow it all he pushed all the way into his mouth and let the piss out faster which caused Greg to gag some but Scott held his head tight and forced his friend to swallow faster. Meanwhile, Hank had strapped Bobby down to the bench and then gave him his shot and watched the twink cough and start to rush and once he knew Bobby was flying he fingered the twink’s boypussy and asked him if he was ready to get spanked for real this time. Bobby told Hank he wanted him to use the paddle and asked if he could be gagged so that Hank could paddle him really hard. Hank decided that was a good idea as the kid’s screaming would get annoying soon and he expected the kid to be screaming a lot. Bear loved fucking Timmy’s ass and told the jock boy that his ass was the hottest and tightest that he had fucked in a long time. Bear started to deep stroke Timmy causing the boy to feel the most intense fuck possible and making Timmy moan, not a whore moan like the twink Bobby but a more guttural sound that came from his very core. Timmy couldn’t believe how great the massive cock made him feel. At first he was nervous but the chems helped make him want it and now he knew he needed to be fucked and he hoped Scott had more friends like Bear. Timmy thought about his baseball coach and then realized how much Bear looked like him and wondered if his coach would like to fuck him too, in his mind Bear became his coach and he yelled to Bear, “Coach, fuck me harder, Coach, I’ve wanted you for so long please fuck me hard.” Bear smiled knowing the boy was having a great time and he started fucking him harder and told him, “Oh you’ve wanted your Coach’s cock haven’t you boy, well now you have it and do you want my seed too? Timmy do you want your Coach to make you pregnant?” “Yeah, Coach, give me your seed, make me pregnant with your seed” “Oh fuck, Timmy, here you go, take it, take my seed” Bear leaned over and shoved his tongue in Timmy’s mouth as he pounded his load into Timmy and they made out for a while until Bear started to fuck him again. Jason wanted to fuck his brother so bad and watching him suck Scott off then swallow his piss and listening to Bear breed Timmy got him rock hard and since Hank was using Bobby and he didn’t have anyone he approached Scott and his brother and told Scott it was time to get his bitch of a brother on the couch as he was going to breed his little bro. Greg tried to stand but Jason held him down and told him that if he wanted to be a bitch boy he could crawl over to the couch. Jason told Scott that he never expected his brother to be a bottom and now he plans on making up for lost time. Jason told Scott “Maybe we can get together more often and take turns fucking our boys”. Greg looked at Jason and Jason told him, “Yes you are now my boy and whenever we finally go to sleep and wake up you will be moving in. Bro, is your ass still cherry?” Greg nodded. “Good boy, you’ve been saving it for me haven’t you?” Greg nodded and quietly added “Yes, Sir” Just then the doorbell rang and Jason asked Scott to get the door as he needed to fuck his brother and couldn’t wait. Jason had Greg lean over the back of the couch and using only spit he lined his cock up with his little brother’s virgin hole and plunged into his brother causing him to scream but once Jason pulled back some Greg yelled for him not to pull out but Jason just plunged in again and laughed and told his brother that he wasn’t pulling out until his balls were drained. Scott and Phil and three other guys entered the playroom.
    1 point
  42. This is a situation I have always fantasized about, hot!
    1 point
  43. I have always been able to piss completely hard. Now if I could suck my own cock i would never leave the house LOL
    1 point
  44. I read this one a few times a year. Very hot!
    1 point
  45. PART III I stared at Coach Pitt’s cock. It twitched every few seconds, a steady stream of precum sliding into the ridges of his furry abs. He saw me staring and grinned. “You like my dick, boy?” I nodded eagerly, and my own cock twitched. He grabbed my fat piece of meat and whistled. “Goddamn, Lance—you’ve got a pretty hot cock yourself.” He kissed me again, then looked me square in the eyes. “Now, listen: I promised Coach Strickland that he could watch me destroy your virginity. But before that happens, I’d really like to see you worship my cock. You wanna worship Coach’s cock?” “Fuck yeah, Coach.” “Then get on your knees, boy.” I knelt down in front of him, inhaling the scent of his fur and his precum and his sweaty crotch. I’d only sucked a few cocks before, and hadn’t really gotten the hang of it. But I’d never touched a cock like this. As I stared at the veiny shaft glistening with precum, my hunger for Coach’s dick activated instincts I didn't know were there. I wrapped my mouth eagerly around his mushroom head and began sucking on it like his seed was the only thing keeping me alive—first swallowing a few inches, then slowly engulfing more and more of it in my mouth. I wanted to please and worship this man more than anything else in the world. “Good boy,” he growled. “That’s a very, very good boy. You know, Lance, I suspected you were probably a hungry little fag, but I had no idea what a natural pig I had on my hands. I can already tell that you’re gonna make me so proud.” I murmured with pleasure as I kept creeping my lips down the length of his cock. He moaned, and I tasted his DNA as it dripped steadily down the back of my throat. “Turn around,” he said. “I wanna munch on that sweet little jockbutt.” I spun around for him. He gently pushed down on the small of my back so that my spine arched, then he positioned my legs to expose my hole even more. “Spread it, pig,” he said, and I reached back and spread my hungry butt. “Just like that. I like to see you just totally open and vulnerable. Submissive. Proud of your role as a chemmed-up cumhole.” With that, he dove right into my wide-open butt. I gasped as he buried his face in me, and I could hear him growl and snort as he spit and chewed and tongued my tight hole. I whimpered. Then he pulled me upright, turned my head to the side, and kissed me. “Your hole tastes fuckin’ awesome,” he said to me. “When I’m fucking you, I’ll pull out from time to time and shove my cock down your throat. That way you can taste your hot little boybutt all over my raw dick. Got it?” I nodded, and he kissed me a little more. His mouth was full of the same spit that was dripping out of my fuckhole and down my leg. Then he stood up. “OK, boy,” he said with a grin. “It’s time to head to my place and get you knocked up.” He pulled me to my feet and threw me a warm-up jersey. “Just put that on. No underwear. I want you to be naked as soon as possible once we’re inside my house.” Meanwhile, he threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, zipping it up to cover his hairy chest and abs. His hard cock formed a huge tent in his sweats, pulling the elastic band low enough that I could see his pubic hair. As we drove back to his place, he took out his phone and dialed Coach Strickland. “Hey, bud,” he said. “I’ve got the boy with me. We’ll be there in 10 minutes. You wanna get those hits ready? Oh, and by the way—Lance has something to tell you.” He handed the phone to me. “Tell him, Lance. Tell him what you want tonight.” “Hey,” I said. Strickland replied, “Hey, buddy. You got something to tell me?” I hesitated just for a moment, then plunged right in: “I wanna get fucked. I want your raw dick in my hole. I need it. So bad.” “Woof. That’s fuckin’ hot, boy. You gonna make me pull out?” “Fuck no, Coach. Cum in my butt. Please.” “Holy shit, dude. You’re such a fuckin’ good boy.” Here I paused again. I looked over at Coach Pitt, who gave me a little nod. Then I turned back to the phone and said, very quietly, “And one more thing. I want your poz cum.” A long pause. Then Strickland said: “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you, boy.” Another pause. Then I heard myself say, clearly and confidently, “I said I want you to bareback my hungry hole full of poz cum.” Strickland let out a little whoop. “Fuck yeah, you hot little pig! You wanna get inducted into the brotherhood? Wanna get converted?” “Yes please, Coach.” “Good fucking BOY,” he replied, and whooped again. Coach Pitt motioned for me to hand back the phone. “I told you this boy had potential,” he said to Strickland. “But I had no idea just how much. See you in a few.” When we pulled into the garage and closed the door, Strickland walked out to meet us wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts. I could see the outline of his giant cock through the mesh fabric. His chest and abs were covered with a thin layer of blond fur. I stared at his dick. “Hey, little buddy,” said Strickland. “Get down on your knees and suck my dick.” I obeyed. Kneeling before this studly fucker, I greedily swallowed the giant head of his dick. He grabbed my hair and began easing more and more of his cock into my mouth. “Fuck, dude,” he said. “This fag is a natural cocksucker.” “I know,” said Coach Pitt. “I can’t wait to see how he reacts to a big raw dick in his butt.” With that, Strickland pulled me off his cock and yanked me to my feet. “C’mon inside, boy,” he said. “I’ve prepared a very special surprise for you. You’re gonna fuckin’ love it.” I followed him inside, then downstairs to a dark room that smelled like sweat and piss. Sex toys were everywhere. A sling was in the corner. And on a table near the doorway, I saw three syringes laid out in a row. “Get up in the sling,” said Strickland. “Coach Pitt will secure your hands and feet.” I did as I was told. Taking off the warm-up jersey, I climbed into the sling and put my legs into the stirrups. Coach Pitt winked at me as he secured my hands and feet. Then he grabbed a piece of rubber and tied it around my arm. “Listen, boy,” he said. “This is gonna be really intense, but just trust me. Just go with it. Coach Strickland prepared a big slam for you. That means he’s put drugs into a syringe, and we’re gonna inject it right into your bloodstream. You’ll feel an incredibly intense rush, then you’ll just want dick in your hole. Raw dick. Our dicks. And everyone else’s dicks, too.” “We’re filming this, by the way,” said Strickland, pointing to a camera in the corner. “We want to document your initiation. I don’t care if that makes you uncomfortable. Frankly, in just a few minutes, you won’t care either.” I watched as Coach Pitt secured a rubber strap to his own bicep. Then Strickland handed him a syringe and swabbed my arm with an alcohol pad. “Coach Pitt is gonna do his slam at the same time as you,” Strickland said to me. “That way he can talk you through the initial rush. I’ll slam second. And then, little buddy, we’re both gonna get you fuckin’ pregnant.” He removed the orange cap from the syringe, tapping it to remove any air bubbles. He found a good vein and inserted the needle. He looked back at Coach Pitt, who was doing the same. “Just tell me when you’re ready, Pitt,” he said. I watched as Strickland pulled the plunger back from my syringe, and it turned deep red. “I’ve got a register,” said Coach Pitt. “Fuckin’ do it.” And with that, Strickland undid the rubber strap from my bicep and began pushing down on the plunger. I watched the red liquid disappear into my vein, then felt a scratching at the back of my throat. I coughed violently as a rush of blood and chemicals went to my head. My heart began beating in double time. “Hold your arm up, boy,” said Strickland, showing me how to keep a finger over the entry point. I heard Coach Pitt exhale loudly, growl, and say “Fuck yeah” under his breath. Strickland went off to do his own slam, and Coach Pitt approached me, his giant dick bobbing in front of him, rock-hard. He, too, had his arm in the air, and his eyes were full of crazy, devilish intensity. Meanwhile, I was a little panicked. The rush was more intense than anything I’d ever felt. I couldn’t even begin to process what I was feeling. “It’s OK, boy,” said Coach Pitt, gently. “Just go with it. We gave you a REALLY big hit. Does this make you feel any better?” He ran his hands across my chest, tweaking my nips, then slowly moved his fingers down to my stomach. “Or this?” He inserted two fingers in my hole, and my eyes immediately rolled back in my head. Coach Pitt laughed. “Fuck yeah, boy,” he said. “This sweet little fuckhole’s all slammed up, and it’s ready to get fuckin’ pozzed. You want my dick, boy?” “Fuck yeah,” I said, completely blown away by the intense sensation of his fingers in my hole—it was like his fingers were everywhere on my body at once. In fact, my body felt like nothing but a hole. And all I could think was that I needed Coach’s big dick inside me, I needed his sweet fuckin’ seed, I needed his virus, I needed him to mark me, own me, use me, wreck me. “Here you go, pig,” he said, resting the head of his dick against my fuckhole. “Strickland and I are gonna fuck you raw. We’re gonna breed you full of our poz seed. Then we’ll have some buddies come over to work all that cum up inside you, blasting you full of more virus. We’ll do everything we can to get you fuckin’ converted, I promise you.” That’s when he inserted the head of his cock inside my hole. My ass radiated with hunger. My mouth dropped open and my eyes fluttered. Coach Pitt grinned his evil grin. “Want more?” I nodded emphatically. Then I felt him pushing his massive raw shaft inside me, about a half-inch, then pausing, then a half-inch more. “Goddamn,” he said. “I tell ya, Strickland, there’s nothing hotter than fucking a virgin hole that’s just been slammed for the first time. It’s this combination of crazy tightness and insane hunger. His hole is grabbing onto my cock, doing its best to devour it, and his little cunt muscles are trying to catch up. You OK, boy? You want more dick?” By this point, I was grinning stupidly as he slowly impaled me on his raw shaft. I didn’t need to answer. He could see the complete bliss on my face. My wrestling coach, my dream man, was slowly filling my hole with his dick. Surrendering to his cock, feeling him invade me and claim me, I’d found my purpose, or at least part of it. My purpose was to serve and worship men like Coach Pitt, offering my raw hole for them to pound and breed. “I’m not gonna last long,” Coach Pitt said. “This hole is fuckin’ incredible. Boy, you’re gonna get so much cum tonight—you have no idea. How’s that slam feeling?” “I didn’t think it was possible to feel this good,” I said, still grinning from the sensation of being filled by this stud’s giant dick. “I didn’t think I would ever get to see your cock, let alone feel it push inside my fuckhole.” With that, Coach pushed the rest of the way into me, his heavy balls resting against my asscrack. I looked up at him, my vision blurred by the waves of pleasure running up and down my entire body. No rubbers, no barriers—just the skin of his fat mushroom head rubbing against the skin of my hungry virgin hole. “You want my cum, don’t you?” he said, starting to thrust his dick into my jockbutt. “I so fucking want it,” I replied. He smiled. “I’m so glad I get to poz you, Lance. I’m so glad I’m the one who gets to flood your virgin hole with my virus. I’m gonna mark you. You’re gonna be mine. You wanna be mine?” “Yes, Coach,” I said. “Make me yours. All yours. Please. Poz me. Infect me. Give me your virus. Work my slammed-up hole with your raw dick until you pump a load deep. Please.” “I like to hear you beg, boy.” I heard his breath grow shallow. His thrusts went a little deeper. He was close to shooting. “I like to hear you beg for my toxic load. I fuckin’ love it. Sweet little jockboy like you with a hungry bubble butt. You want a poz load, boy?” “Fuck yeah. Poz me. Please.” “Here it comes, you little fucker. You little neg bitchboy. I’m about to blast you full of my fuckin’ poison. Fuckin’ A, Lance—sweet hungry tight virgin fuckhole. Fuck! You know what I’m doing right now, you hot little faggot? I’m. Stealing. Your. Fucking. Boyhood. Fuuuuuuck!” With that, he thrust deep, his whole body convulsing as poz cum pulsed out of his raw dick. Then another pulse. Then another. I felt a wetness and warmth began to flood my guts as Coach’s cock unleashed a ******* of infected seed into my defenseless body. Finally, after the eighth or ninth pulse, he came to a stop. His dick was still hard, still lodged in my cumhole. He looked me in the eye, grinned a huge grin, and said with a growl: “Welcome to the fuckin’ brotherhood, baby boy.” MORE SOON…
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  46. This happened to me just last night (er, early this morning) - so it is fresh on my mind (still grinning about it) Was at a pig fuck party, got into a fantasy role play session with this guy...got him off on a "story" about coach/athlete and teacher/student (pure made up story)...he got so turned on he asked what my fantasy was..told him I wanted to be pimped/whored out by a top man, I don't get to see anyone, they completely decide what happens and who gets to cum in my ass...he smiled and said "do you want to make that happen now?".. Hell yes!! - I replied He poppered my up (and kept them flowing under my nose) lubed my hole and bent me over...he told me to keep my head down until he said otherwise....he told me to grab his leg to brace myself because he had quite a few cocks already line up to frill my hole...one by one, he directed cock after cock in my hole...after each was finished dumping their cum in my hole, he would lean down and tell me the load count number...10 loads later from 9 guys (1 guy came twice in my ass) i was a completely satisfied cumpig... I so want this to happen again!!
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  47. PART II When I finished up in the shower, I walked back to Coach Pitt’s office, where I found him sitting on the couch, jacking his giant dick to some homemade porn. On the computer screen there was a hot jockboy on his back, legs spread, getting piston-bred by a hung stud top. When the top pulled out, his cock glistened with a thick layer of cum, and a steady stream of seed poured out of the boy’s ripped-up fuckhole. Then I looked a little closer. Wait a second, I thought—I know this boy. “Is that Tom Goldsmith?” I asked Coach Pitt, totally shocked to see someone I knew spreading his sloppy hole for raw cock in a homemade sex tape. Tom Goldsmith was team captain the year before me. He was one year ahead and one weight class heavier. I idolized him. I’d also found myself staring at his giant swinging cock and heavy balls during every single weigh-in. “You got it,” said Coach, placing the image on pause, then turning to me, saying “I filmed this almost exactly a year ago, just after his 18th birthday. He was curious about cock, but didn’t want to get fucked, so for a few weeks, Strickland and I broke him down little by little, plying him with drugs, jacking our dicks while we watched porn together, showing him our homemade videos. He resisted for awhile, but finally he broke, and in the end, he turned into one hot, hungry, twisted fagboy cumdump.” I stared at the frozen image on the screen where I could see Tom stretching his fuckhole as widely as possible, staring intently at the raw cock that was making a beeline for his wide-open cum-soaked cunt. I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. “Listen, buddy—don’t you worry,” said Coach, motioning for me to sit down next to him. “I know this looks really intense. You don’t need to go this far. We’ll do whatever you’re comfortable doing, boy.” As I sat down, Coach’s fingers drifted down to my newly shaven hole. He placed his index finger gently against the entrance to my cunt and massaged it, causing me to let out a guttural moan. My legs spread a little wider. He dug his finger deeper. Then I gasped: “I want to be that kind of boy for you, too.” Coach inserted a second finger into my hole. “Good. I’m glad you want that, Lance,” he said, adding “It just might take some time. A true cumdump surrenders to raw cock, no questions asked. You beg for each dick to plant seed deep inside your body. Tom took 22 loads on the night we filmed this. It’s not a safe way to play.” He reached for the remote, turned up the volume on the monitor, and pressed play. Through the computer speakers I could now hear Tom saying “Yeah,” I heard the jockbottom growl. “Yeah?” replied the top man who was about to shove his raw cock inside Tom’s leaking pussy, “You want this, fag?” Tom spread his hole wider, answering “Yes please, fucker. Please fucking poz me. Shoot your virus into my guts and take my fuckin’ hole to the dark side.” With that, the top shoved in. I was mesmerized. As I stared at the screen, precum streamed out of my rock-hard dick. Coach gathered the fluid with his fingers and worked it into my fuckhole. “You like that, huh?” Coach remarked, pulling me closer to himself as he put the movie back on pause. “You like hearing Tom beg for poz cum?” “Coach, I love it.” “Good boy. I’m so glad to hear that.” I paused for a moment, terrified to say what I was thinking, but somehow I just couldn’t stop myself. Coach encouraged me, asking "What is it? You can tell me anything, Lance." My reply blurted-out: “Can I do that tonight, Coach? Please?” “Do what, Lance?” “Get my hole fucked full of poz cum.” Coach grinned, pulled me into a hug, and kissed me deep while his hands continued to massage and relax my hungry jockbutt. Then he looked deep into my eyes. “Lance, I would so love to see this pretty virgin hole get knocked up with HIV. But are you sure you’re ready?” “It scares the fuck out of me, but yeah, I want it bad.” “Then let’s get you knocked up, boy. Tonight.” “Fuck yeah. Thank you, Coach.” “No, boy—thank you. I’m so proud of you for embracing the poz pig you’re destined to be. But first, I have one more thing to show you.” He hit play again. From the monitor, I heard Coach’s voice—apparently he was the camera operator—saying, “Here, Strickland. Hold the camera. I want to give this boy another load.” The camera jostled, then steadied again. I saw Coach’s muscular chest, defined abs, and giant cock enter the frame. “You want more?” Coach asked the bottom boy, who grinned and nodded, answering “Please, Coach, pump my butt full of another load of your sweet poz cum.” I turned to look at Coach. He was watching me, grinning as he massaged my hole with two fingers. His dark eyes glinted as he nodded approval, and I nodded back. “Yes,” was all I said. Then his smile got bigger. I looked back at the monitor where I saw Coach’s fat dick enter Tom’s sloppy cumhole. Tom groaned. Then I heard Coach say to him: “Fuck yeah, you little pozzed-up slampig.” Meanwhile, Coach worked a third finger into my hole. I looked back into his eyes and he kissed me, deep and rough. “Damn,” he said with a growl, “You are somethin' else, Lance. I can’t wait to pound a poz load deep inside my boy's hungry butt.” “Please, Coach.” “Yeah, boy? Is that what you want?” “Yes. Please make me yours. Poz me up. I want everything you’ve got.” “Absolutely, you fuckin’ jockpig,” he said, pulling me close to him and pressing his dick against my partied-up fuckhole. “Tonight you become all mine.” MORE SOON...
    1 point
  48. Finding His Boy (Part 3) Reese was very pleased with Matthew. “You did very well, you earned yourself a shower.” Reese led his boy over to the shower in the corner and hosed him down before leading him over to the fuck bench. “Time to see how well that hole is working.” Matthew was strapped down to the bench. Reese could tell that Matthew’s will was definitely broken. He got behind his boy and began to fuck him, HARD! This was a brutal fucking. With every thrust you could hear Matthew let out a whimper. “You’re going to continue to get fucked until you learn how to take it like a boy should.” Reese continued to pound away at his boy’s hole until he stopped whimpering. It took almost 3 hours of non-stop fucking but Reese was used to that. Although he had a master, his master liked to get fucked on rare occasions. “Good boy, that’s how you should be when your master fucks you, just one more hour and you’ll earn a break.” Matthew continued to be silent as he got fucked. He began to learn what was expected of him. The hour passed and Reese pulled his cock from his boy’s hole. He didn’t give his boy any time to squeeze his hole shut before he stuck a good size butt plug inside. “There. That will keep you satisfied and hold my seed inside you. Let’s get you up and feed you. You must be hungry.” Not a word was spoken as Reese removed the restraints and helped his boy up from the bench. Reese led his new boy out of the play room and up stairs to the kitchen. “Here, eat this” as a bowl of some sort of gravy covered meat was placed on the floor. “Wait!” Reese called out as he pulled his boy’s hands behind his back and fastened the wrist restraints he was wearing behind his back. Reese answered his boy without a question being asked, “You have earned something to eat, but not the right to eat at the table or use a fork. Now eat every bit of food or you will be punished.” Punishment was not something he wanted to discover. He got down on his knees and leaned his head in the bowl. He was so hungry is didn’t take him long to finish it all off. Reese helped his boy off his knees and led him back down stairs. “That’s a good boy. You thirsty boy?” There was only a nod of the head yes, no sound was made. “I ASKED ARE YOU THIRSTY BOY?” This time there was a verbal response, “Yes Sir, please Sir.” “Good boy. On your knees!” Reese’s boy wasted no time and sunk down to his knees. “Open your mouth.” His boy opened up and Reese stuck his now soft cock inside. “You are to drink every drop. If you spill any you will have to lick it off the floor and you will be punished.” The look on his boy’s face was a look of disgust as Reese began to piss, not too fast, but fast enough where he knew his boy should be able to keep up with it and drink it down. He drank as fast as he could, a little dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin to his neck. Before he knew it Reese had stopped and he was done. “Not bad for your first time, I’m sure you’ll get better. Now, to leave you to be by yourself for a while.” Reese released the restraints behind his boy’s back, helped him boy into his cage and shut the door. The boy was left in the dark, he had no concept of time, no concept of the day or date and had no idea where he was. All he knew was that he was there to serve his new Master but could not figure out why. Because of the slam he had been given an earlier he was not able to sleep. This kept him awake to think and ponder his situation. As more and more time passed and the training began to sink in he lost his identity as Matthew James and became Reese Martin’s boy. At some point, when the slam began to wear off, Reese returned to the play room. “Are you ready for your new identity boy or do we need more training before we get you there?” “Sir no Sir, Master Reese’s boy is ready Sir.” Reese was not surprised at this progression. Only he knew that his new boy had been under his influence for 7 days. With proper hydration through an IV and a consistent amount of a tranquilizer he knew he had his boy able to hear the audio training he received over the majority of the time. It was the same way he was trained. “What is your name boy?” “What does Master Reese want His boy’s name to be?” “From this point on your name is James Reese. Do you like that James?” “Sir, yes Sir, my name is James Reese.” “We have a trip to make. I will get you something to wear boy.” Reese left ‘James’ alone as he went up stairs, dressed himself then returned with shorts and a shirt for James. He handed the clothes to James and instructed him to get dressed. Once dressed James reached into his pocket and found an Arizona Drivers’ License that had his picture and the name James Reese. It sunk it completely, he was James Reese. “Let’s go.” Reese led James up stairs and out to the garage where there was the white van he had been picked up in and a nice Corvette convertible. James got in the passenger side and they pulled out. Not a word was spoken during the drive. James knew not to speak without permission. Soon they pulled up to their destination, a tattoo parlor. “We’re here James.” They got out of the car and headed into the shop. Reese was greeted by a tall, slender guy. The two hugged and shared a kiss. “This him?” “Yes, James say hello to Pete.” “Hello Pete.” “He’s certainly well mannered.” James stood there without saying a word. “Well, what are we doing today?” “Exactly what Martin gave me when he brought me here Pete.” “All right, sign here James and we can get started.” James signed his name, James Reese, where he was told without a second thought. “Let’s go James.” Pete led James back to a private room. Once they were back there Reese instructed James to strip down. He dropped his shorts and took off his shirt and was naked before Pete. Pete then told James to get in the chair and relax. James sat there as Pete proceeded to pierce both ears, his right nipple and gave him a Prince Albert. With the meth in his system there was no worry of him getting hard any time soon. Then Pete began to give James a few tattoos. The first was to the back of his head where it wouldn’t show once James was allowed to re-grow his hair. The second was similar to one Reese had on his ass. He was told it was a “family brand” and the last one was a biohazard symbol that matched one Reese had just above his cock. Reese had concealed the tattoos with make-up so it was never seen before this by his new boy. “All done there James. It’s time to pay.” James was worried at first, he only had an ID in his pocket, and he had no way of paying for all this work. But James was going to collect in his own way. “Stand up and turn around James. Now be a good boy and bend over the chair.” Pete dropped his shorts, pulled the butt plug from James’s hole and slid his raw, 9” thick dick in James’s hole. James knew not to say a word as Pete fucked him. James could tell that Pete’s dick was not only longer, but thicker too. With no warning Reese came in the room. He was wearing leather chaps and a vest. He had put all of his piercings back in. The only difference between the two was that Reese also had his left nipple pierced. “Good, I see you’re done with him. Damn he looks good Pete. Doesn’t he have a sweet ass? I told you he was a good fuck.” “You sure did. Uh, Uh, SHIT! There you go James another load to seed your hole with.” Pete pulled out only to be quickly replaced by Reese, only this time James was getting fucked by Reese with his 0g PA. As he learned, James did not make a noise even though the PA hurt as Reese fucked into him. “What a good boy you are James. I am very proud of you taking a pounding by me with my PA for the first time.” Reese wasted little time and seeded the boy after a short 5 minutes of fucking James. After he shot his poz cum in James’s ass he replaced the butt plug. Reese told James, “Try these on” as he handed James chaps, a vest and a pair of boots. “Fits perfectly! One more thing.” Reese placed a metal chain around James’s neck and locked it on. “This along with your tattoos will let all know that you are my property.” “Sir yes Sir.” “Good boy James. Now change into your shorts and let’s go home.” After changing back into his shorts and shirt, Reese led James back out to the car and drove home. Once they got back in the house and James was down stairs James wasted no time in stripping down naked. “You are becoming a very good boy, one I will be proud of.” “Sir, yes Sir Master Reese Sir.” “Ok boy, in the sling.” James hopped up into the sling. Reese made sure to attach his wrist and ankle restraints making sure to lock them to the chains of the sling. He then put a tourniquet around James’s bicep and gave him a generous slam. “There you go boy, how does my boy feel?” “Sir, boy feels good Sir, very good.” “Good boy” Reese said as he headed towards the door leaving James high, horny and restrained in the sling.
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